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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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we will not be able to stand by nato in the pre-nuclear sphere, therefore, most likely, nuclear weapons, which are generally not strategic, will be used quite actively in the event of a full-scale conflict, and of course, here we cannot forget the classic dilemma, again the peak of the last cold war, euro-missiles crises and so on, will the americans be ready to exchange their capitals, or rather put them under their large cities, putting them under the threat of a nuclear strike. to launch its nuclear strike in response to the soviet nuclear strike on conditional bond or some other european capital, all these dilemmas remain on the surface of the day, so this nuclear umbrella is symbolic in many ways - generally speaking, as far as one can judge, in europe they really don’t like to discuss, for example, the scenario of using those same american tactical nuclear weapons , which is located at bases in europe, because when you start talking about it, as if at the second or third step,
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a fork arises, that is, it is here to deliver a preemptive strike on the territory russia, and you understand how this will end, or is it here to strike again at russian tanks that are rushing towards berlin, directly on german territory, as it were, which is better, which is worse, in general , this is a matter of taste, both of them look quite sad. it is clear that american guarantees have primarily a psychological significance. if the umbrella suddenly closes, everyone will become very uncomfortable, even if no one actually expected any real use. in addition to the united states, nato has two nuclear powers: france and great britain. all eyes are on them. it is believed that france is the third nuclear power in the world after russia and the united states. the first french atomic bomb was tested in algeria, in the sahara desert, on february 13, 1960. the first french
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medium-range nuclear missiles ssbs were put on combat duty in 71 on the albion plateau in southern france. subsequently, france abandoned the mine-based system. nuclear weapons began to be placed on redoutable submarines. then a new generation of submarines appeared, inflexible. in 64 years of strength france's nuclear deterrent would be replenished. mirage-4 boarders capable of carrying nuclear bombs, their maximum range of action is 4,000 km. in march 2008, president sarkozy announced a reduction in french air-to-surface nuclear weapons by a third. after the reduction , paris's nuclear arsenal totals about 300 warheads. nuclear- equipped supersonic cruise missiles are now carried by rafale aircraft, both ground-based and based. most
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of the country's top officials, from degol to macron , considered nuclear weapons the basis of independence fifth republic. great britain began its nuclear development together with the americans back in 1942, and 10 years later it tested an atomic bomb on its overseas territories in the pacific ocean. in the fifties, britain developed its own ground-based ballistic missile bluestreak, but in the seventy-second this program was closed; the latest concept of british foreign defense policy, unveiled in 2021 by the johnson government, talks about increasing the country's nuclear warhead threshold from 180 to 260 warheads. the only carriers of british nuclear weapons are four.
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vanguard nuclear submarines. each submarine is equipped with sixteen american trident-2 ballistic missiles. they were leased from the usa. a new generation boat program, drednout, has now been launched. france is a member of the eu, the uk is not. both are members of nato, but the principles for managing nuclear arsenals are purely their own. there is no coordination. if we are talking about strategic, doctrinal, operational-tactical dimensions, then here there is no cooperation as such; moreover, as is known, france is not a member of the nato nuclear planning group and is in every possible way proud of the exclusively national character of its nuclear arsenal. moreover, france also has some unique things, for example, only france has. as far as one can judge
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, the means of delivering nuclear weapons on aircraft carriers are airplanes, but in principle there are no intentions that... to transfer its nuclear arsenal to external management accounts is not visible in france, all the talk is about a certain a european deterrent, which is sometimes understood as the french one, and they must take into account the fact that even if france takes on some obligations to provide a nuclear umbrella over its european partners, decisions will still be made in paris; in the uk , nato itself is tightly integrated regimes, in the uk there is very great cooperation, again a very long cooperation with the united states, in principle, a rather unique situation when it seems like a sovereign warhead, but with this is in many ways similar to the warhead of its best friend overseas, it is planned
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to be delivered on leased ballistic missile submarines, with the boats with these missiles everything is not very smooth, the last... several test launches failed, namely the british, the americans everything is a little better, moreover, apparently there is a problem with maintaining the readiness of the boats, that is, there are four of them, it is planned that at every moment one is at sea, but apparently due to the lengthening of the time frame for restoring combat readiness, repairs some ongoing modernizations, the last... years, british boats spend a lot of time on patrol, but relatively recently another of them returned after a very exhausting patrol in a very sad state with streaks of rust and other delights, it is believed that this is a very bad trend, because that, in
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the end, it’s simply very difficult not only for technology, but also for people who are forced to spend a long time at sea, especially in the vicinity of such a formidable one. sovereign control of nuclear potentials does not exclude close interaction, it grows. the main, as if flagship, project is a joint effort to maintain the nuclear arsenal in the absence of nuclear tests. a new facility has been built on french territory, known as epura, maybe there is a different way to pronounce it correctly. it has been operating since this year. in full - and it is actually filled with all the necessary instruments and instruments in order to test nuclear warheads without full-fledged explosions, that is, to attach, like they behave as their individual elements behave, and the like. a very interesting point is connected with the fact that even though
