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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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this law is deeply liberal in its essence; it ends the state's guardianship over people, thereby strengthening their personal rights. this is a new milestone of freedom that will allow us to be ourselves, this is a new stage when any choice will have to be respected. for adults wishing to change their gender, the algorithm for obtaining new documents has been simplified, and a medical examination has been excluded from the procedure for changing identity. in the german press, this innovation was compared with the situation in the united states. there in 2020 a pedophile criminal was transferred from from a men's prison to a women's prison because he identified as a woman. after a while, he raped a cellmate, the administration of the institution hid this fact, on the day of release the prisoner cut his hair short again and began to call himself a man, however, german legislators added a clause about the possible purity of changing the gender of the name: now you can change from a man to a woman only once a year, expect you will need new documents from the moment you submit your application. despite the fact that every time i
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rack my brains over all these new pronouns, i think the law is good, they have also introduced fines of up to 10 thousand euros if you refer to someone with the wrong pronoun, or if you deliberately reveal the real biological sex of a person. representatives of the bundestag also spoke about loopholes in the law at the meeting. the gender reassignment scheme you are proposing will increase crime rates. from november , criminals will be able to change their identity by submitting an application to the zaks, and the security authorities will not find out about it. zaks does not report on his document flow by the ministry. in a new way passport, the criminal will be able to leave germany freely, even if he is already on the wanted list. a rally against the adoption of the law took place under the windows of parliament. women say no, activists
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spent several hours trying to draw the attention of legislators to the real consequences of the bill. gender change, which you have simplified, tempts children to deprive themselves of their health and fertility with puberty blockers, surgical hormones. the medical and pharmaceutical industries benefit from billions in profits. protesters refer to statistics. according to european surveys, most sex reassignment operations are performed on adolescents who are susceptible to change. hormonal levels, because of this, the uk has already banned the issuance of puberty blockers to teenagers. alek komarov, lead. in st. petersburg, a tram hit three pedestrians. this is a retro-style tram, it was without passengers and was being run-in. the preliminary cause is brake failure. one of the most famous models has died in italy.
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he was 83. he had been having a hard time lately. was sick. cavali founded his brand in the seventies after patenting a special process for printing on leather. the clothes created by the designer widely used patchwork techniques, sparkles and rhinestones. now the brand stores operate in more than 50 countries. roberto covalli left six children, the last of whom was born when the fashion designer was 82 years old. armitage has completed the restoration of the installation of the red carriage of ilya and emilia kabakova. according to the authors, visitors can not only examine it from the outside, but also climb into the carriage. red the carriage was created in 2008 for the moscow exhibition; later the kabakovs donated it to the hermitage. it is now one of the most famous works of modern art in the museum's collection. it is significant in every sense to explain it. as far as this reflects all
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the features of art of the second half of the 20th century , it is unnecessary for armitage - this is a thing that alone describes 55, wonderful for armitage, it stands among other main things of the 20th century, dance and music of mathis, composition number six, kandinsky, black square by malevich red vogon, almost the entire 20th century has been described. in moscow it opens after renovation. multimedia art museum in the building, including the replacement of engineering systems; interesting events will now take place on the updated roof. zinaid kurbatova found out what exactly the museum is preparing. in the renovated halls of the multimedia art museum, a slight coolness is felt, thanks to the new systems that maintain the desired temperature and humidity conditions. the space itself has not changed, but all the filling, all the engineering communications have changed in a year and a half changed. epoxy,
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they have different coefficients of surface tension, and i, fortunately, graduated from a mass school, at some time i worked as a chemistry tutor, everyone got in, then it was impossible to enter a university without an exam, so we had to search for the fifth time we found, firstly, brilliant contractors who do this kind of buching and leveling of floors, which is possible today. the norm is 2 mm by 2 m. on the fly, we changed materials to domestic ones, found the right varnish, the technology for filling the floors was very complicated, sviblova it’s difficult to switch from the problems of the finally completed renovation to the vernissage itself. people need beauty and art at all
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times, and in difficult times, they need even more. and of course, looking at this exhibition, we see the entire history of photography. now the largest collection of fashion and style photographs in europe. brilliant natalya vadyanova, russian beauty and head of a charitable foundation. linda evangelisti, star of the 1990s. the hall was built as if for a fashion show. in addition, 137 drawings
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and paintings by conceptualist erik bulatov are on display. the exhibition is dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary. classic sports. there are three exhibitions from the museum's collection. big project sports photography youth. to this day, here are the best names: shaikhet, evzerikhin, baltermans, borodulin, it all begins in the twenties and thirties, when there was a cult of the human body and the cult of building a new man, the builder of communism, ends in the 21st century, when the frame shows a psychological portrait of an athlete. interesting events will be held on the museum’s renovated roof in the summer, sviblova promises. discount tickets are available for dozens of categories. visitors, including doctors. zineda kurbatova, viktor kazakov, andrey baroukhin, lead. alpha friday, superk every week from alfabank. this friday,
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april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex goal. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and get super. with natural juice fills life with joyful moments, the source of joy is in you! a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and the service notifications are free forever. that is why the credit card is the best in the country.
