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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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it’s easy to get confused by the facts when you see only part of the overall picture; the pursuit of views changes entire locations. we will expose all fakes.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. ask. i would probably like to say about the european union that it’s like ours. here this discussion is manifested, but the most important thing is manifested among the public opinion of peoples, european ones, that things are very bad there for our elites, they are probably panicking so actively, so strongly for the first time, this can be seen from the change in rhetoric, it sometimes turns into more aggressive, because you just need to justify those decisions to your voters, which, well... are not
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being implemented or justified in any way, well, it’s another matter that it was possible to tell with propaganda in the first year of the military operation, and now the picture is completely different now later it’s already been more than two years, so we’ve been talking all the time about the degradation of the european elites, but it seems to me that the process is now accelerating and most importantly it...
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warns our greek government that it’s crazy to send weapons there, which can kill, among other things, the greek population, which has been living there for several centuries, some of them are real descendants of the ancient greeks who live there, for the first time one of them is whispering with the front pavelovich kilinkars, well, including, including including... in my opinion, for the first time the greek
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government really feels such pressure, and this is reflected in all surveys, but not that of course the greeks answer everywhere - i think that these answers are very important here about the latest french project, like direction of nato troops, i have spoken with few of my european colleagues who understand the essence of this
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french project, yes, that is, there are still a lot of disagreements within nato itself, in the last survey for greece there were found. 0% of people who are ready to go to any third country, including ukraine, in order to defend some allied rights, that is , allied interests, and the maximum that they could hope for is 7%, from our government, yes, that in reality 7% answered that if they order, if there is protection and greek interests, including, perhaps, the remaining 93% of our population answers questions everywhere that in no case should any troops be sent, there is no need to repeat the mistakes of the past, especially like the entente, that’s what they came up with now, it’s that some kind of new one needs to be created, and it seems to me
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that the interests of a certain part of the european business play their role here, which include... among them are the greek shipowners, who continue to trade in russian oil very well, already well-known places where everything that happens is like this oil is poured from one tanker to another, this is probably why, well, the weak links of these european governments, one of them is the greek government, under very great pressure,
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in germany, yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me.
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in fact, i think books will be written later, moreover on psychology, so someone can explain to me why suddenly all the political elite of one particular nation, one...
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so no one asked for marriage, no one tried, they tried to give themselves to everyone, but why did they decide that to no one? are needed, because we are togovarti, this is a fundamentally important question, because when the minister of foreign affairs appears , he begins to say, well, give us patriots, why, why do you need to give what is paid for with taxpayers’ money to protect those countries whose taxpayers are citizens? , with what joy ukraine, what they said in the fourteenth year, arrange for you maidan, no? you yourself are fools, what did they tell you, put pots on your head, hit them with spoons? no, it was you who said that
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the circled panties are in the european union, the european union didn’t tell you that these circled panties sang and come to us, you were offered an association, not membership, you don’t know how to read a damn thing, okay, then you begin to say that you are carrying out an ato, someone told you that an ato can be carried out, someone told you that we europeans are signing a decree for you, not you yourself.
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which means the europeans couldn’t find her in icons, it reached russia, but this means that you can also send any other weapons anywhere throughout europe, well, there is a figure of silence, when they bother you, they still understand that there are a lot of terrorist organizations in syria that are fighting the assad regime , with the official power, they also receive weapons from ukraine, from where, through the europeans, there is a frantic market for illegal weapons.
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in matters of production of agricultural products, what’s wrong? the wild minus from the budget is immediately cut off, because there is no need to spend money on incomprehensible people who came and demanded everything, it’s not enough that they don’t need to send weapons there and buy new ones instead, who needs them? well, here’s a simple question, but no one can ask themselves, ukrainians say, like wait a minute, well, we are zelensky, whose speech... it looks like he has speech prostatitis, that is, well, it’s just that, it’s just it’s impossible, how did you even read anything
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before, some kind of speech, opaque thoughts, difficultly subordinated sentences , you can’t pronounce, well, just really speech prostatitis man, went to lithuania to sign partial security agreements, he’s building three seas, building three seas, what three seas, you won’t have one? what three seas do you need, we will now cut you off from the black sea and so that you die there altogether, he understands perfectly well that he has until may 21, and then that’s it, the carriage turns into a pumpkin, and ermak into the main rat, which will eat him, well what will happen next, well, i’m glad the law was passed, and whoever will implement it is now happy, they say: it’s great that the russians have screwed up the entire generation for us, guys, who in this generation... worked, now they can go to the front, excellent logic, simply
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magnificent, well, simply amazing, you don’t know how to invite people, they write here, which means a maximum of 10 to 20 thousand, yes, it turns out mixed with the prize, but we have 1,600 volunteers, voluntarily, so they go, sign a contract with the army, go voluntarily. 1,600 every day, there is a difference, they don’t have to be caught on the streets, they don’t have to be forced. vasich, by the way, you clarified the data that you said yesterday, go through it.
