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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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you know how to look straight into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, we are starting a situation with floods, another 800 residential buildings and 1,800 plots were flooded over the past 24 hours in orenburg. the evacuation of residents in the city continues. the perinatal center was also at risk. more than thirty newborns, their mothers and pregnant patients were evacuated to safety. at the same time, the level of the ural river began to gradually decrease from orenburg. our special correspondent, margarit semenyuk. margarita, i greet you, tell us how this night went, which areas are still flooded in the city? yes, tatyana, greetings, overnight
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there really was an increase of 42 cm and now the river level in the waters in the urals is 11 m 71 cm, but in fact there is, of course, positive dynamics, now the water is standing still, it does not remain, that is, the inflow has stopped, so for the last 4 hours the water has not remained, the level does not increase, local regional...
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i suggest listening to the commentary of most of the snt already, which are located in the ural floodplain, they evacuated, but there were only a few people left who stayed there, this is our zarechny microdistrict, the village of kuznechny, there is also the village of solnechny, it is partially flooded, but people are trying to leave on their own. over the past 24 hours , another 800 houses and 1,800 household plots were flooded in orenburg. all regional services and emergency services are working around the clock in all danger zones to help the remaining people evacuate. in the region , almost over 12 thousand residential buildings and over 17 household plots were flooded.
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stanislav, greetings, what is your situation at this time? hello, tatyana, the situation with the flood in the kurgan region is changing, but it’s too early to say in which direction, good or bad. the fact is that in the most affected area, zveryanogolsky district, where just the day before the water level in tobol exceeded the norm. at 10 m
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, the water gradually began to recede within a day - it went by 20 cm, but this is due to the fact that the crest of the flood simply moves further along the river, which means it threatens new areas, including itself kurgan. over the past 24 hours, the water level in the tobol river near the regional center has risen by 7 cm and is now 416 cm. according to forecasts, the maximum water level may be around 9 m. the ministry of emergency situations warned that with an acceptable level of 1,100 cm, the flood zone may more than 500 residential buildings, more than 200, more than 500 summer cottages, more than 200 residential buildings and more than 600 personal plots. in addition, roads from kurgan towards the smolin, chelnakov and topol microdistricts may be flooded, and the runway is also at risk of flooding kurgan airport. thus, in a worst- case scenario, almost 10 thousand
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residents could suffer, of which 1,759 are children. of course, in order to prevent such a development, active preparations were made in the mound to meet the elements. people are building dams and embankment dams day and night, the main one has already stretched along the entire mound for 30 km, in addition, a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered 20 more water-filling dumps to the regional center, and where they will be placed is still being decided. according to the latest data, more than 200 houses and 300 household plots plots in the kurgan region have already been flooded and today mfcs began to be issued to the victims. assistance in the amount of 10,000 rubles. the kurgan region begins paying 10,000 rubles to residents whose houses were flooded as a result of the emergency. visits to the zveryanogolodsk municipal district were carried out in order to collect documents necessary for the provision of services for
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the payment of one-time financial assistance to citizens affected by emergencies. payment already. 23 people received it, more than a thousand applications were submitted, this can be done in person by coming to the mfc or on the state services portal, as well as in the local administration or regional department of civil protection of the environment and natural resources. a state of emergency is still in effect in the kurgan region , and mandatory evacuation of the population from the flood zone is being carried out. also today , the tyumen region is preparing for a flood, the fact is that the day before roshydromed included it in the register of russian regions for...
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an emergency situation at the regional level. in the altai territory, a regime was introduced on march 30. according to the latest data, flooded areas remain three dozen residential buildings and more than 100 private plots. and about how regions as a whole cope with floods in an interview with my colleague.
