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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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and after the briefing at the security council, which is scheduled for monday, i hope that the ukrainians will come to their senses, just as they came to their senses on november 20, 2020 and for almost a year and a half refrained from attacks directly on the station, now they have returned to this practice, that is, mikhailovich , i understand correctly, you believe that after this meeting and after the efforts that have been made, attacks on zas will stop, i said, i hope, there are really no guarantees.
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kiev's european allies continue to either ignore these attacks or close them in front of their eyes, because this is to a large extent their safety, well, this is a short-sighted approach, a very dangerous cover-up of essentially criminal actions, these are our western partners, yesterday i called on them, if they are afraid to publicly call caina to order answer, then let them do it through a bilateral channel, exert influence, demand to stop these attacks, but so far, apparently, they have not done this yet, and ukraine, like a sacred cow, is a victim of russian aggression for them, they cannot say anything bad about ukraine can afford well, this is how we live, even with a threat to our own safety, tell me.
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previously, it was assumed that yes, the presence of magate, as a supervisory magate at the nuclear power plant, would allow, among other things, to avoid any military threats to the plant, now we see that this is not happening, an issue that we discussed with you already during last of our interview, but nevertheless, i may formulate it differently: is it worth it in this case, yes, if we see that this story does not work, to continue this cooperation? yes, a reasonable question, and i will answer yes, it's worth it, in my opinion, it's necessary. after all, the presence of the station personnel in the twenty-second year prompted the ukrainians to stop shelling the station itself, they shot in the neighborhood, in the industrial zone, on the infrastructure, in the city of energodar, where the station employees and members of their families live, but the station itself was left for a year and a half peace. i think this is largely due to the presence of magatha staff, who have now moved away from this practice. but the agency
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does not name the guilty party, but the very fact of shelling is reported from the territory station in the stor apartment magatay in vienna immediately, and the general director immediately makes very strong statements about the inadmissibility of such facts. if there were no magat employees there, the information about the strikes came from us, then our well-wishers in quotes would immediately say that it was russian. there are no blows to the information, that is, the presence of agency employees is still useful, plus their presence, although we have big complaints about the quality of their reports, they still bring it to the attention of the international community, well, in general the state of affairs is more or less objective with certain distortions, but he reports and generally believes them, for example, for a long
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time, in the twenty-second year, at the beginning of the twenty-third, there was a popular thesis in the west that russia allegedly created at the zas military base, the presence of agency employees, especially after grossi spoke at the security council with his five principles, allowed this fake to be removed from the agenda, now no one, not even the americans , are talking about what is on the way... they clearly report that there are no heavy military bases, because there are no weapons agency employees at the station, no tanks, no artillery installations, no multiple launch rocket systems, multiple launch rocket systems, and no combat units that could carry out a large-scale, large-scale attack on the ukrainian side, as a result, the thesis about the military base came to a virtual standstill, and for us this is probably good. yes, mikhail
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ivanovich, yes, if i may, i’ll ask you one more question: rafael grossi intends to address the council of ministers for the un next week, what are your expectations, how can this happen, in what format and we have some. expectations from the security council in this matter, you know, i met with him for an hour and a half, i met with him an hour and a half ago, i also asked how he plans to organize his work, he flies to new york for literally a few hours to give a briefing to the security council and fly back to vienna, but i have the impression that this will be approximately what we saw yesterday at the extraordinary session of the board of governors, only... in a different format in the format of the council security and its member states, the report, the briefing from grossia, will probably reproduce what he said yesterday in the board of governors, and he had, i must say, a fairly strong, tough
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statement about the inadmissibility of any attacks on the station, we naturally supported him in this and called on the other members of the council to also speak out in support of the position taken. ceo, so if he says it again in new york, it will be good. mikhail ivanovich, thank you for your comment, thank you for answering questions, i remind you that the permanent representative of russia to international organizations veneni, mikhail ulyanov, was in direct contact with the studio. now let's move back to orenburg, where the flood is capturing more and more territories. according to the latest data in the gas production village of the orenburg region, groundwater has begun to seep under the embankment dam. a siren sounds in the city and a mass evacuation of residents has begun. all the latest information. damboy, is it possible to strengthen it and what is the overall situation in orenburg? yes, yuri, i welcome you, indeed, now the embankment dam in the area of ​​the mining village has begun to be washed away by water. i would like to note that
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the water level in the orenburg river at this minute is 11 m 47 cm. now specialists have arrived at the site, more than 100 excavators, and they are working on strengthening the site. an embankment dam to reduce and minimize the consequences of the flood, i note that evacuation has already been announced in several villages at once, this is the village named after kuibyshev, the sunny aviation town and the grand park, and on several streets we can now observe, water comes out on the road, floods part of the ural road, the dangus road, and i suggest you listen to the commentary, we continue to defend the garandpark at the moment, we have problems on donguskaya street, we will also now...
