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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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we’re already watching our investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our episode is over, maksimovchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel . the russian army in a week found... found one massive and 47 group strikes with high-precision weapons and drones on energy facilities and the military-industrial complex of ukraine. all goals have been achieved. the deployment points of the special forces of the armed forces of ukraine of foreign mercenaries were also hit. 95 attacks were repulsed, zelensky’s formation lost almost 7.00 soldiers and mercenary officers in a week. 17 tanks and 46 other armored vehicles, as well as 139 self-propelled guns, howitzers and missile systems were destroyed. air defense forces shot down. more than 1,700 combat drones and
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12 guided bombs made in france and the usa. the ministry of defense showed footage of heavy guided bombs being dropped on the positions of ukrainian militants. as the western press writes, they pose a huge danger to the ukrainian armed forces and undermine the spirit of kiev extremists. after such an attack, practically nothing remains of the fortifications. about the situation on the front line, alexander katsuba. gun, shot! shot! we fire a 120mm mine from behind cover at enemy positions, working in constant mode. soldiers of the bars-13 special forces unit as part of the south group of troops are breaking up forward positions in the ssu in the kleshcheevka area. now they will equip it.
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the enemy is burning the landing dugouts and has built a deeply echeloned line of defense in this area, which is being held by selected units of the militants. an enemy reconnaissance unit flies overhead somewhere, we aim the mortar, but nevertheless the crew continues its work. 748 28 60, 748 28 60 visit report. ready, yes, plus. the retaliatory strike followed immediately. the enemy responded with the same mortar fire at a neighboring position, so we urgently leave the site and go for cover. a ukrainian armed forces reconnaissance drone was shot down. combat work continues. let's look at 562. battle calculations. battle calculation. come on, come on. run, run, run, run. the crew acts
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quickly and accurately, hit the target, destroyed the infantry squad, arrives, yes, yes, yes, answers, often, often, yeah, the light comes every day, now it works, on a given scale, at the moment in the neighboring hit, an enemy shell exploded a few meters from our position, it’s working here...
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here are the forward positions in the ssu on the outskirts of kleshcheevka. several militants take refuge in a dugout. drone komikaze unit bars-13 in action. here he comes to the target. come on, come on, there's a hit. that's it, the target is hit. presumably, according to intelligence data, there were three to four people in the area. the assault units of the southern group of troops are moving forward. alexander malyshev, news: artyomovskoe direction. in germany 90%. residents believe that ukraine will lose in conflict, this is evidenced by polling data from the zdf channel, with 82% of germans confident that supplies of western weapons are useless and will not help kiev. a successful test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile was carried out from the kapustin-yar test site. according to the russian ministry of defense, the results confirm the high reliability of russian missiles for ensuring strategic security. tasks.
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on cosmonautics day, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko met in the kremlin, with pilot cosmonaut oleg navitsky and the first female cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya. natalya solovyova knows what they were talking about. at one table they are discussing truly space plans, oleg novitsky and marina vasilevskaya have barely returned from orbit to earth and are already in the kremlin communicating with two presidents at once. this is how it should be, according to vladimir putin, cosmonautics day is our common holiday. this is the day when we celebrate the achievements of the soviet union, which means our common common achievement of all the republics of the former soviet union, now without space it is impossible to solve any tasks are effective on the ground, this is an increase
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in defense capability, these are modern new materials, medicines, this is logistics, movement, in general, this is where you can’t point your finger, there is everywhere...
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i was really born in belarus, after finishing school, from there i entered the school, when the opportunity arose to participate in the project, i was very pleased with the trust shown that i, as a belarusian by birth, was entrusted with flying with marina together, if my...