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we expect water in about 4 days, work is fully organized here, some equipment is being poured somewhere, as well as a large number of kurgan residents. today they are working, filling bags, and filling a large number of areas with bags so that the water does not enter the city. russia's permanent representative to the un vasily nebendya pointed out that the west has long written off ukraine, and the zelensky regime switched to terrorist tactics. pospred listed evidence of kiev’s involvement in the terrorist attack in crocus and clarified that it is possible that western intelligence agencies helped prepare this attack. nazism, and japan with militarism, did not lead to
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the fact that germany had to part with the disappearance of these states. so why can’t ukraine do this without stopping ? russian language and russian speakers in strict accordance with european values? the answer to this question is very simple, because a ukraine that would be friends with russia would not washington, london and brussels need it, and that’s not why they invested in it for 10 years. meanwhile, the ukrainian military leaves their positions at the front, while others are captured, and this was recognized in kiev. in addition, according to military analysts, without us support, the situation in the ukrainian armed forces continues to deteriorate. former president trump discussed this issue with speaker of the house of representatives johnson. what they decided, as to what was said, has already been responded to in europe. my colleague emil mirsaev will talk about this. speaker of the us house of representatives mike johnson will introduce a
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homeland security funding bill next week. it will include assistance to ukraine and support for israel. congresswoman marjarie taylor greene reported this and noted that combining two issues in one initiative is a bad idea. so a british journalist and economist writes that johnson is facing a rebellion by fellow party members dissatisfied with the financing of kiev. if the bill goes to a vote, they may initiate the removal of the politician. wherein. the speaker of the lower house of parliament himself held meeting with donald trump at the maralaga estate, it seems that they jointly decided that they would no longer keep the kiev as a mockery. if the speaker moves forward with a ukraine aid bill, we will consider it urgently, and we are thinking about making it in the form of a loan, not just a gift. the former owner of the white house has repeatedly stated that butin was the head of state and that the current ukrainian conflict would not have happened, and everyone found an explanation for this.
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to brussels. we need ukraine because it is a large country with a large volume resources, the largest production in the agricultural sector, it will be a good partner. and now ukraine continues to fight because europe continues to pay. we spent taxpayers' money to buy weapons for a third country. and now, for the sake of supporting ukraine , the already strong anti-russian hysteria is being intensified again. this time, as the belgian kapmin came up with, pan-european elections are under threat. which will take place in the summer, the scenario of the american democrats apparently appealed to political strategists i like the eu, but it’s not about
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the kremlin’s pressure, it’s about the most losing policies of the left. inflation, the constant flow of migrants and the energy crisis are causing voters across europe, according to recent polls, to sympathize with the right-wing forces, who mostly advocate focusing political efforts on solving the bloc's internal problems instead of endless financing of the ukrainian conflict. some...
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on april 3, georgy velenbakhov, a specialist in military history, history of russian culture, heraldry, turned 75 years old. deputy director of the hermitage. in addition to all this, velenbakhov is the country's chief heraldmaster. our correspondent dinaida kurbatova met with the hero of the day, and see her special report after the short advertisement. you confirm the transfer, we’ll warn you about unwanted or blocked calls, enable call protection in the my security service in the app for free, it’s good that you have the safest operator - the safest operator, let’s do it again, and now scat, there’s another idea, of course, let’s do it i think we'll pay, yur how long will it be without a qr code?
