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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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minister's visit. foreign affairs of sergei lavrov in china made a lot of noise in the western media, which frightened foreign experts so much, we will talk about this with the director of the center for comprehensive european and international studies at the higher school of economics, chief researcher at the center for comprehensive chinese studies and regional projects at mgimo, vasily kashin. vasily borisovich, hello, thank you for discussing an understandable topic with us now, we have...
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the headline was a successful visit, of course, sergei viktorovich was greeted with a red carpet path, they showed great respect, he also spoke with his colleague, the minister of foreign affairs of china, then chairman xi met with him. this is very honorable and very important, and mrs. jannet elin was also there the day before, she flew in, for some reason she had to be there for 7 days, she persuaded her. threatened and so on, but we will definitely talk about this to chinese companies now, and so on, and she was not greeted with a red carpet, although she is not the last person in the white house, but how do you evaluate the results of the visit? well, our minister's visit foreign affairs was a preparatory step before our president's expected visit to china in the near future.
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relations with china, but the chinese are serious people, they are complex negotiators, you need to be able to do business with them, why am i saying all this, so that there is no vague euphoria, china now, well, we understand this, and it acts in his own interests, not because he likes it that way, i don’t know, maybe he does, we don’t know, but let’s china proceed from its own interests, and nevertheless, this is how you see, will
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there really be some kind of deepening of cooperation now? why am i asking this question, because while the news that is coming, they somehow say that there are certain problems, as you can see, you you see these problems, firstly, or or nothing bothers you yet, of course, there are problems, uh, both russia and china, despite all their successes in de-dollarization of trade, in import substitution. they are still dependent and vulnerable to sanction pressure from usa, we have recently seen a new wave of problems with payments, this is not the first time, every time the americans tighten the enforcement of their sanctions, as soon as they introduce some new measures, as soon as there is a new wave of... ... thunderstorms
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against large chinese companies, well, a certain period of difficulties follows, then they are overcome, like a business. are absent in dozens of countries around the world, they, of course, must take into account the threat of secondary sanctions, especially for banks, each new wave of american threats or twisting arms, it
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gives some kind of temporary effect, this is not the first time and not the last, since the beginning of the svo, from time to time this leads to some outbreaks of panic in russia, but... if we look at the overall picture, it speaks of something completely different, not only is china becoming an increasingly important partner of russia, yes, it is already approaching, probably, the share of our trade that the european union once occupied, but russia is still already a fairly significant economic partner of china, china has last year.
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the authorities must somehow maneuver in in the sense that you rightly noted that global chinese companies would not like to lose markets, receive all sorts of additional restrictions, and yet, nevertheless, these restrictions are introduced, it is clear that large companies are trying to circumvent, i mean this here is information from our bankers that it has come to the point that chinese banks do not accept payments for laptops and servers, you guys. last year, the decline in sales of electronics , exports fell by 5-7%, how is it going there, maybe we need to somehow get around these they trade through some smaller chinese banks and so on, it’s just that all this talk is annoying, because
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it seems to me that the chinese still need to more clearly define their position here, or is this still such a deletantist point of view , how do you think? well... many are accepted at the level of companies, even state-owned ones, which have a high degree of autonomy, who are afraid, chinese companies have always been known, for their extremely cautious attitude towards the threat of secondary sanctions from the united states, i repeat, there have been several waves of such difficulties in settlements with china, starting from the twenty-second year and even starting from the fourteenth year. however, if we look at the general trend, we have
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a colossal increase in trade turnover between our countries, and it continues to this day, and the problems that exist are being solved, of course, it is easier to solve them for large companies of the two countries that directly can contact...
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russia is one of the fastest growing countries, partners of china, they pay attention to this, there is a political decision, to support the development of ties with russia, i think that we will overcome these difficulties, as for elena’s visit, yes, there was the topic of pressure on china regarding ties with russia, but it was not the main one, the main topic, her...
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they sell for more than in china
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, not to mention that chinese cars are strong, it’s clear that there are duties on everything there and so on, but that is what i mean, i mean that we don’t want china to resolve its issues global at the expense of consumers in russia. i don't want to pay more when you can pay less, i'm talking about this, so i think that some kind of compromise must be found here, you know, i completely agree, any monopolization... this is bad, and of course, the chinese are using what they do not have left in in a number of market segments, competitors in russia receive very significant profits here, possibly super-profits, the situation there is also aggravated by the fact that in some
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areas there are probably some that have not yet been fully debugged with the same machines.
