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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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this is russia 24, right now the main facts - day in the studio georgy podgorny and natalya litovka, this is what we will tell you: in the orenburg region, the water level in the ural river exceeded 11 m. the most difficult situation is in the capital of the region. kurgans are preparing for the peak of the flood in 3 days, we will tell you about the latest news about the measures that are being taken to help the victims. russian strikes on ukrainian energy facilities.
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flood in the orenburg region, where first the ural river, the ural river flooded orsk, then large waters came to the regional center, the strongest floods in decades. in the region, floods were given the status of a federal emergency, but spring floods threaten not only orenburg, but also other regions of our country. so, the strongest floods in several decades swept across several russian regions.
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cm in 2 hours and rose to 1147 cm, that is , more than 11 m, as reported by local authorities. more than 5 houses are flooded in the city, the road to the europe-asia stele. the water keeps coming. sirens sound in the city. the ministry of emergency situations sends out sms messages about the need to evacuate. the authorities are calling on residents of the grandpark residential complex, the villages named after kuibushevo and solnechny to leave their homes. twenty-third microdistrict , uralskaya street, danguskaya. areas of the aviation town and sheep town, as reported by governor denis pasler, the discharge from the iriklinsky reservoir in orenburg was reduced to 447 cubic meters / second, this is necessary in order to minimize the recharge of flood processes. yes, we learn about the situation in the city now from our correspondent, margarita semenyuk, she goes live, and we see that margarita is wearing you vest, and you are right there, apparently, it looks like the center of orenburg, approximately.
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they inspect the territory and flooding in the region from a bird's eye view. the water level in the urals by this minute has risen again and is 11 m 51 cm and the water is only rising, we expect quite serious indicators of the deterioration of the situation. i will note that the rising water has already washed away the embankment dam in the area of ​​the gas production village. now specialists work there.
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this never happened, thank you very much, well done guys, where would we be without you, the ministry of emergency situations, doctors, military, i’ll now note that in orenburg five microdistricts, three settlements and 21 snts were flooded in the flood zone, over 2,000 houses, about three, over 3,500 household plots, over 1,500 people were evacuated, as for... the orenburg region. eight settlements and 17 snt are flooded here. over 3,500 houses and three over 3,500 household plots were sunk; over 5,000 people were evacuated. in total , over 11-11 thousand residential buildings and also over
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15 thousand household plots were flooded in the region. in general difficulties, more than 11 thousand people were evacuated. i will also note that in the region in the orenburg region today. igor komarov, today they are working in orsk, meeting with an initiative group of residents who suffered from the flood, they are once again explained to them the support measures that they can use, and after the water has subsided, specialized commissions will be inspecting each house who will assess the damage, record everything... also today in orenburg a meeting was held with the victims snt in orenburg, in the orenburg region, together with the governor of the orenburg region denis pasler and the head of orenburg sergei solmin today discussed pressing issues, wrote down what they call
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problematic santa, problem areas where residential buildings and personal plots suffered the most, and also again talked about those support measures that can be used, i will remind you that this is 20 thousand. financial assistance, also for partial loss of property - 50,000 rubles. and in case of complete loss of property 100,000 rubles. for everyone person. colleagues, yes margarta, thank you, it was our colleague margarta semenyuk, who spoke about the operational situation with floods in orenburg in general in orenburg in the orenburg region, let me remind you that the day before , at a meeting with the president, the governor of the orenburg region announced that the total amount of damage damage from the flood is more than forty.
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the first female cosmonaut of belarus, the president of belarus, and today, today is the holiday of april 12, cosmonautics day, we congratulate you all together on our golden anniversary wedding, the most important thing in all your successes is your family, the basis, the basis of everything that happens in life in every movement forward, all the best to you, we hug you and wish you all the best, we congratulate you on the holiday. so, vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the large peak family, these are hereditary reindeer herders who live in... on january 23, let me remind you, the president met with the winners of
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the all-russian family competitions, while the head of the large family, a reindeer herder , whom we have now seen on your screens, said that on april 12 he and his wife zoya will celebrate their fiftieth anniversary of marriage, today the president congratulated them on their golden wedding. well, we are now returning to the flood situation in the russian regions in kurgan. region , the water level in the tobol river near the regional center has already reached almost 400 cm. the arrival of large waters here is expected within several days. kurgan is preparing for a large-scale flood; the water level in the river and in the village of kaminskoye has also risen sharply, kurtomysh district. overnight, the water rose by 140 cm and is now 743 cm. almost 7,000 people were evacuated due to flooding in the kurgan region. townspeople, together with volunteers from neighboring regions, are strengthening it. dam. in addition, a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered 20 water-filling dams from pryamurye to the region; they
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are used to prevent flooding of the territory. fun, good, everyone is smiling, fed, watered, everyone is smiling, everyone is working. i am very glad that the residents of the region have united to solve a common problem, we are protecting our city, in this case the village kulatsky from the flood. we need to help people, uh, because this is such a great disaster, let’s say. if we don't help each other, will anyone help us? nobody. the federal penitentiary service of russia will provide financial assistance to its employees who suffered from floods in the kurgan and orenburg regions. as the department said, as a result of the flood , the housing of more than 200 families of sin workers ended up in the flood zone. in addition, the orenburg region authorities provided financial assistance to residents of the region affected by floods. for today more than 69 million rubles have already been paid. the lump sum payment is 20,000 rubles. per person, in case of partial loss