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the cooperation is wonderful between the two countries, they work at this facility, they take turns, that is, any information that they receive from their databases, it... remains, as it were, in their national sovereignty, that is, not that they are engaged in joint development, although of course, probably, physicists discuss some data obtained among themselves. this story is especially important now because, as you know, in the uk has launched a project to create a new warhead, and another collaboration is already involved here, the warhead will probably be very similar to... the new american w93 warhead, and accordingly, the british warhead has a romantic name in honor of the ancient greek goddess ostrea, but less romantically it is simply called a21 , given that both countries are not shy about talking
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about their plans for nuclear modernization, they will not have less work, and some new french fighters will probably appear, moreover, they are preparing hypersonic delivery vehicles. for its strategic forces , cooperation is it, in general , no one is shy about this cooperation, everything is also institutionally fixed, and this is the data that is obtained both at the french facility and at the british objectermaston, this data is used to maintain the nuclear arsenal in readiness for use. meanwhile, in the pacific region , relations striving for alliances are no less lively and are also being built. the russian foreign minister has just visited beijing sergei lavrov met with his chinese colleague and chairman sidzenping. no breakthroughs, but the stable development of ties
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is reinforced. and japanese prime minister fumio kishida was visiting washington. the negotiations were carried out very solidly, and the most significant update was announced. collective work to contain china, it is expected to expand the exchange of intelligence information and establish missile production. the tokyo-washington military alliance is more than 70 years old, it operated throughout the cold war, however, now the intensity is higher. military budget japan, it is now 43 trillion euros - that's 284 billion dollars, it is approaching 2%. of gdp, then there was a limit of 1%, and japan
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adhered to this rule, that is , more and more money is pumped into the military sphere, and uh, the americans are playing such a double game, on the one hand, they imposed on japan in the forty-sixth year of the last century after the defeat japan has a peaceful constitution, that’s wonderful.
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can be cited when there is a full-fledged involvement and there is no violation, here are many such examples of japan in the american strategy simply called, well, either maneuvers, or some kind of consultations, and so on, in fact, japan is becoming almost such a full-fledged accomplice of the united states in these military adventures, and the current situation around taiwan in southern china. the security structure in
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the pacific theater differs from the european one; there is no such all-encompassing defensive alliance; after all, more talk comes from bilateral agreements; secondly, china is still not yet a nuclear power. and assume that the conflict there is rapid the nuclear phase is not yet underway, but on the other hand, we have them, well, we, in principle, also have such a wonderful state as north korea, which is not shy about showing off its nuclear weapons , delivery vehicles, and also telling who they will hit where if that, and here, of course, a dilemma arises about how and what exactly the american. ready to do in response to this threat, last year there was a lot of
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talk in south korea about the need to have its own nuclear weapons, because that the north of the ilians have, the americans are far overseas, it all ended with the fact that about a year ago, at the end of april twenty -three, the washington agreement was signed, it was signed between seoul and , accordingly, washington, in which, in general , very reminiscent formats appeared. .. interaction in nato, even, relatively speaking, a nuclear planning group appeared, which of course is not directly called that, but in general the south koreans were allowed, let’s say, if not to make decisions, then at least to the extent that in discussing these decisions, in discussing scenarios for the use of american nuclear weapons in the event of nuclear escalation on the korean peninsula, whether japan wants to get something similar now, the question is debatable in japan after all... let’s say
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so, but it’s possible here as well changes await us when in the 90s, just as when we did achieve significant nuclear disarmament, the americans removed certain tactical nuclear weapons from service, including sea-based cruise missiles. and according to rumors in japan many expressed their dissatisfaction with this trend, this is not documented, there were official denials, but there seems to be a consensus opinion that, in general, the allies of the american ... doubted how good an idea this was, accordingly, now that the americans are returning delivery vehicles, there is no criticism they certainly will not hear when talking about japan, here, firstly, there is an interest in increasing cooperation in all areas, non-nuclear, in missile defense, in anti-space defense, there in defense from
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hypersonic vehicles, delivery, strike weapons, including large ones. so far it does not resonate too much with mass sentiments, which are generally peaceful, however, the work is being done diligently. how ready is japanese society for militarization after decades of external and self-restrictions? japan has a very strong pacifist movement and general anti-war sentiment, but when it
