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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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your side, like this, you don’t need it, you need it like this, like this, like this, i understand, like this, at the megamarket, sunglasses are discounted up to 60%, buddy, hello, as promised, today we are preparing flock, hey, hey, it’s not the first day, oh, i need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer it online, it’s faster and more convenient, thanks for teaching me, that’s someone else ... the west is using ukraine as a tool for a proxy war with russia, an independent military expert, retired lieutenant colonel of the us armed forces karen kvyatkovsky said at a meeting of the un security council. she openly admitted that foreign states directly tell kiev what to do and force it. before the strikes on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant
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stations. nazism is a phenomenon that is always condemned throughout the world. but in ukraine it was nazism that united those people who did what the united states and nato needed. therefore, history was forgotten, the truth was ignored, and ukrainian culture was emasculated. for the west achieved a proxy war with the aim of weakening russia. us senators and nato leaders are celebrating what they call good investments. the federal court in dellovere refused to dismiss the case of illegal possession of weapons against the son of the american president hunter. biden. the court rejected the statement of his lawyers that the case was allegedly politically motivated. previously, a california court also refused to dismiss biden jr.'s non-payment charges. taxes, on the totality
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of the charges brought against him, he could face up to 25 years in prison. floods in kazakhstan turned into the most destructive flood in history, as someone takes advantage of the situation to launch another wave of fakes and disinformation. about this and more in the review by robert frantsev after the advertisement. great car, i agree, perfect, only oil i need to change it, let's stop by, and you have the ideal oil for my car, this is an excellent oil, oil growth, 83% of buyers choose it again, and what's wrong with it, growth oil magnum, consumption is less by a third, it provides reliable engine protection for 20%, reduces the formation of deposits, rosneft magnum motor oil, we are sure you will buy: again, a credit card is beneficial
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formation of deposits rosneft magnum engine oil, we are sure you will buy it again. welcome to asia, we once again invite you to embark on an exciting journey to the very heart of the continent. today on the program , spring floods in kazakhstan turned into the most destructive flood in history. we'll talk about the catastrophic consequences and the heroes who resist the elements, as well as who is using the disaster to launch the next wave of fakes and... information. kazakhs have an ancient belief without kunak, that is five guests. this is how the nomads of the past explained the phenomenon when the weather suddenly deteriorated in april. here we can draw an analogy with the indian summer, only exactly
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the opposite, when in the middle of winter there was a sharp winter with cold weather, a blizzard, a blizzard, and all this usually lasted no more than 5 days. then the nomads of the past said, five came. guests, and the legend is this: five travelers who believed ahead of time that spring had come into its own, enjoying the warmth and blossoming nature, did not notice as the sun disappeared behind the clouds, heavy snow began to fall, they were never able to find shelter and disappeared into the steppe. since then they have come again every year, with a sharp cold snap and snowstorms; by the way, it is believed that the more extreme such april frosts are, the more favorable the summer will be. but if five guests did not come, then expect trouble, there will be a drought. this year , five guests came in the form of rain and snow, with temperatures in some regions dropping to -13 at night. this year , special attention is paid to the vagaries of nature in kazakhstan. more than 100,000 people have already been
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forced to leave their homes due to catastrophic flooding. kazakhstan is faced with severe natural disasters. the spring floods resulted in flooding on a scale the country has never seen before . of its modern history, this is what the city of kulsary in western kazakhstan looks like, a settlement where 60,000 people live has completely gone under water, despite the fact that residents have been preparing for more than two weeks... potential damage from floods in kazakhstan could be about 6 billion tenge, insurers have calculated that this is more than a billion rubles the authorities have not yet given their assessment, but have assured that they will not leave anyone in trouble to compensate for the damage caused by the floods.
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and medicines, as soon as the water began to approach our houses, the residents of five villages joined
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forces, bought walkie-talkies, set up teams, 100 men in total, they worked in shifts day and night and managed to build a three-meter embankment, where the floods did not reach, there is also plenty of work , caring kazakhstanis participate non-stop in collecting and sorting dozens of tons of humanitarian aid, including, of course, products from which pilaf is prepared right at the forefront of the fight against the elements, so that no one is left behind. a hungry man named rakhamberde yesterday delivered food on ten gazelles, they also brought us about 20-30 sheep, along with them came a cook who prepares food for the residents of kulsar, thank you very much for your support in such a difficult time. having refreshed themselves, they get down to business again , for example, someone’s motor boat evacuates not only people, but also drowning cows, and asks those whose houses were destroyed without a chance of restoration not to despair and believe in the best, the golden voice of kazakhstan.