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of property, 50,000 per person is allocated for complete loss, we are talking about 100 thousand of property, for complete loss of property. a one-time benefit is assigned to residents who have suffered health damage from 200 to 400,000, in the event of the death of a relative, 1 million rubles. on april 12, rosgidromets included the tyumen region in the register of regions of russia on water bodies that it predicts. this is a dangerous phenomenon; it is reported that the water level in the ishim river is beyond over the past 24 hours it has increased from 18 to 112 cm in this range and has added another 24 cm in just the last few hours. the peak flooding in the region is expected next week. according to forecasters, the level of ishim will rise to 440 cm, and this is already above the critical level. as the governor of the region, alexander mor, said, 51 per cent will fall into the flood zone... since all our hydraulic structures are designed for approximately a level of 8.5 m, we
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are promised more than 9 m, so accordingly, we are now carrying out measures to build up dumps and additional earthen embankments , we pack sand, respectively bags, and carry out these works, today we have 46 dump trucks working on tiptoes of soil, two bulldozers, four excavators, two loaders, plus we have volunteers, organizations are helping, the sand is being packed. bags, uralsip is a bank for business, and we work on the principle of all or nothing, everything for entrepreneurs and nothing extra, we give free service for 3 months when opening an account for business. bank ural siib - nothing superfluous. the life of former
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sbu lieutenant colonel vasily prozurovov, who today an assassination attempt was made in moscow and nothing is in danger, the media reported this with reference to the victim’s assistant. he suffered injuries to his arm and leg. prozrov's suv was blown up this morning in the north of moscow. footage from the scene shows that the device. worked a second after the driver started the engine. the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case, attempted murder. vasily prozurov moved to russia several years ago, in 2014 he collaborated with the intelligence services of our country and transferred data to them on the progress of the anti-terrorist operation in eastern ukraine. in recent years he has been involved in investigations; this is not the first attack on those who exposed the crimes of the kiev regime. 2 days ago, ukrainian troops fired at the film crew of the lugansk branch of vgtrk, then a correspondent cameraman was injured. last year, an attempt was made on the life of zakhar prilepin, and over the past 2 years
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, journalists daria dugina, oleg klokov, military correspondent vladilen tatarsky, military journalist, news were brutally killed. november 23 last year after an attack by a vysu drone in the zaporozhye region , our colleague journalist boris maksudov died. now we have the latest data on the progress of the special operation, which was reported by the russian ministry of defense. from april 6 to april 12, the armed forces of the russian federation, in response to the kiev regime’s attempts to cause massive damage to russian oil and gas industry and energy facilities. and 47 group strikes with high-precision air and sea ground-based weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, against fuel, energy and military-industrial complexes of ukraine. in addition, logistics bases and temporary deployment points for special operations forces of the ukrainian armed forces
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of foreign mercenaries were hit. all designated targets are hit. in the kubyansky direction during the current. units of the western group of troops improved the situation along the front line, and also defeated the livestock and equipment of five mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, two territorial defense brigades and two brigades of the national guard of ukraine in the regions settlements of serebryanka, donetsk people's republic, berestovoe and senkovka , kharkov region. in addition, four counterattacks of assault groups, the 95th air assault brigade and... the national guard of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of grigorovka and terny of the donetsk people's republic were repelled. enemy losses during the week in this direction amounted to more than 380 military personnel, three tanks, nine armored combat vehicles and 17 vehicles. during the counter-battery fight, two combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems were hit, uragan
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igrad, 28 field artillery guns, four electronic warfare stations. nota and bukovel ad, as well as three counter-battery radio stations made in the usa. in the donetsk direction. as a result of the successful actions of the units of the southern group of forces, more advantageous positions were occupied and the formation of four assault, two airmobile, tank and nine mechanized brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in populated areas was defeated . andreevka, antonovka, belogorovka, kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka, selidova.
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51 vehicles, 47 field artillery guns, of which 17 are western-made, eight electronic warfare stations, as well as three counter-battery radio stations made in the united states. in the avdeevsky direction, units of the center group of troops, conducting active operations, continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. with the support of air strikes, artillery fire, and heavy flamethrower systems, they defeated the manpower. equipment of eight brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and repelled 65 counterattacks of assault enemy groups in the areas of settlements: novgorodskoye, novokalinovo, umanskoye, pervomaiskoye and berdachi of the donetsk people's republic. during the week in this direction, the ukrainian armed forces lost over 2,130 military units, six tanks,
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24 armored combat vehicles, 51 vehicles, as well as 22 field artillery guns. including three m109 paladin self-propelled artillery mounts and four m-777 howitzers made in the usa. in the yuzhedonetz direction, units of the vostok group of troops improved their tactical the situation along the front line was defeated by the formation of seven brigades of the armed forces of ukraine of the national guard in the areas of the settlements of makarovka, urozhainae and ugledar, donetsk people's republic. in the areas of settlements nikolskaya and...
