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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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now economic news, briefly. trade between russia and china in the first quarter increased by 5% and exceeded $56 billion. this is data from the general administration of customs of the people's republic of china. supplies from china are being assessed. at 24 billion, in the opposite direction at 32. russia mainly exports energy resources, metals and wood. china brings machinery, equipment, clothing and other goods to our country. russian railways has increased the load on the international north-south corridor by 20%. deliveries along this route exceeded 120,000 tons. this is company data for the first quarter. mainly coal, grain, petroleum products and timber were transported by rail. north-south included.
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azerbaijan, kazakhstan and iran. the number of routes passing through the territory of aeroflot group passengers increased by 20% at the end of the quarter. more than 11.5 million people used its services, the company reported. most of the 8.5 million traffic was on domestic flights. here the flow increased by 15%. there are almost 3 million passengers on international routes. an increase compared to last year by one and a half times, out of the total volume more than half of the traffic was carried out by the parent company aeroflot, the rest fell on russia's victory. the price of gold set a historical record above $2,400 per ounce. in 2 months, fight metal has already risen in price by 20%. the jump in prices is associated with increased geopolitical risks; in particular , investors fear new armed conflicts in the middle east. predicts
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a price increase by the end of the year to $2,500, and bnk of america analysts to $3,000. it was economic news, briefly. alfa friday - a supercake every week from alfa bank. in this friday 12 april. receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex gol. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a superkick on alpha fridays. not just profitable, alpha profitable. from a dream to a home, one home is just a click away. what do we bring back from savito’s travels? a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip. everything will go as
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to order food from a restaurant, use yandex go, products from the yandex go store, goods. for home yandex go, and if you need a courier, also jandex go, jandex go, all deliveries in one application, tires can be found conveniently and quickly, there is a search by car brand, touch the rock star burger king. votter, it tastes better on fire! well, debts on credit cards carry interest. what the hell, you need a debtor, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the debtor, divide you can conveniently repay for 24 months, make purchases
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or get rid of credit card debts easily . comfort at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things. buy a coopersberg dishwasher at a discount. 34%. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period is 120 days, starting every month, and service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit savings card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. farmers have already received the amount of funds as part of spring field work, see the interview with
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deputy minister of agriculture elena fastova. elena vladimirovna, what measures are in place for participants and what kind of hello, hello, the sowing campaign is already in full swing, how is lending for spring field work going, what is the amount of subsidies provided for this year? we have preferential lending, the most popular support for agricultural producers, this year for the first time we have the largest figure for the duration of this mechanism, 219 billion allocated for preferential lending, in last year it was 201 billion. we have already opened financing, 245 billion loans have already been approved, and it continues. issuance of new loans and on april 4 , a government order was signed to allocate an additional 5 billion for investment new loans, so despite the high rate, the preferential rate of the central bank is 16%, we maintain a preferential rate for
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agricultural producers of up to 10%, these are short-term loans, investment loans. year, we increased leasing support because agricultural producers are actively buying equipment, today this amount amounted to 7.3 billion rubles, we are planning to add another billion rubles in the near future, so leasing this year
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funding will be increased by 2 billion, in addition, small forms of business are also always a priority for us, in this in 2018, we allocated 8 billion rubles for acceleration, which is 2 billion more than in the previous year, but our direct support is a single subsidy, for which this year we have already provided funds to the subjects, the amount amounted to 49 billion rubles. what is the profitability of agricultural producers? finished the twenty-third year, the profitability for the twenty-third year was 19%. and in 2000, the profitability of agricultural producers was 6%.
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year, if you look at the industries, then plant growers, their profitability was 26%, which is lower than in the twenty-second year, in the twenty-first year. the average profitability is 30, and we understand that a high harvest puts pressure on prices, prices, and today we have not yet high prices for grains, so profitability for grains remains at 17%, but there are crops such as oilseeds, soybeans, rapeseed, and on them a good level of profitability remains; this year the profitability of vegetable growing has increased slightly.
