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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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the explosion occurred a second after the engine was started in moscow, as reported. assassination attempt on former sbu officer vasily prozarov, what is known at this moment? the water is rising, eroding another dam, mass evacuation has been announced, the level of the ural river near orenburg has risen even higher, what are the current values, how many houses are in the flood zone and what are the forecasts? new attacks on belgorod: two people were injured in a drone attack, five more ukrainian drones were shot down over the belgorod region. what is the situation at this time? congratulations
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can be heard even from orbit. today in russia they celebrate cosmonautics day. what events are planned and what challenges does the industry currently face? the owner of the suv that was blown up in moscow turned out to be former sbu officer vasily prozarov. the media reported this with reference to sources in operational services. the explosion occurred today in the north of the capital. footage from the scene shows that... the device worked literally a second after the driver started the engine. man hospitalized. the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case of attempted murder. vasily prozurov, according to media reports , came to russia several years ago, and as he himself reported, he has been collaborating with russian intelligence services since 2014. he gave them information about the progress of the anti-terrorist operation in eastern ukraine. the water level in the ural river near orenburg has reached a record high. dangerous mark.
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where they work in different parts of orenburg , orenburg region, for example, now this calculation of the vovsky rescue center is already being carried out thirteenth flight, now, together with a resident of this snt, we are approaching the house in order to save a pet who, out of fear of water, climbed onto the roof of the house, and i note that the water level in the ural river is now 11 m 47 cm, the water flow does not stop. it
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is only growing, the fill dam in the area of ​​the gas production village is now being washed away by the flow of water from the urals, specialists are now working there, more than 100 dump trucks have arrived and are now strengthening this dam, evacuation has been announced on several residential streets where water is rising to apartment buildings, evacuation has also been announced in the village of kuibyshevo, the sunny aviation town and the grand park, and let's listen: comment. we continue to defend grandpark at the moment. we have problems on dongusskaya street. we will also now strengthen donguskaya street and install additional cladding. at the moment, all educational institutions are operating except one school - lyceum number two. the children were sent to distance learning. and all kindergartens, the rest are all in working order. well we're on our own now
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we are in snt veseniy, so i’ll ask the operator to show the water level is over 2 m, the houses are in the water, flooded, now there are four rescue units working here, which in the first half of the day have evacuated more than 30 people, three of them children, volunteers are also working here now , who take to the water in their personal boats to help their neighbors evacuate, and i suggest you listen to the commentary. there are even more applications today; everything is complicated by the fact that local residents are trying to get out on their own, if it seems that here, well, many people think that it is quiet here, that there is no current here, but this is a mistaken opinion, they are trying to get out of here on spring boats and just somewhere in the middle of the road they are already exhausted and we have to take them to trailer and tow it to orenburg now.
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eight settlements and 17 snt were flooded in the orenbur region. there are now 3,500 houses in the flood zone. in total , over 11 thousand residential buildings and over 15 thousand household plots in total were flooded in the region over 11 people were evacuated, i also now want to note that the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, is working in the region , igor komarov is also working with the authorized representative of the president of russia in the volga federal district, now they are in orsk, together with residents, they are conducting meeting,
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examine all the consequences of the flood and also explain measures of support and financial assistance, but we continue to work. and i would like to note that now all emergency services are in the most dangerous areas in enhanced mode and ply along these flooded streets and help people evacuate to safe places and be accommodated in temporary accommodation centers. yuri, and margarita, thank you, together with you we are monitoring what is happening, let me remind you that my colleague margarita semenyuk was the one who provided the latest information about the flood situation in orenburg and the orenburg region. the tula region collected 100 tons of humanitarian aid for flood-affected orsk. sent drinking water, medicines, food, and basic necessities. read more about assistance to the flooded region, vitaly motorin. boxes and pallets are transported by rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations through the loading ramp into the cargo compartment of the ill-76. mutilated water, vegetables and non-perishable foods, clothing,
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medicines, in a word, everything that is urgently needed by flood-affected residents of the orenburg region. humanitarian supplies for ors residents in need. on behalf of the head of our region, alexey dyumin, they collected as soon as possible, industrial enterprises, entrepreneurs and just caring residents from all over the tula region. from the weapons capital, the goods were delivered by trucks to an airfield near moscow, where three special il-76 aircraft of the russian ministry of emergency situations and the country's ministry of defense were used for shipment. these heavy transport planes landed at orsk airport at night with more than 100 tons of humanitarian aid.