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you finally realized that everything, you woke up russian bear, that’s it, the jokes are over, the songs, the marathons, how many of these came out of the chat today, and as they write, yes, they write, there is no generation, period, it’s gone, the transformer hasn’t been hit, it’s gone, completely, cannot be restored never, it doesn’t exist, near kiev,
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but there was a major one, the explosion will be such that half of poland will wake up in the morning and say: it shook, it shook like that, and of course, so that you have no illusions about the americans, americans are not naive , guys, you are all your nonsense , this yellow block one, we are here, here we are, don’t, this is what the national security adviser to the us president, general michael flynn, said
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back in july of twenty-three, you just need to understand that what flynn says is in many ways how... everything is about the trumpian community, why is ukraine like this? important, this is a center of human trafficking, this is a center of child trafficking, this is a center of drug trafficking, this is a center of arms trafficking. now we know about our biological laboratories, because victoria said that they are there, we always knew this, but you know, now it has been announced publicly: people are flocking to this country a lot of money and you ask yourself where is this money going? is this money laundering? this is money laundering. there are several people. i think one of them is someone from the department of defense, perhaps the secretary of defense, or someone around him. they buy these huge houses for millions and millions of dollars. and you ask yourself, how can this be? right? and the main question is,
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why? that's what the europeans say, the leader of the political movement get up france. it is clear that emmanuel macron is not moving towards peace now, since a month ago he even talked about sending ground troops. this is madness. so, if ukraine joins nato, this definitely means war for another half century. this is destroying the european continent,
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it means pushing russia into the embrace of china. this means economic dependence. we don’t want the globalists to make money again, we say, why are you so opposed to ukraine, they say: wait a second, who made a transgender speaker of the tro, he is no longer there, of course, yes, but... of american origin, he was so, he says, who adopted the istanbul declaration? for them, that’s all, that this is this anti-religious project, a project of erosion of the family, destruction of the family, destruction of everything
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that is holy, and so on and so forth, he says: guys, if you think that we don’t see this, who is attacking the optsmp? yesterday's statement by the congressman, yes, that ukraine is attacking the church, and russia is defending the church, it has 3 million subscribers, it has its own very great influence, or there is one of the statements, one of the key bloggers of the speaker, and here all this is further complicated by delburism and hunter biden and so on, and so on it turned out that they have direct evidence, they say, this is how you fought, how you stole money in
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afghanistan and so on, and so on in ukraine, look at why it’s convenient for biden to steal in ukraine, they say rudely, because there there was already hunter biden, there was already burisma, look, and so on and so forth, from the point of view of their electorate, that ’s 2/3 of working america, yes.
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he is now saying exactly the opposite of what he said when he was the speaker himself, yes, and now he remembers who the speaker is you listen to aristovich, he’s amazed, he just made a transgender in the armed forces, yes, but nothing, it was then the speaker, when you said exactly the opposite, as if he wasn’t the one rubbing it in there, hanging noodles on his ears that the ukrainians will greet you like gods, those same republicans, democrats, it doesn’t matter, right now, of course, there is a lot of discussion about the adoption of this law on mobilization, why today many journalists called me, asking how many hundreds of thousands, thousands of people...
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“you are not, you are not in this electronic database , you fled abroad or somewhere else, or you are, by the way, in the territories of russia, which they call occupied, that’s it,
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you can be added to this very list of lawbreakers, easy and simple, that’s all simple, and of course, the most important thing , a new source of income appears for the mass of officials, at military registration and enlistment offices, under the authorities, and you go to work in a fish store?" everyone who already bought medical certificates at one time, and now that’s it, now these certificates have already turned into a pumpkin, again - yes, because you have to be in a popular fish restaurant, in a fish store and what’s in some of those, a traveling circus, again, yes, the most important thing, but that is, remember, then 2 years ago you paid for your certificates, that is, those amounts, and now you’re adding a zero and bring it, but then we’ll talk to you, it’s not a fact that you ’ll make a deal. but pay attention, when
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they called these military deputies to report on what the situation was, they suddenly reported that in some areas the superiority of the russian army, the russian army was 7-10 times, which means over the ukrainian ones, in numbers or in artillery in numbers, they said in numbers, they talked about numbers, the numbers about artillery in general are scary, but what am i saying, how did it happen, that yes, where did everyone go, and where did he say yesterday that the crowds are ukraine. no, well, vasily, crazy money is going to hell in orderly rows, wait, but zelensky said that 31. in two too many years, everything died, they allegedly killed the russians there, but not in hundreds of thousands, yes, but in theory it should already, remember , there were a million in the armed forces ukraine, that’s right, 31,000 of them were lost, every day they find someone, they grab someone, that is, the mobilization did not stop for a single
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day. in ukraine, how did it happen that the russian army suddenly has such an advantage, how did it happen that the ukrainian army is crying that they are sorely short of people, and no one from the front wants to ask zelensky where he got these numbers from, but no, already i think zelensky himself has already forgotten, in fact, just like that, he took that number from the ceiling and went on to cry, give me a patriot. look around, now is the year 2124, 100 years from now, everything will be different. moscow, moscow, where are the flying machines, energetically unjustified, but she brought a man from school, a young man, according to my data, he is 117 years old, but the main thing will remain unchanged, i know what it is.
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word, just look at me, when it’s all over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return in your own sense, why will we act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which, as it were, we will save the future your parents, their personal path and 13 galaxies of all, 100 years ago, delicious, very, because it was made with love. soon. temple of the smolensk icon of the mother of god. it was built with effort and effort. we are located in the area of ​​the city of solidar and here are some of the largest salt deposits. you were a special correspondent. why are you a signalman? and the homeland said. dubai, dubai, ring. dubai ring. the terrain is very difficult. and working in such a landscape is a big challenge for signalmen. watch carefully, guys. do you know where
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to shoot? yes. yes, it's a shot, it's a bird, it's necessary to take cover, we need to quickly get out of here, this is a war of intelligence, motivation, as a result of the operation, all units were awarded, but the communications company was not shot.
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