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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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ukrainian troops shelled residential areas.
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748 28 60 748 28 60 ready to visit and report, plus, a retaliatory strike followed immediately, the enemy responded with the same mortar fire at a neighboring position, so we urgently leave the site and go to cover, the ukrainian armed forces reconnaissance drone was shot down, combat work continues, one is hanging, come on. the crew
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acts quickly and accurately, they hit the target, destroyed the squad with infantry, oops, arrival, yes, yes, yes, the enemy often answers in a whiny tone, yeah, the light comes every day, now it’s working on this scale.
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the intensity of work is maximum, we are firing heavily at the enemy in camouflaged positions, here are the advanced positions of the ukrainian armed forces on the outskirts of kleshcheevka, several militants are taking cover in a dugout, the kamikaze drone of the bars-13 unit is in action, here it is approaching the target, come on, come on, there is a hit, that’s it , the target was hit, presumably, according to intelligence data, there were x people in the area, assault units of the group.
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sent not for the sake of the ukrainians, but for the sake of the government in kiev, which was installed in 2014 under the influence of the state department and the cia, so that confront russia militarily. these proxies have adopted ukrainian nationalism, which is based on nazi ideology. nazism is a phenomenon that is always condemned throughout the world. but in ukraine, it was nazism that united those people who did what the united states and nato needed. therefore the story was forgotten.
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ukraine can carry them out completely without damage . the fact that germany had to part with nazism, and japan had to part with militarism, did not lead to its sovereignty and statehood. to the disappearance of these states. so why can't do this? ukraine, while ceasing to discriminate against the russian language and russian speakers. and in strict accordance with european values. the answer to this question is very simple, because washington, london and brussels do not need a ukraine that is friends with russia, and that is not why they have been investing in it for 10 years.
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a successful test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile was carried out from the kapustin yar test site. as reported by the russian ministry of defense, the results confirm high reliability. russian missiles ensuring strategic security. the launch tasks were completed in full. the launch took place as part of state testing of promising missile systems, as well as confirmation of the stability of missiles that are in service. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's look, look. in the application or on the website. hello, here you are.
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domestic production without contraindications, vital drugs and medical products, our special report, this is oblonk, a large oblong tablet, the largest in the line enterprises, for many people these medicines are vital, the development of the parliamentary brix dimension is fully consistent with the spirit of the times and the essence of parliamentary diplomacy, like dial.
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key area: politics and security, economics and finance, cultural and humanitarian contacts, one of the most important priorities with the recent tragedy in kroku city hall was a shock for the entire russian people, and i
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want to thank all our brix partners for their solidarity, words of sympathy, support we received in these are very sad days for us. valentina matvienko noted that the brix state accounts for more than a third of the world's gdp and almost half of the planet's population. i will add that the chairmen of the international affairs committees of the brix parliaments have a very busy agenda in moscow, this includes meetings at various levels, including with foreign minister sergei lavrov, as well as working sessions in the federation council. let’s talk about the significance of these meetings and negotiations, as well as the goals and expectations of the russian brix chairmanship vice speaker of the federation council konstantin kosachev. he is our studio guest today. important things happened this week.
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15 or 20 years ago in the world, in general, there were no alternatives to the so-called seven largest western countries, which, in general, assumed a monopoly, speaking on behalf of all humanity, and the current year, when we preside , is no less significant for russia in this association, which means we can invest in its current moment in its future development our own understanding of
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any decisions, final documents, that is, these were not prepared events,
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prepared in a good sense, i’m not talking about directing, i’m talking about putting a substantive element into this process, last year , during the chairmanship of brix south africa , there was a qualitative advance, because the south africans are very took this issue seriously and invited the then brix five to sign a declaration of intent, relatively speaking, on how the brix parliamentary dimension would develop and were. certain parameters have been agreed upon and what is called rules, this year, under the russian presidency, the next qualitative step is taking place, because for the first time we are beginning to prepare the entire substantive component of the brix parliamentary forum, not only as chairmen, but also as organizers of the collective preparation process. yesterday and today in moscow, for the first time in the history of brix, in the history of the brix parliamentary dimension, a meeting of committee chairmen was held. nines, and at this meeting we discussed quite specifically what will happen in 3
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months, when the speakers get together, that the same nine, by the way, are also planning to invite a group of parliaments that are partners for russia, these are the parliaments of the countries of the cis interparliamentary assembly, the interparliamentary union, that is, it will be a broader format than the nine, but there is a qualitative difference between all previous forums and... our st. petersburg is that the work initially to prepare this forum was organized on a multilateral basis, all parliaments make their contribution, so this... will not be a situation where the chairmen they suggested something, everyone else, well, made some amendments and signed. no, the document that will ultimately come out, and most importantly, the result that will be written out in this document, will be the fruit of collective work, and this, in fact, is what distinguishes the brix format from all other formats, including the seven, where the leadership of the united
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states of america is absolutely clear, and where the american will , the american vision of the modern world , is imposed on everyone else. brix is ​​nobody. does not impose anything on anyone, we are within the framework of our brix chairmanship we do not impose anything on anyone, but we offer our brix partners a meaningful agenda, it is in three areas, politics and security are one, economics and finance are two, humanitarian issues are three, and under each of these three blocks, well, at least a dozen, and maybe two or three dozen specific areas of cooperation along which the brix format could move forward, this is very cool, this is very exciting work and i am glad that without exception, the parliament who were represented at today's meeting of the international affairs committees, they understood the idea and embraced it, we really work in a single team, and yet the delegation from saudi arabia did not come to the meeting in moscow, that's what this could mean, are there
