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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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this is the senate program, see below. the start of the fire season, what to expect from it and how to prepare for it in the regions of the country. to date, the regions have carried out all fire-fighting measures in accordance with the consolidated fire extinguishing plan. toxic legacy, elimination of accumulated environmental pollution.
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in everyday life, they often happen precisely because of the unsatisfactory technical condition of gas equipment and home ventilation ducts in residential buildings. therefore, for the safety of citizens, the authors of the document increased fines for preventing gas workers from entering houses. refusal to maintain and repair gas equipment will cost 5-10,000 rubles. for officials , the maximum fines will increase to 100 thousand rubles ; for legal entities, up to half a million. according to the law.
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everything is quite complicated, so these rules make just the changes in that everyone who has gas equipment will have their own contract, but for each house they will authorize one person living there, or to authorize their hoa, the household will appoint a specific authorized person, whose phone number, name and the middle name will be each tenant, and the gas service organization is required to notify one month in advance.
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that is, the glands will know that at such and such a time a specific person with such and such a name will come to him, that is, these rules were synchronized with our law in such a way that, in principle , they harmonized relations, in general, they removed all questions that could would arise in this case. in more than half of russian regions, checks of readiness for the fire season have been completed, this is data from the growing season. a significant part of russian subjects passed this test. citizens it is worth remembering that with the onset of a fire hazard. season, certain rules must be followed when using open fire. if you don't know these rules, you should definitely read them. you should also remember about the ban on grass burning garbage. meanwhile , weather is expected to make this fire season more difficult than last year. how forest fires can be prevented will be discussed with senator oleg kuvshinnikov. oleg alexandrovich, hello, what is the current level of regional readiness for fire hazards ? season? today the region of the russian federation. are completing preparations for
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the fire-hazardous period, and the regions have approved consolidated plans for extinguishing forest fires, equipment and a forest fire brigade have been prepared, an amount of more than 17 billion rubles has been allocated from the federal budget for the protection of forests from fires, the purchase of fire-fighting equipment, and 1 billion 200 million rubles have been allocated for the purchase 1,200 unmanned aerial vehicles to detect forest fires in the regions of the russian federation, forestry special forces based... forest protection - in order to extinguish large fires in forests without declaring an emergency. as of today , preparations are being completed. and what measures are the regions taking to prevent fires in the forest fund as a whole at the moment, what is the current situation? it is very important to note that last year our president , by decree, formed key performance indicators for extinguishing forest fires throughout the country. by 2030 it is necessary to reduce. area covered by fire in the constituent entities
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of the russian federation throughout the country, extinguish fires by 50% in the first day after their discovery, i want to say that last year. roads are being cleared, signs are being installed prohibiting people’s access to the forest fund during an emergency situation or a special fire regime, and the president in his message instructed to increase the wages
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of forestry workers, how much will it increase, how long will this increase take place, and what do you think? , why this initiative is needed right now, about the russian federation is already working on a package of instructions from the message to the federal assembly our president, from 25 to 30 , 54 billion rubles were allocated to increase wages for forestry workers and those workers who are employed in environmental enterprises. in the twenty-fourth year , rosishod allocated an additional one billion rubles to increase wages at forestry enterprises. council of the federation. the committee in which i am a member has taken control of increasing wages for forestry workers , and will annually monitor the situation and provide information to senators of the russian federation. and in the federation council you can you imagine the vologda region, what kind of preparedness is there for the fire season, and what is the most common cause of fire in
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the region, what measures are taken if a fire does start? the volga region is one of the top five, one of the most efficient regions in terms of extinguishing speed. fires based on the area covered by the fire, for this purpose , a multi-level forest fire monitoring system has been created in the vologda region, this includes space monitoring, air monitoring, foot patrols, and a 24-hour dispatch service has been created, which takes calls on telephone hotlines around the clock, we installed 82 round-the-clock surveillance cameras on communication towers in order to detect smoke in the forest... these are fire and rescue teams that are parachuted to extinguish these fires on the first day, so last year the vologda the region fulfilled
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the target, there were only 37 hectares, 38 fires in total, so, of course, this multi-level system, this focus of forest fire departments on... i am confident that we will cope with the task. approved this year our forest fire departments are an important law for homeowners. now the provider will be able to provide internet access to an apartment building at the request of any resident. this will no longer require a decision of the general meeting of owners. according to the document , the telecom operator will be able to enter the house if at least one owner enters into an agreement with it. at the same time, the provider will pay for electricity, which...
