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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

7:00 pm
we start the information hour with the flood situation. roscosmos showed what... the flood in orenburg looks like in satellite images, these are the shots that clearly show that almost the entire city is flooded. let me remind you that the dam in orsk burst in several places at once. the water level in the ural river near orenburg is a record high; it exceeded the dangerous mark by more than 2 m, the ministry of emergency situations reported. more than 5,000 houses and the road to the europe-asia stele are flooded in the city. the water continues to exist. the ministry of emergency situations sends out sms messages about the need evacuate.
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today is a holiday, cosmonautics day, this is the day when we celebrate the achievement of the soviet union, and therefore our common, common achievement of all the republics of the former soviet union. now, without space, it is impossible to solve a single effective problem on earth, this is increasing defense capability, these are modern new materials, medicines, this is logistics, movement, in general, that’s where the finger goes. no, there are applications to
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space technologies everywhere, we are working very seriously on joint programs of belarus and russia, we are doing satellite programs together, we have preserved these factories for the production of satellites since soviet times , we are working together with the russians, now there are manned flights, i persuaded vladimir vladimirovich that we will continue to work together, he supported me yesterday. the optics are yours, yes, that's without question, our optics, by the way, are no worse than in the west, yes, yes, good, vladimir putin also spoke on the phone with a large family, hereditary waters living in the tundra, on imala, the president met with them at the beginning of the year at a meeting with the winners of all-russian family competitions, then the head of the family said that on april 12 he and his wife zoya would celebrate their fiftieth anniversary of marriage, and today they accepted congratulations.
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7:04 pm
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7:05 pm
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for you, for whom curiosity opens new horizons. ruviki, you know where to find out. hello buddy. promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey, hey, butter is not the first thing, oh, we need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer it online, it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching, who else taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, magnet, price, what necessary, cheese, bleslitovsk, 1449, i came to a tasty spot for a convenient schedule, found friends here. and in general there are many reasons to stay, come for a suitable schedule, stay for love, get to the point with work, it’s not easy to catch the fire of a bird, but
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everyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit at gazprombank. ru! hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov, we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and how they become part of our lives. strengthening the development of the regions' potential and defending the interests of the residents of our country. about key events right now. politics and security, economics and finance, cultural and humanitarian ties, key areas of cooperation within the framework of brix under the chairmanship of russia.
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specifically with disposal with a competent approach to everything related to accumulated harm. preferential mortgage, deferment from service and other privileges. how do we support it specialists in our country? there are very large global challenges to ensure technological sovereignty of our country. russian.
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7:11 pm
this is a meeting at different levels, including with foreign minister sergei lavrov, as well as working sessions in the federation council. we’ll talk about the significance of these meetings and negotiations, as well as the goals and expectations of the russian brix presidency, with vice-speaker of the federation council konstantin kosachev. he is our studio guest today. konstantin iosipovich, this week important meetings took place within the framework of brix, the chairmen of international committees came to moscow affairs of this association, tell me, is this a landmark event for russian politics or just an ordinary working meeting? well, for russian politics, since we are starting with this, of course the existence and current development are significant.
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its future development, its own understanding of what this association should be and how it should position itself in the world, so all this is very important, all this is definitely not at all - such passing events, but we are parliamentarians and of course for we are interested the parliamentary brix dimension, in this case it has clearly been getting what is called a second wind since last year, so...
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how the parliamentary brix dimension will develop and certain parameters have been agreed upon and what are called the rules. this
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year, under the russian presidency , the next qualitative step is taking place, because for the first time we are beginning to prepare the entire content of the brix parliamentary forum, not only as chairmen, but also as organizers of the collective preparation process. yesterday and today in moscow for the first time in brix history, in parliamentary history. brix dimension there was a meeting of the chairmen of the committees of the nine, and at this meeting we discussed very specifically what will happen in 3 months, when the speakers of the same nine gather together, by the way, it is planned to invite, and a group of parliaments that are partners for russia, this parliaments of the countries of the interparliamentary assembly of the cis, the interparliamentary union, that is, it will be a broader format than the nine, but...
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the work, in fact, is what distinguishes the brix format from all other formats, including the seven, where the leadership of the united states of america is absolutely clear, and where the american will is american...
