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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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in the north caucasus , a criminal group of former and current employees of energy companies in the region was exposed; nine people were detained. the joint operation was carried out by specialists from the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs. according to investigators, the group was engaged in theft.
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funds from the federal budget, the amount of stolen funds amounted to about 2,800 thousand rubles. the morning news broadcast is ending, here's what we've learned so far. the struggle continues in the regions of russia. with
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floods, the strongest flood in the orenburg region, from orsk, the wave reached to orenburg, the level of the urals has already exceeded the dangerous mark by almost 2 m. in the kurgan and tyumen regions, work to strengthen the dam is being completed; more water is expected there in the coming days. today is cosmonautics day in russia. 63 years ago, yuri gagarin made the world's first flight into space. the vostok spacecraft with the soviet cosmonaut on board stayed there for 18.8 minutes, during which time it completed one revolution around the earth. congratulations on this significant date came directly from the ncc. the ministry of defense received the first batch of su-35s aircraft this year, these are multifunctional fighters for intercepting and destroying air targets of any class. at the enterprise in komsomolsk-on-amur, the assembly cycle was reduced by a third, this was achieved thanks to the transition to a continuous operating mode. on avdeevsky. in the special operations department
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, russian drones destroyed a ukrainian armed forces tank, as the ministry of defense reported, the firing point was hidden in a forest belt, a ukrainian armored vehicle hit russian positions. next, the broadcast will continue the program with a question of science, the topic of the destructive flood in the urals. why did the orenburg region drown, was it possible avoid a disaster in orsk, and what other regions are threatened by high water this spring? with that, i say goodbye to you until monday. see you and good news. in different parts of our planet, the elements manifest themselves differently. each country has its own rating of the most dangerous natural disasters. in some places the greatest damage is caused by hurricanes, in others by earthquakes. well, in russia , the top rating is probably flood. it is not surprising that about 3 million rivers flow through our country. and in the spring almost any of them
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may overflow its banks. the southern urals are engulfed in floods; currently the orenburg region and the city of orsk have suffered the most. here because of the series. fish on the local dam, flooding the entire area. more than 6,000 houses were under water, and damage from the disaster could exceed 21 billion rubles. was it possible to predict and prevent the flood? this is a question of science. i am pavel toropov, associate professor of the department of meteorology and climatology at moscow state university. and today our guest is mikhail bolgov, hydrologist, chief researcher at the institute of water problems of the russian academy of sciences, mikhail. hello, good afternoon. so, mikhail vasilyevich, let’s start with orsk, what actually happened in the city, what is the reason for such a catastrophic rise in water levels? the reason for the rise in water levels, of course, is that this year a flood is formed according to an extreme, one might
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say, scenario, when such hydrometeorological conditions develop, a rare combination of which leads to an intensive flow of water into the rivers, so. we observe the combination of large snow reserves in the catchment area, strong freezing in the same territory, which prevents large losses of runoff and intense snow melting as a result of advection of warm air, all this has led to the fact that there is a very sharp rise in level, well, which in general is not unusual for our territory, for this territory, the so-called kazakhstan type of rivers, which precisely characterizes...
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there were large snow reserves, formation conditions, and so on and so forth, but when this water reaches a populated area, here it collides either with urban buildings or with protective structures that are designed to protect these urban buildings, and as a rule, this kind of
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critical structures are designed for a fairly high water level, for a high degree of reliability, since they are protected in our country at least once every 100 years so-called residential areas. therefore, the problems that may arise here, the first is, because natural events are very rare , less than once every 100 years, this also happens, and we have seen it more than once in our country, so please forgiveness, now this is really such a level of security, this could happen once every 100 years, or is this more common, a more typical situation, we will find out this a little later, when the flood reaches its maximum, then we will say that yes , this level is like this, it exceeds everything that was observed during the period...
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of the flood situation. for viewers, i want to remind you that the city of orsk is located on the banks of the ural and ory rivers, and the area, the old city, which suffered the most from the flood, is its historical part, it is located in the most dangerous area from the point of view, along with the confluence of the urals and ori, the old city was supposed to be protected from high water by a dam 12 km long, and before it was washed away, it looked something like this. it is now known that a new dam will be built for vozhka. mikhail valsilyevich,
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this is what i would like to see about this construction, maybe i could hear something in a little more detail, this is how it is built and this type of dam could be specifically in orsk. but as for the actual project of protective structures, it is nothing super original does not represent itself, it is, as a rule, a gru laid in a special way.
