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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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did they jinx you? no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this. in moscow, the fsb prevented a terrorist attack in the synagogue. citizen of one of. countries of central asia planned to detonate a homemade bomb at the moment of a mass meeting. it was established that he was serving a sentence for a criminal offense in his homeland. he fell under the influence of terrorists. after liberation, he came to russia, bought components for a bomb in moscow, when detained, offered armed resistance and was neutralized by return fire. during the search they found ready-to-use devices, as well as explosives. vladimir putin called the speculation of foreign politicians nonsense. and the conference
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on ukraine in switzerland without russia’s participation is just a panopticon. evgeniy reshitnev will tell you what else was in the spotlight. alexander lukashenko came to the meeting with the russian president straight from the airport, without having time to change from the training suit he was wearing on the plane to a business suit. changed clothes already in the kremlin, as always, communication with the belarusian president is in a confidential manner, a common position on many issues, including ukrainian, russia is ready for possible peace negotiations, putin has already emphasized this many times, but the imitation of the peace process that is being conducted by the west together with kiev is a waste of time. the idea is being promoted to hold some kind of conference in switzerland, we are not invited there, moreover, they believe that we have nothing to do there. but at the same time
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they say that nothing can be decided without us, and since we are not going there, this is generally some kind of nopticum, they say that we refuse negotiations, they don’t invite us, they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, i want to emphasize that we are for it, but not in the format of imposing on us any schemes that have nothing to do with reality, but...
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i refused to negotiate in the calculation defeat russia on the battlefield and inflict a strategic defeat on it. now they understand that this is impossible, they refused to negotiate and are now in a rather difficult situation. kiev has legally forbidden itself to enter into negotiations, for some reason the west does not stop it, all this does not look like interest in a settlement, this is adding fuel to the fire, that is, pumping weapons into the kiev regime, on the contrary , continues. once. the west has already disrupted
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the peace process, which began precisely with the mediation of minsk. at the meeting, the leaders revealed new details of the negotiations that began in belarus and continued in turkey. it was you who initiated the peace negotiations in belarus, we started this in two cities, then the negotiating teams moved to turkey, to istanbul, and there we completed practically this work, much of it for a long time on ours.
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after we did this, our agreements were thrown into the trash, i remember this process and you then rough-copied these documents and handed them over to me. they will find a response in ukraine, they will find it, they will find it among the military, oddly enough, here i am ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and work in this direction. kiev is apparently trying to prove to its patrons that it is capable of harming russia, sending its drones to civilian fuel facilities, and even the head
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of the pentagon is already asking ukraine to stop attack russian refineries, as this could affect the global energy situation. russia is responding to these ukrainian attacks by... precision and scoring strikes. i want to emphasize that even for humanitarian reasons, we did not carry out any attacks in the winter, meaning that we did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, and so on without power supply, but after a series of attacks on our energy facilities, we were forced to respond. if everything goes into a loop...
