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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. the first female cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya, was awarded the order of gagarin. signed by vladimir putin
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, published on the legal information portal, the same award will be given to russian cosmonaut-instructors oleg navitskov and sergei prokopyev, cosmonauts pitelin and fedyaev were awarded the title of heroes of russia, with the theme of space and cosmonautics day, the conversation in the kremlin the day before was started by the presidents of russia and belarus , here are the footage of this meeting. dear alexander grigorievich. thank you for coming to cosmonautics day, especially since we have a significant event, our cosmonauts have returned to earth, the first female cosmonaut from belarus, we also have a good event today, our new rocket flew from the new cosmodrome, it’s heavy, this is another stage development of the space industry in russia, among other things, of course we have something to talk about, bearing in mind our...
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we are happy, of course, to talk about security issues both on the western borders of belarus and in russia, i know that you are aware of all these events of what is happening in the ukrainian direction, nevertheless, of course, i will use your visit to inform you about what is happening in detail, well, in general, you know, we have never given up on the peaceful resolution of disputes, moreover, we have been s...
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to withdraw troops from kiev, we did it, immediately after we did it, our agreements were thrown into the trash, but now, as you know, the idea is being promoted to hold some kind of conference in switzerland, we are not invited there , moreover, they believe that we have nothing to do there, but at the same time they say that without... nothing can be decided, and since we are not going there, this is generally some kind of nopticism, they say that we refuse negotiations, we are not invited , they say that we refuse, well , it would be funny if it weren’t so sad, but once again i want to emphasize that we are for it, but not in the format of imposing on us any schemes, uh, that have nothing common with reality, but but if, why am i saying this, because if it arises
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necessity, let me turn to you, maybe we will continue - consultations with you in this area, that’s what concerns... keeping in mind that we did not want to leave social institutions, hospitals and so on without power supply, but after a series of blows to our energy facilities were forced to respond, but i repeat once again, if all this loops into the solution of those issues
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that we spoke about initially, and the blow to the energy sector is also related to the solution of one of the tasks that we... set for ourselves, and this demilitarization because we are before we proceed from the fact that in this way we influence the defense industry, the military-industrial complex of ukraine, and directly, but if we still move on to where i started, let’s move on to some conversations, and the resolution of all questions in other ways, we, of course, as i have done many times...
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yes, because what to talk to them about, what can you talk to them about, if they are trying to gather 100-odd states there to dictate something to us or persuade us , this is not a proposal for peace negotiations, i think that they, well, in any case
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in this case, the other country to a certain extent painted itself into a corner when it refused to negotiate in order to achieve a winner.
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what kind of space are you, it’s clear that if it weren’t for your decision then, there wouldn’t have been any flight, but we agreed that it should be a belarusian woman who should fly, throw a new satellite into orbit with the russians with a maximum capacity of 25 cm,
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yeah, that’s a strong word , we are working on it, there is no longer any doubt that we will do it, together with the russians, we will abandon it, and in terms of cosmonauts we will work together, we are ready to join your program, what russian cosmonauts are doing is not necessary. so that there is a belarusian, russian program, we will work together, you have made significant progress, we have people, including women, who are ready to fly, roscosmos is rejecting us, no, if you support, then we are the second girl who was an understudy and trained, we spent a lot of money on her training, if there is a desire and your will in this regard, then she is ready to continue working and training with the astronaut. thank you for your support port facilities, we work, we look at
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other ports, russians and port workers help us ship products, in short, there is no such thing as goods lying on the ocean shore and we cannot take them out to sea, we work in st. petersburg, murmansk, we work in the far east, in the north, that's right, very interesting, northern sea. we have already supplied, it turns out, goods to the village along the way, yeah, without the ports of murmansk, we have already delivered several thousand tons, it is very convenient for our manufacturers, so your support here was very important for us and relevant, we have already exchanged words with you on some issues of an economic nature, you supported me in the fact that on the fifteenth of our premieres...
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children and people are suffering, but these attacks on sensitive points in russia, well, the answer is appropriate , so again , i think that in ukraine there are a lot of people going crazy, but not everyone, i think they heard it, saw it, i think that there will be some kind of corresponding rebound for them in this regard, in principle, they are simply provoking russia to attack such strikes, so in this case i don’t...
