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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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and now again the situation with floods, large waters came to siberia, in one of the villages of the kemerovo region, flooded more than 40 houses. river levels in the novokuznetsk area are approaching dangerous levels, and a partial evacuation of residents has been announced. and our correspondent igor borzov gets in touch with the studio. igor, i greet you, tell me, what is the situation like? tatiana. hello, but according to the latest information, the peak of the high water has already passed, and now specialists are working on eliminating the consequences of the flood. the situation was acute these days in the south region in the tashtagol district, the village of ustka byrza, 40 houses there were flooded, a traffic jam formed on the morostsu river, emergencies ministry specialists carried out ice blasting, now the water level is already below critical levels. today it became known that the regional prosecutor's office has begun an investigation into the flooding. due to the high water, people threw themselves on the roofs,
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according to updated data, a total of 60 people were evacuated, temporary accommodation centers are working, the operational headquarters also continues to work and an emergency situation is in effect. locality remained without electricity, now 62 houses are still disconnected, but specialists have already begun to restore energy. road services are installing washes on the roads. water quickly came to the village of mayzas, mezhdurechensky with footage on social networks. local residents shared, the administration said that a wave effect occurred, the water quickly entered and also quickly left the village, several areas were damaged, but there was no major damage, the flood has subsided, the ice is passing calmly, the situation is under control, in novokuznetsk, a decision was made to evacuate people with limited mobility from three flooded areas, the level in tomsk is gradually increasing, now 105 cm remains to the dangerous level, but there are no floods,
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ten country houses in the city of yurga, kemerovo region of kuzba. during the events , 98 people were evacuated, and two temporary detention centers for citizens were organized. currently, the cause of the jam has been neutralized, the water level is 1 m below the critical level. this situation is under constant control of the eurga interdistrict prosecutor's office. monitoring continues in all areas of kusbas, we are also monitoring the situation. tatiana. igor, thank you. igor borzov spoke about the flood in
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the keimerovo region. 78 thousand residential elevators have reached the end of their service life, as calculated by the russian elevator association. moreover, over the past year , 43,000 cabins were installed in the country. how domestic companies responded to the departure of western players in general, my colleague nika inkovaya will tell you about the situation in this market. in russia, according to the ministry of construction, there are more than 600 thousand. elevators, the wear and tear of which in some regions exceeds 50%. the president taught to develop a program for replacing elevators in multi-story buildings. by next year , more than 140,000 cabins need to be updated; the approximate cost of such work is estimated at 300 billion rubles. every year , more than 20 thousand elevators serve out their designated service life; now in the housing stock there are 78,000 elevators that have already completed their designated service life.
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this is a very large number, considering that we annually replace about 18,000 elevators at the moslift plant in moscow they produce passenger cabins with a carrying capacity. up to two tons. in the twenty- third year, more than 600 units of vertical transport were produced, as the manufacturers themselves call the elevators. the company also provides after-sales service. the demand is great , taking into account the fact that there is a great need to replace elevators, because the elevators that were previously supplied are already 25 years old, so now the issue of financing the replacement of elevators is being resolved at the level of the president and the government. in the twenty-second year, it left the russian market would.
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that in the first half of the year we increased production volumes and reached pre-crisis levels, i will say that in june we produced and shipped 719 elevators, which is 14% more than the average in 2021. there are three dozen elevator manufacturers operating in russia today. in 2023 , almost 30,000 cabins were installed. this is, for example, a panoramic elevator, these are usually installed in business or shopping centers. one of the largest russian manufacturers , the shcherbinsky elevator plant produces cabins in different segments from economy to premium. class. we occupy about a 35% share of
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the entire updated fund. every year we participate in all competitions, in all programs in different regions of russia, in fact, we have everything represented. all all cities, that is, moscow, st. petersburg, yekaterinburg, vladivostok, chelyabinsk, murmansk, krasnodar and so on. after the departure of foreign businesses, the market remains in high demand for high-speed elevators. russian manufacturers are engaged in such developments, in addition, they are working on the design of the filling. thus, the serpukhov elevator building plant presented an interactive elevator cabin in which it displays.
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43,000 elevators, of which a little more than 15,000 were from foreign suppliers. according to the industry development roadmap, russia will help equipment manufacturers, stimulate regional overhaul programs and support the safety of production, supply, installation and operation of elevators. nika yankovaya, andrey shner, viktor kryzhanovsky, lead. at bikfest you definitely choose a hamburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with a 50% cashback from alfabank , delicious and full stop, how do you like it, but save up a votb savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly and you will save up 16% faster,
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authoritative experts work. materials created with their participation receive the status of peer-reviewed articles. we don’t just review them, see what’s good and what’s bad, but we sometimes even find errors and correct them, and ruviki very actively cooperates with us, corrects certain errors, factual ones, yes, and of course, it’s very cool, because it and the quality of the level of texts and material improves greatly. if. previously , no one guaranteed the accuracy of information obtained on the internet, but now you don’t have to worry about the reliability of such articles. we are very we pay a lot of attention to security, we have a patrol format, that is, we see all the edits, we make sure that there is no vandalism, we have anti-vandal bots working so that no one comes to the article and writes any calls for violence or something that cannot be in an encyclopedia. the encyclopedia works, among other things, with the russian academy of sciences, the moscow museum, and the presidential academy.