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hours, three of them are children, the water level has already exceeded 2 mt and the water continues to flow. there are now four rescue units working here, including volunteers, who take to the water in their boats to help their neighbors evacuate to safety. place, and i suggest you listen to the commentary. there are even more applications today; everything is complicated by the fact that local residents are trying to get out on their own. if it seems that here, well, many people think that it is quiet here, that there is no current, but this is a mistaken opinion, they are trying to get out of here on spring boats, and just somewhere in the middle of the road they are already exhausted, and we have to take them away put them on a trailer and tow them, well, i note that now in
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orenburg five microdistricts, three settlements and 21 snt are flooded, in the flood zone now over 200 houses are in order. igor komarov, they are again working in the orenburg region, in the city of orenburg, in the city of orsk, inspecting the consequences of the flood, meeting with an initiative group
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of residents who suffered from the flood and, of course, again discussing support measures; in total, they are now taking part in the liquidation of emergency situations over 4 and a half. 4,500 people, 978 pieces of equipment, 256 watercraft and 16 drones inspecting the flooded areas from a bird's eye view, i note that... what the water continues to flow, the regional authorities are now calling on people to evacuate to a safe place and stay either with relatives or in temporary accommodation centers. yuri. yes, margaret, thank you. let me remind you that my colleague margarta semenyuk was on direct communication from the orenburg region. almost 7,000 people were evacuated in the kurgan region due to flooding; several areas have already been flooded. in the coming days the wave will reach kurgan. according to forecasts, the tobol river will rise to 11 m. there is still time, citizens. stanislav, reported that they are going to build a total of 30 km
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. greetings, governor of the region, vadim shumkov , protective structures, tell us how the work is going. yuri, greetings, i’ll tell you about everything in order, right now we are in the west of kurgan in the village of kulatsky, right now they are laying a dam here from these sandbags, the fact is that... that the tabol river passes nearby in this place it meanders, that is , the river constantly meanders along its course, this is where one of its sharp turns is, and of course there is a big risk that when there is more water in the river, the flow will increase in precisely this place, where the turn is, it may simply overflow the bank and spread to private houses, to plots, so to prevent this from happening, just... these are quite long dams with sand, and not
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only in this area, but also in many others that are prone to flooding, now there are already thousands of people, all of these are residents of the kurgan region, and here are volunteers, here are representatives of various organizations, all here they work for one thing, for the sake of saving their native land, it’s fun, it’s good, everyone is smiling, they fed, gave them something to drink, everything in... the areas is even difficult, so it was decided to strengthen the protective structure with water-filled dams, last night the board of the ministry of emergency situations landed
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in kurgan and brought 20 of these liquid dams dump, water dump. what is this? this is a sleeve that fills with water, creates a natural barrier to the flood and prevents water from crossing this border. now i’ll tell you in general about the flood situation in the kurgan region. most affected the area is still animal-golovsky. there , the water level in the river rose to 10 m, so, of course, private houses, which are located in the first line, next to the river, were badly damaged; in kurgan itself the water level is lower, now it is 4 m, the peak flood, according to the forecasts of the ministry of emergency situations, is predicted for april 14-15. in total , 205 houses and 320 household plots are currently flooded in the region. the state of emergency remains in place and forced evacuation of the population is being carried out due to flooding. 6,200 people have already been evacuated, their the quantity grows along with the movement of water
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to a new area. throughout the region , 99 temporary accommodation points have now been organized in schools, hospitals, and camps, and there are currently 820 people there, 281 of whom are children. the director of one of the schools, in which such a temporary accommodation center was organized, spoke about the conditions in these temporary accommodation centers, as well as. new resident of this temporary accommodation facility, our residents are provided with bed linen, provided with bedding, blankets, hygiene products supplies , three hot meals a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner are provided for all guests , we have a tea room where we serve tea, coffee, sweets, the mood is very positive, we feel very good here, we like everything, everything is pleasant, food too very... tasty, satisfying, i have my nephew here with me, he really likes everything, he met the guys, and so did i, everything
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is generally great, it’s just not even better to say, according to the latest data from the ministry of emergency situations, 62 populated areas fall into the potential flooding zone point in seven municipal districts, including kurgan itself. we are monitoring the situation, yuri, you have the floor, yes, stanislav, thank you, my colleague stanislav vasilchenko was with the latest news from kurgan. now there is a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. a credit sbercard is beneficial. in any situation , an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and maintenance and notifications are free forever, which is why the credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card , everything will be the way you want. charity easter circulation of russian every second ticket wins the lotto; from every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be