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apply for a credit card, everything will be the way you want. every second ticket wins the russian lotto charity easter draw. 10 rubles of each ticket sold will be donated to charitable causes, buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. votter, it tastes better on fire, burger, krasnodar, tomsk, st. petersburg, kazan, volgograd and rostov- on-don. entrepreneurs from these cities have already received money from the considerable business fund. now it’s your turn, we will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs across the country, the best stories will receive the money. tell us about your business on alfabank is the best bank for business. what do we bring back from
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savita’s travels? a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses. next trip. the avito trip will go as planned, with cashback and bonuses. it happens that you go to an island and make a reservation. begins all inclusive clouds, shoes, offline, start your vacation in one of the millions of hotels apartments, vacation begins on oh, every success it starts with a dream, to do something of your own. the desire to stand out, the desire to act and
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not be distracted by vanity. business works to make your cherished dream come true. start the path to your dream with sber. free business account sberbusiness card with 10% cashback, sberbusiness bonuses thank you. sberbusiness. the united states has come up with a new scheme for using frozen russian assets; it is proposed to issue bonds against them, and use the funds thus obtained to finance ukraine. according to the financial times, securities secured by future profits from russian assets may take 10 years. bring income of 30-40 billion euros, and after 20 about 60 billion. however, in europe,
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where most of the frozen funds are located, such a plan is treated with caution. what will happen to such long-term bonds if in a couple of years the conflict is resolved and the assets have to be returned. the american idea has yet to be discussed at the spring meetings of the world bank and the imf, as well as the g7 summit in june. according to various estimates. the bank's gold and foreign exchange reserves have been frozen in the usa and the european union russia for a total amount of up to $300 billion. this means that these sovereign funds of the russian federation are placed in various assets and continue to generate profitability, which, according to press reports, is planned to be used for... bonds to finance
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military operations or humanitarian purposes. compared to the total volume of frozen assets, only a small part is located in the united states, about 5 billion euros. in total , western countries blocked russian funds amounting to 260 billion. about 70% of this amount - 191 billion is stored in the belgian depository euroclear. the second largest amount is in france. 15 billion. at the end of last year, the euroclear financial group received about 4.5 billion euros from russian assets, which is equivalent to 80% of all its interest income. these assets, they are often in the form of securities or other financial instruments that generate income, even on deposits, if there is a positive rate, yes, these assets, they bring income, even though they are frozen, these are interest, banking, investment there interest on these funds,
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yes, every year they accumulate and accumulate, whether for private securities, or for securities that are privately owned by russian owners, or state-owned. discussion of the issue of allocating new packages of financial assistance to ukraine is proceeding with difficulty in washington, more and more congressmen are opposed to spending on this. funds from the budget , a compromise could be the use of russian assets, but their direct confiscation threatens to undermine confidence in the western financial system as a whole. besides moscow has repeatedly stated that it will respond to such actions. according to the ministry of finance , there are no fewer frozen foreign assets in russia than there are in the west. even the us initiative to expropriate interest income does not find a response from european officials.
