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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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peak floods in orenburg, weather forecasters predict for today, when should we expect the big water to recede? the russian army is stepping up strikes against the militants of the kiev regime , striking from the air on the ground, we will show new footage from the front line. our aerospace forces received this year’s first batch of multi-role, super-maneuverable su-30 fighters. 5c our correspondent
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saw how they are produced. cosmonautics day, the world remembers the first flight of yuri gaggarin, congratulations from space explorers are heard directly from the iss. russia remains open to negotiations on ukraine, the format must be realistic. this statement was made by vladimir putin at a meeting with the belarusian.
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it’s impossible to solve anything without us, and since we’re not going there, it’s basically some kind of nopticism, they say that we refuse negotiations, they don’t invite us, they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t like that it’s sad, but once again i want to emphasize that we are for it, but not in the format of imposing on us any schemes that have nothing to do with reality, without russia, which can be a peaceful process there? there can’t be a peace process, well, maybe they’re right that they don’t invite us there, because what can we talk to them about, what can we talk to them about, if they’re trying to gather a 100-odd state there, dictate something to us or to bend us over, this is not a proposal for peace negotiations, i think that they, in any case, the opposite country has to a certain extent painted itself into a corner, well, yes. refused negotiations in
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the hope of defeating russia on the battlefield and inflicting a strategic defeat on it. now they understand that this was impossible, they refused to negotiate and now found themselves in a rather difficult situation. at the meeting, there was also talk about russian attacks on energy facilities in ukraine, what was vladimir putin’s assessment? in the energy sector, unfortunately. we have observed a series of attacks on our energy facilities recently and were forced to respond, i want to emphasize that even on the basis of humanitarian considerations, we did not carry out any attacks in the winter, meaning that we did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals, etc. without energy supply further, but after a series of attacks on ours.
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appropriate, so again i think that in ukraine there are a lot of people who are mad, but not everyone, i think they heard it and saw it. and now to the situation with floods in regions of the country, such as vorsk, which suffered more than others in the region from flooding and the water is gradually receding. our correspondent stanislav bernwald is in direct contact. stanislav, i welcome you. well, they write that about 700 houses have already been freed from water, tell me, have people started? tatyana, hello,
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let's start with the official news, which come from the authorities, the situation in orsk has stabilized, the water level has decreased over the course of the day. another 28 cm and still remains at 832 cm, constant monitoring of inflow data in the ireklinsky reservoir is carried out, taking into account which experts regulate discharge volumes. at the moment it is 720 cubic meters/second. in vorsk, all life support systems are operating normally. this is official information from the authorities. let me emphasize once again that we are now on the road that connects the new city with. the old town, literally the day before yesterday, here we could only move on a ptes, this is a floating vehicle, there was a very serious water pressure here, there was a very serious current, but in fact today there is no water here anymore,
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as i understand it, apparently we are right to the old city we’ll be able to get there quite calmly, of course, look, there’s standing water in the little patches that exist, and we see that the houses are still under roofs. and under the roof, under the roof, they are flooded, and accordingly, now the most important task will be this water somewhere to take it away, that is, it will be necessary to make some holes and take it away from the other side of the road, here is the snt zone, there is also water there, well, look how powerful the elements were, here the road is completely washed away, and the pillars, which were standing along the road, overturned; by the way, they were employees. the ministry of emergency situations was then removed, because it was impossible to get through even on special transport, on a special floating vehicle, so they pulled them here to the side of the road, and we also see flooded country houses, this is what used to be stop, here it is extremely
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unsafe to approach the edge, because the road has been completely washed away, it is clear that all this will need to be removed, well, actually, the road should be re-laid. canvas, a very important point, vaccination against hepatitis a continues in the city, there is such a thing as the disease of dirty hands, it is very relevant when there is a flood, floods, flooding and so on, and residents are encouraged to get vaccinated, they are not afraid, this a completely normal procedure, but it will protect you from very serious diseases, well... the situation in the city is normal for now, thank god, let's hope that it will continue to be so, but nevertheless, doctors are asking as much as possible to monitor hygiene, for their own safety, and to wash their hands, well, in general, not not let’s put these hands down,
