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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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at moscow 10 we continue to broadcast morning news. so, the situation with floods in the regions remains tense, with the worst floods in the orenburg region. over the past 24 hours, the level of the ural river near orenburg has risen by 69 cm and, according to the latest data, exceeded the dangerous mark by almost 2 m. the region is forecast to see a peak flood today, and in a couple of days the level will begin to decline. more were brought to the kurgan region on a special plane from the ministry of emergency situations. 20
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water barriers. the strengthening of the embankment dam is scheduled to be completed today. according to regional authorities, promotion the flow of water towards kurgan slowed down; in one day the tobolus rose by 10 cm. in the novosibirsk region, almost 200 areas fell into the flooding zone. the authorities are monitoring and providing targeted assistance to residents. this is information from the ministry of emergency situations. the river level in the tomsk region increased by more than half a meter over the course of a day, and several villages and dachas were flooded. in the tyumen region , another fifty houses were included in the possible flooding zone. in khakassia , several holiday villages have been closed to the public. in one of the villages of kuzbass, rescuers literally removed people from roofs and attics. in the south of the urals in the bolzhye region and in the center of the european part of the country, the flood situation has generally stabilized. over the past 24 hours , the level in the ural river near the city of orsk has dropped by more than half a meter. 700 houses have already been freed from water. where possible,
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municipal equipment has begun cleaning. our special correspondent, stanislav bernwalt, continues to work in the region affected by the flood; he is in direct contact with the studio. stas, good morning. and thousands more houses remain flooded. this is how long the water will last, what experts say. sash, hello, well, indeed, there is still quite a lot of water in orsk, until the surface of the water surface is completely drained, but it will take at least one and a half to two weeks, this is approximately, but... in any case, that’s what the experts say, today we are in the old city, the day before yesterday the water here was higher than my height, now people are returning, here is one of the households, we see what the elements have done here, of course there is a lot of trouble, if you look at the house itself, you can see the mark where the water reached its highest point, that is, well, here i am 83, 2 m, 2 m of water, respectively,
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water entered this house, here is a barn that was simply demolished from the foundation, there is water everywhere, uh, and water in the basements, of course, it will take a very long time to go away, the ministry of emergency situations employees are already starting work, and for the actual pumping of water from cellars, basements, and so on, because in order to connect electricity to houses, it is necessary that there be no water just below, and, accordingly, there were whole panels, although this panel here, it's a gas flap, it's true, but nevertheless it's clear that it's it was completely flooded, valentina konstantinovna, the owner of this house, hello, today you came to the house for the first time, yes, what a house i left here with, what a house it was, i cost it all my life, i lost all my strength here, everything i want i came, i don’t even know where to land, why the barn was demolished, the second barn was demolished.
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it’s impossible to get around the house, but you just renovated the house? only in the fall i put everything aside, laid the tiles, everything, everything, i thought, i’ll rest, i’ll be happy, i even covered the roses over there, washed everything, sanded everything, mixed everything, let’s go into the house, we are entering the house, now, we have already been there, but it needs to be shown to the audience, come in, seryozha, this is the veranda, we built it with our daughter for 2 years, all from scratch, and we built it ourselves from the outside up to the ceiling. where is the water, show me where the water was in the house, look at the picture, here it is , the picture is my height, i’m 60 meters, here’s another hand, well, somewhere around 2 meters, let’s move on, everything has been demolished, panels, look, i i laid everything out myself, did everything and did the wiring myself, that’s what ’s left, well, of course, the most difficult situation is right in the house itself, right here accordingly, this is a gas boiler, yes, as far as i understand, but only 3 years of warranty have passed. the boiler, which,
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of course, cannot be restored, of course, you can try to dry it, but it’s unlikely, yes, well, accordingly, you see here there was such a serious flow of water, so show me here... what valentina konstantinovna managed to lift , she lifted it to the roof, we were just going up, it seems to be dry there on the roof, this is the only thing you took to the roof, and what about a pillow, a blanket and felt boots, so that i was going to live there all the time, but the next day it already started for me, i was taken out by everything, even...