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we needed such plans that we had someone we want to take over, we have enough of our own problems, we still lacked someone, this is nonsense, needed by the ruling circles, as they used to say, in order to justify their expenses on the war in ukraine, that’s all, islam is inconsistency,
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well, yes, expenses, first of all, expenses, this is the main reason why this topic is being inflated, and some kind of aggressive policy on the part of russia, this is the main thing. there are no other reasons. alexander lukashenko came to moscow on the eve of cosmonautics day; this is in many ways our common holiday, based on common more soviet achievements. recently , belarusian cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya returned from the iss; her flight, according to lukashenko, brought the republic to a new level of participation in space programs. our cosmonauts, the first woman cosmonaut from belarus, returned to earth. we also have a good event today. our new rocket took off from a new one. the cosmodrome is heavy, this is another stage in the development of the space industry in russia. thank you for space, it is clear that if it had not been for your decision then, there would have been no flight, but we agreed that it should belarusian woman to fly. yes, out of
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more than two thousand, we chose six, then two as the main astronaut and a backup. according to lukashenko, new joint projects are being prepared. in particular, on the launch of a new satellite into orbit. evgeny rashitnev, polina gomzikova and kirill malikov, conduct. a high-ranking source of the russian ministry of defense commented on zelensky’s statement about the preparation of the ukrainian armed forces for a new counter-offensive. they recalled that as a result of the first attempt, kiev troops lost more than 166,000 military personnel, almost 800 tanks, about 2,500 other armored vehicles, as well as 132 aircraft. moreover, there are no volunteers, and kievsky. the regime is promoting a law on forced mobilization in order to fill the shortage of personnel with literally cannon fodder, and in matters of providing weapons , they rely exclusively on the west, since they have not produced anything of their own for a long time; all this , according to defense ministry sources, will lead to a complete catastrophe for ukraine if zelensky
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nevertheless defects to implement his next failed plan. coordinated work will minimize the risks of damage from floods, but already... dear colleagues, in some places the water has not yet arrived, in others it has not yet left, but now we need to think about restoring housing, first of all housing, and the infrastructure, of course, so please don’t delay , prepare for this in advance, in advance, please, anton gengivich, add, we are in contact with the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction. calculations are being prepared, money will be allocated immediately,
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there are resources in the reserve fund, great, well, the ministry of health is working, local doctors, colleagues in the regions are also working, everything is set up, in general, i hope that such coordinated work will continue, and we will minimize everything - both risks and consequences, as the governor of the orenburg region noted at the meeting, the water level in the ural river has reached its maximum in the entire history of observations, stanislav bervalt reports from orsk. the water in orsk is receding, but rescuers continue to monitor the situation in the flooded areas, as you can see, there is still a lot of water, now the following problem has arisen: there are many people who decided to return to their homes, there are people who did not leave, so rescuer is delivered. the most necessary things: water, food, humanitarian aid, all this
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has to be done on a daily basis. we are walking with the rescuers on the zodiac through the streets of orsk, this is already the tenth trip for the guys today. according to the light they say, you can go 20 more times. pensioner nina vasilievna needs to take a candle to the matches. valerera from house number ten near akuchayevskaya asked for aa batteries for a flashlight and they couldn’t refuse. they are already here like family and are always ready to help. we have it. i decided to invite you for a visit, we’ll moor at the first one entrance, we make our way inside, the water is above
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the knee, hello, hello, come on in, today there was still water on this step, now it’s gone, so it’s leaving, we’re leaving, yes, it’s leaving right before our eyes, you know what, guys, fix it for me yesterday , i don’t remember what kind of volunteers, dog food, and we have cats, when the high water came, tatyana decided to stay at home, the cat is a hassle, she is very afraid to leave the apartment, so they while away the time, now they are together, there is no light, but the main thing is from water flows from the tap. our water flows all the time, it has never been turned off, then yes, we can wash the dishes, heat the water, go shopping, that’s it, our water has never been turned off, not once during these 5 days has the water been turned off, only cold water comes from the hot tap, here it is in a thin trickle, but also cold it’s running, but the cold water is flowing calmly, so they say in the city they even turned it off here. no, things are much worse with the water in the courtyard of the house, this is the picture we have been seeing for the fifth day, we
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already have our own favorite marks, which we look at and see how the water goes away, yes, very slowly, but it goes away, we take pictures, send it to neighbors, of course, in many places we look, people are already walking up to their knees, it’s still deep here, cars were floating, the white car was completely under water, boats were driving right over it even, and the red one had only a roof, in the entrance, besides tatiana, lives... another family who refused to evacuate, they cook food for everyone on the burner, in the refrigerator there is what the rescuer and volunteers brought and what does not spoil for a long time , our refrigerator is defrosted, it is i’m actually open, here are the supplies that the volunteers came to give me, i have canned food for those foods that don’t spoil, those foods that i more or less needed cold there, they’re on my balcony, we don’t stay too long, work there are many more that we have delivered to you. thank you
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very much, thank you guys, good luck, every now and then there are civilian ships along the route, people are rushing about their business, ramel and his neighbors evacuated a day before the water arrived, they decided to go home and check if everything was okay, but here's the boat let me down, the boat didn’t take two, i just checked the apartment, what’s going on there, there are trees and sticks, there’s a full refrigerator left, there’s probably everything there... it’s gone and most likely, well, i’d like to see, you never know, maybe the apartment is already hidden, thank you rescue, they drove up to the house, apartment, well, there is a slight smell.