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she is actively growing. at the beginning of april , an updated, more convenient version was released. now you can configure the reading mode, font size, width of fields, and also study articles in audio format. visitors to the russia exhibition at vdnh now know about the internet encyclopedia; a thematic pavilion dedicated to the useful platform has been installed there. visitors can take a quiz from our encyclopedia ruvika. this is where we come in. we have two
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touch the rock star, burger. tires can be found conveniently and quickly, there is a search by avtovito brand, if you have rice national in your kitchen, this means that uzbek pilaf or your favorite porridge is now nobody’s business... tonal pride, but personally yours. alfa friday, supercake every week from alfa bank. this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandexgo. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a supercake for alpha fridays. not just profitable. alpha
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is profitable. this is not necessary. it needs to be like this, like this, like this. it's clear? i understand. this is how you get a charcoal grill at the megamarket for only 2,290 rubles. the president of the united states, the philippines, and the prime minister of japan held talks in washington. the main topic was criticism of china. thus, beijing was accused of allegedly aggressive actions in the south china sea and the prc’s policy towards taiwan was traditionally condemned. as a result , joint naval operations were announced.
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floods are expanding the geography, now kuzbass has been added to the sinking regions. what feature of polovogin? siberian rivers, how much longer will the level of the urals rise in orenburg. current weather analytics on russia 24 channel, i’m vadim zabuchenkov. hello, the anomalous flood is covering more and more areas. in orenburg the water was still rising the day before. by evening, the level of the urals reached a record high: 10 m 92 cm and this is what it looks like from space. damage to the region from floods. will probably amount to more than 40 billion rubles, the governor announced this amount on wednesday: people are saving their property as best they can, the day before in orenburg, for example,
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the most savvy motorists were discovered. here are the rafts that we tied, those barrels that are on top, we see, the rest of the barrels are below under the cars, that is, this structure keeps this car afloat, let's analyze the progress of... the flood in orenburg by analogy with what happened in orsk, here, as in the regional center, the highest rates of water inflow were observed for two days before the approach of the flood crest, then for another 2 days, the water content of the ural river was near maximum levels, so in orenburg, the peak flood was 10-12 m will last until saturday, only from sunday it will gradually subside. kurgan is also preparing to face the flood, it is approaching along the tabla from the direction of kazakhstan, as the governor of the region said the day before, the water in some places, spreading across the floodplain,
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began to change direction, because of this , two villages of the kurtomysh district were flooded, not as predicted, and threat to the village of plotnikovo, tobolsk district, local leaders were given the command to strengthen the actual and... so the rivers of southern siberia are slowly dumping our icy shell, although little by little, everything is crappy with us, absolutely terrible! what is being done? kemerovo region. residents of the village of usko byrza at first rejoiced at the ice drift, but then they had to escape from the elements on their roofs;
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several dozen houses were flooded; again, the traffic jam was to blame. the fact is that siberian rivers flow from south to north, that is, from warmer regions to colder ones. therefore, ice floes are often carried into the zone of continuous freeze-up and they can literally. today, weather processes outside the urals will be influenced by two cyclones and an atmospheric front the first vortex will stretch along the altai and sayan spurs to the south of siberia , arctic air masses will break through, the second will spin up in the west of the region, despite the fact that it... is from the arctic, its region contains warm atlantic air. as a result, this afternoon the thermometers, even in the mid-latitudes of the urals
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, will rise to +10-15, in the south of the region it will be several degrees warmer, so southern siberia will be in the arctic invasion zone, in the upper ob basin the daytime temperature will not exceed -2 ​​- 3°. in such snowmelt situation here. is slowing down, but the risk of new ice jams forming on the rivers will increase, however, the cooling will be short-lived, for example, in kemerovo today there is about zero without precipitation, but tomorrow the warming will begin and from sunday, accompanied by rains, the daytime temperature will rise to +8-9, so that the siberian flood will find a second wind. in orenburg, light rain is possible only on saturday and tuesday; on other days it will be rainy. will prevent the passage of the flood wave, today and tomorrow the air in the city will warm up to +18:20, in the following days the warm anomaly will shrink. that's
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all i have. goodbye!
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it was you who stole a dagger from your grandfather at the age of 7, it was you, the men from the yard said, you are a fighter, it was you who was never afraid of a fight, it is with you, she is calm everywhere, it is on you, friends can always rely on you, it is you who cannot stay in aside, it’s you, and here you are, among your own people, it’s great!
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spring floods, where is the most difficult situation? the day before, a meeting between vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko took place in the kremlin. what topics were the focus? today is cosmonautics day. in the sixty-first year yuri gagarin made the world's first flight into space on this day. opec expects an increase in demand for oil, and a barrel of brand costs more than 90.
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our economic editorial team has all the details. the first batch of su-35s aircraft this year was transferred to the russian aerospace forces. they are collected in komsomolsk on the amur. our correspondent in the region will tell you the details. 78,000 residential elevators have completed their service life. what is the situation on the russian market? over the past 24 hours, the level of the ural river near orenburg has increased by 69 cm and according to the latest data exceeded the danger mark by almost 2 m. water is approaching apartment buildings. the day before, water-filling dams were delivered to the city to contain the flood. my colleague, margarita semenyuk, is monitoring the situation on the ground, and she joins us. rita, good morning. which districts of the city are now in water, now there is a message that they may
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also be flooded. yes, alexander, greetings, according to the latest data , 10 districts in orenburg are flooded, all snt in them, which are located in the floodplain of the ural river and partially in the floodplain of the sakmara river, also these areas are now are indeed disconnected from electricity and there really remains a risk of flooding of energy facilities, but i note that according to the latest data, at 8 am the river level in the urals is 11 m.


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