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vostok, which opened the era of manned astronautics. during these 63 years , about 600 people visited space there, more than 120 of them were soviet and russian cosmonauts. his name is forever inscribed in history. april 12, 1961 . at 9:07 moscow time, the first earthling committed. flight into space, yuri gagarin was 27. in the soviet union, the world's first spacecraft, sputnik vostok, with a person on board, was launched into orbit around the earth. he became the idol
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of millions, they are proud of him and will always be proud of him. cosmonautics day is celebrated at vdnh. quests, film screenings, lectures, and of course, how why not go to the pavilion? it’s good when you can come up and just look, somewhere even touch space, you’ve already touched space, but we decided to remember this with the whole family, we have three generations here. we often tell children directly at school, we even have this campaign: repeat gagarin’s smile, let’s repeat gagarin’s smile. who is yuri gagarin? the first person to fly into space. does he inspire you? yes, it's inspiring. i also want to become an astronaut for you. here you go again. on the helmet of the first cosmonaut in history, four letters, name of state, ussr. who knows that they were applied by gagarin’s engineer in just 20 minutes, with an ordinary brush of paint, when
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he saw that there were no identification marks on gagarin’s spacesuit, a bright color for visibility, i see, there is even a mirror, tell me why it is needed in order to track the sensors, because the helmet does not turn with the head, earthlings, feeling excellent, continuing the flight, on the vostok ship, gagarin made one turn around the earth, which... 108 minutes, before him no one had ever seen our planet from space with 300 km altitude, i see the earth, it is beautiful. sergei korolev had a tough selection, height no more than 170, weight no more than 70 kg. only two were chosen: gagarin and his backup germann titov, who would later become the first to stay in space for more than a day. they were tested in a soundproof chamber, in loneliness, in a thermal chamber with heat and cold. everything is on the edge of human capabilities. thousands of people worked for a great goal, a flight to
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the stars, and were able to achieve it. today we are actively exploring near space, but soon we will have to go further beyond land. this is a most difficult task that requires the resources of all humanity, which has yet to learn to work together to solve it. even being hundreds of kilometers from the earth, the cosmonauts could not help but congratulate their colleagues. the name of the first astronaut. the planet is forever inscribed in world history, and we are proud that by developing the domestic astronautics, we are continuing the work begun by our predecessors. we thank you for your work and sincerely congratulate everyone on their professional holiday who made our flight into space and the flights of our colleagues possible. with happy holiday, friends, happy cosmonautics day. celebrated on april 12 at the baikonor cosmodrome. festive rally. on the site where the first cosmonaut made his historic flight. a hero, but an astronaut is not born one day, he can be next to you or me.
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soviet simplicity, a kind heart and a radiant smile are examples today. in kursk , passersby took photos with the first cosmonaut and repeated his famous smile. guys with a poster depicting yuri alekseevich gagarin. and they are invited to imitate his infectious smile. thereby we all join this action. let's unite, because it is in unity that our strength lies. and in kamchatka they held a festive quiz, because it was while in the sky above the peninsula that yuri gagarin conveyed his famous greetings to the blond, addressed to alexei leonov. they remember with special trepidation the feat of the first cosmonaut in history in st. petersburg. on june 30, 1961, gagarin met with residents at the station square in iborg. this visit on the way to finland lasted only a few minutes. then the astronaut ...
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part of orsk. the dam broke in several places. the water level in the ural river near orenburg is record high. more than five thousand houses are flooded in the city, and the water continues to flow. mobile offices have started operating in the region, where residents affected by floods can receive free legal assistance. specialists provide consultations at temporary accommodation centers. lawyers are delivered to remote villages in special vehicles, which were purchased and transferred to the region by the ministry of justice. 97% of questions addressed by people
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are victims, victims of emergency situation, this is the preparation of applications for payments of one-time financial assistance to victims of an emergency and financial assistance in connection with the loss of property. they also address questions regarding the restoration of documents, the preservation of jobs and earnings of those affected by the emergency . well , stanislav vasilchenko found out how things generally stand in the regions where high water has come. the bulk dam stretches along the entire kurgan, its length is 30 km. this is how the city on tobol is preparing for the worst consequences of the flood. the water has already flooded nine settlements and is now moving further, including to kurgan itself. according to the ministry of emergency situations , water may arrive in the regional center on april 14-15. the consequences are unpredictable, but people are doing everything to protect the city from major damage. in the village