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thank you, thank you very much, the development of relations between russia and belarus, security on the western borders of the two countries, the situation in the ukrainian direction, these and other topics were discussed by vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko at a meeting in the kremlin. the belarusian leader has arrived in our country. the idea is being promoted to hold some kind of
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conference in switzerland, we are not invited there, moreover, they believe that we have nothing to do there, but at the same time they say that it’s impossible to solve anything without us, and since we’re not going there, it’s basically some kind of nopticism, they say that we refuse negotiations, they don’t invite us, they say that we refuse, but it would be funny if it weren’t like that sad. escalation of this conflict, without russia, what kind of peace process can there be, there can be no
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peace process, the opposite country to a certain extent drove itself into a corner, well, yes, when it refused negotiations in the hope of defeating russia on the battlefield, inflicting a strategic defeat on it, now they understand that this is impossible, once the west has already disrupted the peace process, which began precisely with the mediation of minsk. at the meeting, the leaders revealed new details of the negotiations that began in belarus and continued in turkey. it was you who initiated the peace negotiations in belarus, we started it in two cities, then the negotiating teams moved to turkey, to istanbul, there we practically completed this work, it went on for a long time, initialed on both sides, we were told that it is forbidden. sign a document ukraine cannot sign with a gun to
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its head, it needs to withdraw troops from kiev, we did it, immediately after we did it, our agreements were thrown into the trash, there were serious progress, and the russians moved, the ukrainians, and then it’s clear , they arrived, they stopped us, let’s fight until the last ukrainian, i think to vladimir vladimirovich, this is... the moment never deceived, your initiatives for the peaceful resolution of the conflict, they will find a response in ukraine, they will find a response from the military. kyiv is trying to prove apparently, his patrons, who are capable of harming russia, are sending their drones to civilian fuel facilities. russia is responding to these ukrainian attacks with targeted and effective strikes. i want to emphasize that even for humanitarian
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reasons, we did not carry out any strikes in the winter. we need to do this and intensify this escalation, because in the summer the winter passes quickly, and this is a dangerous business. putin asked lukashenko how things were going on on the western border of the republic, in poland and the baltic states there were large-scale nato maneuvers, new ones began in romania, it is clear that russia is meant as the enemy in these exercises, it will be distinguished that
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lukashenko and putin will take over europe tomorrow, such plans have never been discussed that we want someone. to seize, there are enough of their own problems, there was still someone missing, this is nonsense, needed by the ruling circles, as they used to say, in order to justify their expenses on the war in ukraine, that’s all, and their own is untenable. alexander lukashenko came to moscow on the eve of cosmonautics day, this is in many ways our common a holiday based on common soviet achievements. belarusian cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya recently returned from the iss. according to lukashenko, new joint projects are being prepared. in particular, on the launch of a new satellite into orbit. evgeny rashitnev, polina gomzikova and kirill malikov, conduct. this has never happened in the history of the global automotive industry. over the course of a year, china produced more than 30 million cars, and a third of them were powered by so-called new
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energy sources, hybrids, electric cars, even hydrogen fuel cars, in just 10 years, not easy. became a leader in automotive industry, but essentially something new in the electric transport industry. this is china with alexander baletsky, and today, together with cgtn reporter russian lyutin, we will tell you about all the secrets of the chinese automotive miracle. go! so with the face of the modern chinese auto industry, why are famous auto designers moving to china? now in china they are creating things that look very modern. not even charge and what artificial intelligence can do, but she must have understood me, and also how chinese equipment behaves in cold weather and what rights are needed to flying in an electric car from a propeller, in china is now a common thing, you go to the salon for
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a smartphone or tablet, there are also electric cars in a row, at first there were from huawei, now i’ll bring up xiaomi. but for now i just came to see, i wonder what she looks like in real life and what she can do. gadget manufacturers could not remain on the sidelines of this electric car race, especially since this is what they say about modern chinese cars: a large smartphone on wheels, it is assembled like a smartphone. when chinese cars were just appearing on the market, it was it looks like such an attack of clones, they were so similar to famous western brands, but today the car has. the future owner leaves his wishes here even before the purchase. the buyer in the mobile application sets the parameters of his future car, assembling it as a designer, body color, interior material, what wheels and other functions. and
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after the order is generated, it is in the system and is visible in all workshops. it turns out to be almost an assembly. to order at the guangzhou automobile plant, ion cars roll off the assembly line every 53 seconds for the entire sheet iron and already so ready for exactly 16 hours , i feel his motto, the worse it is for the car, the better, but these are tests, so if in a turn, then at speed, if from the track, a snowdrift, in low temperatures the coefficient of adhesion is lower and you need to make sure . that everything is safe for the driver, here is the reaction of the brakes, the paint, it is specially scratched in order to understand that 80% of the models of the entire chinese automobile industry are tested for corrosion at the heikh test sites, which is directly opposite the russian border. many cars here are in special camouflage camouflage, sometimes individual elements, sometimes like this car, the entire body so that if you get into the frame, it ’s impossible to count, draw the details,
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because many models are not even in mass production, what you now you see, no one has seen yet. this is the future flagship of one of the chinese automakers, inside the know-how of 525 patents and the option, which was already surprising, due to an intelligent chassis system and a special hydraulic system.
