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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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in a joint operation of the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs in dagestan , nine people were detained in connection with the theft of almost 3 billion rubles. the money was supposed to go towards upgrading the electrical system. cosmonautics day. on april 12, 1961, yuri gagarin made the first flight into space. what achievements can russian cosmonautics boast of today and what are its plans for the coming years? return to the draft istanbul treaty on ukraine. discussed at the meeting of the presidents of russia and belarus, what other topics were touched upon during the four-hour negotiations in moscow and what leaders' program for today. the modern multi-purpose and ultra-maneuverable ministry of defense received the first batch of su-35s fighters this year. the planes have already been delivered to their place of duty. the situation with floods in russian regions remains tense. myself. there is a strong flood in the orenburg
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region, over the past 24 hours the level of the ural river near orenburg has increased by 69 cm; according to the latest data, the dangerous mark has reached almost 2 m. in the region today they promise a peak flood, and in a couple of days the water level will begin to decline. in the kurgan region by special board the ministry of emergency situations brought another 20 water barriers. the strengthening of the embankment dam is scheduled to be completed today. according to regional authorities, the body of water is moving to the side. kurgan slowed down during the day, the tobolus rose by 10 cm. in the novosibirsk region , almost 200 areas fell into the flood zone. the authorities are monitoring and providing targeted assistance to residents. the river level in the tomsk region increased by more than half a meter over the course of the day. several villages and dachas were sunk. in the tyumen region , another area of ​​possible flooding was included fifty houses. in khakassia , several holiday villages have been closed to visitors. in the south of the urals in the volga region and in the center. in the european
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part of the country, the flood situation has generally stabilized. the flood covered the regions of siberia. the water level in the reservoirs of the kemerovo region continues to rise. in one village, more than 40 houses were flooded. in novokuznetsk, the isovodka announced a partial evacuation of residents. and now our correspondent igor borzov is getting in touch with the studio from the region. igor, hello. what is your current situation? it is reported that is there still snow in the south of kuzbass after above-zero temperatures?
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with our reporter igor borzov later in this episode. in the north caucasus , a criminal group of former and current employees of the region’s energy company was exposed. nine people were detained. the joint operation was carried out by specialists from the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs. according to the investigation, the group was engaged in theft of funds from the budget. about 3 billion rubles were allocated for installation in dagestan. meters with remote data transmission, but the system was never put into operation. illegal activities were carried out over several years. the attackers committed violations when organizing work to create an integrated electricity metering system with automated data collection on the territory of the republic of dagestan. for this project as part of a program to reduce excess losses in the electrical grid complex.
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federal budget funds were allocated in the north caucasus. the amount of stolen funds was about 2,800,000 rubles. today is cosmonautics day in russia. on april 12 , 1961, yuri gagarin made the first history of mankind flight into space. the vostok spacecraft, with a soviet cosmonaut on board , spent 108 minutes in orbit, completing the mission during this time. one revolution around the earth. the historical event marked the beginning of space exploration. our cosmonauts conveyed congratulations directly from the iss. they thanked everyone who works on earth for the benefit of space. designers, engineers, technicians. the first female cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya, was awarded the order of gagarin. the decree signed by vladimir putin was published on the legal information portal. the president awarded the same award to russian cosmonauts and instructors.