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of kulatsky, in the west of kurgan, there is another dam made of sandbags. tobol meanders. that is, it constantly twists along the flow, one of the sharp turns formed next to village, which means a strong flow of water due to inertia can overflow its banks and flood the next residential buildings. hundreds of concerned people are trying to prevent this. it’s fun, it’s good, everyone is smiling, they fed and gave them something to drink, everyone smiles, everyone works. i am very pleased that the residents of the region have united to solve a common problem, we are protecting our city, in this case, the village of kulatsky from flooding. we need to help people, eh. because this is such a great disaster, let’s say, if we don’t help each other, who will help us? nobody. in some areas the height the dump increases to 11 m, 14.00 people and more than 200 pieces of equipment are working on this around the clock, another 20 water dumps are being brought from the amur region by a special aircraft of the ministry of emergency situations. the sleeves have proven themselves well in similar
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floods, and special vehicles are also arriving. a tracked all-terrain vehicle will help you reach the most inaccessible areas. is intended for evacuation of the population where there are flooded sections of the road and it is already difficult for a regular car or a high-pass vehicle to travel; accordingly, with the help of this vehicle it is possible to deliver to settlement, some food, medicine, carrying capacity, if... 8 tons are transferred from land, if 6 tons are transferred from water, you can transfer up to 40 people and also one unit of a summer vehicle. the state of emergency in the kurgan region remains, which means evacuation is still forced. more than 6,000 people have already left their homes in temporary accommodation centers, of which there are 99 in the region. there are
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more than 800 residents of the region, including 281 children. located in camps, hospitals and schools. our residents are provided with bedding linen, provided with bedding, blankets, and hygiene items. all guests are provided with three hot meals a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner. we have a tea room where we serve tea, coffee, and sweets. the mood is very positive. we feel very good here, we like everything, everything is pleasant. the food is also very tasty and filling. i have my nephew here with me, he really likes everything, he met the guys, they too, everything is great, it’s just not even better to say. according to the latest according to the ministry of emergency situations , 205 houses and 320 household plots were flooded in the kurgan region. 62 settlements in seven municipal districts, including kurgan itself, fall into the potential flooding zone. however
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, several other regions should also be wary. rising water levels and ice drift are observed in the tomsk region. the flood has already flooded. 104 houses in villages and garden communities, the water level in the area of ​​the camp garden has already exceeded 6.5 m. difficult situation in kusbas, the mrassu river overflowed its banks in the village of ustka byrza and flooded 43 households with a population of 70 people, employees of the ministry of emergency situations are working on site. roshydromed also included the tyumen region in the register of russian regions on rivers and lakes where dangerous and unfavorable phenomena are predicted. the ishim river and the village are under special control. according to preliminary information from roshydromet , the maximum water level in the river is possible by april 20. stanislav vasilchenko, denis tsitseronov, nikolai purtov, alexander porkhunov. news kurgan region. the tyumen region will pass through the flood with minimal damage. this assessment of the situation in the region was given by minister of construction and housing and communal services, rek faizuli. he held a meeting dedicated to preventing
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consequences and set the task of working ahead by 1-2 cm. there is a lot of work, it is organized, the governor’s team is working on it, so in principle there are no questions, but some surprises can always arise, so we discussed all areas of activity, here are road workers and builders, housing and communal services specialists, rospotrebnadzor, the ministry of emergency situations, of course, and i think that the training that is organized in the region today will allow us to go through all this with minimal damage situation. vladimir putin congratulated the pyak family and reindeer herders living in the tundra in yamali on their golden wedding; the president met in january at the opening of the family’s year. cosmonauts and members of the expedition to the iss also joined in congratulating alexander lukashenko from the kremlin. varvara nevskaya has all the details. can you hear us?
