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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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vladimir putin has a busy schedule today. for the first time in almost a year and a half, the president held an operational meeting in person with members of the security council. it discussed the development of the eurasian economic union. in the evening , president of belarus alexander lukashenko came to the kremlin for negotiations, and an idea is being put forward to hold some kind of negotiations.
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not in the format of imposing any schemes that have nothing to do with reality, unfortunately, we have observed a series of attacks on our energy facilities recently and were forced to respond, i i want to emphasize that even for humanitarian reasons, we did not carry out any attacks in the winter, meaning that we wanted...
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to leave social institutions, hospitals, and so on without power supply, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities, we were forced to respond, but i repeat once again, if everything comes full circle, the solution to the issues that we talked about initially is related to energy.
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into a corner, well, yes, when she refused negotiations in the hope of defeating russia on the battlefield, inflicting a strategic defeat, uh, now they understand that this is impossible, but they refused to negotiate, and now they are in a rather difficult situation, but our organic exits, well, yes, but our goal is not to put everyone in a difficult situation, we...
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emphasized, that the main thing is to provide assistance to people affected by the disaster. we have connections with kurgan, orenburg, tyumen, the topic is clear, floods, fighting them and providing assistance to people who find themselves in a difficult situation, we are in contact almost every day, but nevertheless the situation changes hourly, so i would ask you to report, first of all , to the governors, how... how do you assess
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the situation at the moment, please, let's start with orenburg, denis vladimirovich, dear vladimir vladimirovich, allow me first of all to thank you, vladimi. all structures of the government of the russian federation, heads of regions, residents of our country, who provide us with comprehensive support. today , the orenburg region is receiving help from all over russia. in general, the flood situation in the region has reached its peak. today is the most difficult the situation in orenburg, where the water level in the ural river reached a record high in the entire history of observation, 10 m 87 cm and still. so, unfortunately, it arrives. in orsk, the situation has stabilized; the water level has dropped by another 14 cm over the past 24 hours. the region sent documents on a preliminary assessment of the damage to the government commission. to date, the amount exceeds 40 billion rubles. but it is clear that this is very
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preliminary, because the water has not yet receded, and we have not fully started the examination. somewhere the water hasn't arrived yet, somewhere she hasn’t left yet, but... now we need to think about restoring housing, first of all housing, and infrastructure, of course, so don’t delay, please, prepare for this in advance, well, in advance, the ministry of health is working, local doctors, colleagues they are also working in the regions, everything is set up, in general, i hope that such coordinated work will continue, and we will minimize all the risks and consequences. please report regularly, alexander vyacheslavovich, report tomorrow, i won’t torment all regional leaders, governors, everyone works for places, but you report daily. thank you, the western evil empire is pulling its
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tentacles in all directions, the notorious interests of the united states and the fight for democracy justify the banal desire to kill as many people as possible, following the perverted logic of the world through force. biden proclaims that the conflict in ukraine will end when they give it even more weapons, but this simply needs to be heard, because it is impossible to understand. how will the war in ukraine end, sir? this concludes the press conference. ward. the war in ukraine will come to an end when the leader of the house of representatives will hold the vote. most democrats and republicans support ukraine. the vote must take place now. what is this man carrying, where did he get this from? it doesn’t matter, let me remind you that this is the same person who suddenly decided that they and japan had always fought, hand in hand, foot in hand, yes, well, yes, ass to ass, so there’s no need to be surprised at anything ,
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it turns out that as soon as they give the money, the war ends immediately, what the heck, why didn’t they say right away, maybe this is his hidden condition, this is his hidden condition, no one even tries to explain anymore. what a ukrainian victory should be like, because no one needs it, but western hawks are happy to tell you what benefits the war brings, we already showed these idiots yesterday, there are a lot of them, but boris johnson also said this at the time, he came up with the idea that you are the party of ronald reagan, you should be, but the party of ronald reagan would not allow such idiots as boris johnson to be shot at by a cannon with such a disgusting haircut, just like kemer, you english in general?