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any parallels with the behavior of argentina, which, as we know, first - to join the brix, where partly the initiative came from the brix union, partly, naturally, was the result of certain signals from the relevant countries. after this, we know that a change took place in argentina leadership, quite radical,
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argentina officially notified of the change, notified of a change in its position in relation to brix. their complete sovereign right, no one gets upset or complex about this, each country, i repeat again, determines for itself whether it’s interesting or not, in saudi arabia the story is different, we have not received any refusal letters from our colleagues saudi arabia, we do not see their active participation in the unification, as they say, it’s not evening yet; parliamentary forum, and most importantly , there will be a summit at the level of heads of state and government this october. year in kazan, anything can happen, but our colleagues from saudi arabia will not show up, well, that means they have some reasons, they took a break, we don’t see anything wrong with this, we understand that brix is ​​coming to each of the potential partners pressure from the other side, those who are jealous of brix and those who would not like to see it as a strong interstate association,
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while you know, there is a queue of several dozens, now they say from 30 to 40 countries. who, to varying degrees of activity , are showing interest in joining brix, in these 30-40 countries, well , there are absolutely, maybe five, maybe 10 countries that are ready to do this, even today, yes, now it is much more a complex process of coordination is no longer within the framework of the five, but at least nine or ten, with or without saudi arabia, and it will take place, by the way, one of the tasks of the russian chairmanship in brix, including in its parliamentary dimension is: determining the subsequent modalities of our interaction with partner countries, with candidate countries, as one likes, because it is obvious that a number of these countries will cooperate, interact with the brix association without formalizing membership, let’s say, also for god’s sake no one is forcing anyone into any formats, so there is
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no drama in the exchange, there are many who want to speculate, we absolutely respect the choice from... saudi arabia and the choice of any other our potential partner, if when they again indicate their interest, you are welcome, if for some reason this does not happen, but the association will still exist, live, develop, grow with new members, and if it is a little bit in this direction or slightly different, this will not change the main vector of development, and this is the direction of development towards a multipolar world order, which, in fact , is now represented in miniature.
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will, approach, design, no one imposes anything on anyone, and any design, which ultimately becomes viable and effective in the brix space, arises as a result of consensus, so five countries discussed the possibility of creating a brix development bank for quite a long time, the process took several years, but when all parties realized that this was right, that it was interesting, everyone from the participating countries that we will go in this direction, development bank.
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everyone agrees that we absolutely need to get rid of those institutions and mechanisms of unipolarity that our geopolitical opponents did not create, yes the same seven is an institution of unipolarity, the dollar is an institution of unipolarity, right down to control over the international olympic committee and there the nobel committee, suppose or the committee that awards the oscar, so to speak, or eurovision awards, so they placed their people everywhere, so to speak and
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there is no one to work out their own, only the future will show it and it may be quite leisurely, i wouldn’t exactly raise expectations at all, but leisurelyness is the key to the sustainability of future decisions that they will definitely replace the current, almost failed model of a unipolar world, well, as the ancients said, hurry slowly, hurry slowly, but the result will still be ours, victory will be ours. now we’ll take a break for a short advertisement, then we’ll continue, don’t switch.
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this is the senate program, see below, the start of the fire season, what to expect from it and how are the regions of the country preparing for it? today, regions. carried out all fire-fighting measures in accordance with the consolidated fire extinguishing plan. toxic heritage, elimination of accumulated environmental harm, how is this process going? first of all, of course, everything is connected with recycling with a competent approach to everything related to the accumulated waste. preferential mortgage, deferment from service and other privileges. how our country supports it specialists. they cost very
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large global ones. tasks to ensure the technological sovereignty of our country. the russian drug market is dependent on imports. are domestic manufacturers coping with the tasks? treatment drug cancer patients are of very decent quality. no difference in efficiency. domestic production without contraindications, vital drugs and medical products - our special report. this is oblonk, a large oblong tablet, the largest in the company’s line. for many people, these medications are vital. senators approved a law that will help more effectively prevent emergencies associated with the use of gas in everyday life. often they happen precisely because of the unsatisfactory technical condition of gas equipment, smoke ventilation ducts of residential buildings. therefore, for the safety of citizens, the authors of the document increased fines for preventing gas workers from entering homes. refusal to maintain and repair gas equipment
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will cost five. 10,000 rub. for officials, maximum fines will increase to 100,000 rubles. for legal entities up to half a million. according to the law, fines of similar amounts will also be imposed for avoiding concluding a maintenance agreement for independently replacing equipment without involving a specialized organization. what else is important it should be noted that our legislation ran parallel to recent government rule changes. and these rules just stipulate. that circumstance about which citizens always ask questions, how do we know that this is a gas supply organization, we will not open the doors, you know what time it is, everything is quite complicated, and so these rules make precisely the changes in that everyone who has a gas the equipment will have its own contract, but for each house they will authorize one person living there, or the hoa will authorize their own
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specific... checking readiness for the fire season, this is data from the growth of the farm. a significant part of russian subjects passed this test. citizens should remember that with the beginning of the fire season, it is necessary to follow certain rules when using open fire. if you don't know these rules, you should definitely read them. you should also remember about the ban on grass burning garbage. meanwhile, weather is expected to make this fire season more difficult than last year. how to prevent forest fires, we will discuss the topic with
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senator oleg. today, the regions of the russian federation are completing preparations for the fire-hazardous period, the regions have approved consolidated plans for extinguishing forest fires, equipment has been prepared, and a forest fire brigade has been prepared, more than 17 billion rubles have been allocated from the federal budget for the protection of forests from fires, the purchase of fire-fighting equipment, one... rubles for the purchase of 1,200 unmanned aerial vehicles to detect forest fires in the regions of the russian federation, forest special forces based on forest protection, in order to extinguish large fires in forests without declaring an emergency. as of today , preparations are being completed. and what measures are the regions taking to prevent fires in the forest fund as a whole at the moment, what is the situation?


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