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a wide window of opportunity has opened for many russian companies, and in order for our companies to took full advantage, the state has provided various types of support, what conditions are created for our specialists so that they can work as comfortably as possible, and the results of their work are as effective as possible, svetlana temerbulatova will tell you. yes, there are different types in the country today.
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the amount of mortgages issued is more than 50 billion rubles. employees employed by an it company can apply for a preferential mortgage if certain conditions are met. you can count on a reduced rate of up to 5% only citizens of russia, age from 18 to 50 years inclusive, work experience of at least 3 months at the current place of work. for citizens from 36 to 50 years old, there is also a salary requirement; its size must be at least 150,000 if you are employed. in moscow, no less than 120 if you work in other cities with populations over one million, and no
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less than seventy for employees in other regions. for borrowers under the age of 35 inclusive, there are no salary requirements. another support measure is a deferment from the army for employees it companies. it applies only to those who are directly involved in the development and implementation of software . a moratorium on scheduled inspections has also been introduced until the end of 2024. until the twenty-fifth year, we have suspended all inspections, including tax, administrative, and so on, and tax, currency and other types of control for these, that is, practically enterprises operate freely. the share of profit from core activities must be at least 70%. the zero rate is valid only until december 31, 2024, subsequently it will be 3%. throughout...
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will be within the framework of its economic policy in this area. sales of russian
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database software are exempt from vat. however, this measure is only available to companies that have included their software in the relevant register. next we will talk about a bill that will make adjustments to the process of forming local administrations. municipalities will have the right to approve deputy heads of administration and heads of its sectoral and territorial bodies. such opportunity. entrenched in its charter. the co-author of the document is senator alexander rolik, we’ll get the details from him. issues related to improving the work of local governments, their active participation in the implementation of the message of the president of the russian federation, require amendments to the current legislation, on the one hand, in order to strengthen the interaction of local administrations with local representative bodies. management, on the other hand, involve the deputy corps together with the administration in
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solving the problems that today face our country, the constituent entities of the russian federation and, of course, municipalities, therefore, together with senators, shevchenko, andrei anatolyevich, gorodetsky, vladimir filipovich, deputies of the state duma, we introduced , bill. aimed at improving legislation in the field of local self-government, in particular article thirty-seven of the law on the general principles of local self-government in the russian federation federation, which provides for the granting of representative bodies of local self-government the right to participate in the formation of local administrations, in particular deputy heads of local administrations and their heads of structural units. our bill provides.
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for 5 years, we have done a lot of work in the primorsky territory to implement this project and this program, all the objects that today... within the framework of the state program are being created, repaired, determined by the residents themselves as a result of voting for each object. in the primorsky territory, within the framework of this state program
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, more than 600 public gardens have already been built, created, or overhauled and put in order. the same city of vladivostok, which is the capital. far eastern federal district, this is the center of the primorsky territory, over the past period of time more than 900 various kinds of objects have been built in terms of local areas, public spaces, this makes our city of vladivostok attractive, because vladivostok is also the center tourist attraction, it is a sports center, such a... cultural center, a lot of guests come to us, we host various socio-political and economic events, in particular, for more than 10 years the eastern economic forum will be held, where representatives come all subjects of the russian federation, our foreign guests, and of course creating conditions that would please the eyes of our
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guests is very important, we are ready to continue to actively participate. in this job. medicine, pharmaceuticals, industry, agriculture, petrochemistry and even ecology, the range of uses of the peaceful atom is extensive. thanks to the operation of nuclear power plants, there is heat in residential buildings, hospitals operate around the clock, conveyors of large enterprises do not stop, and nuclear icebreakers ensure the passage of ships along the northern sea route. important issues of the nuclear industry were discussed at the international forum atomexpo, which was held in sochi. siriu business platform combined. in the margins of the forum you could highlight and what modern developments do you think deserve special attention? the relevance of this platform is probably, well, you can just