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i hear, i hear. who is this? all ours, from the kremlin with you, your friends from the kremlin. this friendship began at the end of january, then at the forum pyak invited relatives and loved ones in moscow, a fifth-generation hereditary reindeer herder president for his golden wedding. i also join in the congratulations of the president of russia, congratulations on your golden wedding, this rarely happens for 50 years, i
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would also like to wish you all the best, health, of course, so that it never leaves you. yenksya and zoya met at the bottom of the reindeer herder, he immediately fell in love with her eyes and did not hesitate, the very next day he proposed, 50 years have passed since then, their glances are still full of warmth and tenderness. and carried this feeling throughout their lives, neither severe frosts nor nomadism interfered, their main wealth is six daughters, two sons, already 10 grandchildren, for their entire truly large family, genksya and zoya are a living example of genuine love and loyalty, i even wanted to love one boy since kindergarten. and live with him for 50 years, like grandparents, yeah, the chum is full of people, a real northern feast, the main dish is venison,
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relatives from all over yamal came to congratulate the chetupyaks on their fiftieth birthday, congratulations, congratulations, thank you very much for being at this celebration traveled thousands of kilometers and had many children semyachenko from the lpr, they met at a meeting with...
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thank you! varvara nevskaya, news! hezbollah fighters launched about 50 rockets from lebanon towards israel. according to sahal, some were intercepted by air defense systems. the rest fell into the desert, no one was injured. the situation is tense. israel is preparing for an iranian retaliatory strike in response to the bombing. iran in damascus on april 1, when seven high-ranking irgc officers were killed. according to cbs, us intelligence believes that tehran's attack on
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israeli military installations may include more than 100 drones and dozens of missiles. us president biden called on iran to abandon its attack on the jewish state. the estonian ministry of internal affairs proposes to recognize the orthodox church as terrorists. ban in the country, boris ivanin knows how this statement is regarded in moscow. the bells of the alexander nevsky cathedral in tallinn, the main orthodox church in estonia, are now like a nabadity after a resonant announcement by local authorities. in a russophobic frenzy, the baltic republic wants to recognize the russian church a terrorist organization, no matter how monstrous it may sound. patriarchy is terrorist and supports terrorism in its activities, i, as the minister of internal affairs, have no choice but to invite ridikogu to admit this.
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rigekogu, the estonian parliament, is located. just opposite the orthodox cathedral, at the end of the 19th century, the temple was erected by order of the governor of iceland, specifically so that the facade of his palace looked exactly at the church, now instead of the governor , deputies sit there, to whom the police hand out orders, otherwise, it is difficult to name the words of the head of the estonian ministry of internal affairs, we would not like to think anything about such statements, in any case, the statement of this gentleman can hardly be classified as the smartest statements. the balts are persistently trying.
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make religious communities, churches part of, say, a political conflict. formally, the reason for this is an attempt to bring discord into the sphere of religion, for new persecution in estonia of the orthodox church were the decisions of the world russian people's council, which was recently held in moscow, where they adopted an order that says that during a special military operation, the people of russia protect the world from... the west, which has fallen into satanism. tallinn clung to the wording “holy war” in the text and got it all wrong. after all, if we draw a parallel, islamic terrorists also say that they are waging a holy war against the western world of western values. it is hardly possible to put an equal sign between orthodoxy and terrorism with draumame, the russian foreign ministry chuckled. all the signs of mental illness are evident, but the logic is in trouble. who, then, does he think
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dad will communicate with?
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will be transferred to the ownership of the state, that is, there will be mass confiscations with the possibility of transfer to other organizations, that is, for example, religious organizations, perhaps of an evangelical persuasion, the catholic church, which operates in estonia, which also, in fact, adds fuel to the fire. ukrainian neo-nazis have already created precedents for the illegal seizure of church property from the moscow patriarchate. now in tallinn , orthodox christians offer prayers for the inviolability of genuine shrines. one of the most famous died in italy fashion designers robert cavalle. he was 83. recently he had been seriously ill. cavalle founded his brand at 70 after patenting a special process for printing on leather. in
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clothes created by the designer. patchwork techniques, glitter and rhinestones were widely used. now the brand stores operate in more than 50 countries. robert kovali left six children, the last of whom was born when the fashion designer was 82 years old. a multimedia art museum is opening in moscow after renovation. in the building, including replacing engineering systems. interesting events will now take place on the updated roof. zenaida kurbatova found out what exactly the museum was preparing. in the renovated multimedia halls of the art museum , a slight coolness is felt, thanks to the new systems that maintain the desired temperature and humidity conditions. the space itself has not changed, but all the filling, all the engineering communications have been changed in a year and a half. emphasizes that this is major.


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