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from a dream to a home, one home-click, every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, a desire to stand out, aspiration. and not
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want. now 100% originals from famous brands. available on vite premium. alfa friday - a supercake every week from alfa bank. this friday, april 12, receive 50% cashback on our card when ordering a taxi in yandex gol. and if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha card and receive a superkick on alpha fridays. not just profitable, alpha profitable! panic! let's do without panic! is there belaina internet? let's find a better motel! with beeline's smart network you can connect in a variety of situations! again i spa everyone. with such and such internet? belaine is on your side! every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, a desire to stand out, a desire to act and not be distracted by
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the hustle and bustle. business works to achieve a cherished dream came true. start the path to your dream with sberbank, free account for business, choose a 10% business card, sberbusiness bonuses, thank you, sberbusiness. the church of the smolensk icon of the mother of god, it was built with diligence, we are located in the area of ​​​​the city of solidar and here are some of the largest.
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intelligence, motivation, based on the results of the operation, all units were awarded, but the communications company was not shot. life insurance is not only an opportunity to get a financial airbag for a rainy day; from the fifteenth year, part of the costs of the policy can be returned through a tax deduction, that is you can call insurance a profitable investment, how the system works, how many expenses can be reimbursed and how... what policies are needed for this, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. so, the main condition for the policy is that it must provide for payment only in certain cases, there are two of them: live to a certain point. age or death of the insured for any reason, other conditions, for example, loss of ability to work due to injury or illness, do not count if the policy is broad and does not include payments
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only in case of death or age, then only the money that goes to cover these two items can still be considered a tax deduction. to apply for a tax deduction for such a policy, you need to divide the contributions and indicate how much you spend on risks that are associated with... death, and how much on other cases, this can be done when applying for a policy or later, then you need to contact the insurance company to ask for a certificate with amounts for each type of risk. there is a requirement for the policy term; it must be at least 5 years, if for example, if you have an annual policy that you renew from year to year, it is not suitable, even if you have been insuring yourself this way for ten years. in case of early termination of the contract, that is.
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in such an agreement, the taxpayer applied a social tax deduction, then the policyholder , when paying the funds to the taxpayer in the event of termination of the agreement, as a tax agent, will withhold the corresponding amounts of personal income tax. another important condition: who is the beneficiary of the contract? for example, you took out a mortgage, and the bank insisted so that you also insure your life just in case, and you will receive the money if something happens? the bank, not you or your heirs. in this case, the contract is not eligible for the deduction. a life insurance contract can be concluded not only in favor of
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the taxpayer himself, but in favor of a certain category of persons who are close relatives, this is the taxpayer’s spouse, well, of course, the spouse’s spouse, including , of course, a widow or widower, because it is clear that in that case, when the contract is concluded at the risk of death of the insured, right? parents, in including parents who adopted the taxpayer himself can also be beneficial acquirers, and children, and the children are not only natural, but adopted by the taxpayer himself or under his care. the insurance contract must be drawn up by the payer himself or on a member of his family, you can pay for a spouse, parents or adoptive parents of children or wards, the age of the children does not play any role, the contract is possible. to insure an adult child, if the parents paid the premiums, then they can apply to the tax office for a deduction, they need it will only show that
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it was they who paid the money, for example, by check or bank statement. from january 1, the maximum amount of social tax deduction is 150,000 per year, that is, you can get back up to 19,500 rubles. for the past year you can submit up to 120 thousand for social deduction. what you need to remember is that the limit is also general for other expenses for which a social deduction is provided, for example, under voluntary health insurance contracts or for expenses on medicines. this year you can get a deduction for expenses which you had for the previous three years, that is, for the twenty-third, twenty-second and twenty-first years. we talked about other nuances of the social tax deduction quite recently. if you want to take advantage of the increased limit now, rather than wait.
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age, the contract must be for 5 years or
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death or upon reaching a certain more, and the benefit recipient under it must be the insured himself or his close relatives, and not a bank or someone else. the total limit on social payments from this year 150,000 rub. if you have any questions, if you want to know what else you can get a tax deduction for and get some of your taxes back, write to us in the telegram channel, we will ask experts about everything and tell you in the next issues of our program.
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ukrainian troops. shelled residential areas of the city of takmak, zaporozhye region. several people died, including one child. this was announced by the head of the region, evgeniy baletsky. dozens of residents are seriously injured. rescuers are clearing the rubble; there may be people under it. several dozen were left without gas supplies houses. balletsky emphasized that.


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