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comes to public opinion polls, then... we see that the japanese are divided into three approximately equal parts: 1/3 are in favor of repealing this ninth article , which is a restriction, the second part is in favor of leaving it, and the third part is hesitating, depending on the change in the situation, a vote may take place, but this chapter can only be abolished by legislation, or by violating it like this, in small things, here therefore, it is very difficult to predict the attitude of the japanese; the propaganda machine works, well, very powerfully. russian ambassador to japan nikolai nozdreev said recently that relations between the two countries have passed the point of no return, almost everything that has been achieved over many years has been dismantled decades. well, the true non-return
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of international politics occurs when one of the subjects ceases to exist. 4.5% feel it, of which only half a percent feel obvious sympathy, the rest are, as it were, very critical of russia. japanese opinion can change quickly. if something unexpected happens, the japanese will wake up. we are accustomed to following the information stream, but
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interest in alternative sources is gradually growing, and this also applies to the view of russia. we have enough historical claims, but we must be realistic, an alliance with the united states is not enough, it must be balanced by close relations with one of the neighbors. russia is our neighbor, it's time to open the window that has closed. well, god forbid, ikawasan’s, however, is not at all mainstream, but it’s still nice. the entire crowd, seized by one impulse... rose to their feet and looked at the sky. the black rim went deeper and deeper into the disk of the sun. i knew that now they would all look at me. and when they looked at me, i was ready. i betrayed my majestic posture and raised my hands to the sun. ah, the great sorcerer.
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got the effect. amazing. the connecticut yankee, the hero of mark twain, escaped execution by arriving 130 centuries ago at the court of king arthur because he remembered in time about the upcoming eclipse of the sun. the novel was published 135 years ago, but the fading light in the middle of the day still causes a stir, as this week in america, where there was an almost total solar eclipse. our regular author dmitry vershinin was not proclaimed a great sorcerer there, our times are boring, but he enjoyed the fascinating phenomenon and even a little for us. the eclipse has begun, the moon begins to bite off the sun piece by piece, and the maximum
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we will see is 91%. this will happen at 3:16 eastern time. this announcement was made to the hundreds of people who came to watch the partial eclipse of the sun at the green bank observatory in the opalachee mountains. sandra and herschel evans live 4 hours away. people came here on a working monday to observe rare natural phenomena live. the observatory, together with nasa
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, distributed 1,500 free special glasses to watch the eclipse. watch without them the sun is a real risk of getting a burn to the retina of the eye from ultraviolet radiation, invisible to the eye, solar radiation. these glasses made of cardboard and plastic at first glance look like a useless thing. in fact, ten times stronger than any. sunglasses. americans who love to turn any event into a grand show, a sour cream from store shelves for $15. the excitement was so high that in the last days before the eclipse, the internet was flooded with fakes. the uniqueness of today's eclipse is that it closed parts of north america with a population of about 40 million people, from mexico's pacific beaches to montreal, canada. the astronomer predicted the path of the eclipse time frame with an accuracy of meters and milliseconds. sun, scientists have a unique opportunity to see
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the corona, this allows them to study that part of the sun that cannot be seen on a normal day. dark monday became a gold mine for those who found themselves in the so-called totality zone, the price of a night in a hotel along the path of the eclipse reached $600 per night. airbnb has posted an interactive booking map. obvious trend. i observed the last eclipse in 2017. then i noticed that as soon as the moon covered the sun, the air temperature dropped by about 8°. sun fever has swept across the country. in rakansas, 300 couples decided to exchange rings to legitimize their relationships on this dark april day. in cleveland we were hosted by a live broadcast from the local rock and roll hall of fame under.
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tens of hundreds of satellites of private planes and rockets recorded 4 minutes of darkness from different altitudes, latitudes and frequencies. the internet has been captured by this video taken by a passenger on an alaska airlines flight, and it’s hard to understand whether this is an unusual angle of the eclipse, or a typical one...
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“you were a psychiatrist in the recent past, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, kill for me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera, in the most dangerous thing for you together, you’re a predator, what a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look straight into the head, this metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website. let's translate it from clerical to understandable, it's not
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like that. it’s scary, if there are instructions, i suggest changing the passenger’s call sign to rebin’s call sign, no, this is my brother’s call sign, you remain a passenger, that’s right, the passenger’s call sign is fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, he seemed to have foreseen it. that in the 21st century a layer of people will appear who are called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreigner's birthday. these same people, their there is nothing to respect, they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are focused and angry. they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property and funds
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invested there. do you have any property in germany? yes, i have a dispute here. they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country so that they commit an offense against the law. and this victim turned out to be me.
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ukrainian troops shelled residential areas of the city of takmak, zaporozhye region.


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