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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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ukrainian troops shelled residential areas of the city of takmak, zaporozhye region, killing several people.
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about the situation on the front line alexander catsu: gun, shot, shot! we fire a 122-mm mortar from behind cover at enemy positions, working in constant mode. soldiers of the bars-13 special forces unit as part of the south group of troops are breaking up forward positions in the ssu in the kleshcheevka area. this is interesting. this is a fragmentation, fire
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-fragmentation, now they will equip incendiaries, but it is burning the landing dugouts, the enemy has built in this area a deeply echeloned line of defense, it is held by selected units of militants , an independent, enemy multi-species drone is aiming a mine somewhere above us, we are aiming a mortar, but nevertheless the crew continues its work, 748 28 60. 748 28 60 to visit and report, ready, yes, plus, the retaliatory strike followed immediately, the enemy responded with the same mortar fire at a neighboring position, so we urgently leave the site and go to cover, the ukrainian armed forces reconnaissance drone was shot down, combat work continues, one weighs, let's look at 562, battle crew, crew for battle. i
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accepted, run, run, run, run, the crew acts quickly and accurately, hit the target, destroyed the infantry squad, oops, arrival, yes, yes, yes, the enemy answers often, cleanly, yeah, the light comes every day, now it’s working, in on these scales, currently on the neighboring one.
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the west is using ukraine as a tool for a proxy war with russia, independent military expert, retired lieutenant colonel of the us armed forces karen kvitkovsky spoke about this at the meeting. she emphasized: foreign states and advisers dictate to kiev how it is necessary to act, as a result , entire generations of ukrainians are being destroyed and not only are they not allowing peace negotiations to begin, but they are trying to raise the stakes.
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abandoned in 2014 under the influence of the state department and the cia to confront russia militarily. these proxies have adopted ukrainian nationalism, which is based on nazi ideology. nazism is a phenomenon that is always condemned throughout the world. but in ukraine, it was nazism that united those people who did what the united states and nato needed. therefore, history was forgotten, the truth was ignored, and ukrainian culture was emasculated.
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germany had to part with nazism, and japan and militarism did not lead to the disappearance of these states. so why can’t ukraine do this, while ceasing to discriminate against the russian language and russian speakers. in strict accordance with european values. the answer to this question is very simple, because washington, london and brussels do not need a ukraine that is friends with russia, and that is not why they have been investing in it for 10 years. from the polygon kapustin yar conducted a successful test
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launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile. according to the russian ministry of defense, the results confirm the high reliability of russian missiles for ensuring strategic security. the launch tasks were completed in full. the launch took place as part of state testing of promising missile systems, as well as confirmation of the stability of missiles that are in service. on cosmonautics day, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko met in the kremlin with pilot-cosmonaut oleg novitsky and the first female cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya. natalya solovyova knows what they were talking about. at one table they are discussing something truly cosmic.
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today the whole republic is proud, it prepared, it worried, but of course, it did it, in 14 days in orbit it completely completed all the planned experiments in the field of medicine, biology, physiology, but even today, a week after returning to earth, it is still overwhelmed with emotions,
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you feel euphoria, calmness, because all actions are very slow, it’s somehow you find yourself in weightlessness, and of course it fascinates with its incomprehensible...
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we are doing a satellite program together, now manned flights, i persuaded vladimir vladimirovich that we will continue to work together, he supported me yesterday, optics is yours, yes, this without question, our optics, by the way, are no worse than in the west, vladimir putin today, by his decree, awarded the title of heroes to russian cosmonauts dmitry pitelin and andrei fedyaev, oleg novitsky, sergei prokopyev and marina vasilevskaya were also awarded, they will be handed over. at the suggestion of vladimir putin, at
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the same meeting, everyone congratulated a couple of reindeer herders from yamal on their golden wedding; the president met the couple in january in moscow as part of the opening of the year of the family. varvara nevskaya will tell you how it all went. who is this? all your friends from the kremlin are with you, your friends from the kremlin. this friendship began at the end of january, then at the forum with relatives and loved ones in moscow, a hereditary reindeer herder. in the fifth generation , pyak invited the president to his golden wedding, an important day, despite the busy schedule, vladimir putin has not forgotten. we all congratulate you on your golden wedding anniversary, you and zoya igrumovna, all of you.