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each ticket sold, 10 rubles will be transferred to charitable causes, we will draw 1.00 cash prizes, every second ticket wins. the us offered to release bonds secured by future income from frozen russian assets. they want to use the billions received in this way to finance ukraine. my colleague dmitry morocco will tell you what’s wrong with this scheme. he joins the broadcast. dmitry, greetings. what is the difficulty in implementing such an idea? yes, hello, the fact is that the bulk of the... russian funds are not in the united states, but in europe, where the idea of ​​confiscating these proceeds is extremely cautious. the united states has come up with a new scheme for using frozen russian assets, it is proposed to issue bonds against them, and the funds thus obtained will be used to finance ukraine. according to the financial times, securities secured by future profits from russian assets can
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bring income of 30-40 billion euros in 10 years, and in 20 years. 60 billion , however, in europe, where most of the frozen funds are located, such a plan is treated with caution. what will happen to such long-term bonds if in a couple of years the conflict is resolved and the assets have to be returned? the american idea only remains to be discussed at the spring world bank and imf meetings and the g7 summit in june. according to various estimates, they are frozen in the united states and the european union. gold and foreign exchange reserves of the bank of russia totaling up to $300 billion, which means that these sovereign funds of the russian federation are placed in various assets continue to generate profitability, which, according to press reports, is planned
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to be used to secure bonds for... financing military operations or humanitarian purposes in ukraine. compared to total frozen assets in the us there is only a small part, about 5 billion euros. in total, western countries blocked russian funds amounting to 260 billion. about 70% of this amount - 191 billion - is stored in the belgian depository euroclear. the second largest amount is in france, 19 billion. based on the results of the past. these assets are often in the form of securities or other financial instruments that generate income, even on deposits, if there is a positive rate, and
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these assets they generate income, even though they are frozen, this is interest, banking there investment interest on these funds, and every year they accumulate and accumulate, whether on... there are securities, or on securities that are privately owned by russian owners, or state-owned. discussion of the issue of allocating new packages of financial assistance to ukraine in washington is proceeding with difficulty. more and more congressmen are opposed to spending budget money on this. a compromise could be the use of russian assets, but their direct confiscation threatens to undermine trust in western financial system as a whole. in addition, moscow has repeatedly stated that it would agree to such actions. answer: according to the ministry of finance , there are no fewer frozen foreign assets in russia than there are in the west. even the us initiative to
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expropriate interest income does not find a response from european officials, why because, well, as we understand, this is still a fairly significant step in taking away. donors at least $42 billion to close the budget gap. the more accurately
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so, attention, we have a replacement, a replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win. the first stage of the all-russian employment fair project has started in the regions of the country. the event is held by more than one and a half thousand employment center sites, colleges, universities, enterprises and other points of the regional partner network. a total of about 18 thousand companies will present their vacancies to applicants. in moscow, the fair opened with a plenary session with the participation of deputy prime minister tatyana golikova. she said that unemployment in russia. in the labor market,
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therefore we must be extremely careful and efficient with what we have today. before the thirtieth year, we need to attract an additional 1 million skilled workers to the economy; according to our preliminary estimates, the expected additional number of employees that should be attracted to the economy is estimated at 2.4 million. now, in addition to the messages and videos that appeared on telegram channels, a toyota land cruiser prado was blown up in the north of moscow, as reported, it could have been driven by a former sbu officer vasily prozorov, we can also show the footage published by telegram channels now on air, it is clear that a man approaches the car, removes something from the windshield, opens the door, sits down, apparently turns the key in the lock .
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ignition, or starts the engine with a button, after which there is an explosion. according to other sources, the man is now in the hospital, he received serious, serious injuries, but the information is being updated, i don’t see any official confirmation yet, as soon as it appears, be sure to return to this topic we'll come back and tell you other details. now there is a short pause and we will continue our review of the information picture.
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the contemporary art fair catalog opened in moscow, and more than 200 artists from all over russia presented their works.
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sofia sergeeva will tell you what the works are dedicated to and how they were created. what happens when the sun goes below the horizon? artists from nizhny novgorod answer life. their heroes live the night in different ways. each window has its own often dramatic plot, in the spirit of hitchcock, fincher with references to cult films of the nineties. within the walls of the ancient sytin printing house, the contemporary art fair catalog presented the works of more than 200 artists from 53 galleries. the opportunity to see art in such a volume demonstrates how actively our russian art market is now developing, how many new names, how many names that are already guaranteed to remain in the art system, so you can only have fun. the participants were selected by the expert council of the association of galleries, and the places for their stands were drawn by lot, no preferences, all under equal conditions. catalog allows you to simultaneously get acquainted with new trends in art, and at the same time get an idea of...


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