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to teach putin a lesson, so yes, in your opinion, until crimea is returned, we will not achieve the goal of the war, russia's strategic failure. the fact that russia did not take territory
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through the use of force is a strategic success for ukraine and the united states. yes, i know, but you're being very vague. i'm talking about a specific geographical entity, crimea. you confirm that russia's strategic failure will not be achieved until crimea is returned to ukrainian control. i said that russia would not be able to capture it. admits, so no, they occupied this territory, i think that we will never return
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crimea to ukraine, i think that if you set this as a goal, then we will perpetuate a new war in which there will be a lot of death and a lot of destruction , and this will all be for the sake of an unattainable goal, well, i wonder where this woman was found, yes, well, it’s just known, no, no, well, in the sense that this is some kind of incubator or something? says: a verbal construct behind which there is nothing, well, that’s right, absolute emptiness, ringing, and they say to her: you’re a fool, they’re asking you specifically, where is crimea, no, well, she says i don’t have such words in my vocabulary, but that’s what they were taught, she didn’t answer questions about that. let them now teach a new history, because if you didn’t know, here it was explained to us all, can you imagine how kishida’s eyes
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widened, he actually looks at the world with such a slightly asian slant, here he just has the eyes became like those of a dog, at the moment of a difficult struggle with stomach constipation, well, look, we are the same, japan and the usa, distance may separate us, but generation after generation we have been united. the same hopes, the same values, the same commitment to democracy, freedom and dignity for all. ladies and gentlemen, please raise a glass with me, but i don't have a glass. so, do you have a glass for the prime minister? thank you. raise a glass with me to our union, to our friendship. and in the words of those young people. students in japan for our common future. to your health.
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i convey to you, mr. prime minister. here i am maybe i don’t know something, when they are together against whom, thank you. did you fight? that is, i understand correctly that in the end, we dropped a nuclear bomb on them. that's what they say, schoolchildren, half of the schoolchildren. well, okay. although, speaking very seriously and harshly, it is clear that the americans are disappointed in nato. because if they were satisfied with nato as a construct, then they would try to create such a nato for that region, they are going in a different direction, this is not a nato structure, this is a system of such parallel treaties, that is, it means something in nato, no, no, but it’s different for the structures, for an american to change the structure, why, well, it’s clear, why, it means that it didn’t work, that is, if you are forced to select another structure, it means you’re not happy with it, it means that . went wrong, this is extremely unpleasant for europe, i think europe
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doesn’t like it all very much, but everything is fine, we are the main enemies, so we can relax, everything can be fine, and they’ll all be separated, although here i have american acquaintances write that the marines were raised in the combat zone to the middle east, not at all to russia and... there are crazy kuleba running around there, demanding all the patriotic attitudes, but now they are needed in a completely different part of the world, and the world really, in general the world really doesn’t care what ’s going on with ukraine, they really don’t care what might happen, it’s now in the middle east, for them it’s of course much more important, really much more important, everything will flare up , it’ll flare up terribly, well, let’s get deputies out of habit?
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iraq could produce an atomic bomb, it was a brilliant operation, several f-15 aircraft and f-16s at a low altitude of 50 m, brazenly passing over the territories of many countries, including saudi arabia, blew it all to hell and it doesn’t matter what the reaction of the entire western world was then? this is the first case, the second case, well, according to the israelis, this is 2007, when, in their opinion, in the province of dera azor, which means that damascus, according to them, also tried with help. the ndr or pakistan was then added to also produce and conduct work on nuclear weapons. same situation, they were also bombed by planes. and they they won’t rest on this now. they won't rest on this. and therefore, for them, they understand perfectly well that in a year or two, well, according to various expert estimates, iran may have a nuclear bomb.