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let’s just say, in general we continue to monitor the situation here in the city of orsk, let me emphasize once again, the water is receding and this cannot but rejoice, tatyana, stanislav, thank you, we are in direct contact. our correspondent stanislav bernwald was from orsk. countrywide the situation with floods remains tense, so in the kurgan region, a special board of the ministry of emergency situations brought 20 more water barriers. the strengthening of the embankment dam is scheduled to be completed today. regional authorities say that the advance of the body of water towards kurgan has slowed down. in the orenburg region today they promise a peak flood. and according to local authorities, according to the forecasts of the state hydrometeorological service. and after a couple of days the level will begin to decrease. in the novosibirsk region , almost 200 areas fell into the flood zone. the authorities are monitoring and providing targeted assistance to residents. this information from the ministry of emergency situations. the water level in the tomsk region increased by more than half a meter over the course of the day. several villages and dachas were flooded. in
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the tyumen region , another fifty houses were included in the possible flooding zone. in khakassia, several holiday villages have been closed to visitors. and in one of the villages of kusbasov. rescuers literally pulled people off the roof from the attics. in the south of the urals in the volga region and in the center of the european part of the country, the flood situation has generally stabilized. the fsb prevented a terrorist attack in a synagogue in moscow. it was prepared by a citizen of one of the countries of the middle east. asia. he was going to make an explosion on one. from mass gatherings, during arrest he offered armed resistance and was neutralized. during the search, they found a ready-made homemade explosive device on him. another terrorist attack on a military facility was prevented by the fsb in donetsk. it was prepared by six citizens of one of the central asian states; they
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were detained. during the search, two ready-made bombs and hand grenades were found. the terrorists carried out tasks from curators from ukraine. and the west is similar. not ready to condemn the actions of the kyiv regime in connection with the events at the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, as stated by the chairman of russia following the results of an extraordinary session of the magath board of governors in the capital of austria. russian representative mikhail ulyanov. the meeting was held at the initiative of moscow. on monday , the head of the international agency is expected to speak at the un sophbiz. and natalya solovyova will tell you in detail about the situation at the site. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is operating normally, although the situation remains tense. this is how the head of rostekhnadzor assessed the situation on the spot. it's on at the station now work on preparation for extending the service life of power units and personnel certification. the first block is the closest.
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is now preparing for cooling, has inspected the wells that experts drilled last fall, the water from them feeds special ponds that are designed to remove heat from the reactors. we calculated 250 cubic meters there, drilled one test, we tried a test there on hydraulic constrictions, at first it turned out to be ineffective, we did it here and it showed 24 pounds, so here we are, as much as we needed, the zaporozhye nuclear power plant in energodar is six power units. the largest nuclear power plant in europe and a point of constant tension. for 2 years in a row,
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the kiev regime has been attacking its infrastructure, sending drones towards the nuclear facility. there is some, so to speak, increased stress in the work; we ensure nuclear safety in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation and job descriptions. the work is being done. on sunday, ukrainian drones again attacked zaes, in particular the canteen, cargo port and sixth energy.
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the international atomic energy agency has recognized that attacks on zaporozhye could lead to catastrophic consequences. magath never demanded that kiev stop these attacks, although rafael grossi said that it was necessary to work to de-escalate the conflict. no one can gain military or political benefit from attacks on nuclear facilities. an attack on... a nuclear power plant is absolutely unacceptable, an attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant means a threat to nuclear safety, we must all use all available levers to prevent new attacks on zas. that's what i'm doing today, and that's what i'll be doing at the un security council meeting next week. this separate meeting will be held on april 15, it has already been announced by russia’s ambassador to the un, vasily nebenden. our western colleagues are so accustomed to automatically turning a blind eye to any crimes or ugly antics.
