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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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experts focused on the employment of people with disabilities. an interesting point: today there is a state task to involve people with disabilities in economic life. but everyone talks about the advantage of employment, and in the meantime, more than 50% of young people with disabilities want to become entrepreneurs. these are the data provided by the director of the social projects support fund, natalya kremneva. among the main areas of work are people with musculoskeletal disorders. design, animation, carpentry, and blind people often become massage therapists. at the forum in surgut there was a cultural program, a slage hockey tournament, and a fashion show. participants demonstrated their athletic and creative abilities. models presented special clothing for children with disabilities, designers from ugra, moscow, kazan and yekaterinburg. actor gosha kutsenko, the founder, also took part in the forum. two charitable foundations to
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support children with special needs, he met with participants from surgut schools, students of surgut schools with special children answered their questions about the profession of an actor, became a co-moderator of the discussion of the directors of inclusive schools at these in the theater in general , what is teaching? they wean you from thinking about how you look with... the essence of this profession is the same: you need don’t think about anything, they will tell you whether you are talented or not, whether you can or not, you just have to want. to understand the importance of holding such forums as an inclusive school, it is enough to give some numbers. as noted deputy head of the ministry of labor of russia there are almost 260,000 children with disabilities under the age of 17 living in our country, but at the same time. every year,
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the system of secondary higher vocational education graduates no more than 20,000 such children. the forum participants and experts agreed to unite to correct this situation.
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hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department in the studio, maxim movchan. the notorious business coach dmitry pordnyagin is taking risks. become a defendant in a criminal case, he is suspected of money laundering. according to news agent coach has already been detained in rostov. nadona will soon be taken for questioning to moscow. the day before, the blogger’s wife was detained in the capital, but on charges of non-payment of taxes. to save his beloved, the business coach returned 64 million rubles to the state treasury. and his wife was released. but the issue related to money laundering is unlikely to be resolved. it is known that partnyagin is an entrepreneur, blogger, and also the author of books on how to create a business from scratch. for laundering. he could face a real prison sentence. directed his order in st. petersburg, security forces detained the deputy head of the district administration, who really wanted to help the management company work for a long time and productively in the controlled territory. but for assistance, or rather patronage, he, according to investigators, issued
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a very expensive subscription to utility workers. andrey romanov will continue the topic. this detention is clearly in the spirit of the cultural capital. the investigator delicately squats down in front of the suspect. the toilet shows the trash can where he threw the magazine and envelope, and why they decided to throw it away an envelope and a magazine for haresli? i agree, of course, in the rays of ultraviolet it becomes clear that the magazine and the envelope, before being handed over to radionov, were covered with luminescent powder, it is on the bills, which, as if
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from a cornucopia of operatives, are taken out of the pockets of the detainee, when it comes to the purse in the back pocket of jeans, the probable bribe-taker claims that he earned this money honestly. rub. the real number here is only 30,000, the rest are the props of fsb operatives. security officials prepared sword bills after after the general director of a local management company contacted the department. according to media reports, it was yulia fedorova. she complained about extortion by vladlen radionov. according to operational data, the official responsible for housing and communal services and construction issues offered his patronage to the head of the management company. for a monthly remuneration of 750 thousand rubles. at the time of the transfer of money, the security forces were already keeping an eye on vladlen radionov. here is a woman handing him a magazine, which the official later threw away in the toilet. according to the investigation, radionov spent a long time convincing the businesswoman that she could not
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do without his services; in exchange for a bribe, he allegedly promised to lobby the interests of the management company, which services almost 400 houses in st. petersburg. from january to april of this year radeonov. speaks in front of another audience, and this is no longer an interview, but an interrogation, after which the official was taken to court, where, at the request of the investigation, he was taken into custody for 2 months.
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andrey romanov, mikhail shirin, lead the duty department. in moscow, investigators are establishing the circumstances of the explosion of an suv on koromenskoye highway. surveillance cameras recorded the moment of the emergency. we are in the shots. the man approached a black suv and got into the car; a few seconds later there was an explosion. according to some reports, this happened after the driver turned the key in the ignition. the man was hospitalized; neighboring cars were damaged by the blast wave. local residents say the explosion was very powerful and loud. at the scene , specialists conducted an inspection and collected all the necessary evidence. due to the incident, occurred on the korovinskoe highway in moscow, as a result of which the car was damaged and its owner was injured, investigation. the department for the northern administrative district of the main investigative department of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the city of moscow opened a criminal case. it turned out that the suv belongs to a former ukrainian intelligence officer , vasily prozorov. he was injured in the incident. prozarov moved to russia before
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the start of the special operation. he devoted his public activities to denouncing former colleagues from the sbu, their involvement in murder, terrorist attacks and biological experiments. in istra, moscow region, accused of murdering a policeman. his colleagues tell me in detail about the details of the attack on the law enforcement officer. according to the investigation, the man is a drug courier who should have been detained by the ministry of internal affairs. finding himself in an ambush, he opened fire. marie bucato saw me coming.
