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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 12, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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in the seventies after he patented a special process for printing on leather. the clothes created by the designer widely used delicate techniques, sparkles and rhinestones. now the brand stores operate in more than 50 countries. robert cavali left six children, the last of whom was born when the fashion designer was 82 years old. a multimedia art museum is opening in moscow after renovation. the building's engineering systems were also replaced. interesting events will now take place on the updated roof. zenaida kurbatova found out what exactly the museum is preparing. in in the renovated halls of the multimedia art museum , a slight coolness is felt. this is how new systems work, maintaining the desired temperature and humidity conditions. the space itself has not changed, but all the filling, all the engineering communications have been changed in a year and a half. director olga sviblova emphasizes that... you can’t
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put epoxy after the polymer, they have different surface tension coefficients, and fortunately i graduated from nursing school and for some time i worked as a chemistry tutor, everyone got in, then you couldn’t go to university without an exam , so here it is we had to look...
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eight exhibitions are now opening and the first will bring masterpieces of world fashion from the stilar foundation to the museum for children and adults - this is a well -known private collection, now the largest collection of fashion and style photographs in europe. brilliant natalya vadyanova, russian beauty and head of a charitable foundation. linda evangelisti, star of the 1990s. the hall was built as if for a fashion show. in addition, 137 drawings and paintings by the conceptualist are on display.
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this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandexgo, and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a supercake on alpha fridays, not just profitable, alpha profitable, copies, not your style, your unique... original items from famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the avito app, 100% originals now available on avita premium. appetite anywhere. only dad will tame it. there are doors on the sausages will help. the grader is new in the fight against weeds; it destroys any vegetation. and nothing grows, cough,
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less chemicals, cough pills, renival mukaltin renival, we trust renival, we choose renival. an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, service notifications are free forever, which is why the sberbank credit card is the best in the country. apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. come to the island and make a reservation. all inclusive lunch and clouds, among millions of hotels and apartments, your vacation begins at... what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito travel. everything will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. when you talk about our desires, we hear. and we create practical solutions so you can rely
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on us. moskvich 3 from 1.590. rub without additional conditions. now we have become. closer magnit selected caesar dumplings 229,999 magnit - the price is what you need! it is profitable to retire with sberbank; for pensioners - a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch.
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yes, i myself didn’t think that i would become a driver, a friend called me, the schedule is open, orders yes, it's a decent amount for the money, i thought at first. that i haven’t been here for long, i haven’t had time to look back, it’s already the third year, the passengers thank me, i’m doing a good job, it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that this is mine, just like that, dad, if i were a taxi driver, it starts with yandex pro, life insurance is not only an opportunity to get financial... security for a rainy day, from the fifteenth year, part of the costs of the policy can be returned through a tax deduction, that is, insurance can be called profitable investments, how the system works, how many expenses can be reimbursed and what policies are needed for this, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes
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in the program instructions. so, the main condition for the policy is that it must provide for payment only in certain cases, there are two of them: survival to a certain age or the death of the insured for any reason. other conditions, for example, loss of ability to work due to injury or illness do not count, if the policy is wide and includes payments not only in case of death or age, then the tax deduction can still only be attributed to the money that goes to cover these two items. to apply for a tax deduction for such a policy, you need to divide the contributions and indicate how much you spend on risks associated with surviving death, and how much on other cases? it can be done. when applying for a policy or later, then you need to contact the insurance company and ask for a certificate with the amounts for each type of risk. there is a requirement for the policy term; it must be at least 5 years if, for example, you have an annual policy that you update from year to year, then it is not suitable,