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it’s a little confusing that if, well, as you rightly noted, it’s too early to say how rare this phenomenon is, we need to wait for the peak of the flood, which is literally just a few days away, but still, if it’s there, well repeats once every 80 years, if i understand correctly, this dam must withstand one hundred percent, this should not happen, something has crept in there somewhere, apparently, the mark is like this the so-called platinum ridge, as we see from... photos of film materials or those posted on the internet, it
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has not yet been exceeded, that is, the destruction of the dam did not occur through overflow from above, but the destruction of the dam occurred through the destruction of the soil at the base, apparently it was allowed deviation from the project, most likely, probably, the preparation of the box, the preparation of the site, was not done, yes, perhaps the forest was not cut down carefully, perhaps there were. soils of inadequate quality were filled in; no anti-filtration measures were taken are provided for, this can only be assumed now, this is where technical expertise will naturally figure it out and say , well, as they say, they will sort it out, yes, but you know, for some reason i actually remember the situation with new orleans in 2005, there of course, it was a completely different phenomenon, it was not hydrological floods, a tropical hurricane, or a wind surge at the mouth of the misitipi, but still. well, a similar situation, also a dam, also failed, apparently also with violations, not
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such a powerful hurricane, a disaster happened and trouble, well, if we talk about such an important hydraulic component as a reservoir, here’s what it’s like, how to do it here, you’ll release a lot, in the summer we’ll be left without watering for a long time, then again, as usual here and in the winter we can be left without water, but here is the water management system of the urals. it includes several reservoirs, of which the main one and reklinskoye, this is the main regulator in the upper middle urals, which is mainly used to generate hydroelectric power, maintains the level there water for cooling the water, and also performs several other functions, including providing water for other sectors of the agricultural economy, so it can only be managed in the spring by filling it.
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is called to the fullest and test the structure for strength, so to get these things, in fact, yes, but accordingly , the methods for calculating the flooding of the city of orsk, they , of course, should include possible discharges of the soliklinsky reservoir plus another influx of the poore, it is also known from kazakhstan is adding water, it is a transboundary river, so generally speaking the task is not very much not very unsolvable, but just as always, when you...
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seem to be flooded, you also need to take into account these kinds of consequences, so everyone is looking at everything carefully , the hydrometeorological service gives a forecast with a very large confidence interval, in particular. there is a big risk that this year the flood may not go according to such a catastrophic scenario, it turned out, it turned out that everything
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is the other way around, here is mikhail vasilyevich, here touched on the topic of hydrological forecasts, well , here i am, since i’m a meteorologist. i understand well that such a forecast is meteorological, there is a hydrodynamic model, which means a very complex computer system, a data assimilation unit, all observations are satellite, it works in operational practice, we get, well, when it’s good, when it’s not so good, for weather forecasts throughout the entire territory of the globe, at any grid node, here are hydrological forecasts, they also exist, here’s how they work, here in a nutshell, hydrological forecasts are based on, of course, a network of monitoring observations, we must understand how much snow we have accumulated by the end of winter and what the condition of the soil is, this is the first part for which hydrology is responsible, how much water will be in this snow, how much of it will probably melt? it, what part of it will be absorbed into the soil or linger there in the so-called depressions,
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closed depressions, and so on, that for this area it is possible to make very ... forecasts for the period of advance, we must understand what the meteorology will be like, and this constitutes one of the main, so to speak, one of the main reasons for the large confidence interval, since we poorly predict what will happen there in 2-3 months, for example, well, it would be good for us to have a long-term one there, at least a month in advance. forecast, since in order to quickly manage large cascades of reservoirs, it takes time, we cannot open sluices, gates, discharge, transfer water in five minutes or a day, this process, as a rule, begins about a month in advance, and we know ourselves that all hydrodynamic models, they are there for 10 days more, perhaps, are no longer able to do so,
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the limit of predictability, absolutely right, is about 10 days, but still it turns out that you are quite developed. models taking into account the filtration of water into the soil of all these processes in the soil, so to speak , meteorology still gives for 10 days, that is, again, in 10 days it turns out it was possible, and this is already something good, you painted a picture of the general physical and mathematical happiness, but unfortunately they forgot about the enemies, as they say, because the process of forming runoff in a catchment area is a process that takes into account many factors, and we must... understand what will happen in our specific physical and geographical conditions, where this water will go, how it will melt, how this snow will be distributed throughout the territory, the snow does not lie in an even layer throughout the entire basin, and even such a huge one, it needs to be measured, it needs to be measured using new technologies, mainly the forecasting methods that exist, they are based on data received from
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a weather station, but this is really the most objective data, but they are spotty and of course not enough. in the process of snow formation, it blows away, it is blown into enemies, it evaporates, it settles on trees, it gets lost in other forms of relief, some drainless ones, it blows into drainless basins and there it can settle down, spread out and disappear there, therefore it’s clear that simply drawing a diagram for the numerical
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solution of some equations is not enough, you need to understand how the process behaves. because, for example, a so-called ice crust may form, this is when, as a result of the melting of water, water penetrates to the surface of the soil and forms a frozen layer there in the form of ice, this is called an ice crust by your meteorologists, by our hydrologists too, or a blocking layer can form in the soil when water seeps in for a small amount the depth will freeze, then the next portion of water will flow down this.