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to return to my home, and this, of course, is an extremely emotional thing, people really have lost everything, but they don’t lose hope, this is the most important thing, we continue to monitor the situation, i don’t know the wall, it won’t collapse yet, stas, thank you, my colleague stanislav bernwalt was with the latest news from orsk. and and now to trading on the moscow exchange. this morning the dollar costs about 93 rubles. the euro is trading around the 100 mark. and the chinese currency today costs 12 rubles. 94 kopecks. motsbirzhi index at the opening of trading 3,450 points, and
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rts - 1,161 points. and to other topics. at the enterprise in komsomolsk on amuri , the process of assembling military aircraft has been accelerated. now. they are being built around the clock. the first batch of su-35s this year has already been handed over to the russian aerospace forces. lyudmila smirnova visited the plant. no longer chicks, independent predators are leaving the airfield where they first took to the skies and where they passed their main exam, the name of the new combat units of the russian aerospace forces. the country's defense power is created here 24x7. this conveyor is continuous, thanks. the organization of continuous production managed to reduce the aircraft assembly cycle by a third, and it was decided to replicate the experience of the gagarens, pioneers, inheritors of technology, and the name of the first cosmonaut of the planet at other uac enterprises. the plane, when the fuselage and empty entered the workshop, it stood in one place in one
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place, it was always assembled. people walked from plane to plane, and now the plane directly approaches the person, and the person knows the amount of work that he must do and does it. it will only take a few days, another aircraft will take this workplace, this is how large series are built with a clear tact and stable quality, on similar principles in this branch of uakrostech there is another conveyor for the construction of fifth generation aircraft su-57, undoubtedly, this is the very top of our aircraft the best and we will produce more of them in larger quantities with the highest quality, so we are proud of our work, our plant. your city. the su-35 is truly a reason to be proud. the innovation of russian aircraft designers is being developed and produced at the sukhoi design bureau. the information and control system analyzes a huge flow of data and new input factors, helping the only su-35 pilot to work efficiently. in fact, it is
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the brain of the airplane. increased automation reduces the workload on the pilot, for which aviation is grateful. the su-35 is one of the main ones today. aircraft in service with the russian army are a fighter and a bomber at the same time, and today it clearly proves its effectiveness and performance in real combat conditions. su-35 is indispensable in nwo zone, fast, maneuverable, accurate. in any weather, day or night, they can work against both ground targets and aerial vehicles, including drones. a new batch of aircraft built at the gagarin plant are already in military uniform. immediately goes on combat duty in the sky, where the russian winged aircraft still has no equal. lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov, lead khabarovsk. the us, south korea and japan held naval exercises. as explained in siuul,
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six ships, including the american nuclear aircraft carrier theodore roosevelt, defended the region from the quote "missile-nuclear threat" from the dprk. but washington is confident that risks also come from beijing. our correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov, has all the details. this meeting of the pacific triad in washington is another step towards a big war in asia, for which the united states is preparing its alliance.