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even if you have been insuring yourself this way for ten years. in case of early termination of the contract, that is, before the five-year termination of the investment insurance contract. the life insurance company, that is, the insurer, pays the policyholder, that is , the insured person, the amounts read under the contract minus parts of previously paid contributions; in such a situation, the policyholder, as a tax agent, will be obliged to make a decision whether to withhold personal income tax from such amounts, or do not withhold personal income tax from such amounts. so in situations if the taxpayer previously used social insurance under such an agreement. deduction, then the policyholder, when paying funds to the taxpayer in the event of termination of the contract, as a tax agent, will withhold the corresponding amounts of personal income tax. another important condition: who is the beneficial owner of the contract? for example, you
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took out a mortgage, and the bank insisted that you also insure your life just in case, and if something happens, the bank will receive the money, not you or your heirs. in such. in this case, the contract is not eligible for the deduction. a life insurance contract can be concluded not only in favor of the taxpayer himself, but in favor of a certain category of persons who are close. the insurance contract must be issued to the payer himself or to a member of his family. you can
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pay for your spouse, parents or adoptive parents, children or wards. the age of the children does not play any role. the contract can be concluded to insure an adult child. if parents paid the premiums, then they can apply to the tax office for a deduction. you just need to show that the money it was they who paid, for example, by check or bank statement. from january 1st. the maximum amount of social tax deduction is 150,000 per year, that is, you can get back up to 19,500 rubles. for the past year, you can submit up to 120,000 for a social deduction, and you need to remember that the limit is general for other expenses for which a social deduction is provided, for example, under voluntary health insurance contracts or for the cost of medicine. this year you can get a deduction for expenses that you had in previous years. 3 years then there are for the twenty-third, twenty-second and twenty-first years.
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we talked about other nuances of the social tax deduction quite recently. if you want to take advantage of the increased limit now, rather than wait until the end of the year, you can apply for a tax deduction through your place of work. we also talked about how to do this in one of the previous issues. well, here’s an important point: not all types of income are suitable for filing a tax deduction, but paid personal income tax is a necessary condition for the deduction. you can’t take more from the budget than you can get there was listed, not all income can be applied to a social deduction under an investment life insurance contract, but it can be applied to income from labor activity, from income from civil contracts, income from renting out housing , it can even be applied to income from sales of real estate property, vehicles, but to the so-called passive income, to income from the sale of securities
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or income in the form of dividends, such a deduction does not apply. let's repeat the main thing: since 2015 you can receive a tax deduction for payments for voluntary life insurance, the main condition of insurance against the risks of death or upon reaching a certain age, the contract must be for 5 years or more, and the beneficiary under it must be the insured himself or his... close relatives, and not a bank or someone something else. the total limit on social payments from this year is 150,000 rubles. if you have any questions, if you want to know what else you can get a tax deduction for and get some of your taxes back, write to us in the telegram channel, we will ask you about everything experts and will tell you in the next issues of our program. from dreams to home. one home click we take out loans, it’s easy to apply,
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we are in the soviet bank, we take out loans, and kindly and quickly, up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, what we bring from sovito travels, cashback bonuses for the next trip, avito travel everything will go as booked with cashback, bonuses and every week from alfabank, this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandexgo, and if you don’t have a card, order a free one alpha card and get a supercake on alpha fridays, not just profitable, alpha profitable, pain, spasm, reneval primibun, it reduces pain, take dertaverine reneval, helps with abdominal cramps, we trust renival, we choose renival. what are you waiting for,
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you are a metaphor, i am an example, i adapt, i am changing, i am developing, and so it has been for 110 million years, and what are you waiting for, change and change, dot bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, great car, i agree, ideal, we just need to change the oil, let’s stop by, do you have the perfect one? and anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit in gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum, open a deposit on, cheese, oh, they forgot the cheese,