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the first cosmonaut of belarus, marina vasilevskaya, received the title of hero of the republic, minsk emphasizes that this flight brought the country to a new level of participation in space programs, as well as to a new level partnership relations with russia. more details about everything. anastasia sokhovskaya. descent to her native land with a wide, almost gagarin-like smile, the first in the history of independent
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belarus, a woman cosmonaut is very sincerely emotional. cornflower loaves. vasilevskaya, now a national symbol herself, before flying into space, marina was in the sky for 6 years, she was a flight attendant and belavia company, colleagues in the front row of those greeting her on the red carpet in the form of the national flag. welcome. national heroine official certificate of cosmonaut of the republic of belarus number one is presented to vasilevskaya by alexander lukashenko and deviates from the protocol. the hardest part is behind us. the ceremony in the palace is independent.
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the commission gives special thanks to the president to cosmonaut backup anastasia lenkova, by the way, she is a pediatric surgeon by profession, and vasilevskaya dreamed of becoming a teacher and her parents were also given letters of gratitude. you can even say that through the thorns to the stars, because a double start, two days of flight, too, which is now very rare and does not happen to everyone, but for me it was happiness, because my expedition lasted another 2 days.
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technologies, but also about ambitious projects in the belarusian academy of sciences, they stated that it would be interesting to conduct medical research on the international space station
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in order to prepare cosmonauts for long-distance flights to explore the moon. anastasia. a large-scale contemporary art fair, catalog, has opened in moscow, presenting the work of more than 200 artists from all over russia. sofia sergieva appreciated the work. what happens when the sun goes below the horizon, life artists from nizhny novgorod answer. their heroes live the night differently, each window often has its own dramatic plot, in the spirit of hitchcock, fincher with references to cult films. it shows how actively our russian art market is now developing, how many new names, how many names that are already guaranteed to remain in
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the art system, so you can only have fun, the participants were selected by the expert council of the association of galleries, and the places for their stands were drawn by lot, no preferences, everything under equal conditions. the catalog allows at the same time get acquainted with new trends in art, and at the same time get an idea of... a new interpretation of already known subjects, albeit in such fantasy forms, there are many imitations here, such as, for example, this chair made of stone, it is actually made of foam rubber. sculptors and artists used the most unexpected elements in their works: bricks, fresh flowers, plasticine, beads, vladimir grik laid out the painting cube 1962 with bugles for two months. a terrifying nuclear explosion, but if we take a step away from the picture, well then another... two and a few more, we will pay attention to completely different characters who are busy with something, doing something, they generally have their own separate plot going on in their lives,
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and these are the works of elmira safina and the phenomenon of the nineties, the shuttlewoman in aesthetics folklore, mythical creatures live on the fabric of trunks, in canvases from carpets, everything new is a well -forgotten old, this soviet nostalgic packaging design, it was so perfect, laconic that children came, and there was a theater where they spied, and ulyana is here a little ironically, she makes a digital she-wolf, where she can be used as a holder for an ipad, we have a she-wolf in boots, such
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russian boots, a she-wolf with a scythe, that is , again, like a she-wolf, precisely as a symbol of motherhood, a nurse. the debut of the catalog fair took place in december last year with the participation of 31 galleries and 6,000 guests, including those who are at the very beginning of their creative journey, to... see what his colleagues are doing, look, look, what he shows, this is for this, this is a real holiday, we have something show, i am very happy with the new generation, they very firmly understand their path, they follow it very firmly, they firmly follow what they were taught, the catalog will stay in the walls of the printing house until april 14 and will return only in the winter to reveal new names to the orc society. sofia sergieva, andrey svorov, lead.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on april 12, 1961, man flew into space for the first time. first ascent. his flight was a step into the unknown, fraught with enormous risk. tas has prepared three versions of the message: one about the successful completion of the flight, another in case the cosmonaut lands not in a given area in the saratov region, but somewhere else, even abroad. and thirdly, if a disaster occurs. gagarin himself understood everything, so he left a farewell letter. “i’m burning, goodbye, comrades, the ship passed through
