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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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let's return to the main topics : a siren sounds in orenburg, mass evacuation of residents has begun, the water level in the ural river near the city has added another 14 cm over the last 4 hours, now dangerous values.
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maybe even more, now we are in snt vesennik, where the water has already reached 2 m, now there is an active evacuation here, here is one of the streets that you can see, our rescuers are now working there, evacuating residents, in a few hours 14 people were taken to a safe area, three of them children, who work here four rescue units, including volunteers, these are people who go into the water in their boats to help their neighbors get to safety , i suggest you listen. comment: there are even more applications today, everything is complicated by the fact that local residents are trying to get out on their own, if it seems that here, well, many people think that it is quiet here, that there is no current, but this is a wrong opinion, they are trying to get out of here in the spring boats and just somewhere in the middle of the road they are already powerless and we i have to pick them up on a trailer and tow them away, the water level is now. in the urals
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is 11 m 43 cm, the rise is recorded at 14 cm, in total , 11,773 residential buildings and over 15 household plots were flooded in the region, in total more than 11 thousand people were evacuated from dangerous zones, of which over 2 thousand are children, in the orenburg region in eight settlements in 17 snt, 3,500 houses and 3,700 personal plots were flooded
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; at the moment, all educational institutions are working except for one school, this is lyceum number two, children were sent to distance learning, all kindergartens, the rest are all in working order. more than 4,500 people, almost 1,00 pieces of equipment, as well as 256 watercraft and 16 drones, which are inspecting the territory and the consequences from a bird's eye view, are now involved in eliminating the emergency situation. flood, volunteers are also helping, a collection of humanitarian aid has already been organized for the affected residents, i suggest listening to comments. we collected more than 7 tons of water, and accordingly, we had 3 tons of water, 4 tons of water were distributed to the orenburg region, that’s all the rest was sent to the city of orsk. and yesterday, let’s say our girls came from snt zarya, they were very badly flooded and , accordingly, whole families came, we collected them, that is, accordingly , the first priority is, of course, the residents of snt, because they were the very first to be flooded.
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as for orsk, the situation there is normalizing, in houses where the water has already receded, residents are returning, inspecting the consequences of the flood, a little later, interdepartmental commissions will begin to visit, which will also assess the consequences of the flood for damages for payment material and financial assistance, but as for orenburg and the regions, all emergency services are in full combat readiness and ready to provide.
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the center is waiting for april 14-15. the flood also covered the regions of siberia. the water level in the reservoirs of the kemerovo region continues to rise. in one village, more than 40 houses were flooded. in novokuznetsk due to flooding. announced a partial evacuation of residents. in the novosibirsk region, almost 200 areas fell into the flood zone. the authorities are monitoring and providing targeted assistance to residents. this is information from the ministry of emergency situations. level the river in the tomsk region grew by more than half a meter in one day, villages and dachas were flooded. in khakassia, several holiday villages have been closed to visitors. in one of the villages of kuzbass, rescuers literally removed people from the roof of the attics. in the south of the urals in the volga region and in the center of the european part of the country, the situation with floods in general. stabilized, two people were injured in belgorod during a drone attack, the regional governor vyacheslav glodkov reported. and earlier the
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ministry of defense stated that five ukrainian aircraft were shot down over the belgorod region drones. we will find out the details from our on-site correspondent igor pikhanov, he has now come into direct contact. igor, hello, what is known about the consequences. attacks and what is the situation now? hello yuri, the situation in the region is difficult now, local telegram channels report that at this moment air defense units are working in the belgogorod region, ukrainian drones were shot down in the sky, which tried to once again attack civilians, today belgorod was attacked by ukrainian ukrainian drone about 10:00 am. a drone loaded with explosives crashed. into the building of the resource-supplying enterprise at that moment in the courtyard and also in the parking lot there were a large number of enterprise employees, as well as visitors, two men received shrapnel wounds, one was wounded in the leg, the second in the arm and leg, first aid was provided to them by their colleagues, on
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each an enterprise in the belgorod region conducts first aid courses, which is required by the difficult operational situation, and then the operational... ambulance officers arrived medical assistance, all the victims were hospitalized, now they are receiving all the necessary help, let's give the floor to an eyewitness, i was there, there was this cotton sitting here and a cup of dust or something, was there some kind of whistle or something else, no, i didn’t do anything i heard it, i didn’t hear any whistling, they immediately blew it up, yes, yes, it was all right away, at that moment there were a lot of people on the street, they were cleaning it up. are shelled daily, especially along the border, most of the drones are destroyed by air defense units, now the regional popular front has developed
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a special application for mobile phones, with its help every resident of the belgorod region can take part in the destruction and elimination of this threat.