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say, confirm with numbers, more than 80 agreements of various levels between. our nuclear industry is moving, of course, we were talking about fourth generation nuclear systems, as safe systems, as those systems that in the future will generate the least amount of waste, we are fighting for this today, because wherever we are today talked about our development first of all environmental friendliness is coming, everything that we
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produce today, everything that we build today must necessarily take into account this direction, this is also such... such a center of attention that was a red thread at every site where they would not talk about development of our nuclear industry, of course, a sense of pride, of course, because when we talk about rosatom, we say that this is all our family, when we see how many people come to get acquainted with our technologies, then accordingly once again a feeling of pride that this is all for us, anatolyevna, one of the topics of lively discussions was the elimination of accumulated environmental damage, and you took part in its discussion, and are we talking about the legacy of the soviet era, which remained in the northern territories of the landfills , or is it something else? well, as i already said, issues on the environmental agenda were not at
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the center of the forum itself at each of the platforms. as part of this, there was a lot of emphasis on the message. president, all of us today we are working within the framework of the national ecology project, first of all, of course, everything is connected with recycling with a competent approach to everything related to accumulated harm. in the committee that i represent, in the federation council , a working group has been created, which, in consolidation in cooperation with representatives of different levels of government, the public and representatives of various... companies, is considering issues related to waste disposal, there are a number of objects that in our committee are on special control, such as red bor, this... baikal pulp and paper mill, usoleikhimprom, one of the last, which is also already such an important object that we will
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control, this is a topic related to yaroslavl, a topic related to green oil and tar, when you understand, that the depth of the deposit is about 100 m, this is quite a big job, which, i am sure, will also be undertaken by rosatom, the main task. so that every object that in one way or another adjoins the territory where people live among us becomes an object on which it should life continues, including at the site where i was, we talked about the need to provide support, that is, for the economic and social development of the territory in which this object was or is located, so that in the future it becomes attractive to investors, so that investors were not afraid to enter this facility, murmonsk region, which you represent in the federation council, one of the regions where the state corporation operates, what projects are relevant today, which ones are relevant in the future and what contribution they make to
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socio-economic development of the region? the murma region, which i represent, interacts very closely with rusatom, absolutely not by chance, because we have a sufficient number of different areas where rusatom is present in our region, this is the nuclear fleet, this is the kola ... nuclear power plant, rosatom is present as an operator waste disposal, and of course, the new kolmazerskoye deposit of lithium, which our country as a whole needs so much, our scientists say that in the future this lithium will be enough to cover the needs that our country faces, what is lithium needed for, and we look and see how electric cars are driving along the road, electric cars are already appearing, so these are simple things related to... the accumulation of this energy does not work without lithium, and for a long period of time we were dependent, this lithium was supplied to us from australia, from chile,
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today there is such a deposit, it probably, i am sure, will help the rapid development, including of our automobile industry. important it should be noted that the company actively takes part in the socio-economic development of the region, even the municipality where they are represented. and the resources that are invested even in the simple appearance of medical institutions and sites speaks of the attention that the company pays to the people who work at this enterprise, so large companies will develop, this, of course, contributes to the development of the region as a whole, if talking about the murmansk region, today there is also a feeling of pride in our region, because that today the economy should work for our... country, and those big directions that are represented today, including rusatam in our region, clearly indicate that everything will definitely work out, and we are moving forward in the right direction.