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well, iran has their fatwas that they renounce nuclear weapons. yes, definitely. so the most interesting thing is that in the first case in baghdad, because many later experts, including american french ones , said that the very reactor that was delivered to baghdad, it was made in such a way that it was impossible to combine uranium there and thus obtain corresponding weaponized plutonium, not polonium, plutonium, that’s the same thing, the past is catching up with you, catching up with you, and the most interesting thing is that what happened in syria has also not been proven by anyone, but was there that reactor that... but they need to draw the americans deeper, to draw the americans deeper, the americans are already making a statement, they are already coming there, that means to israel, that’s exactly where, apparently the patriots are now being taken, they are putting them on alert, which means the corresponding american fleet, i
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do not rule out that the israelis will simply declare o that we are expecting a blow from the side. iran, let's strike first, and how will it all end? their doctrine allows, their doctrine allows, and they certainly could not have known that on october 7 such a terrorist attack would take place from the gaza sector, but they declare that their goals are exactly everything scouted on iranian territory, so they are now trying to do this, on october 7 they have karanas if they write directly for hamas. and this in another context meant that here they seem to have large reconnaissance forces they didn’t know about this, but here everything is sorted out perfectly, so i think that of course - now, by the way, it depends more , first of all, on the sanity of iran, for me, it seems to me, by the way, there has already been a statement, literally 30 or 40 minutes
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ago, that they believe that if the un security council condemns the actions of israel... which was hit by damascus, then this will suit them quite well, a completely common-sense approach, because it is difficult to imagine how confident iran is in its military -strategic potential for to fight on two fronts, with america, with israel, but israel, of course, will not stop and will tighten its actions in hamas even more and more, the right wing, the ultra-right wing, which is in power, netanyahu, bengvir, this whole public will do everything. so that all actions that are called military would actually be called strategic terrorism, you studied military history at the kremlin school, yes, of course. what happened to the fermopil passage? who defeated whom? defeat 300 spartans? yes, yes, here you go who defeated whom? there, when sparta won,
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considering that everyone remembers linking it with the three spartans, they still won, probably 300 spartans. so nothing like that, nothing like that, well , firstly, there were not 300, but much more, i say this from an emotional point of view. absolutely right, i’m just saying what i’m saying, yes, that in our consciousness, european, brought up in that tradition, the hero is absolutely the spartans, but i want to remind you that xerxes made these efforts after the spartans, together with colleagues carried out, in the opinion of darius, a brazen seizure of their territories, burned the city, killed a wild number of people, xerxes went to take revenge, and yes, indeed. on the third day, as they would say, having made a roundabout maneuver, he went to the rear and destroyed the opposing army, after which he solved all military problems, despite
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the losses, that is, they would say, if from the position of serx, then showing courage and heroism, he would not stop at anything , that is, the question is how we look at history, the question of what, while dari, what he said, i swear to zeus, then are the same gods, yes, i will take revenge on them, the next question is, what about darius, who is he? that is, it goes back to which empire? if i understand correctly, then in all words, this is the story of exactly those whom they are now trying to teach, these brats, something, and the persians speak so politely, guys, of course, excuse me, but in military affairs, in patience in understanding, as it were you didn’t rewrite history, we, compared to you americans, have at least a millennium advantage, who do you want to fool now and who?
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never have to and are able to endure, to colossal sacrifices can be made to achieve results, and this must be taken into account, well, it just seems so to me, maybe of course i’m wrong, but it seems so to me, well, in general, if we talk about the scale of the confrontation in the middle east, then of course all the israeli soldiers taken together are not worth approximately 2-3 years of the iran and iraq war in terms of the number of forces involved, as well as in cruelty, and in terms of bitterness.
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our johnson wouldn't have been accepted into ronald reagan's party? no, of course it is, because i remember ronald’s game very well regen and excuse me, there were all people there , cleaned up with ties and with very formal haircuts, as they would say now, but the trouble is that boris our johnson would not have been taken into the party of margaret thatcher, that is , maybe with the party of ronald regen in some kind of third-level komsomol they let him in, that’s what... they would have only taken him as a loader from the backyard, that’s a fact, because the people there were, as
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it turned out later, selective, but that’s the extent of great britain - then it’s all over, but i ’ll tell you this, i’m really rewinding the last 10 days, i’ll tell you this, it was a very very interesting period in global history, in our russian history. we will remember it for a long time later, because many hidden mechanisms that move our world, they just surfaced, but the most important thing is that it was very important for us all to understand that in the modern world there are no riders on a white horse, no these chigivars, there are no fighters for a bright future, maybe they once existed, but now they definitely don’t exist, that’s all they are fighting for... their interests, everyone, everyone is looking for an opportunity to squeeze something out without a direct military conflict, but
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what about the iranians?
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we couldn’t do it, but do you know why? but because in iran everyone knows for sure that israel is dying. israel has consistently created an impression of itself in the region as a dangerous madman who, if driven into a corner, will launch a nuclear strike, even though the grass will not grow further. and in this sense, israel ensured its security through fear. and we told everyone that we were white fluff.
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israel and if it’s like this, of course, i personally don’t have any insights, i have feelings, in my opinion, ukraine won this prize, cruelly, cruelly, but fairly, i’m just afraid that the person who should do choice, if it is written incorrectly on a piece of paper, he will not be able to.


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