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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 12:30pm-12:59pm MSK

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russia remains open to negotiations on ukraine, and the format should be realistic, this was a statement made by vladimir putin at a meeting with his belarusian counterpart in the kremlin.
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in russia, according to the ministry of construction , there are more than 600,000 elevators in operation, the wear of which in some regions exceeds 50%. the president instructed to develop a program for replacing elevators in multi-storey buildings. by next year , more than 140 thousand cabins need to be updated. the approximate cost of such work is estimated at 300 billion rubles. every year they work out the assigned life span is more than 20,000 elevators, now there are 78 elevators in the housing stock. elevators have already
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completed their assigned service life of the elevators, this is a very large number, considering that we annually replace about 18,000 elevators, the moslift plant in moscow produces passenger cabins with a load capacity of up to 2 tons in the twenty- third year, more than 600 units of vertical transport were produced, as the manufacturers themselves call the elevators. the company also provides after-sales service. the demand is great considering that. there is a great need for replacement of elevators, because the elevators that were previously supplied are already 25 years old, so now the issue of financing the replacement of elevators is being resolved at the level of the president and government. in the twenty-second year , the big four foreign manufacturers left the russian market: ottis, shinler, tison and koun. russian business has encountered disruptions in the supply chain for components. otis sold russian assets, including a plant in st. petersburg and... winches in shcherbinka,
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the deal led to the emergence of a new player, meteor lift. the company's immediate plans are to increase production capacity in the northern capital by one and a half times. 2023 is a very eventful and successful year for us. i would like to note that in the first half of the year we increased production volumes and reached pre-crisis levels. i will say that in june we produced and shipped 719 elevators, which is 14% more. than say in 2021 on average. there are three dozen elevator manufacturers operating in russia today. in 23 , almost 30,000 cabins were installed. this is, for example, a panoramic elevator, these are usually installed in business or shopping centers. cab speed up to 2.5 m/s. one of the largest russian manufacturers, the shcherbinsky elevator plant, produces cabins in different segments, from economy to premium.
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in different regions of russia, in fact, we present the entire line, all all cities, that is, moscow, sampetersburg, yekaterinburg, vladivostok, chelyabinsk, murmansk, krasnodar, and so on. after the departure of foreign businesses, the market remains in high demand for high-speed elevators. russian manufacturers are engaged in such developments. in addition, they are working on the design of the filling. so serpukhov elevator construction.
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the russian elevator association installed almost 4,300 elevators over the past year, of which a little more than 15 thousand were supplied by foreign suppliers. according to the road map for the development of the industry in russia, they will help equipment manufacturers stimulate regional overhaul programs and maintain the safety of production, supply, installation and operation of elevators. nika yankovaya, andrey schner, viktor kryzhanovsky, lead. and now let's return to the topic. floods in russian regions, we will continue the conversation with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. ekaterina, greetings, do you have any good news, are there any positive dynamics? yes, there is data about a reduction in the tributaries of the tabola river, water levels on the border of the kurgan region and kazakhstan are decreasing, the water on the ural river in the orsk region is gradually falling,
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in orenburg the peak of the flood has not yet been passed, i will give specific figures a little later. multi-storey buildings in the city are saved by water-filling dams of the ministry of emergency situations, these are shots from cherepanov street, the structure along with the embankment. prevents flooding of the residential complex. together with rescuers and police officers, the military is providing assistance to residents of the flood-affected area of ​​the orenburg region. military personnel of the yasninsky missile unit of the strategic missile forces on floating transporters, boats and off-road vehicles continue to evacuate people. they have already taken more than 320 residents to safe areas. those who remain in the flooded areas try not to lose their presence of mind. here these are the shots from our colleagues from orenburg... the next shot from orsk, at the temporary
