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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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floods expand geography. now kuzbass has been added to the sinking regions. what is the peculiarity of the chaff on siberian rivers ? how long will the level of the urals in orenburg continue to rise? current weather analytics on the russia-24 channel. i'm vadim zabuchenkov. hello. anomalous floods are spreading to new areas. in orenburg the water was still present the day before. by evening the level of the urals reached a record high of 10 m 92 cm and this is what it looks like from space, the damage to the region from the flood will probably amount to more than 40 billion rubles, this amount was announced in wednesday governor, people are saving their property as best they can, the day before in orenburg, for example, the most savvy motorists were discovered, here are the rafts that we...
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analogies with what happened let us analyze the course of the flood in orenburg in orsk, here, as in the regional center, the greatest the rate of water influx was observed for two days before the approach of the flood crest, then for another 2 days the water content of the ural river remained unchanged. maximum levels, so in orenburg the peak flood of 10-12 m will last until saturday, only from sunday it will become gradually subside. kurgan is also preparing to face the flood; it is approaching along the tobol from kazakhstan. as the governor of the region reported the day before, the water in some places, spreading across the floodplain, began to change direction. because of this , two floods did not occur as predicted.
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so the rivers of southern siberia are slowly shedding their ice shell, although little by little, everything is screwed up, it’s generally terrible, what’s going on? kemerovo region, residents of the village of uska byrza, at first rejoiced at the ice drift, and then had to escape from the elements on the roofs, several dozen houses were flooded, the congestion is again to blame, the fact is that the siberian rivers.
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there is only one way out of this situation, to blow up, areas into colder ones, so ice floes are often carried into the zone of continuous ice formation and they can literally clog the riverbed, the exit of the river is clean, today the weather processes influence the flow from south to north, that is, from the warmer urals they will have an impact the influence of two cyclones at once, the first is the atmospheric front. the vortex will stretch along the spurs of altai and sayan to the south of siberia and arctic air will break through masses, the other will spin up in the west of the region, despite the fact that it comes from the arctic, its region contains warm atlantic air. as a result, this afternoon the thermometers, even in the mid-latitudes of the urals, will rise to +10-15, in the south of the region it will be several degrees warmer, for example, southern siberia. will be in the arctic
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invasion zone, in the upper abi basin, daytime temperatures will not exceed -2 ​​-3°. in such a situation, snow melting here will slow down, but the risk of new ice jams on the rivers will increase, although there will be a cooling short-lived, for example, in kemerovo today there is about zero without precipitation, but tomorrow the warming will begin and from sunday the daytime temperature will be accompanied by rains. so the siberian flood will find a second wind. in orenburg, light rain is possible only on saturday and tuesday. on other days, nature will not prevent the passage of a flood wave. today or tomorrow the air in the city will warm up to +18:20, in the following days the warm anomaly will decrease. that's all i have. goodbye.
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it’s not easy to catch a firebird’s feather, but to get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprom bank of up to 16.5% anyone can pay per annum, open a deposit on that's it, that's not necessary, that's it, that's it, that's it, i understand, that's how it is at the megamarket for a charcoal grill for only 2,290 rubles. alpha friday. supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi at jandex gol. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a superkick on alpha fridays. not just profitable, alpha
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profitable. i consider one of the most significant and responsible projects of gazprom - the expanded social program. hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers, the locomotive
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is ready, ready to become an armored train, ready to rush forward, ready to continue.
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woke up, smiled, ducked, that is , dodged, simple rules that are now jumping from video to video, someone writes cherished words against the backdrop of mountains, someone is simply walking down the street in ukraine itself or sitting with friends on a bench with foam, all sorts of things better than dying for the kiev regime. previously they boasted about something else, someone boasted like him
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let's go uh barbecue from colorado, how they will shell donbass, now the trend has changed, every ukrainian understands that he is doomed, this... revolt, passive rebellion of the doomed, it doesn't evoke any emotions except compassion for these people and even those who inside ukraine boast that this is such despair of hopeless hope.