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so, i raise a glass to my beloved san francisco giants, to your jeroshima toyakarp, to all the strong ties between our peoples. but the main thing why kishida was called to congress was legalization growing confrontation between the us and china. and china's military actions represent an unprecedented and serious strategic challenge not only to the peace and security of japan, but also to the world. international community. according to the us plan, the so-called dual containment strategy should be carried out
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by third countries, and japan clearly understands its role in this scenario. by the end of this year, the united states is going to deploy medium-range missile systems in the asia-pacific region, and this will be the first deployment of similar systems in the region over the past 30 years. russia and china are preparing a joint response to this. to double containment from the united states, moscow and beijing. will respond with a double confrontation, the heads of the foreign ministries of russia and china have already stated this. in addition, if necessary, russia is also ready to deploy shorter-range missiles; after the united states withdrew from the relevant treaty 5 years ago, moscow no longer has any obligations to washington in this matter. dmitriy melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. a credit card is beneficial in
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the millions of hotel apartments, your vacation begins on o. we continue the broadcast, at the international exhibition russia at vdnkh the ruvika pavilion opened, this is our analogue of wikipedia. the platform also brings together experts and ordinary users, where anyone can become an author. anastasia ponko will talk about the possibilities. eg tenth grader alina prepares in advance. an excellent student tries hard for a coveted budget place. studying does not stop even at home after school. in the evening alina repeats the material herself, and complements notes with information from ruvika's online encyclopedia. here you can find structured information that you need to prepare for the unified state exam. i can go to any page here for any subject and find out
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that no one comes to the article and writes any calls to violence or something that cannot be in the encyclopedia. works , among other things, with the russian academy of sciences, the moscow museum, the presidential library, the moscow planetarium, for example, you can find the most detailed information about meteorites, and this is only a part of the articles that the planetarium specialists prepare: the main goal is reliable and full information. recent studies at the center have shown that our compatriots, unfortunately, i think it was 32%, believe that our sun revolves around us. of the earth, and everyone who will help you form it correctly, scientifically reliably, must have a correctly formed, correctly formed scientific and technical picture of the world, this is an expert. ruviki is a young platform, it will only be a year old in june, it is actively growing, an updated, more convenient version was released in early april, now you can configure the reading mode,
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the actions of the kiev regime in connection with the events at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. this was announced following the results of an extraordinary session of the council managers of magatem. vienna, russian representative mikhail ulyanov. the meeting was held at the initiative of moscow. on monday , the un security council is expecting a speech from the head of the international agency. about the situation at the site, natalya solovyova. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant is operating normally, although the situation remains tense. this is how the head of rostekhnadzor assessed the situation on the spot. currently, work is underway at the station to prepare for extending the service life of power units and certifying personnel. first block. we carry out
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all orders, including the presidential decree russian federation, we use the permitting documents of the previous regulator, but we work with colleagues within the framework of the current legislation of the russian federation and within the framework of magato’s recommendations. alexander strimbitsky visited the fourth power unit, which is now being prepared for cooling down, and inspected the wells that specialists drilled last fall. the water from them feeds special ponds, which are designed to remove heat from '. they calculated 250 cubic meters there, drilled one test, tried to drill a test there on hydraulic structures, at first it turned out to be ineffective, they made it here, but let’s say it showed 24 fob, here we are , damn it, how much did we need, the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in energodar has six power units, the largest nuclear power plant in europe is a point of constant tension, for two years in a row the kiev the regime is attacking its infrastructure, sending
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drones towards the nuclear facility. there is some, so to speak, increased stress in the work, but we ensure nuclear safety in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation from job descriptions, the work is done. on sunday, ukrainian drones again attacked zaes, in particular the canteen, cargo port and the sixth power unit of the station. three people were wounded, one seriously, but serious damage was miraculously avoided. you are present and see what is happening here, what is going on at the russian station.
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no one can gain military or political benefit from an attack on nuclear facilities. an attack on a nuclear power plant is absolutely unacceptable. the attack on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant means a threat to nuclear security. we must all use every lever available to prevent further attacks on zayet. that's what i'm doing today, and that's what i'll be doing at the un security council meeting next week. this separate meeting will be held on april 15, it has already been announced by russia’s ambassador to the un, vasily nebenden. our western colleagues are so accustomed to automatically turning a blind eye to any crimes and ugly antics of the kiev regime that they manage not to notice even the resumption of it a few days ago direct shelling and drone attacks of the zaporizhia
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nuclear power plant, which risk causing. nuclear disaster in the very center of europe. moscow calls on the international community to condemn the unprecedented attack by ukrainian neo-nazis, and kiev to stop shelling from the consequences of which no one will benefit. natalya solovyova, lead.
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