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uh, it’s very hard to work and even the chinese, kazakhs, poles and others have crazy queues at the border, they do this on purpose, we didn’t close their borders, you know that we have visa-free access for our neighbors, so they don’t let their people come here, due to the fact that we can recruit them, listen, well, you, as specialists, have probably recruited a lot of people, but is this how people are captured and recruited at the border, we still need someone. recruit, we will do it another way, but nevertheless, especially the lithuanians are conducting exercises in may, they are still planning to conduct them, we are standing head-on on the border, they transferred the americans, the germans, surprisingly, the lesson did not go well, battalions were sent to lithuania, to poland, and we, of course, were forced to deploy their units and
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set themselves up against, i don’t know why they would do this, we are not going to fight anywhere. they are shouting that lukashenko and putin will take over europe tomorrow, such plans have never been discussed that we want to take over someone, we have enough of our own problems, we were still missing someone, this is nonsense, needed by the ruling circles, as they used to say , in order to justify their expenses on the war in ukraine, that’s all, and their insolvency, well, yes, expenses, first of all expenses, this is the main reason why it is inflating. this topic, but some kind of aggressive policy on the part of russia, this is the main thing, there are no other reasons, but in general it’s tolerable, we overcame the sanctions , this is economic pressure, just like in russia, listen, i’ll give us, if we provide this huge belarusian-russian market i wanted friendly countries to work with them,
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we have enough for you, so we will endure, we have a market, we have resources.
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we will continue the conversation about this with our meteorologist ekaterina grigorova, she joins me, good morning, is there any good news and positive dynamics, where the water has begun to recede? water levels are decreasing in the kurgan region on the border with kazakhstan , the city of orsk is gradually being freed from water, and multi-storey buildings in orenburg are being saved. filling dams of the ministry of emergency situations, these are shots from cherepanov street. the structure, together with the embankment, prevents flooding of the residential complex. together with police rescuers , the military is providing assistance to residents affected by the flood in orenburg. military personnel of the yasninsky missile formation of the strategic missile forces on floating transporters, boats and off-road vehicles continue to evacuate people. in they took more than 320 residents to safe areas. those who remain in flooded areas try not to...
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the following shots were taken in orsk, at the temporary accommodation point in the eleventh school they organized a party for the boy kostya on his birthday; he and his family were evacuated from the flooded area. the water level at the orenburg gauging station continues to rise. at night the water flowed at a rate of 5-6 cm every 2 hours. over the morning, the water surface rose another 9 cm. according to forecasts, the peak of the flood will occur today or tomorrow. by according to various estimates, the water level in the ural river will be from 1.136 cm to 1.165. in the kurgan region, the level increased sharply in the village of kaminskoye, kurtomysh district. during the night the water rose by 140 cm. evacuation is underway. the settlement is located on the gai river, in the old bed of the tobol. the day before, the regional governor said that the water was spreading across the floodplain, changing direction, and because of this, it was flooding areas
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where the water rise was not initially predicted. on the tabol river in the kurgan area, the level continues to rise. during the day , the water surface rose by 16 cm, and higher by flow in zverinogolovskoe, the water subsides. positive dynamics on tributaries. in ust-uysky the level dropped by 24 s. according to the ministry of emergency situations, the head of the flood on the tabol river the night before passed the village of yelym , pritabolsky district, which is approximately 80 km from kurgan, the tail of the flood is located in the village of breakthrough, zverennogolovsky district, the water movement slowed down to 20 km per day, closer to the kurgan the floodplain becomes wider, therefore, the water spreads out and the speed of movement becomes slower. but how much soil, since the soil on the floodplain is waterlogged, can we count on the fact that most of the water will be absorbed, unfortunately it’s not worth it. but we continue to monitor the situation. alpha
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10:00 am
at moscow 10 we continue to broadcast morning news. so, the flood situation. in the regions there remains intense and the strongest flood in the orenburg region; over the past 24 hours, the level of the ural river near orenburg has increased by 69 cm and, according to the latest data, exceeded the dangerous mark by almost 2 m. in the region today they promise a peak flood, and in a couple of days the level will begin decline.


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