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the russian drug market is becoming less and less dependent on imports; external restrictions have not weakened russian manufacturers. moreover, the rapid growth of the pharmaceutical industry occurred precisely during the period of sanctions. import orders nationwide. manufacturers cope with this task extremely complex important medical products, such as coronary stents, one of the factories for their production is located in the chechen republic, report by oksana podtorkina. with this mesh metal cylinder, doctors save lives every day. this is what a coronary stand looks like: a medical device needed by patients who have suffered, for example, a myocardial infarction. this is a kind of prosthesis that restores blood flow in the artery. the stand on tip itself, it is at the end, all this is precisely the system for delivering the stent to the site of the lesion. our drummer is a stand with a drug coating , sirolimus, the drug coating is necessary for the survival of the stent after
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implantation. nalchik, kazan, tyumen, kemerovo, penza, ufa, novosibirsk - this is not a complete list of cities where operations using these stands were successfully carried out. by the way, there are not so many factories for their production in the country; in the north caucasus there is only one of them. this enterprise is a good example of fruitful russian-indian cooperation. manufacturing processes that are carried out with... here laser welding is one of the most difficult stages of production, very small tubes are connected to each other, the size of the smallest fragment is only 2 mm. working with such details not only requires complete concentration, but also fine motor skills, which are assessed in future employees when hiring. during the interview, in addition to asking questions, we conduct some tests, one might say. we mix rice and buckwheat in a cup, give them tweezers, they have to separate everything this is separate. during a shift, the plant assembles 500 medical products, on which
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the quality of life of our compatriots depends. lee says that the first stages of production take place in sterile rooms where a special microclimate has been created. now the temperature outside the glass is 22°, air humidity is 55%. this is the most comfortable condition for a person. in addition, there is less circulation of particles in the air of such rooms that can get on the medical device. special conditions are observed in the premises of the pharmaceutical plant in zelenograd, which opened in august last year. in the near future, the company will produce about 50 types of medicines for metropolitan hospitals, 90%. percent of which are vital drugs. these are tablet capsules for the treatment of blood diseases, osthmatic and immunological diseases, as well as for chemotherapy of various types of cancer. it may be noted that a number of drugs have never been produced in russia before. we are in a room where drugs are coated. this is oblonk, a large oblong tablet, the largest in line of the enterprise. for many people, these medications are vital, as they are intended to treat cancer . the word is that domestic drugs
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in this group have already shown their effectiveness, and in general the stereotype that russian drugs are in some way inferior to imported ones is coming to naught. the drug, the treatment of cancer patients, is of very decent quality, there is no difference in effectiveness, there are no negative aspects, so there is a lot of emphasis on quality, time will put it in its place, it seems to me, one, two, three experiences and trust in there will be domestic drugs. another important area of ​​the zelenograd plant is a complex of premises for the production of soft goods. gelatin capsules. now they are preparing to launch their first product, a drug for the treatment of chronic kidney diseases. the shelling for these amber-like capsules is prepared in a reactor. here the gelatin is melted and mixed, then the mass is fed into a special machine, where the product acquires medicinal properties in an ideal form. the stages, as they say, are almost all the same here, yes, the only thing that changes is the filler, yes, it is an active fortic substance, and more dyes or
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printing can be added. we also have such functionality, huh. we have special equipment that can carry a name capsule directly, or a print. the plant opened at the height of sanctions pressure; the priority, of course, was domestic equipment, in particular, thanks to it, the microclimate in clean rooms is maintained. however, the launch of such a giant would hardly have been possible without the help state, an offset contract was concluded between the enterprise and the moscow government. as part of the concluded contract, we have investment obligations for the construction and launch of factories, as well as production obligations. there are about 50 types of medicines, and the city, well, the moscow health department itself, has an obligation to buy these products from us, that is, this is a mutually beneficial cooperation. there are other measures of state support for the pharmaceutical industry: preferential loans from the industrial development fund, this is a venture story, pharmaceutical-med innovations that work, so to speak, in my opinion,
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with startups. these are special investment contracts, well, now with peak-1, peak-2 , that is, they support both production itself and the modernization of investment in science. and last year , the pharmaceutical industry development strategy pharma 2030 was approved. the document defines the main directions of state policy in this area for the 7 years ahead. aksana patturkina, yuri belov, alexander shedevr, egor gerasimov and andrey litvin, program senate. the role of women in the media space, preservation. the traditions of development of innovative healthcare technologies are the focus of the ewf council this week, the chairman of the council galina koryalova told us about this, as well as how preparations for the fourth eurasian women’s forum are going on. the council of the eurasian women's forum already has 30 projects in its portfolio. all these projects are attracting interest today from women in the regions, and beyond. many projects include.
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international participation and currently we we are summing up the implementation of these projects during the period between the forums, as we begin very active preparations for the fourth eurasian women’s forum. before the forum there will be a whole series of pre-forums, that is , forums in the regions, the largest pre-forum for which we are preparing... will be in the kemerovo region at the end of may, and this forum will be dedicated to the role of women in industrial regions, we as the chamber of regions are interested in opportunities for women in the regions have become more and more every year, we set a goal for the next forum, one of questions,


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