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heroes of russia for the courage and heroism shown during the long-term space flight on the international space station. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction by inflammation. phosphoglyph is now in an economical package of 96 capsules. it’s not necessary like this, it’s necessary like this, like this. it's clear? i understand. this is how arabia creams are discounted at the megamarket. 40%. catching a firebird pyro is not easy, but getting anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on copies are not your style. your uniqueness deserves more. choose
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need it for baking, you need it for squats, try it , just like that, so, i liked the trial lesson, but.. accumulate a vtb savings account, replenish it regularly and you will save up 16% faster, why aren’t you in shape yet, let’s roll, yes, save up quickly, open a vtb savings account with an interest rate of 16%, in vtb, together everything will work out, mom, guess who started a new job today, there are a lot of vacancies on avito work, there won’t be any just work, but its place. alpha friday, superke. every week from alfabank. this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex goal. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a superkick on alpha fridays. not just profitable. alpha profitable. and now we are returning to the kemerovo
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region. in novokuznetsk, a partial evacuation of residents was announced due to the flood. now we have managed to establish a telephone connection with our correspondent igor barzov. igor, hello, once again, what is your situation like? they report that you still have snow after above-zero temperatures? daria, hello, yes, there is indeed snow now in the south of the region in novokuznetsk, mostly sub-zero temperatures. there, in the south of the region , the situation was most acute with flooding in torstogul district in the village of ustko byrza, 40 houses were flooded, but... ice detonation is now below critical levels, and today it became known that the prosecutor's office began an investigation, people were fleeing from high water even on the roofs, and now information is being received that in the gurevsky district water has entered the territory of the city ski complex, ice has stood on the
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maly river bachat, the reason was a fallen tree and the river overflowed, the jam was quickly cleared and the river returned to its channel, the residents... malinovki share footage, the kondoma river overflowed its banks in novokuznetsk, and a decision was also made to evacuate residents with limited mobility from three flooded areas; the level in the tom river is not yet. critical, but there is only 105 cm left to dangerous levels, all services are on high alert, we have high water in the north of kuzbass, private houses and summer cottages were flooded in the yurgen district, they are now also continuing to eliminate the consequences, the congestion has been eliminated, the situation emergency situations ministry specialists monitor using drones, pumping water from residential houses. i would like to note that the flood situation is... under the control of the governor, the flood situation was discussed today with the presidential envoy to the siberian federal
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district anatoly seryshev, sergei tsuirev, the governor noted that 11 thousand personnel and more than 3 thousand pieces of equipment are involved in the region to prevent liquidation the airmobile group of the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for kuzbass has already been involved in the work. further. igor, thank you, our correspondent igor borzov was in direct contact with the kemerovo region. belgorod neurosurgeons performed a unique operation on the skull using a 3d implant. it was specially manufactured by specialists from the skolkovo innovation center. for a patient who received a severe injury during a special operation, this is a chance for him
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to return to a full life as quickly as possible. igor pikhanov saw how the operation went. a former grenade launcher of an assault group with the call sign silent is preparing for a complex operation at the belgorod regional clinical hospital. a year ago, on his fortieth birthday, he was seriously injured. his the unit liberated a settlement in the lugansk people's republic. a man is clearing a village of militants. century, i came to the armed forces for volunteers, i couldn’t stay on the sidelines while ukrainian nationalists were killing
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civilians in donbass, and i also thought that i had some kind of experience there in techna, i spent a little time there, i’ll get over it, well, i thought at least not for the whole experience, with this with experience, he will still be easier, the head injury gave him. about myself, epilepsy began, hypertension, constant pain. to help the patient, doctors decided to perform a unique operation on the skull. a cross-sectioned titanium 3d implant was manufactured in skulkova according to individual measurements; it will reduce the rehabilitation time for patients. he will recover quickly and , most importantly, the bone tissue will be formed individually, namely a plate made individually, based on his anatomical features. this is a better quality replacement. bone tissue due to the fact that bone tissue grows into a mesh woven from titanium,
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normal full-fledged bone tissue is formed, and the patient is completely restored to his normal life. due to their proximity to the front , belgorod doctors have to deal with the most complex injuries. civilians are suffering, including from cluster munitions, which are banned worldwide. armed forces militants daily shell the territory of the belgorod region, local residents suffer from shells, and the most difficult patients are delivered to medical institutions. regional center doctors saved dozens of lives over 2 years. now there are two more patients with war injuries in the hospital, these are residents of belgorod, who received shrapnel wounds during the shelling of the city on march 14. the number has increased significantly over the past 2 years, and especially in the last few months. all of our doctors have more than 5 years of experience, they all have the first highest qualification category, and they participate in surgical operations every day.
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the popular front handed over another batch of equipment to military doctors who work in front-line hospitals of the dpr. this time, doctors received 100 sets of special blankets, so-called evacuation envelopes and thermal stretchers with heating for the evacuation of the wounded.