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never left. yenksya and zoya met at the reindeer herding day. he immediately fell in love with her eyes and did not hesitate. the very next day he proposed. 50 years have passed since then, their views are still full of warmth and tenderness to each other. you see, you fell in love with the truk-truks and left for tuntura. and they carried this feeling throughout their lives. it was not the severe frosts that prevented us from being a nomad. their main wealth is six daughters, two sons already 10.
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congratulations, congratulations, thank you very much, the large family of dyichenko from the lpr traveled thousands of kilometers to be at this celebration, they met enksey at a meeting with the president in moscow, here we are, flowers are blooming from our city apricot, cherry blossom, flowers begin to bloom, 30°c. in
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honor of the golden wedding, the president promised to fulfill the wish of his grandson yenkse, to see the launch of a spaceship, and also gave chita an all-terrain vehicle and a tea set as a gift, the head of the family in return gave vladimir putin an important card, snow-white female reindeer, you have such a promising family, one might say, outstanding performance, and of course the most important thing... in all your successes, this is your family, the basis of everything that happens in life in every movement forward, all the best to you good luck, we hug you and wish you all the best, congratulations, thank you, varvara nevskaya, news, fighters of the hezbollah movement launched about 50 rockets from lebanon towards israel. according to sahal, some intercepted air defense systems,
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the rest fell in the desert, no one was injured. the situation is tense. israel is preparing for an iranian retaliatory strike in response to the april 1 bombing of the iranian consulate in damascus. then seven high-ranking ksir officers were killed. according to cbs, us intelligence believes that tehran's attack on israeli military targets could include more than 100 drones. and dozens of missiles. this is what the us president said in this regard, answering questions from journalists. an attack on israel by iran will happen soon, mr. president. i don't want to go into secret information, but i expect it to happen sooner rather than later. what would you like to say to iran? do not do that. and what about the american soldiers, mr. president, they are also in danger. we are committed to
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defending israel, we will support israel. let's help israel defend itself, and iran will not succeed. roscosmos showed what flooding looks like in the orenburg region using satellite images. a significant part of orsk is under water. the dam broke in several places. the water level in the ural river near orenburg is record high. the city is flooded over 5,000 houses, and the water continues to flow. in the region, mobile offices began to operate where those affected by the floods. residents can receive free legal assistance. specialists provide consultations at temporary accommodation centers. special vehicles purchased and transferred to the region by the ministry of justice are delivered to lawyers in remote villages. 97% of the questions that people who have suffered as a result
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of an emergency ask about are drawing up applications for one-time financial payments. assistance to victims in as a result of the emergency and financial assistance in connection with the loss of property, they also address issues of restoration of documents, preservation of the job and earnings of persons affected by the emergency, bankruptcy of persons affected by the emergency. well, what is happening, for example, in the kurgan region, where high water also came, stanislav vasilchenko found out. the bulk dam stretches along the entire kurgan, its length is 30 km. this is how the city on tobol is preparing for the worst consequences of the flood. the water is already flooded nine settlements right now and is moving further, including to kurgan itself. according to the ministry of emergency situations , water may arrive in the regional center on april 14-15. the consequences are unpredictable, but people are doing everything to protect the city from major damage. in the village of kulatsky, in the west of kurgan, there is another
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dam made of sandbags. the tobol meanders, that is, it constantly twists along the flow. one of the sharp turns was formed near the village, which means that a strong flow of water due to inertia could overflow its banks and flood next residential buildings, hundreds of concerned people are trying to prevent this. fun, good, everyone is smiling, fed, given water, everyone is smiling, everyone is working, i am very glad that the residents of the region have united to solve a common problem, we are protecting our city, in this case the village of kulatsky, from flooding. we need to help people, because this is such a great disaster, let’s say. if we don't help each other, who will help us? nobody. in some areas the height of the dump increases to 11 m. 14,000 people and more than 200 units are working on this around the clock technology. another 20 water dumps are being brought from the amur region by a special plane of the ministry of emergency situations. the sleeves have proven themselves well in similar floods. special transport is also arriving. a tracked all-terrain vehicle will help you reach the most
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inaccessible areas. such a floating conveyor feels confident on land and in water. employees of the ministry of emergency situations have already tested the vehicle in the conditions of the kurgan flood and are preparing to perform the first real tasks on it. designed for evacuating the population where there are flooded sections of the road and using a regular car or an all-terrain vehicle travel is already difficult, accordingly, with the help of this vehicle it is possible to deliver some products, medicines, carrying capacity, if carried out from land - 8 tons, if from water 6.
