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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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there are 26,000 children with disabilities under the age of 17 , but annually the system of secondary higher vocational education graduates no more than 20 thousand of these children. the forum participants and experts agreed to unite to correct this situation. burg region, where first the urals flooded orsk, then large waters came to the regional center, the strongest in recent decades. the leash in the region was given the status of a federal emergency. however, the spring flood threatens not only orenburg, but also other regions. so, the strongest for for several decades, floods have engulfed several russian regions at once, the kurgan, tyumen, and especially the orenburg regions. the samara, ulyanovsk, tver regions, altai territory, and the republic of buryat are at risk. in some regions of the country
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, a state of emergency was already in effect; in total, more than 13,000 houses were flooded, and volunteers from the ministry of emergency situations are helping the victims to eliminate the consequences. a government commission operates on behalf of the president. in orenburg, where mass evacuation has been announced, the water level is the ural river rose to 1.154 cm, as reported by local authorities. the dangerous level was exceeded by 2 m. in the city. where more than 500 houses and the road to stela are flooded, europe, asia. the water continues to flow in the city , sirens sound. the ministry of emergency situations sends out sms messages about the need to evacuate. the authorities are calling on residents of the residential complex, grand park, the villages named after kuiboshevo and solnechny twenty-third microdistrict to leave their homes. uralskaya, dangusskaya streets, air town and ovchinny town districts. according to governor denis pasler, the discharge from iriklinsky reservoirs in orenburg were reduced to 400.
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roscosmos showed what the flood in the orenburg region looks like on satellite images, these frames clearly show that almost the entire city is flooded, let me remind you that the dam in orsk burst in several places at once.
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done, now we, together with belarus , continue this joint work, and the fact that the first belarusian cosmonaut arrived in space is only an external manifestation of our joint activity, although, of course, it
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western weapons to ukraine. i would like to note three positions regarding the supply of western weapons to ukraine. what are the barriers to peace? firstly.
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a blessing is needed on the path to peace and trade, then the supply of western weapons turned the military forces of ukraine into a powerful military machine, the actions of ukraine became chaotic at the front, sometimes idiotic, and it was predictable, a huge number. many such systems were lost after they were deployed in combat conditions, where their full combat capabilities could not be used, we are seeing a tragedy on both sides, but
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the ukrainian army actually. has turned into a camp for ukrainian men, several million ukrainians are already outside the country, hence the furious demand to add new fighters so that they can be sent to the front and the call for western weapons. western military assistance and financial assistance have put ukraine in a position where ukraine is no longer looking for peace.
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the billions of dollars worth of weapons and ammunition supplied to ukraine pose a huge problem. namely, problems with government accountability, where this equipment is sent, and in what accounts the money received for its sale is deposited. some of these
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weapons are often shipped to countries as soon as they reach ukraine. leaders in the west use this when they arrange it, 2 years after the start of the war, we see how women receive notifications about the death of their husbands, nevertheless , kiev, as well as in washington, apparently, people live well, and the war does not seem to concern them. the united states continues to finance the government sector of the united states and ukraine. western ukraine aid to ukraine is increasing, resulting in a widening gap between rich and poor in ukraine. there is another problem related to the massive supply
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of weapons to western ukraine. some countries, of course, are looking for an inevitable peace, but the american bases created in romania in poland is reminded of the story that happened in the balkans in the late nineties; indeed, the flow of money directed by the americans to ukraine means something for romania; poland, on the contrary, is growing. the escalation drowned out the voices calling for peace, with a large margin he ran to win the elections by more than n... abandoned his promises. now in ukraine
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people are being arrested for calling for freedom of speech. magazines are closing. and perhaps the upcoming presidential elections will be cancelled.
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money from people in poor countries and transferring it rich in rich countries, further western aid has ended ukrainian democracy and is impoverishing the country and impoverishing the economy. war brings unprecedented damage. in the country of its economy and ecology. now the zaporozhye nuclear power plant
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has come under attack, undoubtedly from ukraine; there are huge areas of minefields in ukraine. for 2 years now there have been calls for a peaceful solution to this problem. in order to close this bleeding wound, you need to calm down, put on a bandage,
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the usa and nato are looking at the bloody ukraine, no, sit still, continue to fight, we will send you more money, weapons, no one in ukraine. thank you for listening to me, let's work towards peace. thank you, thank you, mrs. kavyatkovskaya. and now i give the floor to the members of the council. i give the floor to the permanent representative of the russian federation. the european union, which in batches sign up for meetings on ukraine, will organize.
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on an openly hostile course against him, because this is a common tactic of colonialists who have pitted
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neighboring peoples in africa against each other for decades. and asian and latin america, who armed them and profited from their warriors. they never invented anything new in the 20th century, and today ukraine turned out to be their victim and russia their target. this is precisely the real background of the ukrainian crisis, which turned into a hot phase in february 2022 . we explained many times why we had to start and everyone who wants to hear heard us.
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at the same time, it is becoming increasingly difficult for western elites to suppress information about rampant corruption in ukraine, the lack of control over the accounting of ammunition supplied by equipment, and accordingly, there are serious risks and risks of them falling into terrorists. they are trying to interrupt all this unpleasant truth with arguments that the supply of weapons supposedly helps ukraine defend its independence in the face of russian aggression. is this so, what is
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today’s ukraine really achieving, from which the west has been making anti-russian for 10 years? we all remember how exactly 2 years ago, having staged an inhumane, completely deceitful provocation in bucha, she, under pressure from her western curators, rejected her best chance for peace since zelensky trampled minsk agreements.
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fair and justified demands on its neighbor, which underlie its well -known, ukraine can fulfill them without compromising its sovereignty and statehood. the fact that germany had to part with nazism, and japan with militarism, did not lead to the disappearance of these states. so why can’t ukraine do this, while ceasing to discriminate against the russian language and russian speakers. and in strict
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accordance with european ones. the answer to this question is very simple, because washington, london and brussels do not need a ukraine that would be friends with russia, and that is not why they have been investing in it for 10 years. as a result, losing on the battlefield, ukraine today is turning into an openly terrorist state, i want to dwell on this in more detail. we have already spoken more than once about the fact that the ukrainian armed forces, thanks to the supply of artillery shells and long-range missiles of western production, are launching attacks on civilian targets inside russia. only for the first quarter of this year in ssu, in particular fired 22 thousand ammunition, which killed 201 civilians, but you can’t find
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information about this in the western media. even hear a word.


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