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representatives of the tula region also accompanied us; close cooperation has already been established in the two regions. on behalf of the governor of the tula region alekseyevich dyumin, the regional government as soon as possible promptly, unitary cargo was collected, and we are already promptly delivering this humanitarian aid to the temporary accommodation center, where, of course, the affected residents are now located. we also met with the head of the city of orsk and discussed what other issues there are. difficult times in the city of orsk, a lot of houses were flooded, a lot of people were left homeless, the whole country united around our grief and is helping us, i express my deep gratitude to all the tuliks and personally to the governor alexei gennadievich dyumin. in
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the tula region has already stated that they are ready to help the affected residents of the orenburg region with medical assistance, sending specialists and mobile equipment to the flooded areas. on cosmonautics day, the leadership of roscosmos laid flowers at the memorial of the kremlin wall, including the founder of russian cosmonautics sergei korolev and the first cosmonaut of the planet yuri gagarin, who were buried there . the crew also spoke today about the man who was the first to take a step towards the stars and ushered in a new space era iss. congratulations. sounded from orbit wishes for prosperity and new achievements. dear friends, we cordially congratulate you on
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cosmonautics day. this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of yuri alekseevich gagarin, the man who ushered in the space age of mankind. the name of the first cosmonaut is forever inscribed in world history. and we are proud that by developing the domestic cosmonautics, we are continuing the work begun by our predecessors. remembering those who were at the forefront of the development of the rocket and space industry. we do not forget about the thousands of enterprise workers whose daily work allowed us to realize what our great designers had in mind. being here, hundreds of kilometers from the earth, we thank you for your work and sincerely congratulate everyone on their professional holiday who made our flight into space and the flights of our colleagues possible. we have a lot of new and interesting work ahead, which we can only accomplish by rallying around the great goal of space exploration. we wish all our compatriots, colleagues in the industry good health and prosperity, new
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successes and achievements, happy holidays, friends, cosmonautics day. the first female cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya, was awarded the order of gagarin. the decree signed by vladimir putin was published on the legal information portal. the president awarded the same award to russian cosmonaut instructors oleg navitsky and sergei prokopyev. and today, cosmonauts dmitry pitelin and andrei fedyaev were awarded the title of hero. russia for the courage and heroism shown during a long-term space flight on the international space station. the memory of vitaly churkin was immortalized in mgemu, where a bust of the soviet and russian diplomat was unveiled. the ceremony took place in front of the moscow international model won, who bears his name. his friends and colleagues recalled what vitaly ivanovich was like. always was.
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delegations of the general staffs of the armed forces of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan, as well as representatives of the joint staff and the csto secretariat. the parties analyzed the military-political situation in the organization’s area of ​​responsibility and outlined ways of interaction in the military areas. they determined the direction of further work on the development of the collective aviation forces of the csto and the organization of air defense in central asia. in the region of collective security. in addition, the meeting presented modern approaches to
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organizing the use of unmanned aerial vehicles and countering them with electronic warfare, based on the experience gained during a special military operation in ukraine. we agreed to introduce best practices in combat operations into the practice of training troops of collective forces csto. i believe that the goals of the meeting have been achieved. and its results will contribute to the progressive development of strengthening the military security of states and organizations. belgorod neurosurgeons performed a unique operation on the skull using a 3d implant. it was individually manufactured by specialists from the skolkovo innovation center. for a patient who received a severe injury during a special operation, this is a chance to return to a full life as quickly as possible. igor pikhanov saw how everything went. former assault grenade launcher with the call sign molchun is preparing for a complex operation at the belgorod regional clinical hospital. a year ago, on his fortieth
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birthday, he was seriously injured. his unit liberated a settlement in lugansk. people's republic, when clearing a village from militants, a man saw that an injured colleague needed help, during the evacuation of a soldier he was also wounded, the man miraculously survived, there one of the nationalists released a whole magazine, something hit the vest, and a mine flew into the body, in the end i completely broke my helmet, fucked it up head. there is also a metro there, a silent native of the republic of kume, he came to the armed forces as a volunteer, he could not stand aside while the ukrainian nationalists were killing civilians in donbass, he also thought that i had some experience there, i spent a little time there,
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well, i thought at least not i have experience, with this experience after all. the head injury made itself felt, epilepsy began, hypertension , constant pain, in order to help the patient, doctors decided to perform a unique operation on the skull, a sectioned titanium 3d was made according to skulkov’s individual standards implant, it will reduce the rehabilitation time of patients, it will recover quickly and, most importantly, the bone tissue will be formed individually, it is the plate made individually, based on its anatomical features, this is a higher quality replacement of bone tissue due to the fact that the bone tissue grows into the woven titanium mesh, normal, full-fledged bone tissue is formed, and the patient is completely restored to his normal life. due to their proximity to the front, belgorod doctors have to deal with the most complex injuries. civilians are suffering, including from