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mandatory testing is carried out before deployment to advanced equipment. blankets and stretchers will be used when transporting victims by helicopter. ski journalists from the publication figaro, they write, after the failed counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces last year, they are forced to retreat, while the russian army exerts constant pressure, breaking through enemy lines. the extreme lethality of combat operations due to the increased transparency of the battlefield and the accuracy of fire makes any attack by the ukrainian armed forces labor-intensive and expensive in terms of human lives. this state of affairs
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is becoming more dangerous every day. the hypothesis of ukraine's defeat is again on the agenda. 2 years after the start of the conflict. according to french politicians cited by the newspaper, ukrainians are asking paris for help in order to simply quote: hold out this year, they promise a new offensive in the coming year. only only 20% of ukrainian men of mobilization age are ready to join the army, this is data from a ukrainian public publication. it also follows from them: 63% of citizens do not want to join into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, just as negatively. the work of the military registration and enlistment offices, the fact that the idea of ​​a new counter-offensive in sortvorozhdennaya was recalled in the russian foreign ministry, according to diplomats, kiev’s bloody initiative will completely exterminate the citizens of ukraine, however , both the banking and its main sponsor the pentagon do not see an alternative, escalation is the only possible option for them. at this time i have
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nothing to announce regarding the existence of any plan b. the focus now is on working with congress to get it to pass. request for additional funding is the most urgent need. however, in any case, the united states, like other nato countries, will not dare to fight with their own hands, military analysts believe that russia is three times larger than the entire production of the alliance. the russian military-industrial complex works focusing not on profit, but on state interests. the management has no problems with launching production lines; in the west, the defense industry has been privatized, and money is at the forefront.
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the large dry cargo ship patria arrived from st. petersburg to kaliningrad. the vessel can deliver container cargo, as well as self-propelled rolling equipment and eurotrucks. marina naumova will tell you why this is so important for the region now. motor ship patria in kaliningrad commercial port for the first time, from now on it will regularly operate on the sea freight line between st. petersburg and the kaliningrad region. until recently, the vessel patria worked in the sea of ​​japan, bering, and okhotsk, transporting construction materials to chupotka to magadan, vehicles from the mainland to sakhalin, and now it has delivered goods included in the eu sanctions lists to the kaliningrad region. the entire transition from vladivostok to the baltic took. for 2 months the ship covered over 13,000 nautical miles, it passed through three oceans with a dozen seas and several straits. the most difficult moment was when we left
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gibraltar and there was the beskaian bay ahead, such a very dangerous place. the professionalism of the crew, that is, they monitored the weather forecast for a long time, and found a day when we could go there. and we succeeded. ocean class motor ship with a cargo capacity of 5.00 tons. patria is a specialized vessel for the delivery of containers, including refrigerated ones. there are four dozen sockets on board for connecting them, and the stern ramp allows you to receive rolling equipment, including trucks and cars. on this first test flight , patria was not fully loaded. the vessel can accommodate all 78 forty-foot containers, 20 units of rolling equipment for road trains, or if there is such a thing, well, there is an application for some large oversized equipment, like...
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now briefly about the main economic events by this hour: the world bank has improved its growth forecast russian economy, according to the organization, gdp will increase by 2.2% this year, and 1/2 percent next year. as for inflation, based on the results of the twenty-fourth year, she is expected. below 7%, and then drop to four in 2026. the world bank also noted an increase in consumption in the country, the reason being a significant increase in wages and an increase in
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government spending. mts bank has officially announced an ipo on the moscow exchange; investors will be offered shares issued as part of an additional issue. majority shareholder of bank pa. mts does not plan to sell its securities. the money received from the placement will be used to develop the business. mts bank's preparation for an ipo became known in january, when the asset was valued at up to 97 billion rubles. one of the largest ports of the uae, jabal ali , was overloaded due to... conflict in the red sea, containers are sent from here, including to russia. now delivery has become more complicated; according to the merchant , both the delivery time and the cost have increased. market participants are looking for new routes. at the same time , the passage through the red sea remains open for russian ships, this reduces the severity of the problem. mostly electronics, cars, spare parts, tea and cosmetics are supplied through jabal ali. and the price of gold set a historical record, above $2,400 per
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he is with. in 2 months, fight metal has already risen in price by 20%. the jump in prices is associated with increased geopolitical risks; in particular, investors fear new armed conflicts in the middle east. ubs predicts the price will rise to $2,500 by the end of the year, and bank of america analysts to 3. this was economic news. short. fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is the day the birth of a foreign agent, these same people, there is nothing to respect them for. they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we
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are concentrated and angry. they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property and invested funds. do you have any property in germany? yes, i have a portion here. they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law. and it was me who was the victim. your brother is there. in the donbass in the aurora battalion, he’s a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you, get ready, missing person, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him , markin's hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn't have
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a brother. killed, alexey shevchenkov, they went there on reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, then, i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militiaman, passenger, becomes aurora is a full-fledged soldier of the battalion. the development of relations between russia and belarus, security on the western borders of the two countries, the situation in the ukrainian direction, these and
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other topics were discussed.


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