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sad, i want to emphasize that we are for, but not in the format of imposing on us
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any schemes that have nothing to do with reality, but if, why am i saying this, because if the need arises, i will allow myself to contact you , maybe we will continue consultations with you in this area, they call peace conferences, but if they want...
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it seemed that negotiations were aimed at winning russia on the battlefield, inflicting a strategic defeat on it. now they understand that this is impossible, they refused to negotiate and are now in a rather difficult situation. kiev has legally prohibited itself from entering into negotiations, for some reason the west is not stopping it, all this does not seem to be interested in a settlement, this is adding fuel to the fire, that is, pumping weapons into the kiev regime, on the contrary , continues. once. the west has already disrupted the peace process, which began precisely with the mediation of minsk. leaders at the meeting revealed new details of the negotiations that began in belarus and continued in turkey. it was you who initiated the peace negotiations in belarus, we started this in two cities, then the negotiating teams moved to turkey, to istanbul, and there
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we completed practically this work, much of it for a long time in ours.
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well, yes, expenses, first of all expenses, this is the main reason why this topic is being inflated, and some kind of aggressive policy on the part of russia, this is the main thing. other reasons no. alexander lukashenko arrived in moscow on the eve of cosmonautics day. this is in many ways our common holiday, based on common soviet achievements.
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belarusian cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya recently returned from the iss. her flight, according to lukashenko, brought the republic to a new level of participation in space programs. our cosmonauts returned to earth, the first woman cosmonaut from belarus. we also have a good event today. our new rocket started from new. in particular, on the launch of a new satellite into orbit. evgeniy rashitnev, polina gomzikova and kirill malikov, lead. hmm, she smiled,
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thank you for teaching me, who else taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, the desire to stand out, the desire to act and not be distracted by the hustle and bustle, business works to make your cherished dream come true, start the path to your dream with sberbank, free account for business, izber business card with 10% cashback, with sberbusiness bonuses, thank you, sberbusiness, economic news now. briefly: trade turnover between russia and china in the first quarter increased by 5% and exceeded $56 billion. this is data from the general administration of customs of the people's republic of china. supplies
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from china are being assessed. at 24 billion, in the opposite direction at 32. russia mainly exports energy resources, metals and wood, china imports machinery, equipment, clothing and other goods to our country. russian railways increased its international traffic load by 20%. now streaming live on our channel was confidential, frank, the meeting took place in a friendly atmosphere and was very meaningful and productive. i would like to take this opportunity to thank our...
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of the day, we paid great attention to interaction in the field of security in the cis space and more broadly on the eurasian continent, including the joint fight against terrorism and other threats and challenges. in this context, we examined certain aspects of cooperation, including in the field of migration. all our colleagues confirmed during solidarity in their speeches.
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component of our cooperation, approved the draft decision of the heads of state on the establishment of a commemorative medal on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, and approved the decision to declare the sports capital of the commonwealth in the twenty-fifth year of the city of genzha, azerbaijan in the twenty-sixth year in kazakhstan's almaat. we look forward to further fruitful interaction with
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the co-chairs of the ecis.
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youth festival in sochi. in june, kazan will host the brix sports games, where all cis participants are invited; the world friendship games will be organized in september in moscow and yekaterinburg. we are preparing to host the first international song competition intervision in russia. of the major events in political and economic life for the current year in russia.


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