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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the international review program. events of the week. chronicle, facts, comments. how are military alliances created? has the time of the entente passed or is it just coming? new policy in the pacific. europe is afraid to be left alone. we evaluate. military potentials, who will
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defend the old world? how do you prepare for war? historical experience of injection, materials from our programs. there is no adjutant without akselbant, kozma prutkov once noted, and he was right. london and paris elegantly celebrated the 120th anniversary of the franco-british cordial agreement, the famous entente, which became a party and then the winner of the first world war. the ceremonial guards of the two countries marched crosswise. the french in front of buckingham palace, the british in front of elisius.
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foreign ministers cameron and sajurne promised to keep their covenants in a joint article. at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, european countries fought for new colonial possessions and sales markets. rapidly developing germany posed a threat to both england and france. and the french british elite needed a strong ally capable of balancing. german superiority. the only country suitable for this role at that time was russia. in may 1882 , germany, austria-hungary and italy entered into the triple alliance. the countries agreed on mutual support and non-alignment with any international organizations directed against one of the parties. in response, in 1891-93, russia and france signed first political de. and then a military
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convention directed against the triple alliance. on april 8, 1904, london and paris signed an agreement, known in historical literature as the entente cardial, a cordial agreement; in 1907 , a russian-british agreement was signed, and thus the entente military bloc arose, consisting of france, russia and england. by the beginning of the first world war, italy switched sides. entente, germany was annexed by the ottoman empire. the british-french-russian agreement of 1915 provided for the passage of the black sea straits to russia. the london treaty between the entente and italy determined the territorial acquisitions of italy at the expense of austria-hungary, turkey and albania. and the saika pikko agreement of 1916 divided the asian possessions of the ottoman empire between great britain, france and russia. however, the february and
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then october revolutions in russia led to the collapse of the empire and the coming to power of the bolsheviks, who emerged from the war. part of the territory of the former empire went to germany, which, however, could no longer continue hostilities and was forced sign the versailles agreement. in march of the eighteenth, the entente launched a military intervention against russia, its former ally, which was unsuccessful. after the creation of the league of nations, the entente ceased to exist, but the strategic alliance between great britain and france survived in the following decades. it is noteworthy that they decided to remember the anniversary so visibly, somehow it is more customary to glorify the atlantic brotherhood or the franco-german engine of integration, but now everything is complicated, on the one hand, it is accepted demonstrate. indestructible unity, on
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the other hand, it is important to emphasize selfhood, an increasingly clear feeling that in an entangled tangle of conflicts, everyone’s interests do not coincide. it says iranian proxy, meaning the houthis or hezbollah. famous singaporean cartoonist hank kim song for the american newspaper new york times. the supply of weapons is written behind uncle sam's back. a boy in a taiwan t-shirt checks his wish list while
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china watches through the window. patrick chapat from switzerland about the confrontation between israel and hamas. the man says to a friend. “we agreed that not a word about what is happening in the gas sector, here you are, take and bring your khomus. europe lives in the pre-war era. in just a couple of months , this statement has become almost an axiom, which all the bosses repeat in turn. barel, the eu's chief diplomat, noted this week: he is confident that a high -intensity war in europe is no longer a fantasy, we must urgently prepare. in western europe , no one expects a war with russia, but yes, western european politicians are promoting such a thing. scenario. after two major economic
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crises, 2008 and covid, budgets have been devastated. suddenly there is a huge amount of money for the war, the need for spending is explained by the russian threat. and unnoticed. no counterbalance from civil society, although the average western european does not expect a war with russia, not just soon, but perhaps never. however, the population little by little accepts what the political elite imposes on them. russia is dangerous. some europeans remember the cold war, but for another part of the youth. russia is equal to putin. putin is portrayed only as a terrible tyrant, a ruthless dictator. but it will be very difficult to find those who will be ready to go to war with russia, because no one understands what the point is in this. the leading european powers themselves recalled the entente, how can one not reflect on that time, the interweaving of objective
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contradictions, personal pride, multiplied by propaganda frenzy and seasoned with fatal accidents, all this plunged the old world into the catastrophe of the first world war. she destroyed the good old europe set its trajectory for decades to come; in fact, to this day we live in a distant trail of events, the starting point of which was the then clash of european ambitions, which no one seemed to particularly want, but no one was afraid of. the latter turned out to be fatal. how europe, not fully realizing what it was doing, approached the big war, let's talk to a historian. world by kirill kopylov. kirill, hello. good afternoon. tell me, from what moment, if you look at the events of more than 100 years ago, in europe, a more or less obvious turn towards a rise in pro-war sentiment is beginning; were there any starting points for this
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process? you know, it never actually ended. for people of the 19th century, the first world war, one might say, in a sense ended this long 19th century, the understanding of this feeling. that some kind of eternal peace has come, he never had, europe went through a series of military conflicts in the 60s, 70s of the 19th century, and this is the franco-prussian war, prussian-austrian, prussian-danish, which means france and the austroenger empire fought in italy, the russian-turkish war, but after this period a long peace simply came, during which everyone still retained this feeling that the future game was ahead and were preparing for it, plus what is it. .. to note that all states received an excellent opportunity to pump up the actual population with military propaganda, well, simply by increasing the level of literacy, increasing the number of printed words, that is, you no longer had to, you know, write proclamations, which the priest of the samvon or porch will tell, but now it was possible to contact the population directly, to pump up, well,
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let’s say the opportunity expanded, and the desire was connected with what, the desire was primarily connected with the fact that well, this was the era of romantic nationalisms, and the formation such really strong ones... a little abroad there in belgium, a little abroad there in the baltic states, a little abroad even in italy, so the rise in sentiment, it was completely logical in those conditions, was considered absolutely normal, was considered abnormal, on the contrary, when you said that maybe it’s not worth it, this was precisely a serious deviation from the norm, that is , it turns out that in general it had an instrumental character, and not that they were afraid of some kind of threat, no , it was completely instrumental, it was an institutional character, it was a state character, you know, there is...