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chief heralmester of russia, deputy director of the hermitage georgy velenbakhov. leaves toy soldiers on the table in his office. the most popular children's toys for centuries, important assistants to military historians. leningrad scientists, making reports, demonstrated the course of historical battles using the example of tin troops. here in the footage of the 1960 chronicle are soldiers from the suvoroy museum. this is the collection of mikhail lyuzhkovsky. the father of our hero, vadim velenbakhov, in post-war leningrad, studied military history, became obsessed with soldiers and
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plaster is mixed, then a figurine is placed, when it is poured in, this part is covered with oil, the top lid is made, then they are opened, the figurine is taken out, there is a mold, then the flyer is made, then the metal is taken, you go to the kitchen, melt the metal, pour it into the mold, take out the finished figurine from there, but the finished figurine - this is not yet a figurine that can already be used for anything, because the finished metal figurine, they will be simply white, and there is still a very important one, that is, they too... 1962 was a significant year for the thirteen-year-old george, his grandfather took him to the house of scientists, introduced him to alexander lyubimov, in this photo he is in the center. lyubimov became
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george's teacher in military history. not a single day went by without soldiers. georgy knew the history of his ancestors; times were such that they only talked about it in the family. philip wehlenbach came to russia from southern germany under ivan the terrible. everyone in the family were military men. three representatives of the family fought in the patriotic war of 1812. sovereign, this coat of arms was not confirmed, confirmed by the department of herology the government of the senate, in general, it continued to be used, that is, it did not in any way affect the status of the family, here in
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the opposing account, the rebel horseman and lion, at the head, that is, in the upper part there is a brush, an image of a star in a cloud, no interpretation, explanation there is no, well, in principle there were not always explanations.
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to new russia, they suggested leaving the heraldry of the rsfsr, but removing it. serbian and young, without this the ears, intertwined with ribbons, looked faceless, it was impossible to create something new , because in no artistic heraldry was not taught at the country's universities. after 1991, russia needed self-identification, but the country needed to restore continuity; this previously non-existent state, liberated from colonial dependence, needed to come up with symbols so that they would begin to be recognized in the big world. and there was a third proposal, which was there from the very beginning, this was to restore the historical symbols of russia, one of the very compelling arguments was that we are not abandoning the word russia, after all
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exists, this is the same historical, such a verbal designation of our country, which has existed for centuries, just as there are symbolic designations, namely the coat of arms and flag, if ours, our coat of arms appears at the end of the 15th century, then why don’t we return to it, if we have a flag.
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his answer will surprise many, this is heraldic poetry or mythology, there is a description that the state flag of the russian federation is a mess of these proportions, consisting of equally large horizontal stripes, white, blue, red, dot. none of this happened about this, neither under peter, nor before peter, nor subsequently, so this is completely normal to say.
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the position of russia in asia and europe, and so on and so forth, the silt that looks west to east, which means to defend itself and so on, is also all an interpretation, in fact, a golden two-headed eagle on a red field, the state coat of arms of the russian federation , the point is interesting that in 1993 the head of the country signed a decree on the flag of the coat of arms, but not all deputies of the state duma were ready recognize these symbols. here is footage and interviews
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filmed in september 1997. i never had any doubts that the coat of arms of russia should be angular. and here is a tv report from the russian channel from january 15, 1998 . most likely, it will not be possible to approve the tricolor flag as a state flag. apparently, the coat of arms, in the form of a double-headed eagle, will also cause a negative reaction from the dom majority. the chief heraldmaster of russia patiently gave history lessons again and again. explained, this is not the royal coat of arms, a two-legged eagle was the coat of arms of the grand duchy of moscow, the russian kingdom and the russian empire, as well as the russian republic in 1917-18 already under lenin, the last argument was especially strong, this is my personal opinion that it is not right for the state to refuse to give up its traditional state symbol, just like any person should renounce his surname, his clan, and the history of his family. a definite
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test for george.
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we discussed literally timing, how best we could carry the coffins, one after the other, or ceremoniously, one coffin was brought into the hearse, then the next one, that is , at first there was a fear that this would take too much time, vladim petrovich and i literally watched the clock, it wouldn’t take long before the coffins were carried, they weren’t just carried like boxes , either way, they will carry it on their shoulders, which means, again, the boxes were already made like coffins, stones were placed in them. approximately by weight, in order to understand, to understand how four people can carry it like that or cannot, there were a lot of things that then if it would be necessary to do this , discuss all this, which means that it was necessary, of course , to say that the coffin of the emperor and empress should be covered with imperial standards, they had to be made, because that means it was necessary, that means matching the drawings, that means we found a company,


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