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dense layers of the atmosphere, was engulfed in flames, but the skin survived, before no one knew how the human body would behave, whether the psyche would withstand it, the data obtained as a result of gagarin’s flight were of great value for medical biological sciences. in our country." by decision of the un general assembly, it is also celebrated as the international day of human space flight. on april 12, 1861 , a civil war began in the united states. 11 southern states seceded and created a confederation to preserve their familiar robot-owning economy and prevent liberation. and were the first to begin hostilities. the assault on fort sumter in charleston bay in south carolina. this fort was considered well fortified, but could not withstand the shelling of
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enemy coastal batteries. and ordered the recruitment of the army volunteers. the war lasted 4 years, the southerners had successes, but the federal center had much greater resources, and in the spring of 65 they won. an amazing coincidence. the northerners returned to fort sumter exactly 4 years after its surrender and... on the same day in washington, a southerner mortally wounded president lincoln, but the outcome of the war was a foregone conclusion. it is considered the bloodiest in us history. never before have americans had so many casualties, almost 900,000 killed, wounded and missing. 12th of april in 1927, massacres of communists began in shanghai. this event went down in history as the shanghai massacre of 1927. the order
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was given by chiang kai-shek, one of the leaders of the kuomintang, the party founded by the outstanding chinese revolutionary sunyetsen. the communists collaborated with her, and a united front was created to fight the rebel generals who had seized power in different provinces. in this struggle, the guommendan supported the ussr, soviet military advisers helped build a combat-ready army, but sunya tsen died, and chiang kai-shek decided to deal with communists who wanted to transfer the land of the landowners to the peasants. and carry out reforms. the gomeldanovites started in shanghai, one of the largest cities in the country. together with hired bandits, they killed about 5.00 people there and disarmed the detachments of the working red guard. and then they seized power in other cities and provinces of china. relations with the ussr soured, but when china fell victim to japanese aggression 10 years later, the kuomintang communists again united to repel the invader, and moscow again extended a
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helping hand. april 12, 1951 in american the air force is called black thursday, when they suffered a catastrophic defeat in the skies of korea. a brutal war was going on on the peninsula: on the one hand, the united states, its western allies and the south korean regime. on the other is north korea, which was supported by the ussr and china. the americans were at first masters of the air and carried out barbaric bombings of cities and villages. but they were rebuffed by soviet pilots in an instant, that day 48 american b-29a superfortresses flew out to bomb the fortress, they were covered by 120 fighters, but this did not help, our mik-15s, there were 44 of them in total, intercepted the enemy armada over the yalundyan river and attacked on the move at speed. hero of the soviet union sergei kromarenko recalled: “we began to chase after
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us fighters trying to get out of the fight. american pilots no longer thought about protecting their flying fortresses. according to various sources, from 12 to 25 b-29s and at least five fighters were shot down. more than 100 american pilots were captured. after such a defeat, the us command abandoned massive bombing raids. this is what this day in history was like.
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safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. fedor mikhailovich dostoevsky. it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were named and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. this is the birthday of a foreign agent, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, we are concentrated and evil, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds invested, do they have you have some property in germany, yes, i have a party here, they all...


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