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which appeared at one of his so -called bookmarks. he suddenly opened fire on them. as a result, one law enforcement officer was killed and another was wounded. there was interception plan announced. investigators and criminologists, even under the cover of darkness with flashlights and metal detectors, combed the area, looking for crime weapons, accidentally forgotten personal belongings of the attacker, genetic materials, and, of course, caches of drugs. it is also noteworthy that on the night after the tragedy from the scene . a black car was evacuated, region code 47, leningrad region,
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it is not known whether the car belongs to the killer of the policeman or his accomplices, buryakov hid in the forest for several days, but in the end he was unable to escape, the day before he was detained in the tver region, he was detained, for what suspicion, you admit your guilt, i admit, there, near tver, the security forces found a cache of drugs, which the accused judge... apparently did not have time to sell, and also firearms. to restore the chronology of events, law enforcement officers seized the documents of the deceased colleague, and also searched the addresses where the detainee had previously appeared. vasily beryukov lived in an ordinary brick high-rise building on the outskirts of istra. according to neighbors, his black motorcycle and he parked his favorite cornfield here under the windows. the doors were opened and there were even gaps like this left. previously, buryakov was charged in absentia. immediately after completing
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all the necessary investigative actions , the man will be sent to a pre-trial detention center for the murder of a policeman and the wounding of his colleague; buryakov could face up to 20 years in prison. maria bukata, alexey gorshkov, vladimir nikolaev and maxim shevchenko, lead the duty unit. people learn about legal news in their region or region through work. hello maxim, here are some of the topics, which we will show on air. in the chat , the police woke up and rescued the residents of the burning house. law enforcement officers were the first to arrive at the fire scene and wasted no time . the cycle of crooks in transbaikalia , swindlers who were blackmailing were detained. for money, they promised not to report him to the police. now everyone will go to trial. bikers are back
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on the roads. along with the warmth , accidents involving motorcyclists also returned to transbaikalia. the statistics are already alarming. there have been six traffic accidents since the beginning of the season. for three, the trip turned out to be fatal. employees regional traffic police have taken the path of prevention. about these and other news in the final issue of the vestichet program, the duty department. maksim. thank you. it was. pashchenko from chita, and we return to federal news. almost 3 billion went past the counters, a large-scale special operation by the fsb of the ministry of internal affairs; in several regions of the country , members of a gang of energy workers who managed to steal a gigantic amount were detained. former current employees of the rosseti north caucasus company were supposed to spend money on the development of electric power plants, but decided to build themselves giant estates. spectacular shots in the material by vladimir bazov. it’s like footage torn from a science fiction action movie. in fact, operational shooting. an armored car with a futuristic design rolls up to a three-story mansion in the private sector
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of mkhachkala. its owner clearly has no intention of opening the doors; this is not a problem for special forces soldiers. the interiors are more reminiscent of a palace than a residential building. where did one of the employees of rosseti north caucasus get that kind of money? investigators suggest that the owner of the property was involved in a large-scale fraudulent scheme. it was planned to install remote meters for subscribers. transmit information about consumed electricity, but to date the system has not been put into operation. in total, the alleged fraudsters could have pocketed up to 2,800. money for the project was allocated from the federal budget and such investments in the region’s energy infrastructure were supposed to pay off in the future, but most of the funds ended up in the pockets of current and former employees of energy companies in the region.