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provided - with bed linen, provided with bedding, blankets, hygiene supplies, three hot meals a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner are organized for all guests , we have a tea room where we serve tea, coffee, sweets, mood very positive, we have a very good time here, we like everything, everything is pleasant, the food is also very tasty, filling, i have my nephew here with me, he likes everything very much, he... met the guys, and so do i, everything is generally great, just it's not even better to say. according to the latest data from the ministry of emergency situations , 205 houses and 320 household plots were flooded in the kurgan region. into the zone of potential. heating reaches 62 settlements in seven municipal districts, including kurgan itself. however , several other regions should also be wary. climb water levels and ice drift are observed in the tomsk
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region. the flood has already flooded 104 houses in villages and garden communities. the water level in the area of ​​the camp garden has already exceeded 6.5 m. the situation is difficult in kusbas, the mraz-su river overflowed its banks in the village of ustka byrza and 43 households with a population of 70 people were flooded.
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housing and communal services specialists, rospotrebnadzor, the ministry of emergency situations, of course, i think that the training that is organized in the region today will allow us to get through this whole situation with minimal damage. the minister of health arrived in chuvash republic. mikhail murashka discussed issues of healthcare development in the region and inspected a number of medical institutions, including the republican clinical hospital. he instructed us to look into the issue of building a new one.
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it is comfortable to work with it, seeing all the tests, the information system, so doctors are very interested in researching previous periods, comparing them. as for high-tech medicine, this is probably the most important direction for us. so that after a person, say, has received an appropriate examination, well, appropriate recommendations in order to
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resolve, through a high-tech solution, the health issues he has encountered, so that he receives them in a timely manner in full. the estonian ministry of internal affairs proposes to recognize the orthodox church as terrorists and ban it in the country. supporting terrorism in its activities, i, as the minister of internal affairs, have no choice but to invite ridi koga to admit this. rigi-kogu, the estonian parliament, is located just opposite
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orthodox cathedral. at the end of the 19th century, the temple was erected by decree of the governor of iceland, specifically so that the facade of his palace looked exactly at the church. now, instead of the governor, deputies sit there and give police orders to them. it is difficult to describe the words of the head of the estonian ministry of internal affairs otherwise. we wouldn't want anything. this is pressure on those believers who want to maintain unity with the moscow patriarchate;
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we are talking about spiritual unity. this is an attempt to cancel russian culture, and of course, the church is part of russian culture, this is an attempt to bring discord into the sphere of religion, to make religious communities, churches, say, part of a political conflict. formally, the reason for new persecution of the orthodox church in estonia was the decisions of the world russian people's council, which was recently held in moscow. they adopted an order saying that during a special military operation, the people of russia are protecting the world from the west, which has fallen into satanism. tallinn clung to the wording “holy war” in the text and got it all wrong. after all, if we draw a parallel, islamic terrorists also say that they are carrying out a sacred war against the western world of western values. it is hardly possible to put an equal sign between orthodoxy and terrorism in health, the russian foreign ministry chuckled. all the signs of mental illness are evident, but the logic is in trouble. who, then, does he think the pope will communicate with terrorists with?
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yes, from a legal point of view, there is a big difference between declaring terrorists in words and officially recognizing them, human rights activists say. another thing is that the churches of the moscow patriarchate in estonia have always been attacked. alexander nevsky cathedral, which is included in state register of cultural monuments, 100 years ago they were even going to demolish it, they say this symbol of russification towers too much over the old city. so far there are supposedly no such plans. et riigikogu oavalduses. this means that ties with moscow will be severed. the minister of internal affairs pointed out that supposedly this will not affect ordinary citizens, ordinary believers, this is a lie. the fact is that estonian criminal legislation, as well as international legislation, we are talking about european documents on the fight against terrorism, indicates that in the case of recognition of a certain organization as terrorist, and its property will be transferred to its own.
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state, that is, there will be massive confiscations with the possibility of transfer to other organizations, that is, for example, religious organizations, maybe of an evangelical persuasion, the catholic church, which operates in estonia, which also actually adds fuel to the fire. ukrainian neo-nazis have already created precedents for the illegal seizure of church property from the moscow patriarchate. now in tallinn the orthodox are praising the inviolability of genuine shrines prayers that are especially important.
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moscow, moscow, where are the machines flying, like energetically unjustified, she brought from school, a man, a young man, according to my data, he is 117 years old, but the main thing will remain unchanged, i know what it means to give your word, even look at me when everything will end, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours, i mean, why, we will act here now.
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