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we will return to the floods later, but for now let’s talk about other events in the region. in bishkka, girls removed a clump of hair from their brain. doctors discovered a mass formation at the bottom of the fourth. an examination showed that the tumor was a huge clump of hair. apparently, as a result of a congenital pathology, the root ended up inside the brain, the hair grew inside the very birth of the child. the anomaly was discovered when the girl was 8 years old; further growth was already life-threatening. professor metalip performed a unique operation mamytov, doctors of the neurosurgery department of the national center for maternity and childhood protection. at the training ground, not far from oktao , large-scale exercises of kazakh marines took place around. 800 military personnel conducted tank, mortar and howitzer firing at training targets, also practiced
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an airborne landing scenario on mi-35 helicopters; about 100 units of various equipment were involved. an applicant campaign for admission to the prestigious russian university mgimo has started in kyrgyzstan. citizens of the republic may submit documents not only for bachelor's, but also master's and postgraduate programs. next, meath will select the most promising ones, assessing their knowledge as well. language, they will already take exams. imam ali rahmon took part in the re-opening ceremony of the famous khujan fortress, which had been inaccessible to the public for a long time due to restoration work. for 6 years, masters of traditional tajik crafts put in order the external decoration of the castle, built before our era, and its interior decoration and surrounding area. beautiful footage from kapitdag nature reserve of turkmenistan, where tulips began to bloom. there are as many as 16 species in the republic to suit every taste, including
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wilson and michel wild flowers, rare for the central asian region, which are under special control of local botanist scientists. another very serious problem. as a result of floods in kazakhstan , about 8,000 heads of livestock died. moreover , it is most often simply not possible to dispose of the carcasses of dead animals immediately. and this carries the risk of spreading dangerous infections, but also that's not all. melt waters flooded eight cattle burial grounds and 14 anthrax burial sites. the causative agent of this. ulcers on the surface. when the water recedes, the soil in these places will be especially carefully examined. by the way, kazakh and russian specialists are in
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constant contact to prevent the spread of dangerous infectious viral diseases in the border area. during the period of complications of the flood situation in the territories of the russian federation bordering kazakhstan , rospotrebnadzor organized cooperation with kazakh colleagues on issues of water quality indicators. there is a regular exchange of information on the results of laboratory tests of water in transboundary rivers, which allows for early assessment of risks to the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of citizens. russian prime minister mikhail mishustin and his kazakh counterpart alzhas biktenov discussed joint issues. measures to overcome the consequences of the flood, an agreement was reached to strengthen coordination. the interaction of various specialized services during this time of difficult trials in the telephone presidents vladimir putin and kasym zhumar takaev discussed the conversation. the difficult flood situation in the border regions was discussed in detail, and close interaction between the relevant departments of the two countries was noted. we are jointly monitoring, forecasting
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the situation, and coordinating response measures. against the backdrop of a really difficult situation in the border areas. regions of russia and kazakhstan, it seems that some people have begun to leak and the organ responsible for thought processes is spreading absolute nonsense that the russians are dumping water along the urals in order to flood kazakhstan, and the kazakhs are doing the same thing on the tabol river in order to flood russia. experts talk about the absolute absurdity of such assumptions, not even from a scientific point of view, but simply from the point of view of political or common sense, this is just some kind of stupidity. in fact, this is a natural phenomenon, there are authoritative reports on this topic, for example, such as the interstate group of experts at the climate change convention, their last year’s report, which showed that the purity and intensity of these phenomena, emergency, catastrophic, dangerous natural phenomena, such as floods,
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fires or flooding, as well as droughts in the summer, they will become more frequent, they gave... forecasts for the most sensitive objects and territories, to which includes the ecosystem of the ural river, zhaik on the kazakh side, the ural river is a very vulnerable ecosystem, this is a special river, translated from kazakh zhaik, it is translated as spreading, and spreading, free, wide, that is, for it the flood is very important , because well, how is this related to the characteristics of the river, they are connected , i repeat once again, both with global processes and with... including the fact that there were early frosts in the fall, the soil was frozen, it does not absorb water, so today these are the observed phenomena. however, there is a suspicion that all these rumors about deliberate flooding are not just stupidity. see for yourself, earlier a fake was launched on the topic of energy, saying that russia was asking kazakhstan
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to ensure supplies of fuel and lubricants. at the same time, no one was embarrassed that kazakhstan itself purchases fuel in russia, minister. the power engineers of the two countries have denied everything, but as they say, a storm has begun among the especially impressionable. even earlier, there was a rumor about a possible drone attack from kazakhstan. in general, there is a trend. and everything indicates that some third party, let’s call it that, is behind all these provocations and is churning out one fake after another with only one goal: to create disagreement in the good relations between russia and kazakhstan. it's official.