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by the way, draft dodgers, following the trend, select not only the same texts for the video, but also the music. spanish song michoros, that is , a thousand words. there is a line in the composition, for example, in the circus you are now a real star, a star who makes everything up, if they ask you, say that we don’t know each other. is this a reference to zelensky in this context? if you look at what these trends have led to, it is a complete distrust of the single telethon and all official media. formations in ukraine, because they lie, we see the reaction even in the most stubborn
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telegram channels, i won’t advertise them, the theses of zelensky’s office there no longer work, it’s very cool when ukrainians, let’s say, tease each other, this still brings the obvious, let's say things, the first of them is the complete capitulation of the criminal kiev regime, the ukrainians clearly already understand that the real enemy... is not outside, but inside the country sitting on the bank, because otherwise the ideology of deviationism, that is, the ordinary life of a citizen, obviously would not have arisen. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and notification services are free forever, which is why a credit sbercard is better. in the country, get a credit card , everything will be the way you want, hunting, this is
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your thirst for the main trophy from 20 million, your a chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out to win. touch the rock star burger king, votter on fire, taste it! alpha friday, supercake every week from alfabank. this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex goal, and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a superkick on alpha friday. not just profitable, alpha profitable. batrider - an innovation in plant protection, will instantly
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identify and destroy the main garden pests. safe for humans. the pests will be defeated by batrider. what are men silent about? painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. longitaza against prostatitis. catch a pyro. it’s not easy to earn money, but anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on it’s not necessary like this, it’s necessary like this. okay, okay, i understand, that’s how suitcases are discounted up to 40% at the megamarket. russian charity easter circulation every second ticket wins lotto, from every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be transferred to charitable causes, buy tickets from branded stores on the stoloto website. hey, guy, are you sure that you chose this
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hairstyle yourself, or the hairdresser said that it’s fashionable now? at bigfest you definitely choose a hamburger for... rubles and other offers at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank, delicious, period. life insurance is not only an opportunity to get a financial cushion for a rainy day. from the fifteenth year, part of the costs of the policy can be returned through a tax deduction, that is , insurance can be called a profitable investment, how... the system works, how many expenses can be reimbursed and what policies are needed for this, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions, this is the main thing a condition for the policy, it must provide for payment only in certain cases, there are two of them: survival to a certain age or death of the insured for any reason. other conditions, such as loss of ability to work due to injury or illness, do not count if
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the broad policy includes payments not only in case of death or age. then the tax deduction can still be attributed exclusively to the money that goes to cover these two points; in order to apply for a tax deduction for such a policy, you must divide the contributions and indicate how much you spend on risks that are associated with surviving death, and how much on other cases, this can be done when taking out a policy or later, then you need to contact the insurance company and ask for a certificate with the amounts for each type of risk, if? requirement for the policy term, it must be at least 5 years, if you, for example, have an annual policy that you renew from year to year, then it is not suitable, even if you have been insured in this way for ten years, in case of early termination of the contract, that is, until the five-year termination of the investment life insurance contract, the insurance company, that is, the insurer, pays
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the policyholder, that is, the insured person, the amount that was read to him under the contract, minus the part there.
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or located under its object. insurance the contract must be executed by the payer himself or a member of his family. you can pay for your spouse, parents or adoptive parents of children or wards. the age of the children does not play any role. the contract can be concluded to insure an adult child. if parents paid the premiums, then they can apply to the tax office for a deduction.
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you will only need to show that it was they who paid the money, for example, by check or bank statement. from the account. from january 1 , the maximum amount of social tax deduction is 150,000 per year, that is you can get back up to 19,500 rubles. for the past year, you can submit up to 120,000 for a social deduction, and you need to remember that the limit is also general for other expenses for which a social deduction is provided, for example, under voluntary health insurance contracts or expenses on medicines. this year you can get a deduction for expenses that you would have had for the previous 3 years, that is, for 23, 22 and twenty-first years. we talked about other nuances of the social tax deduction quite recently. if you want take advantage of. with an increased limit now, and not wait until the end of the year, you can apply for a tax deduction through your place of work ; we also told you how to do this in one
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of the previous issues. well, here’s an important point: not all types of income are suitable for filing a tax deduction, but if personal income tax has been paid, the necessary conditions for the deduction, you cannot take more from the budget than was transferred there. not all income can be subject to a social deduction under an investment agreement. life insurance, or can be applied to income from employment, from - income from civil - contracts, income from renting out housing, can be applied even to income from the sale of property, real estate or vehicles, but to the so-called passive income, to income from the sale of securities or income in the form of dividends, such a deduction does not apply. let's repeat the main thing: since 2015, you can receive a tax deduction for payments on voluntary life insurance. the main condition of insurance against risks, loss or upon achieving a certain