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the ukrainian armed forces defeated the crews of the solntsepek heavy flamethrower systems. the fighters of the west group of troops distinguished themselves. the launches were carried out at a distance of more than 5 km. as a result long-term strongholds were destroyed, as well as dugouts with enemy armored vehicles and manpower. the fire was adjusted using a drone. we fire thermoboric charges, the range is approximately up to... km. artillery systems, they seem to hit ground targets more, but they can hit
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targets in closed shelters, for example, in dugouts or in some kind of pillboxes, bunkers. so, that is, his principle is such that when a shell explodes, a wave is created in it, increased pressure is created, and this it comes out under pressure, maybe through doors there or through some, well, cracks, it can get into the room, and the excess pressure affects the personnel. and in the donetsk direction, our aircraft destroyed the support base. points of enemy manpower. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the group included the k-52 alligator attack helicopter. transport and combat. mi-35m and multi-purpose helicopter mi-8. having completed their targets, the crews performed an anti-missile maneuver using the on-board defense system and returned to base. we received a task for destruction of enemy manpower, took off along the route at an extremely low altitude, entered the nbp, onto the combat course, worked,
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completed a turn, returned to the landing airfield according to the report of the forward gunner, that’s all. and now it’s time for economic news: alexander, the world bank has improved the forecast for russia’s gdp growth, tell us what results are expected at the end of this year. tatyana n 2.2%. i'll start with another topic. by june 15, the government must prepare a proposal for the development of shipbuilding, including updating the plan for the creation civil courts for the period until 2035. this instruction was given by vladimir putin. when developing the plan, it is necessary to pay special attention to ships for the export of russian products, the document says, a detailed scheme for capacity development is also expected with the modernization of existing shipbuilding sites by the creation of new ones. the world bank has improved its forecast for the russian economy; they expect that our gdp will increase by 2.2% this year, almost a
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percentage point more than according to january estimates. estimated next year. or not so by 2 the increase will be more than one percent. bank experts noted that the growth of government spending contributed to an increase in social benefits, wages and investments. this, in particular, increased activity in manufacturing and construction, and consumption growth accelerated significantly. at the same time, significant growth in oil revenues helped reduce the budget deficit. russian oil exports remained stable, but supplies shifted from the european union to india. and china, the world bank emphasized. how to spend correctly save, this is what the educational relay race will teach my finances, which will cover all of russia. the start of the first stage was given by deputy minister of finance pavel kadochnikov. the main goal of the ministry of finance’s campaign is to help everyone who wants to master the basics of financial literacy. many
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educational projects created with the participation of the ministry help achieve results. the organizers reviewed more than 300 applications out of thirty. regions, the authors of the projects taught how to handle finances in the format of quests, kvn, launched thematic telegram channels, created audiobooks. you can join the relay race online. the ministry of finance has been working on the topic of financial literacy for more than 10 years together with the constituent entities of the russian federation, together with the bank of russia, together with our federal centers of competence. today we see that about 70% of our citizens demonstrate an average or high level of financial performance. recent measurements show that the share of citizens who plan their financial decisions, plan their budget, has increased to 48%, plus 3% points compared to last year, this is a good result, but of course we cannot rest on our laurels. chinese importers of agricultural products rejected four out of five shipments of ukrainian corn. delivery
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was scheduled from april to june. according to bloomberg, future orders may do the same.
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hence, the war of intelligence, motivation, at the end of the operation all units were awarded, but the communications company was not shot. this year's first batch of su-35s aircraft was handed over to the russian aerospace forces around the clock , and according to the principle of a continuous conveyor, they are created in komsomolsk-on-amur. thanks to this technology, the aircraft assembly cycle was reduced by three. no longer chicks, independent predators are leaving the airfield where they first took to the skies and where they passed their main exam. the name of the new combat units of the russian aerospace forces. the country's defense power is created here 24x7. this conveyor is continuous;
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thanks to the organization of continuous production, the aircraft assembly cycle was reduced by a third. and the experience of the gagarinites, pioneers of technology, inheriting the name of the first cosmonaut of the planet, was decided to be replicated on other uac enterprises. the plane, when the fuselage and empty one entered the workshop, it stood in one place and... people walked from plane to plane, and now the plane directly approaches the person and the person knows the amount of work that he must do, and does it with high quality. only a few days will pass, another aircraft will take this place, this is how large series are built with a clear tact and stable quality. another construction conveyor operates on similar principles in this branch of oa crosteha fifth generation aircraft su-57. without a doubt. the very top, our planes are the best, we will produce more of them, in greater quantities with the highest quality, so we are proud of our work, our plant, our city. the su-35