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that we are forced to observe the efforts of certain forces, they are aimed at to cause discord, the development of bilateral and friendly good-neighborly relations with russia. what we are talking about is quite obvious; in general, it did not start yesterday. what we are talking about is escalating the situation, a huge number of fakes. in principle, they haven’t stopped with us, probably, if we’re being honest, then since 2014, just after the twenty-second year, they just... got stuck so much and became just so vital, especially relevant, and even more so the news feed with the floods, well he just looks
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just another information source in the huge series that we have been experiencing in recent years. today, since you and i live in a single information field, if only because we speak russian quite clearly and legibly, what else do you remember about the past week in asia? valentina matvienko had a telephone conversation with the chairman of the upper house of the parliament of turkmenistan, ex-president of the republic gurbanguly birdumukhamedov.
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arkadak congratulated the speaker of the federation council on awarding her the title of hero of labor thanked you for your contribution to friendly relations between moscow and ashgabat. the kazakh holding allageum, which produces electrical transformers, intends to refuse to export its products to ukraine. this is explained by the fact that the kiev regime, in its usual way... wants supplies on credit, that is , it will supposedly pay someday later, but the seller is categorically not happy with this option. russia and kazakhstan are increasing cooperation in the field of culture. at a meeting of the heads of the countries' ministries of culture in almaat, they agreed to launch a common film production, and restore hundreds of classic films. in addition, the astana opera theater will host a tour of the bolshoi theater in moscow. an exhibition will open in tretikovka for the 120th anniversary of the kazakh artist bylkhan kosteev, and a joint one will appear in gitis.
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was born 3 months ago, but all this time he was not shown to the public, remaining under the supervision of his mother ursa masha, but now anyone can meet the baby . while russia and kazakhstan are struggling harder. floods in tajikistan are the opposite water scarcity. the reservoir of the country's largest hydroelectric power station, nurek, is less than half a meter away from the critical level. under threat to the energy supply of the entire republic , the power plant produces 70% of the energy, which means that homes and businesses may be left without electricity. we remain in tajikistan and there is good news here: the country will begin to produce the element vanadium again. using russian technologies, it will be supplied to neighboring uzbekistan in russia. the workshop resumed its work, which was suspended back in the eighties. in year
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here they plan to produce up to 200 tons of vanadium. what kind of metal is this and why is it so important in our reference? vanadium is a silver-gray metal that is characterized by high ductility and resistance to corrosion, acid solutions and alkalis. its melting point is close to natural vanadium does not exist in its pure form, it is mined from certain impurities of iron ore, the largest deposits are in south africa, in the north-west of china in the east of russia, these three countries account for up to 95% world reserves of vanadium. vanadium increases the strength of steel and titanium alloys, which are used, among other things, in automobile engines and oil drilling platforms, in the aviation industry and in dental implants. by the way. remember, we talked about a chemistry teacher from the kazakh taldykurgan, ulan usenov, a teacher, blogger, popularizer of science, his videos about chemical elements collect
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millions of views, there is a separate video about vanadium, why do we need metal in vanadium, why tell me such an element in production, different steel, it will make zero sense if. on april 12, they celebrated cosmonautics day, the day when humanity was able to take a step beyond the horizon, a very special date, because it became clear that there are no limits to human thought and will, the road to space was open, and the door to these endless achievements was the baikanur cosmodrome, located in in kazakhstan, in 1955 , the cpsu central committee issued a decree on the construction of a test site; the location was chosen in the alardin region due to the desert area with 300 sunny days a year and its proximity to the equator. construction has become a real competition with nature. the sand
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froze to one and a half meters. this one had to blow up the ground. and just 2 years later , the world’s first artificial earth satellite was launched. strelka's squirrel dogs flew into space for the first time from baikanur, and in 1961 the first man, yuri gagarin, also went into space. in total , more than 150 cosmonauts launched from baikanur. after the collapse of the soviet union, baikanur became the property of independent kazakhstan. an agreement was signed to lease the russian cosmodrome for a period of 20 years. in 2021 the agreement was extended until 2050. by the way, the rental of baikanur annually brings $115 million to the budget of kazakhstan. that's all for us. and don’t forget, let’s talk about amazing asia together. send your video questions to our telegram boot aziia tv24.
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and see you, as usual, next week. or in the middle of asia, take care.
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in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police officer and psychologist, you ’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging valera for you the most dangerous place for you, you are such a predator, it will hurt, they say that you people
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know how to look straight into your head, this is a metaphor. look into his head, look in the application or on the website, we are starting a situation with floods, another 800 residential buildings and 1800 were flooded over the past 24 hours in orenburg. the evacuation of residents in the city continues. the perinatal center was also at risk. more than thirty newborns, their mothers and pregnant patients were evacuated to safety. at the same time, the level of the ural river began to gradually decline from orenburg. our special correspondent, margarit semenyuk, gets in touch directly. margarita, i greet you, tell us how this night went, which areas are still flooded in the city?


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