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i am glad that without exception, all of the parliaments that were represented at today's meeting of the foreign affairs committees understood the plan and picked it up, we really work as one team. nevertheless , a delegation from saudi arabia did not come to moscow to meet us, here’s what this could mean, are there any parallels with...
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there was a rather complex process of internal agreements between the five, were within the five, there were consultations with foreign candidates, and each of them was sent an invitation to join brix, where partly the initiative came from the brix association, partly, naturally, was the result of certain signals from the relevant countries, after which we know in argentina there was a change in leadership quite radical, argentina officially notified the change. notified of a change in its position in relation to brix, their complete sovereign right, no one on this matter, well does not get upset, does not have complexes, each country, i repeat once again, determines for itself whether it is interesting or uninteresting, saudi arabia has a different story, we have not received any letters of refusal from our colleagues in saudi arabia, we do not see their
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active participation in the unification, as they say, it’s not evening yet, there’s a parliamentary forum coming up, and the most important thing is coming...
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we absolutely respect both the choice of saudi arabia and the choice of any of our other potential partners, if when they again indicate their interest, welcome it’s a shame if for some reason this doesn’t happen, but the association will still exist, live, develop, grow with new members, and if it’s a little bit in this direction or a little bit in another, it won’t
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change the main vector of development , and this is the direction of development towards a multipolar world order. which, in fact , is now represented in miniature, but ultimately, i am sure, will be represented in the widest possible format by the brix association. well, you said, from 30 to 40 countries that are ready, so to speak to join brix, and what do they expect from this association and in general, in your opinion, what is the future of brix, will there be some kind of space with a single currency, which is often talked about, and so on, and so on, and so on, that’s what you think, you and i can... dream about anything, and of course, i would like to see the maximum realization of brix’s potential for the future, but you know what the fundamental difference between brix and other associations is, that there is no dictate of this or that position, will, approach, design, no one imposes anything on anyone, and any design that ultimately becomes viable and
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effective in the brix space arises as a result of consensus, five countries discussed the possibility of creating a brix development bank for quite a long time, the process took several years, but when all parties understood that this is correct, that this is interesting, to everyone ... of the participating countries, that we will go in this direction, the development bank has arisen, if, when it turns out that the participating countries, i will repeat them again, now more, either a common currency will be needed, or some mechanism for mutual settlements in national currencies, or something third, great, any of these options is possible, but only when and if all parties agree on this matter, so i believe that brix has a big the future not because he has already... achieved this or will achieve this tomorrow, but because everyone agrees that we absolutely need to get rid of those institutions and mechanisms of unipolarity
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that our geopolitical opponents, and the same seven, is an institution of unipolarity, the dollar is an institution of unipolarity, right down to control over the international olympic committee and the nobel committee, for example, or the committee that awards oscars, so to speak, or eurovision, everywhere. they have placed their people, so to speak, and their political, economic, financial, whatever other instruments, and through them they are trying to impose their will on the world, so in brix countries are moving away from this unipolar world, because it is inconvenient for them, it is uncomfortable, it does not allow them to realize their national interests, and this is already a colossal plus and colossal potential for the brix unification, but what will the alternative solutions be, what will the tools be?
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we are eager for a short advertisement, then we will continue, do not switch, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century there would appear a layer of people who are called foreigners, and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov, friday -
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victims in our country so that they do an offense against the law, and it was me who was the victim, your brother there in the donbass, in the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i don’t have a ration or a weapon for you, get ready to go to moscow, we’ll list your brother as missing, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him. nadezhda markina, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him,
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alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went to reconnaissance, there were three of them, then i don’t know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
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7:27 pm
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7:30 pm
this is the senate program, see below. the start of the fire season, what to expect from it and how to prepare for it in the regions of the country. to date, the regions have carried out all fire-fighting measures in accordance with the consolidated fire extinguishing plan. toxic legacy, elimination of accumulated environmental harm. how does this process go? first of all. of course, everything is connected with disposal with a competent approach to everything related to accumulated harm. preferential mortgage, deferment from service and other privileges. how our country supports it specialists. there are very large global tasks to ensure the technological sovereignty of our country. russian drug market.


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