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with the chinese, somewhere we must protect our market, somewhere we must simply support our industry so as to ensure competition, we have no other choice, perhaps in such a longer term after the completion of the svo it will be possible to restore relations with those relatively developed asian countries that have limited ties with russia so. under pressure, because you are hinting at korea there, as i understand it, you are hinting at korea, well, this is south korea, but in fact the same story with many ocean countries, that is, there seems to be a desire there - to restore ties at the first possibilities, but of course strong fear is also visible, that is, as soon as the situation
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stabilizes a little or as soon as it weakens a little.
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our chinese comrades just strangled us in their arms, we need to somehow raise duties on the same electronics, and in fact, it’s still unclear what we have from electronics, what to buy, again we will pay for everything, it turns out, well, consumers usually, i mean i mean, well, you know, as far as i again say this, and the cry of the consumer of the soul, as far as i - i looked at what was saying management of avtovaz, they are more likely to advocate... a more consistent policy to encourage chinese automakers to localize the production of auto components here, because from the emergence of more powerful production of auto components in russia, everyone benefits, both russian consumers and avtovaz, this requires constant work between russian government agencies and
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chinese automakers, while avtovaz’s business there is that the chinese are theirs... thank you, all these issues, we will probably discuss them again, all the best, and i let me remind you that we talked with the director of the center for comprehensive european and international studies at the university of higher school of economics, chief researcher. center for comprehensive sinology of regional projects mgemu vasily kashin. as russia and china move closer, the us is taking
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frantic steps to counter this trend. the visit of the japanese prime minister to the united states once again demonstrated that america is urgently looking for ways that could contain china's influence in the region. and one of the simplest actions is to start again arm japan. has already promised additional dollars for the japanese economy, which has been stagnating for the past 35 years, and accordingly, the militarization of japan may bring it out of stagnation. that is why people in japan are so happy about this circumstance. from the point of view of japan and the united states, the prospects are the most rosy and bright, and there has been a lot of talk about this. said at a recent summit in washington, which was held by japanese prime minister kishida, kumio kishida and united states president joe biden. on
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at this summit, the japanese-american, first of all , felt alliance received, i would say, a qualitative leap in its development unprecedented in recent decades, and... well , we can talk about this in more detail, but you correctly said that it is mainly directed, sharpened to confront china, which is currently considered by tokyo as its main adversary, its main threat in the sphere of national security, while the united states views china as its global rival, adversary in the sphere economics, in the sphere.
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these are the prospects, it is clear that china will not leave such actions in the united states unanswered, or rather, these measures are already being taken by the chinese leadership, but this is a separate topic for discussion. well, here’s another resonant topic, the estonian ministry of internal affairs today made a proposal to recognize the estonian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate as terrorists? why suddenly and how do they react in our country? boris ivanin will tell you about this. the bells of the alexander nevsky cathedral in tallinn are the main
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orthodox church in estonia, now like alarm after a high-profile announcement by local authorities. in a russophobic frenzy, the baltic republic wants to recognize the russian church as a terrorist organization. no matter how monstrous it may sound. the moscow patriarchate is terrorist and supportive. terrorism in its activities, i, as the minister of internal affairs, have no choice but to invite ridikogu to admit this. ridi kokogu, the estonian parliament, is located just opposite the orthodox cathedral. at the end of the 19th century, the temple was erected by order of the governor of iceland, specifically so that the facade of his palace looked exactly at the church. now, instead of the governor , deputies sit there, to whom police orders are handed out, otherwise it is difficult to describe the words of the head of the estonian ministry of internal affairs. we wouldn't like to think anything. this.
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the orthodox church became the decision of the world russian people's council, which was recently held in moscow. they adopted an order saying that during a special military operation, the people of russia are protecting the world from the west
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, which has fallen into satanism. stalin clung to the wording “holy war” in the text, everything misrepresented. after all, if we draw a parallel, islamic terrorists also say that they are waging a holy war against the western world of western values. it is hardly possible to put an equal sign between orthodoxy and terrorism with draumame, the russian foreign ministry chuckled. all the signs of mental illness are evident, but the logic is in trouble. who, then, does he think will communicate with terrorists?
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that is, there will be massive confiscations and with the possibility of transfer to other organizations, that is, for example, religious organizations there, maybe of the evangelical persuasion, the catholic church, which operates in estonia, which is also really adding fuel to the fire. ukrainian neo-nazis have already created precedents for the illegal seizure of church property from the moscow patriarchate. now in tallinn , orthodox christians offer prayers for the inviolability of genuine shrines, which are especially important now in these days.
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with this, i, alexander karyevsky, say goodbye to you, and after the commercial, our program will continue to be broadcast by the duty department. it’s not necessary like this, it’s necessary like this, like this, like this, okay, i get it, that’s how suitcases at the megamarket are up to 40% off. my friend, hello, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf, hey, hey, don’t transfer the butter, oh, you need to
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