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and germany was, of course, perceived most of all, well, firstly, the most pumping took place there, but this is like a continuation
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of the french the prussian war, it was a continuation franco-prussian war, when france stood in the position of being offended, humiliated, rejected, and germany stood in the position, the next level came, that in general we restored our national idea, we are the coolest, the smartest, the best, tuberalis, yes, well, i i really like to be ironic about the fact that modern german hymns are still the song of the germans, but they just removed a few words from there where they were mentioned. in 1883 , two germans met in the lobby of a london hotel - siegfried and moretz.
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both of them gravitated towards technology and thought about trade in sewing machines, but the market was already occupied. then, in 1889, two friends opened a bicycle factory in convetra. it just so happened that in their native germany they saw the first motorcycle and were inspired by this idea. it turned out that germany had had a special propaganda ministry all this time, the british government decided that it needed the same, the best journalists and writers were attracted to work for wellingtonhouse, such as arthur canandoyle, herbert wells and red. voice of popular authors, the bureau began to invest in the british head has the right thoughts. the press
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was full of stories about german atrocities, but this did not prevent the christmas truce from happening in december 1914. it was a series of unofficial and widespread ceasefires. the soldiers came out of the trenches, exchanged food and souvenirs, and played football. the worst thing was that they exchanged newspapers. it is not surprising that such a practice. they flew under the threat of the death penalty, but only the death of luzzitania could finally exclude the possibility of fraternization. in 1915, a german submarine sank the liner, which, along with passengers transported military cargo. the propaganda, however, did not mention liner’s membership in armed merchant cruisers, but focused on the deaths of civilians. a week of unrest began in england. there is not a single intact piece of glass left in german stores.
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they were forced to resign from leadership positions, and the british took their place. the plant would have been under threat of closure if not for the large military orders organized by captain claude holbrook. in 1917 , a wave of strikes swept across the country and for a decrease in quality life. a delegation of workers came to siegfried, but he refused to comply with their demands. in
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response, they threatened him with death as an ethnic german. but in a few days. and the same delegation came to apologize, somewhere between these two events claude holbrooke learned about what was happening and immediately intervened. the military really liked motorcycles. during the war, the factory supplied the army with about 30,000 modern models of the h type. they already had a clutch on the steering wheel and a three-speed gearbox . claude holbrook later even became technical director when moretz left a company known to the public. like a british triumph. in the fifties, their motorcycles gained great popularity. marlon brondo starred in the film savage on his triumph thunderbird, and steve mckuen used such a motorcycle for the film the great escape. triumph motorcycles are as british a legend as rolls-royce, but they came into being thanks to two germans. did you have strength?
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split the movement exactly in half, the suffragettes of the then feminists, because half of the feminists said that the war would liberate women, the other half of the feminists advocated ardent anti-war positions, this movement, quite suddenly out of the blue , simply split into two even halves, as for the german socialists, a generally fantastic thing happened there, despite the fact that in the previous 40 years there between the conditional franco-prussian and the announcement the german empire and the first world socialists there tried to somehow limit it to the best of their ability... 783 active members of the sdp, from parliament members to leaders of local cells, simply joyfully signed up for the army volunteers, that is, the spd joyfully formed up, which means it went to war battalion by battalion, in general, this is the german anti-war movement, it
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ended before 1918, by the way, here’s a little aside, but when the idea appeared among... the bolsheviks that let it break out stronger storm and let them kill themselves. at the time of 1914, the bolsheviks and mensheviks of the ussr were a little in step with the european left movement, when they said that this would be a war in which the proletarians would be robbed. and only towards the end of the war, towards the seventeenth or eighteenth over the years, we have even come to the idea that let the storm blow stronger and that we will turn the war war into a civil war, but i cannot help but note that it is public.