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for some reason, the likely scammers decided to spend what they stole in the republic of dagestan outside their region. detentions took place simultaneously in four regions of russia. carried out jointly by the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb of russia. nine searches were carried out at the places of residence and work of members of the organized crime group in the moscow region of the republic of dagestan, karachay of the circassian republic and the stavropol territory. material evidence indicating the illegal activities of those involved in the criminal case was discovered and seized. by the way, about the armored car that was used in special operations falcatus. it is also called a bug. this is a modern armored vehicle designed specifically for the elite unit of the fsb, a special purpose center. its characteristics are thorough. classified, but it is known from public sources: the vehicle weighs about 12 tons, and this does not prevent it from accelerating to 200 km/h. as for the detainees themselves, they also had a blast, albeit in helicopters and under escort. it is important that each of them understands, regardless of where he works, when he worked, for each crime will be held responsible. in makhachkala, all
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nine defendants in a criminal case of fraud on an especially large scale were taken into custody and now face... up to 10 years in prison. vladimir bazov, lead, duty department. on saturday at 18:15, do not miss the final release of our program, this is its main topic. the killer staged a masquerade with dressing up. in surgut, a likely killer dressed up as a janitor to keep an eye on a businessman, and then shot him right in front of his wife and child. for what, for what? is this how brutal it could be to deal with? how much the killer was paid for the crime; investigators call him the customer; only our program managed to talk to him. can you imagine the trauma of the girl who saw all this? why did the accused quarrel with the entrepreneur for a long time? new details of a resonant story from surgut in a report by olga zhurenkova. the water goes away, but questions remain. why did the golden dam in orsk,
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worth almost a billion rubles, leak, the embankment was laid. to the ground who built it hydraulic structure why didn’t it protect people from high water, rodents could have chewed through some kind of gnawing, it doesn’t matter what, maybe rats, who could have eaten into the budget why local officials 2 days before a large-scale disaster said that there is no reason to panic when you will you resign, the question is, well, you know, i don’t know how to slam the door at this moment , how, we were left with nothing, we were left with nothing. is it true that a few years ago experts demanded to check the quality of work performed and efficiency millions spent. andrei ivlev investigated the disaster site in the orenburg region. the policeman's killer was hiding in the forest. how did you manage to detain a drug dealer who committed an armed attack by police officers in the moscow region? detained for
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what? so what happened during the ambush near the hiding place? why couldn't the police fight back? sergei was a responsible employee, honest, disciplined, an example for all of us, what did the detained vasily buryakov do, what upcoming business trip did he talk about relatives on the day of the murder, he came here somehow, he was such a shoo-butt, for which he could harbor a grudge against the police officers, previously unknown details of his biography in the report by maria bukado. at the next meeting on the divorce proceedings of the chikalin bloggers , all attention was drawn to the non-star couple, their lawyer. lerchik’s defender literally arranged an escape from journalists for some reason, like a true star hid her face from flogging. the lawyers remain silent, as do the chikalins themselves, who do not even come to court. many are perplexed, because just recently everyone was following a high-profile criminal case
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related to tax evasion. and, it would seem , the dropping of all charges would only strengthen lerchik’s relationship with her wife. however, in march they announced their separation. most likely, more than one court hearing awaits the bloggers. in addition to the divorce process , you will also have to divide expensive property. in ufa, investigators are establishing the circumstances of the attack on police officers inappropriately with a knife. a violent local resident was waving a blade, threatening passers-by and even himself. then, it would seem, he succumbed to persuasion police officers, calmed down, but at the last moment he pulled out a knife and wounded one of the law enforcement officers. timur davletov, more details. folding knife, shoe, traces of blood. forensic investigators are carefully studying the crime scene in the very center of ufa, on one of the city streets near the department of the leninsky rvd and the prosecutor's office , an attack was committed on two people, but what they managed to find out by this minute is that a certain young man was walking around here in the center of the city with a knife, thereby frightening passers-by and putting a knife,
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it is not yet clear why, to his throat, so that somehow calm down, the police arrived here, this guy, these shots were taken by an eyewitness, it’s clear that they seem to be able to calm down the heated citizen, he even puts the knife away, but then everything changed, he grabbed the cold again. outside he rushed to attack the law enforcement officers, warning shots in the air did not help, he had to shoot to kill. in turn, during the arrest, he inflicted wounds on two police officers and himself. one of the police officers was detained and hospitalized; another officer medical assistance was provided on the spot. it was established that the twenty-five-year-old man was under the influence of illegal drugs. his name is ruslan mananov. the motives of the aggressive citizen are not yet clear. investigators. the man was running, the police were catching up with him, and another one pinned him down, here they pushed him, he came to
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the ground, he caught him with a knife, it looks like he was running and cutting himself in the throat with a knife. a criminal case has been initiated into the encroachment on the lives of law enforcement officers. currently in place of the incident, a set of initial investigative actions were carried out, objects were seized and sent for expert examination, and the severity of the damage will also be assessed. an ambulance took the attacker to the clinic, the wounded employee of the ministry of internal affairs was also hospitalized, both are recovering, a preventive measure will be chosen for the attacker in the near future, it is known that investigators will insist on arrest. timur davletov, alyafanov, mikhail shirin, news, duty department ufa. and now the urgent news that our editors receive directly from lenformagen. the investigative committee opened a criminal case against an unknown person who poured acid on women in shchelkovo near moscow, tas reports. a sixteen-year-old girl suffered burns to her legs, and a second woman was hospitalized with burns to her face and body.