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accommodation point at school no. 1, they organized a party for the boy kostya on his birthday. he and his family evacuated from the flooded part of the city. the water level at the orenburg gauging station continues to rise. at night, the water rose at a rate of 5-6 cm every 2 hours; in the morning the water surface rose by another 9 cm, from 8 am to noon by another 14 cm and reached 1.143 cm. according to forecasts, the peak of the flood will occur today or tomorrow, the level water in the ural river may rise by another 20 cm. in the kurgan region, the level has risen sharply in the village of kaminskoye, kurtomysh district. during the night the water rose by 140 cm, conducting. along the floodplain changes direction, because of this it floods the area where the rise in water was not initially predicted. on the tabol river in the kurgan area, the level continues to rise; in one day the water surface rose by 16 cm, but
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upstream in zverennogolovskoye the water subsides. positive dynamics on the tributaries; in ust uysky the level has already dropped by 24 cm. according to the ministry of emergency situations, the head of the peacock on the tabol river passed the village of elyn in the tabol district, which is approximately 80 km from kurgan. the tail of the flood is located in the village of breakthrough, zverennogolovsky district. the movement of water slowed down to 20 km per day. closer to the mound, the floodplain becomes wider, the water spreads out, and therefore the speed of movement becomes slower. but since the soil on the floodplain is waterlogged, it is unfortunately impossible to count on the fact that most of the water will be absorbed. we continue to monitor the situation. vision changes may change with age familiar things. tuufon was created to nourish, restore and preserve the youth of the eyes, it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months, toufon is now in new packaging,
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don’t even charge the sticks and what artificial intelligence can do, she must have understood me, and also how chinese technology behaves in cold weather and what licenses are needed to fly in an electric car, propeller driven, in china - this is now a common thing, you go to the salon for smartphone or tablet, there are also electric cars in a row, first there were from huawei, now there are xiaomi under... but i’m here for now just to see, it’s interesting to see what she
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looks like in real life and what she can do. gadget manufacturers could not remain on the sidelines of this electric car race, especially since this is what they say about modern chinese cars: a large smartphone on wheels, it is assembled like a smartphone. when chinese cars were just appearing on the market, it was like such an attack of clones, they were so similar to famous western brands, but today... the buyer sets the parameters of his future car in a mobile application, assembling it as designer, body color, interior material, what wheels and other functions, and after the order is generated, it is in the system and is visible in all workshops. it turns out to be practically assembled to order. at the guua car plant , aon cars roll off the assembly line every 53 seconds,
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taking exactly 16 hours from the sheet metal to the finished product. wow! his motto is, the worse it is for the car, the better, but these are tests, so if in a turn, then at speed, if from the highway into a snowdrift in low temperatures, the adhesion coefficient is lower, and you need to make sure that everything is safe for the driver, here is the reaction of the brakes, the paint, it is specially scratched in order to understand that with corrosion, 80% are tested at the testing grounds, right opposite the russian border. models of the entire chinese automobile industry, many of the cars here are in special camouflage camouflage, sometimes individual elements, somewhere like this car the entire body so that if they get into the frame, it’s impossible to count and draw the details, because many models not even in mass production, what you now you see, no one has seen yet. this is the future flagship of one of the chinese automakers, inside the know-how for 525 patents
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and the option, which has already surprised, due to the intelligent chassis system and a special hydraulic... suspension, the car itself shakes off the snow in heihe, where winter is 207 days a year - ideal conditions for checking the main unit of any electric vehicle battery. and at -30, when the temperature is even lower, the charge holds perfectly, everything is in order with the electronics, the door handles react to touch. for this purpose all these points, the computer constantly analyzes how the position of each temperature, humidity, vibration, driving style is affected, do they appear?
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updating the software and intellectual capabilities of cars, optimizing and supplementing them with new scenarios based on tests and real experience of car owners, which we carefully analyze. chinese engineers, however, make a reservation in cars that they were imported from china according to gray schemes, the software is not updated, in case of failure there is a chance that even a smart car can turn into a brick. chinese concerns were able to lure real stars of the auto industry, such as a former chief designer.