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in different countries very differently, but this directly correlated with the economic difficulties that began in the rear with the level of losses, so in france, against the background of losses, gigantic losses 14. in germany, against
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the background of the successes of the fifteenth year, and there were hussars in warsaw, there were victories in the east it was serious only next year and during the trouser winter of 1916-17 when they began to appear, well, not that they began to appear, they reached the problem of supplying the world, it was just a critical point when there was already bread. approximately in russia, well, this was after the great retreat, quite clearly, in austria-hungary at about the same time as in germany, as for great britain, it is somewhat difficult there, because, well, most likely the peak occurred at the beginning of the german unrestricted submarine war, when the shops really began to empty quickly, then they kept cards again against the backdrop of thousands of funerals from the front, it became, well, not so fun, understandable, well, naturally we... as responsible people, we won’t draw any parallels, it’s completely pointless, but we must admit that some motives are recognizable, and of course i really want
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to believe that europe still learned lessons from those events, it seems like everyone has always talked about this, but sometimes doubts arise, you know, i have some idea, some theory about this, which you know, on the one hand, for example, if you are traveling in france, then in every town, literally in every one... where more people live three people, naturally there will be in the central square, as a rule, in front of the local city hall there will be a monument with, well, usually some kind of obelisk stands with a huge number of these signs with local residents who died in the first world war, that is, you can just look at them look at which village, how many died in which city, on the one hand, it seems like the elite should have lived, should have understood all this and lived in this, in germany, by the way, it’s absolutely the same thing, but there’s also a sign about the second world war no less war, but on the other side. i have a feeling that it’s just that, well, some modern politicians, they really want to become the new churchels, the new lloyd georges, but they stagnated, yes, but on the other hand
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, they simply don’t understand the degree of responsibility and certain consequences from their decisions, because it seems to them that, well, it’s simple, we ’ll just wave the saber, we’ll just declare unity there, we’ll just do this, we’ll just do that, and we and we drew again, yes, we ’ll write ourselves there again... in golden letters history, and at the same time, some clear analysis or specific understanding of what this can lead to, but it’s not visible behind this, yes, that’s right, thank you very much, thank you, we talked with kirill kopylov about whether it ’s easy to excite society to the war, after the advertisement we will continue about alliances, now modern. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. in the pursuit of views , entire locations are changed, it’s easy to make a zip fake,
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change it, if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional, then quickly accept participation in the national open championship of creative competencies artmasters.
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“i have been waiting for you for an eternity, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting.”
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a sure sign of international tension is the activation of the construction block. in europe, on the one hand, the authority of nato is indisputable, its significance is greater than ever. on the other hand, growing nervousness about trump: what if in the future europe will have to rely on only themselves, right up to the nuclear umbrella, the american one will close, they will need their own, jose barel just warned about this, but this has been said before. let us pose the question bluntly, what is the general meaning of the american nuclear umbrella. the point is that if
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a war suddenly breaks out. then first the americans with all their non-nuclear, conventional military power will stand up for their allies, but if the situation goes beyond the nuclear threshold, then nuclear weapons will begin to be used, in the last cold war, and just nato, in general, and the united states, in particular, they will be the first to be ready to use nuclear weapons, believing that the general purpose forces of the warsaw pact organization are much stronger, in order... to stop they will have to explode nuclear mines, strike at tank columns, literally from the first day, and then how klyvay will take it out, well, it was believed that this approach would make moscow think again and not start a war, because it would not be possible to win, now the situation has turned 180°, now we are already fair in many ways, although of course we are still we need to see what they look like now, but
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we believe that we will not be able to resist nato in the pre-nuclear sphere, not ... qualitatively, not quantitatively, therefore, most likely, nuclear weapons, which, in general, are not strategic, will be used quite actively, in the event of a full-scale conflict, and of course, here we cannot forget the classic dilemma, again from the peak of the last cold war, euro-missile crises and so on, will the americans be ready to exchange their capitals, or rather put them under their large cities, put them at risk. nuclear strike - to deliver your nuclear strike in response to a soviet nuclear strike on a conditional boom or some other european capital, all these dilemmas remain on the surface of the day, so this nuclear umbrella is symbolic in many ways - generally speaking, as far as one can see - in europe really doesn’t like to discuss, for example, the scenario of using those same american tactical nuclear weapons that are located at bases in
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europe, because when you start... talking about it, it’s like...


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