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kherson region. over the course of a week, in this direction, the enemy lost over 335 military personnel, three tanks, 29 vehicles, as well as 22 field artillery pieces, including six m777 howitzers made in the united states. rocket troops, artillery. unmanned aerial vehicles of military groups behind in a week, five anti-aircraft missile launchers were destroyed: the
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franco-italian-made s-300 and s-125, as well as two radiation stations for detecting air targets tracking pi-18. aviation air defense systems shot down a neptune anti-ship missile and 12 hammer aircraft guided bombs within a week. made in france and jaydem made in the usa, 25 rockets of the hymers and hurricane multiple launch systems, as well as 1,712 unmanned aerial vehicles. within a week, 21 ukrainians surrendered military man. in total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 583 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 20,604 unmanned aerial vehicles, 500 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,761 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,266 combat vehicles
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of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,836 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 20,910 units of special military vehicles. on cosmonautics day, the leadership of ruscosmos laid flowers at the kremlin wall memorial. buried there , including the founder of the russian cosmonautics sergei korolev and the first cosmonaut of the planet yuri gagarin. the iss crew also spoke today about the man who was the first to take a step towards the stars and usher in a new space era. congratulations from orbit included wishes for prosperity and new achievements. dear friends, we cordially congratulate you on cosmonautics day. this year we celebrate the ninetieth birthday of yuri alekseevich gagarin, the man who discovered. space age of mankind. the name of the first cosmonaut on the planet is forever inscribed in world history, and we are proud to be developing domestic cosmonautics, we continue the work started by our predecessors. remembering
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those who were at the forefront of the development of the rocket and space industry, we do not forget about the thousands of enterprise workers whose daily work made it possible to realize what our great designers had in mind. being here hundreds of kilometers from the earth, we thank you for your work. and we sincerely congratulate everyone who made our flight into space and the flights of our colleagues possible on their professional holiday. we have a lot of new and interesting work that we can only accomplish by rallying around the great goal of space exploration. we wish all our compatriots and colleagues in the industry good health and prosperity, new successes and achievements. happy holiday, friends, happy cosmonautics day. the first female cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya, was awarded the order of gagarin. the decree signed by vladimir putin was published on the legal information portal. the president
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awarded the same award to russian cosmonauts and instructors oleg novitsky and sergei prokopyeva. and today, cosmonauts dmitry pitelin and andrei fedyaev were awarded the title of heroes of russia, for the courage and heroism shown during a long-term space flight on the international space station. a new chapter in the biography of the cosmodrome. exact just on the eve of cosmonautics day, the complete success of the launch of the angara a5 launch vehicle on april 11, this is already russia's sixth space launch since the beginning of the year. vladimir putin called the vostochny flight a landmark event and noted that this is another stage in the development of the space industry russia. let me remind you that angara is a family of russian launch vehicles from light to heavy class. their fuel uses kerosene and liquid oxygen, environmentally friendly components. angara again. could become the main space truck for delivery, in particular, of a large astronomical observatory or lander to the moon, as well as flights to mars or venus. experts say this. start of the eleventh.
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april was the first launch of angara from vostochny; in addition, during this launch the arion upper stage was tested, for which this flight was also the first. today we also had a good event: a new rocket flew from a new cosmodrome, a heavy one, this is another stage in the development of the space industry in russia. however, i was pleased with the success of the launch of the angara a5 launch vehicle. everyone, for example, the leading international specialized portals that report the latest astronautics news for journalists and for everyone in general, remained silent about such an important event. some portals, such as fis, before declaring a successful launch in one sentence, we were reminded in detail about the launch cancellations, problems, and delays in the construction of the cosmodrome. but space news, breaking defense, space dale and other sites simply did not write anything about this event.
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an expert spoke about this on his telegram channel. from launch cancellations, problems with delays in the construction of the cosmodrome. space flight now - not a word, universe today - not a word, space daily - not a word, the main specialized portals haven’t written a word, that’s all we need to know about the objectivity of the presentation of scientific and technical information in the free democratic world based on theirs.
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not only forced. a response measure, but an important part of demilitarization, these are the words of vladimir putin about russian attacks on the ukrainian electricity system, and, as the russian president noted, in the winter the aerospace forces refrained from massive attacks on the ukrainian energy sector, but now in the spring this is, i quote, part of the military counteraction, all destroyed the objects are in one way or another connected with the ukrainian military-industrial complex. according to the ministry of defense, from april 6 to april 12 , one massive attack was carried out, in total 47 group. attacks on ukrainian energy facilities, which were used, among other things , to supply the ukrainian armed forces. and this is a response to the attempts of the ukrainian army to cause damage to russian energy. all targets hit. the work of local military industry enterprises was disrupted, and the transfer of reserves to the combat area was disrupted. in addition, russian troops reportedly made it difficult for the unit to supply fuel.


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