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cluster munitions, which are banned worldwide. militants of the armed forces of ukraine daily shell the territory of the belgorod region and suffer from shells. local residents, the most complex patients are delivered to medical institutions of the regional center within 2 years. doctors saved dozens of lives. now there are two more patients with war injuries in the hospital; these are residents of belgorod who received shrapnel wounds during the shelling of the city on march 14. the last 2 years have seen a significant increase, and especially in the last few months, all of our doctors have more than 5 years of experience, all of them have the first highest qualification. every day they participate in operational interference; unfortunately, military trauma is often more massive and unpredictable than civilian trauma, plus there are mostly foreign bodies that need to be removed. the operation was successful, it lasted about an hour, and after another hour the patient woke up. there in the intensive care unit they sit for hemodynamics, patients
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communicate with him, early activation of the patient, the patient begins feeding and... stays in intensive care, he is transferred to a favorable course within 24 hours and the next day here to the neurosurgery department. doctors' forecast, a positive innovative implant will allow the patient to get rid of epilepsy, and within 2-3 years he will return to normal life. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. the first stage of the all-russian employment fair project has started in the regions. the event is held by more than one and a half thousand sites, employment centers, colleges, universities, and enterprises. and other points of the regional partner network. a total of about 18,000 companies will present their vacancies to applicants. in moscow , the fair opened with a plenary session with the participation of deputy prime minister tatyana golikova. she said that unemployment in russia continues to decline. and according to data for february, the figure was 2.8%. we
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are increasingly depleting the free resource that is available on the labor market. and therefore extremely carefully. and must effectively deal with what we have today. by the year 30, we need to attract an additional 1 million skilled workers to the economy. according to our preliminary estimates, the expected additional number of employees to be attracted to the economy is estimated at 2.4 million. the collapse of the ukrainian armed forces is highly likely to occur completely. bloomberg will soon write about this with reference to western officials. according to them, ukraine is in its most vulnerable position since the beginning of the conflict. with details emil mersaev. will recover more and more shaky, just like this french journalists from the publication figaro chose the epithet to describe the situation on the battlefield; they write that after the failed counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces last year, they
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are forced to retreat, while the russian army exerts constant pressure breaking through enemy lines. the extreme lethality of combat operations due to the increased transparency of the battlefield and the accuracy of fire makes any attack by the ukrainian armed forces labor-intensive and costly in terms of human lives. the hypothesis of ukraine's defeat is again on the agenda 2 years after the start of the conflict. according to french politicians to whom the newspaper refers, ukrainians ask paris for help in order to banally quote: hold out this year, they promise a new offensive in the coming year. only only 20% of ukrainian men of mobilization age are ready to join the army, this is data from a ukrainian public publication, it also follows from them:
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russia is strengthening its defense industry and the economy as a whole, this is despite the sanctions storm from the west, the print concludes, it writes the ukrainian army is being destroyed and there is no can't help. station, but this will not solve the problems of industry and the military-industrial complex of ukraine. ukraine risks being left not only without most of its energy infrastructure, but also without
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industry at all. experts have assessed the scale of losses after recent attacks by the russian armed forces on the country’s energy infrastructure. the centerenergo company has already called the decommissioning of the tripolye tes a black day in its history, since with its destruction it lost all its generating capacities. this, as stated by the wall street journal, general director of a ukrainian energy holding, eliminating the damage will cost more than twice as much as in the first year of the conflict. all that
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's left of the ukrainian energy system is horns to legs, and i'm afraid that if the blows continue for another couple of weeks or a month, then there will be nothing left of it, and i think that russia will do everything to ensure that the kiev authorities will do it over the spring and summer. realized the inevitable, she lost this war for herself, primarily on the electricity front, and if the kiev authorities do not show this signs of adequacy, and this is by no means guaranteed, then ukraine will be deelectrified. the deelectrification that experts are talking about is not just a forced response. this is also a partial solution to the problem of demilitarization. as vladimir putin said the day before, this kind of strike directly affects the defense industrial complex of kiev. but
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ukraine is completely without electricity. there won’t be any left; before the start of the svo, more than half of its generation was provided by nuclear power plants. now the kiev regime has three aesi at its disposal, experts say that's enough. nuclear power plants, in principle , could potentially provide ukraine with electricity, but their specific features are that for their operation it is necessary to have balancing power at load peaks, that is, a nuclear power plant can provide. only a fixed amount of power and precisely the absence of thermal generation, which acted as balancing powers, will lead to the fact that the power of nuclear power plants that could be used to provide ukraine, will definitely be reduced to acceptable safety values ​​for the energy system. against the backdrop of a reduction in generation, ukrainian energy workers are calling on citizens
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to reduce the load on the system, and it’s not easy. in the moment, for the whole of 2024. what can we do now to save consumption during peak hours, and if there are many of us, it will work, so from 19 to 22 hours every day, please save electricity, every day, for the whole of 2024, let it become a habit. stopping production will become a common occurrence. ukraine, experts warn about the likelihood.
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many enterprises will simply close, logistics will be seriously disrupted, the ukrainian railway, it is electrified, traction on electricity, a sufficient number of diesel locomotives to ensure the operation of this entire economy, no, is not expected, and no one will be able to supply these diesel locomotives, a complete blackout or speaking in russian, the end of the world does not threaten ukraine yet, western partners, like poland, will compensate for part of the lost... generation volumes, the question is how long will this last and will the west itself have enough resources to constantly sponsor kiev?
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