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it’s good that we have each other, and what will be shown on tv, we build happiness together. tell me what you caught, we are catching luck by the tail, well, i can’t, i have a delivery, we work, enjoy life, are friends and take care of each other, magnit, 30 years next to you, panic, we can do without panic, there is the internet belaina, let's go, better motels, with the belaina smart network, you have connections in a variety of ways. situations, again i’m sparing everyone, with such and such the internet on your side, the world of bcs investments is limitless, there are those who boldly open it, relying on the support of experts, strive further to get more, we have something to offer them, bcs, world investments, like this, you don’t need it, you need it like this, like this,
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i understand, like this, arabia creams are at a discount at the megamarket. hello, my friend, as promised, today we are preparing pilaf. hey, hey, don’t transfer the oil, oh, you need to transfer the money home. by the way, it’s better to translate from ttbonline, so faster and more convenient. thank you for teaching me. this is who else taught whom. vtb, together everything will work out. well, credit card debts carry interest. what the hell. need halva. you take out credit cards and transfer debts to halva. divide it into 24 months, conveniently repay it, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with halva. this has never happened in the history of the global automobile industry,
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more than 30 million cars were produced in china, and a third of them were so-called new ones... and what can artificial intelligence do, yes kaichachan, wow, she understood me, and how how chinese equipment behaves in cold weather and what licenses are needed to fly in an electric car,
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unscrew it, in china it’s now a common thing, you go to the salon for... a smartphone or tablet, there are also electric cars in a row, at first they were from huawei, now and xiaomi have caught up. but for now i just came to see, i’m interested in what she looks like in real life and what she can do. gadget manufacturers could not remain on the sidelines of this electric car race, especially since this is what they say about modern chinese cars: a large smartphone on wheels, it is assembled like a smartphone. when chinese cars were just appearing on the market, it was like... such an attack of clones, they were so repeating famous western brands, but today the crazy car definitely has its own face, and this face can be very individual and created by counting future owner. the future owner leaves his wishes here even before the purchase. the buyer sets the parameters of his future car in the mobile application,
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assembling it like a construction set. case color, interior material, what wheels and other functions and after. after the order is generated, it is in the system and is visible in all workshops. it turns out to be practically assembled to order. at the oil refinery in guua, ion machines roll off the assembly line every 53 seconds, taking exactly 16 hours to complete everything from a sheet of iron to the finished product. chuva, his motto is, the worse it is for the car, the better, push it and test it, so if you go into a turn, then at speed, if you go off the track, it’s a snowdrift. in low temperature conditions , the coefficient of adhesion is lower and you need to make sure that everything is safe for the driver, this is where the reaction comes in brakes, paint, it is specially scratched to understand what is wrong with the bark. at the hay testing grounds, which is directly opposite the russian border, 80% of the models of the entire chinese automobile industry are tested. many of the cars here are in
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a special camouflage camouflage, sometimes individual elements, sometimes like this car, the entire body, so that if they get into the frame, it’s impossible to count, draw the details, because many models don’t even in mass production, what you see now has never been seen by anyone. this the future flagship of one of the chinese automakers, inside the know-how on 520. analyzes how the position of each is affected by temperature, humidity, vibration, driving style, whether deviations and the same gaps appear, the emphasis, however, is increasingly on artificial intelligence electronics, yes it is necessary
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well, she understood me and opened the windows herself, the only negative, you know, the topic, of course, is only in chinese for now, but now they’ve closed it. with the advent of the era of smart cars, we focus on constantly updating software and intelligent capabilities of cars, optimizing and supplementing them with new scenarios based on tests and real experience of car owners, which we carefully analyze. chinese engineers, however, make a reservation in cars that they were imported from china under gray schemes, the software is not updated, in case of failure there is a chance that even a smart car can turn into... a brick. chinese concerns were able to lure real stars of the auto industry. so the former chief designer of rolls-royce, jace taylor, is now working with the favorite car of the chinese compact hunssi.