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is truly a cause for pride, an innovation of russian aircraft designers, developed and produced at the sukhoi design bureau, an information and control system that analyzes a huge flow of data, new inputs and factors, helping the only su-35 pilot to work. effective, in fact it is the brain of the aircraft, increasing automation reduces the load on the pilot, for which aviation is grateful to him. the su-35 is today one of the main aircraft in service with the russian army, a fighter and a bomber at the same time, and today it clearly proves its effectiveness and performance in real combat conditions. su-35s are indispensable in the air defense zone; they are fast, maneuverable, accurate, and can operate in any weather, day or night. both against ground targets and against airborne equipment, including drones. a new batch of aircraft built at the gagarin plant is already in military uniforms. he immediately goes on
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combat duty in heaven, where the russian winged vehicle still has no equal. lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov, lead khabarovsk. today is cosmonautics day in russia. on this day, april 12, 1961 , yuri gagarin committed. the world's first flight into space. the vostok spacecraft with the soviet cosmonaut on board stayed there for 108 minutes, during which time it completed one revolution around the earth. the historical event marked the beginning of space exploration. our cosmonauts conveyed congratulations directly from the iss. they thanked everyone who works on earth for the benefit of space, designers, engineers and technicians. and now sports news. alexander is left to support the metallurgist. just one victory to reach the final of the gagarin cup, tell us all the details. tatyana magnitka beat avtomobilist yesterday, and if the metallurgist reaches the final, then the final series will begin in
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magnitogorsk, and if avtomobilist saves the semi-final series, the final will begin in yaroslavl. magnitogorsk metallurgist has only one victory left to win reach the final of the gagarin cup. in the semi-final series against avtomobilist, magnitka led with a score of 3:2. in the fifth match of the series he scored a hit trick. z zernov, and zernov scored the first two goals in the first period. further, the motorist recovered from a 0:2 deficit at the beginning of the third period to level the score 2:2. for the second match in a row, the motorist found the strength to make a comeback. 2 days ago they returned to the game after 0:3, but this time they couldn’t win. the fate of the match was actually decided by the removal of the ekaterenburg team just 3 minutes after the score was level. the penalty was sent off by daniil vovchenko, which was the winning goal in the match.
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in the national hockey league , tampb forward nikita kucherov continues to score points in his record-breaking, historic season. last night, kucherov gave two assists in the match against ottawa. thus , the russian already has 141 points according to the goal plus pass system. first place in the list of the best scorers of the season and most likely a future award for the most valuable player of the season. to end in the regular season, each team in the nhl has only two or three games left to play. in the league. in europe, the main sensation in the first quarter of the final matches occurred in liverpool. jurgen klopp's team unexpectedly lost at home to atalanta, and liverpool lost heavily 0:3. double in the italian
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team. already with the score 3:0. before the match , the bookmakers estimated atalanta’s chances at a huge odds of 7. liverpool’s thirty-three-match home unbeaten streak was interrupted, the chances of correcting the extreme situation are to win back the 0:3 gap with liverpool will be in bergamo for the return match next thursday. in others. in the first quarter of the final matches, bayarn beat westham with a score of 2:0. during the season, bayern continues to go undefeated in all tournaments in which it takes part. benfica beat marseille 2-1 and roma beat milan 1-0 in the italian clash. the seventeenth racket of the world , karen khachanov, emerged victorious in the russian confrontation with daniil medvedev at the prestigious masters series tournament in monte carlo. the opponents spent almost 2
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hours on the court. 6-3-7-5 favor of the silver medalist olympics in tokyo. the match started unusually for men's tennis. in the first four games, the opponents took each other's serves. everything was decided at the end of the game, when khachanov managed to take medvedev’s serve for the third time. in the second set, khachanov made another break, did not give up his serve, and this was enough to win. karen khachanov reached the quarter-finals at the monte carlo masters for the first time in his career. the russian will compete with the twelfth racket of the world, the greek stefanos tsetsepas, for a ticket to the semi-finals of the tournament. this match will pass today. and at the end of the issue, beautiful footage from spain, where athletic bilbao celebrated their victory in the national cup. athletic organized a championship parade on the river, and the team took a ride on the barge with the trophy. according to spanish media reports, about a million people came to watch this event, which is three times the population of the city of bilbao. the idea is that this copa del rey was the first trophy for the club in 40 years, and
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athletic is like 80 of them. i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally she came, spring, warm. sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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