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his direction is the car interior, that is, everything that is inside the car, and this is space, well, the team is completely international and the desire to create a dream car, based on the most advanced technologies, the head of knrpin set this task when he was at this very plant, the place where he stood is marked with a red dot, next to it... a concept made of clay, the first chinese electro-super began with the same thing. ordinary sports cars what is associated with such a roar of a r, well, you won’t hear this r right here, because it’s all an electric car. by the way, acceleration to hundreds in less than 2 seconds. to be absolutely precise, 1.9, the car’s power
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is provided by three engines, their total power is 1200 horsepower. there is only manual assembly here. the supercar is assembled on the so-called smart island manually, one car per day, and the data on each operation, manipulation, down to who tightened each nut and how, is all in the quality control system. our data processing systems analyze every action and determine whether everything was done professionally. data can be retrieved from the archive and double-checked at any time. tires and wheels like an airplane, and a body made of hydrocarbon fiber, it seems. true, it will take off a little more. either a helicopter, or an electric car with propellers, there are eight of them, but whatever one may say, it’s still a drone, just with a cabin for two passengers, and first you need it. in china
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there is a real battle between developers, who will be ahead of whom in technology in obtaining a flight certificate, there are no technical regulations. we need to legally define the interaction of vehicles on the ground in the air, without this, neither technical policy, nor regulation, nor the construction of urban infrastructure for this... autopilot, norms and rules also took a long time to agree on, but today such an option is often in the basic configuration, glorified in it copes with traffic quite well, it seems to handle parking
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too, here they are, the handles, and the steering wheel turns, it’s a great place, the car chose itself for parking, i like it, problems, of course, happen where you park it’s forbidden, the system will never want to do it, you’ll have to take it. control is in your own hands, but in beijing now there are even taxis without a driver, although only in one area with not the busiest traffic, but what is available in absolutely every, not even a district, in every parking lot in china is electric chargers, and not even just charging stations, but stations for instant battery replacement, this brand has completely made it its own, what is called a feature: you drive onto a lift, the battery is changed automatically in a couple of minutes, so the question where and how? so it’s not worth charging a car in china, and the batteries themselves are becoming more powerful and capacious, to the point that the latest developments have a service life of 15 years and a range of 1.5 million kilometers; chinese
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manufacturers have already taken over 60% of the growing global car battery market , and this share continues to increase, sending batteries to almost all well-known european automakers, where they missed the green turn. ti, well, look, 10. well, 15, even 20 years ago, chinese cars all over the world caused at least a smile, no one took them seriously at all, how did it happen that today china dictates automotive fashion to the whole world? well, i wouldn’t say that china is already directly dictating to the whole world, but today the industrial design of china’s own automobile industry has really already acquired a new look, and competition in the investment market has contributed to this. on the part of the automakers themselves and, in the meantime, the contribution of foreign employees, in my opinion, plays an equally important role in this
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matter. but perhaps the most important thing, without which there would be neither chinese electric cars nor the most severe competition between their manufacturers is state support, then, as in motorsport, whoever went first, came to the finish line faster, in the middle kingdom this happened. one for all, all, all for one, there are classics that you like more and more every time, classic grand burgers and a new one, grand piquant with spicy. tomato sauce, which i so want to repeat, the classic is already waiting, it’s delicious, period, from dream to home,
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start a new life without cigarettes.
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let's return to the main topics : a siren sounds in orenburg, mass evacuation of residents has begun, the water level in the ural river near the city has added another 14 cm over the last 4 hours, now
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the dangerous values ​​have been exceeded... by less than 2 m, in the disaster zone of 10 districts all snt are flooded , water is approaching apartment buildings now my colleague margarta semenyuk is in direct contact with the studio, we’ll find out the latest details from her, margarta, hello, how is the evacuation going and what is the situation in general at this time? yes, yuri, greetings, indeed the situation we have now is actually quite complicated.


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