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plenipotentiary representative of the president of the russian federation in the north caucasus federal district. spend 25 years behind bars, and there are such prisoners, while the courts have not yet made a decision or can end up there, for this they must make one decision in favor of bloodthirsty criminals who are entitled to the right to freedom,
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watch the investigation of dord petrov clinging to life, this weekend on the russia 24 tv channel, checkered sky, today in russia there are slightly less than 200 people sentenced to life imprisonment, there is no blood on the hands of these nonhumans... the petition for parole will be denied , what do they hope for, why do they cling to life so much? do you want freedom? i hope for her. we
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took up this matter and conducted our investigation. orsk begins to recover after a powerful flood, the water level is gradually falling, local residents and rescuers begin to count the damage. there is a lot of hard work ahead. to those who have lost their homes. humanitarian aid continues to be provided from orsk alexander mostovaya. this little kitten, which miraculously survived after the high water came to orsk, is now the only thing that connects its owner natalya with her past life. she recalls with horror how her house was flooded and the woman was taken out by boat. the cat drowned, mom, there's some change left. did you buy it? little one, what's his name? barsik, my husband rode on vodka and got everyone out. orsk was the first to be hit elements. the stormy stream blocked the entrance to residential buildings. now water is pumped out of the city
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using motor pumps and special equipment. equipment, we are now in the old town microdistrict, where the big water initially came and which suffered the most due to the elements, rescuers continue to work here, now, as we can see, the big water is gradually leaving, the water level in the river per day decreased, this indicates that life here is gradually getting better, residents of the old city told the head of the ministry of emergency situations about their misfortune alexander kurenkov, the minister arrived in orsk again, there are no questions, well done, so we were flooded.
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the dam, which was supposed to protect the city from floods, could not cope with the impact of the elements, it broke and the water entered orsk. why the hydraulic structure did not fulfill its main task is still an open question and city residents are demanding to check the quality of the dam. people are dissatisfied with the work of local authorities, but the mayor of orsk does not seem to be bothered by this, objectively, people are dissatisfied with you, well, let’s be honest, people, we wrote it down today, people with you unhappy, that's it. why, in order to make them happy, we will now do everything to ensure that they are provided with warm clothes, food and everything else, your house was damaged, my house was not damaged, it is not in an area outside the flood zone, but why was my house built by specialists , they were building according to a specific project, you understand, but these specialists calculated all the loads, and i have to rely on what opinion, on the opinion of specialists, of course, i relied on it and said that yes, the dam
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will withstand,
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with our own strength, here is a commission in the near future directly literally today or tomorrow she will come to you, without waiting for any monday, she will work on saturday and sunday. now restoration work is in full swing, water is leaving orsk, humanitarian aid, medicines, clothes, and food are being supplied to residents. temporary accommodation centers continue to operate in the city. people who have lost their housing will receive certificates to purchase a new one. it is known that the damage from the flood is tentatively estimated at more than 40 billion rubles. alexandra mostovaya and sergei velichko. vesti - the duty unit from orenburg region. the entire operational news feed of legal news in the telegram channels vesti dezhurnaya part and honest detective. subscribe. we also watch our investigations and daily releases on the platform. go to the broadcast tab, turn on an honest detective story. and our release is now complete. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30.
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information hour begins with flood situations. roscosmos showed what the flood in orenburg looks like on... satellite images, these are the shots in which it is clearly it is clear that almost the entire city is flooded. let me remind you that the dam in orsk burst in several places at once. the water level in the ural river near orenburg is a record high; it exceeded the dangerous mark by more than 2 m, the ministry of emergency situations reported. more than 5,000 houses and the road to the europe, asia stele are flooded in the city. the water continues to exist. the ministry of emergency situations sends out sms messages about the need to evacuate. a state of emergency has been introduced in one of the districts of the samara
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region. there and the flood is more flooded.


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