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updating software and machine intelligence, optimizing and supplementing them with new scenarios based on tests and real experience of car owners, which we carefully analyze. chinese engineers, however , make a reservation about the cars that they were imported from china under gray schemes; the software is not updated; in case of a failure , there is a chance that even a smart car can turn into a brick. chinese concerns were able to recruit real stars of the auto industry, such as the former chief designer. rolls-royce giles taylor is now working with chinese comptia hongzi's favorite car, and former chief designer of audi and lamborghini volfgang eger is responsible for the appearance of byd,
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this is the most popular electric car in the world. here is the young turkish designer kemal cool, who started at mercedes and fiat, but a year ago he chose aion and moved to guangzhou. perhaps it all started here with copying, but now they are being created in china. things that look very modern, and the world is switching to chinese brands, which we can make cheaper. his direction is the car interior, that is, everything that is inside the car, and this is space, well, the team is full international and the desire to create a dream car based on the most advanced technologies. the head of the people's republic of china, zen ping, also set this task when he was at this very plant; the place where he stood is marked with a red dot, at the end next to it. made of clay, the first chinese electro-super began with the same thing. ordinary sports cars are associated with such a roar, r, well
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, you won’t hear this r here, because it’s all an electric car. by the way, acceleration to hundreds in less than 2 seconds, 1.9 to be exact. the car's power is provided by three engines, their total power is 1200 horsepower. and here only manual assembly. the supercar is assembled manually on the so-called smart island, one car per day. and the data on each operation, manipulations down to who tightened each nut and how, everything is in the quality control system. our data processing systems analyze every action and determine whether everything was done correctly. data can be retrieved from the archive and double-checked at any time. tires and wheels like an airplane and the body is made of hydrocarbon fiber, it seems . it will take off a little more, either a helicopter, or an electric car with propellers, there are eight of them, but whatever one may say, it’s still a drone, just with a cabin for two passengers, and
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first you need to buckle up, there are three displays in the cabin, two - this is an information board, here is all the information about the flight, altitude, angle, position in space, well, the third monitor, here the route is built, what about the propeller? it is impossible to film in this cabin in the air, nor to fly along the route. the developer is still is awaiting a new permit for flights, which are currently being carried out in unmanned mode. here the autopilot controls everything, the task for which is set by the operator control center. in general , a similar model has been in the sky for several years now, and not only in china, where they even launched air taxis. the first one flew between neighboring cities in southern china in the great bay area. the speed of this model is 130 km/h.
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externally, this is a very cool sports car, it has a lot of technologies that you won’t find in cars today, for example, a transparent screen in the front, and more there are a large number of carbon fiber products, seats with aviation properties, for the qiuming chua it was a matter of prestige, to be the first to fly into the sky... in china there is a real battle between developers, who will be ahead of whom in technology in obtaining a flight certificate, there are no technical ones yet regulations. we need to legally define the interaction of vehicles on the ground in the air, without this there is no technical policy, no regulation, no
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construction. urban infrastructure for this area is not yet possible, but right now this is where the future is determined. the head of the corporation has already demanded from the heads of all divisions that they all personally drive and fly at least 5.00 km on each model before it goes on sale. vice-president qiu would be happy to comply, but it is not yet clear which category to receive rights in the civil aviation administration of the people's republic of china are still deciding how to regulate the new direction according to what rules. for an autonomous system. driving, or an advanced autopilot, the norms and rules also took a long time to agree upon, but today such an option often in the basic configuration, it copes well with maneuvering in traffic, with parking, it seems, too, here they are, the handles, and the steering wheel turns, a great place, the car chose itself for parking, i don’t like it, problems, of course, happen there, where parking
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is prohibited, the system will never do anything. wants to do this, he will have to take control into his own hands, but in beijing now there are even taxis without a driver, although only in one area with not the busiest traffic, this is what is available in absolutely every, not even district, every parking in china, these are electric charging stations, and not even just charging stations, but instant battery replacement stations, this brand has completely made it its own, what is called a feature, you drive onto the lift, the battery is changed automatically in a couple of minutes. so the question of where and how to charge a car in china is not worth it, and the batteries themselves are becoming more powerful and capacious, to the point that the latest developments have a service life of 15 years and a range of 1.5 million kilometers. chinese manufacturers have already taken over 60% of the growing of the global car battery market, and this share continues to increase, sending batteries to almost all well-known car manufacturers in europe, where
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they missed the green turn. well, look, 10, okay, 15, even 20 years ago, chinese cars all over the world caused at least a smile, no one took them seriously at all, how did it happen that today china is dictating automotive fashion to the whole world? well, i wouldn’t say that china is already flowing directly to the whole world, but today the industrial design of china’s own automobile industry is really has already acquired a new look and competition has contributed to this. in the market for investments from the automakers themselves, the contribution of foreign employees, in my opinion, plays an equally important role in this matter. well, perhaps the most important thing, without which there would be neither chinese electric cars nor the fiercest competition between their manufacturers, is government support. and then, as in motorsport, whoever went first came to the finish line faster, in the celestial empire this
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happened. right now the main facts of this day in the studio georgy podgorny and natalya litovka, here’s what we’ll tell you: in the orenburg region , the water level in the ural river exceeded 11 m, the most difficult situation is in the capital of the region. in kurgan they are preparing for the peak of the flood in 3 days, we will tell you about the latest news about the measures that are being taken to help the victims.


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