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age, the contract must be for 5 years or more, and the beneficiary under it must be the insured himself or his close relatives, and not a bank or someone else. the total limit on social payments from this year is 150,000 rubles. still have questions, want to know what else you can get tax for? deduction and get back part of the taxes paid, write to us on the telegram channel, we will ask experts about everything and tell you in the next issues of our program. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. april 12, 1961 person flew into space for the first time. the pioneer was yuri gagaririn. his flight. a step into the unknown, involving enormous risk. tas prepared three versions of the message: one about the successful completion of the flight, the other in case the cosmonaut lands not in a given
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area in the saratov region, but somewhere else, even abroad. and thirdly, if a disaster occurs. gagarin himself understood everything, so he left a farewell letter to his wife. there were enough difficulties and dangers, but he overcame everything. already during the descent, the first cosmonaut transmitted. center, i’m burning, goodbye, comrades, the ship passed through a dense layer of atmosphere, was engulfed in flames, but the hull survived. before, no one knew how the human body would behave, would the psyche survive? the data obtained as a result of gagarin's flight were of great value for biomedical science. in our country, the date april 12 has been celebrated since the sixty-second year as cosmonautics day, since the decision in 2011... april 1861, the civil war began in the united states. 11
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southern states seceded and formed a confederacy. in order to preserve their usual slave-owning economy and prevent the liberation of slaves. and they were the first to begin hostilities. assault on fort sumter in charleston harbor, south carolina. was considered well fortified, but could not withstand the shelling of enemy coastal batteries, and the northern naval squadron was unable to approach due to the storm, and after 2 days the defenders surrendered. after this, president abraham lincoln declared the southern states in rebellion and ordered the recruitment of volunteers into the army. the war lasted 4 years, the southerners had successes, but the federal the center had much greater resources, and in the spring of sixty-five it won. an amazing coincidence. the northerners returned to port sumter exactly 4 years after his surrender, and on the same day in washington , a southerner mortally wounded president lincoln, but the outcome of the war was a foregone conclusion;
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it is considered the bloodiest in us history. never before have americans had so many casualties, almost 900 thousand killed, wounded and missing. on april 12 , 1927, massacres of communists began in shanghai. this event was called shanghai massacre of 1927. the order was given by chiang kai-shek, one of the leaders of the kuomintang, the party founded by the outstanding chinese revolutionary sunyetsen. the communists collaborated with her, and a united front was created to fight the rebel generals who had seized power in different provinces. in this struggle, gommendan supported the ussr. soviet military advisers helped build a combat-ready army. but sunya tsen died. chiang kai-shek decided to deal with the communists, who wanted to transfer the land of the landowners to the peasants and carry out reforms. the guomendanites started in shanghai, one of the largest cities in the country. together with
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those hired ... by china, relations with the ussr deteriorated, but when 10 years later china became a victim of japanese aggression, the kuomintang and the communists again united to repel the invader and moscow again extended a helping hand. april 12, 1951 is called black in the us air force. then they suffered a catastrophic defeat in the skies of korea. there was a brutal war on the peninsula. on the one hand, the united states, its western allies and the south korean regime. on the other - northern korea, which was supported by the ussr and china. at first, the americans were masters in the air and carried out barbaric bombings of cities and villages, but they were repulsed by soviet pilots in an instant. that day, 48
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american b-29as took off for the bombing mission. superfortress, they were covered by 120 fighters, but this did not help, our mik-15s, there were 44 of them in total, intercepted the enemy armada over the yalundyan river and attacked immediately at speed. hero of the soviet union, sergei kromarenko recalled: “we began to chase us fighters trying to get out of the fight, about protecting american pilots no longer thought about their flying fortresses. according to various sources, from 12 to 25 were shot down. b-29s and at least five fighters, more than 100 american pilots were captured. after such a defeat, the us command abandoned massive bombing raids. this is what this day in history was like. fyodor
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mikhailovich dostoevsky foresaw that in the 20th century there would appear a layer of people who were called inogens and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdikov. friday is the birthday of the inogen. these same people, their is there nothing to respect? they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are focused and angry. they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property and funds invested there. do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here. they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law. and this victim turned out to be me. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion. so he is alive, no one knows anything. alexander mikhailov. in short, you have to
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go there, this is war. war. vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i don’t have a ration or a weapon for you, get ready to go to moscow, it’s true that we’re registering as a missing person, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, really looks like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them. and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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forecasters predict the peak of floods in orenburg for today, when should we expect the high water to recede? the russian army is stepping up strikes against the militants of the kiev regime, they are striking from the air on the ground, we will show new footage from the front line. our aerospace forces received this year’s first batch of many targeted, super-maneuverable su-35s fighters. our
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correspondent saw how... days are made.


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