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here is a model, such a small, small river, this can somehow help in the forecast, physical modeling can explain the mechanism of formation of this dangerous impact, since, of course, it is not predicts the amount of water that flows, that is, the very fact of a catastrophic flood that formed somewhere in the mountains of the eastern sayan mountains, it has nothing to do with this model, the model allows us to explain why it actually happened. so, which areas of the territory had the strongest impact, which areas of the city territory did not appear at all, for example, we all saw photographs from tolun,
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there in front of the road bridge a huge amount of floating, floating houses and all sorts of construction debris had accumulated, with the bridge nothing happened, if it had been somewhere in the conditions of a mountain river, this bridge would have been demolished at the same time, yes, but it turned out that the hydraulics of this process are such that the main part... went through the built-up part of the city directly into the under-bridge hole the railway bridge there were the main ones , almost everything in this place was washed away , this is exactly what is being studied using mathematical hydrodynamic models, full-scale modeling in a laboratory , physical modeling is a useful thing, but it does not solve the problem of forecasting, it solves the problem elucidating the mechanism here... the impact on the structure, uh, on - soils, on riverbed processes, yes, they do this, understandable, understandable, thank you very much, well, how can we do without global warming, how can
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we not talk about it, is it possible to say that, in general, in almost any field of hydrometeorology it is customary to say, and often it actually turns out to be the case, that the number of natural disasters has been increasing in recent decades, and in the case of the same floods, this is indeed the case. or simply monitoring systems have become more perfect in comparison with, well , even the end of the 20th century, or have these, let’s say in general , hydrological disasters actually become more common? well, there are facts confirming that this is indeed the case, for example, on the zeya river , starting in 2000, i think the seventh year, there were three very strong floods, the probability of each of which was previously estimated as approximately... once every 100 years, so the question is, what, what happened in this climate system, if before that, that is, over the previous 100 years, this all happened
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once, but the subsequent ones there were only 15-20 years at most, but this happened as many as three times, and at the beginning of 2000 in western europe we had a period of very strong left-wing floods of rain, everything was drowned, the metro in prague was flooded, if you remember , huge damage. suggests that the threat of catastrophic floods has weakened in the basins of the south, in the don basins, and in those geographical conditions, and maybe
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because water intake there is growing, the population is also increasing, or it’s still not, purely climatic effect, social role there there is, mainly due to the fact that human influence is increasing due to agricultural technology, that is, we sometimes use such methods of cultivating fields, where it is chilly.
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either it is not there, or it is at the same level , said that their results indicate that it has remained, this, unfortunately, we do not see yet, for example, we predict, our estimates say that the intensity of short rains in moscow has become more,
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this is the structure of the shower about... for us , as hydrologists, how much precipitation falls there in 15-20-30 minutes is very important, because the time it takes for water to reach moscow, in the city in general, is a maximum of half an hour, when according to our results it turns out that there are more intense rains, but in a day approximately the same amount remains, colleagues, review the building codes, they tell us that this does not matter, but well, yes, well, as they say, nature will have its say in the end, and nature will say when you are flooded out of the blue.
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in orenburg, the peak waters are approaching the mound, this is how the situation will develop in these areas, and this is also where in russia it may to get through this, well, it’s hard to get through the spring flood, there are some outlines, well, you’ve already listed these main areas where the hydromedical service really gives, we call it the hydromedical service in the old fashioned way, gives a forecast of a very difficult development of the situation, this is the specificity of the region here's a snowy one.
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the chief researcher of the institute of water problems, mikhail vasilyevich bolgov, answered the question of science today. mikhail vasilyevich, thank you very much for the interesting conversation. thank you for inviting me. more than 10,000 people were evacuated from the zone flooding in the orenburg region. floods are reaching their peak in the kurgan region. we’ll ask our correspondents in the regions about the situation and look forward to live broadcasts. joint
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operation. the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs in dagestan detained nine people in connection with the theft of almost 3 billion rubles. the money was supposed to go towards upgrading the electrical system. cosmonautics day. april 12 , 1961. yuri gagarin made the first flight into space. what achievements can russian cosmonautics boast of today and what are its plans for the coming years? return to draft istanbul treaty on ukraine. the initiative was discussed at a meeting of the presidents of russia and belarus. what other topics were touched upon during the four-hour talks in moscow and what the leaders’ program is for today. modern multi-purpose and ultra-maneuverable ministry of defense received the first batch of su-35s fighters this year. the planes have already been delivered to their place of duty. the situation with floods in russian regions remains tense. the most.


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