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and the former chief designer of audi and lamborghini wolfgang egger is responsible for the appearance of byd. this is the most popular electric car in the world. here is the young turkish designer kemal cole, who started at mercedes and fiat, but a year ago he chose ayon and moved to guangzhou. test. perhaps it all started here with copying, but now things are being created in china that look very modern, and the world is switching to chinese brands, which we can make cheaper. its direction is the car interior, that is, everything that is inside the car, and this is space, well, in the team complete internationalism and the desire to create a dream car, based on the most advanced technologies, this was also the task set by the head of kenersi. when i was at this very plant, the place where it stood is marked with a red dot, next to it is a concept made of clay, the first chinese electric supercar began with the same thing, sports cars are usually
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associated with something, with such a roar, p , well, you won’t hear this r right here, because this is all an electric car, by the way, acceleration to hundreds in less than 2 seconds, if so exactly, 1.9 - the car’s power is provided by three motors, their total power is 1200 horsepower, this is only manual assembly. the supercar is assembled on the so -called smart island manually, one car per day, and data on each operation, manipulations down to who tightened each nut and how, everything is in the quality control system. our data processing systems analyze every action and determine whether everything was done correctly. data can be retrieved at any time. airplane tires and wheels and carbon fiber body, it really seems like it will take off a little more.
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either a helicopter, or an electric car with propellers, there are eight of them, but whatever one may say, it’s still a drone, just with a cabin for two passengers, and first you need to buckle up. there are three displays in the cockpit, two are the information board, here is all the information about the flight, altitude, angle, position in space, and the third monitor. the route is being built, well, from the propeller, you can’t shoot in this cabin in the air, just like fly along the route, the developer is still waiting for a new permit for flights, which are still are carried out in unmanned mode, here everything is controlled by an autopilot, the task for which is set by the operator of the control center, in general , a similar model has been in the sky for several years now, and not only in china, where they even launched an air taxi, the first of which flew between neighbors. the speed of this model is 130 km/h, it can stay in the air for 25 minutes, but after all, it’s still not even a car, it’s
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more of a helicopter.
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interaction of vehicles on the ground in the air, without this neither technical policy, nor regulation, nor urban construction infrastructures for this area are not yet possible, but this is where the future is being determined. the head of the corporation has already demanded from the heads of all divisions that they all personally drive and fly at least 5.00 km on each model before it goes on sale. vice president qiu would be happy to comply, but it is not yet clear what category to receive rights in the civil aviation department. and the prc are still deciding how to regulate the new direction according to what rules, for an autonomous driving system, or an advanced one autopilot, norms and rules also took a long time to agree on, but today such an option is often included in the basic configuration, it copes well with maneuvering in traffic, with parking, it seems, too, here they are, the handles, and the steering wheel turns, a great place, the car
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has chosen itself for parking. i don’t like it, problems, of course, happen, where parking is prohibited, the system will never want to do it, you will have to take control into your own hands, but in beijing now there are even taxis without a driver, although only in one area with not the busiest traffic, that's what's in absolutely every, not even a district, in every parking lot in china, there are electric charging stations, and not even just charging stations, but instant battery replacement stations, this brand has completely made it its own, which... is called a trick: you drive onto the lift, the battery is behind the automation changes in a couple of minutes, so the question of where and how to charge the car in china is not worth it, and the batteries themselves are becoming more powerful and capacious, to the point that the resource of the latest developments is calculated to have a service life of 15 years and a range of 1.5 million kilometers, chinese manufacturers have already captured 60% of the growing global car battery market, and this share
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continues to increase by shipping batteries. well, 15, even if 20 years ago, chinese cars all over the world caused at least a smile, no one took them seriously at all, how is it that today china dictates automotive fashion to the whole world, well, i wouldn’t say that china has already directly dictates to the whole world, but today the industrial design of china's own automobile industry really does. has already acquired a new look and contributed to this competition in the market, investment from the automakers themselves and, meanwhile, the contribution of foreign employees, in my opinion, plays an equally important role in this matter, but perhaps the most important thing, without which there would be neither chinese electric cars nor the fiercest competition between their manufacturers, so this is government support, then it’s like in...
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sports, whoever went first, came to the finish line faster, in the middle kingdom it worked. hello, we're live. international review in the studio fedor lukyanov. today on the international review program. events weeks. chronicle, facts, comments. how are military alliances created? the time of the entente has passed or is just coming. new policy in the pacific. europe is afraid to be left alone. we evaluate the military.


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