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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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in the kherson direction, where the dnepr group unit operates, our military attacked a concentration of enemy equipment. according to the ministry of defense, the strikes were carried out by arlan-10 unmanned systems. the un security council discussed the supply of western weapons to ukraine. vasily nebendi recalled that western military support for the kiev regime does not stop. over the past 10 years, the diplomat emphasized that only these supplies prevent the conflict from ending peacefully. one of the oldest theaters in the country, the alexandrinsky theater, came to ufa. the opera bash went to the stage performance "liturgy of ziro" based on the novel by fyodor dostoevsky player. and on the bashdrama stage they showed a one-man show of notes from a nervous attendant. the screenings are held within the framework of the federal program "great tours".
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the us congress may vote on aid to ukraine no earlier than next week, the house of representatives announced. without american money, europe will have to develop new financial mechanisms, says french president emmanuel macron. can the old world build a new military bloc to defend itself? more about this after the ad fyodor lukyanov will tell you in the international review program. don't switch. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply, we take loans to the whole bank, they were approved quickly, we are at sofcombank, loans that everyone knows, every second ticket wins the russian lotto charity edition, from every ticket sold 10 rubles will be transferred to charity, buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website, feel free to look your expenses in the eye, with an iota your money is not... we return rubles for
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the postal bank and get 2.0 rubles and a chance to win car, get your pension profitably at the post office, you don’t need it like this, you need it like this, it’s clear, i understand, like this at the megamarket there’s a tefal electric kettle for 4,499 rubles. my friend, hello, as promised, today we are preparing a flow, hey, hey, butter is not the first thing, oh, i need to transfer money home, by the way, it’s better to transfer it from vtb online. it’s faster and more convenient, thank you for teaching me, this is someone else who taught whom, vtb, together everything will work out, hello, international review is on the air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov, today on the international program review, events of the week, chronicle, facts, comments. how military alliances are created, the time
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of the entente has passed or is just coming, a new politics in the pacific ocean. europe is afraid to be left alone, we assess military potential, who will defend the old world, how they prepare for war, the historical experience of escalation, materials from our program. there is no adjutant without akselbant - kozma prutkov once noted and he was right. the 120th anniversary of the franco-british concord was elegantly celebrated in london and paris.
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the famous entente, which became a party, and then the winner of the first world war. the ceremonial guards of the two countries marched crosswise. the french before buckingham. centuries, european countries fought for new colonial possessions and markets. rapidly developing germany posed a threat to both england and france. both the french and british elites needed something strong. an ally capable of balancing german superiority. the only country suitable for this role at that time was russia. in may 1882 , germany, austria-hungary and italy concluded triple alliance. the countries agreed on
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mutual support and non-alignment with any international organizations directed against one of the parties. in response, in 1891-93, russia and france. signed first a political declaration and then a military convention directed against the triple alliance. on april 8, 1904, london and paris signed an agreement, known in historical literature as the entente cardial, a cordial agreement, and in 1907 a russian-british agreement was signed. this is how the entente military bloc arose, consisting of france, russia and england. to the beginning. during the first world war, italy went over to the entente side, and the ottoman empire joined germany. the british-french-russian agreement of 1915 provided for the transfer of the black sea straits to russia. the london treaty between the entente and italy determined
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the territorial acquisitions of italy at the expense of austria-hungary, turkey and albania. and the sykes picco agreement of 1916 divided the asian possessions of the ottoman empire. between great britain, france and russia, however, the february and then the october revolutions in russia led to the collapse of the empire and the rise to power of the bolsheviks, who emerged from the war. part of the territory of the former empire was ceded to germany, which, however, could no longer continue hostilities and was forced to sign the versailles agreement. in march 18, the entente began a military intervention against russia, its former ally. which was unsuccessful, after the creation of the league of nations, the entente ceased to exist, but the strategic alliance between great britain and france survived in the following decades. it is noteworthy that
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we decided to remember the anniversary so clearly. it is somehow more common to glorify the atlantic brotherhood or the franco-german engine of integration. but now everything is complicated. on the one hand, it is customary to demonstrate indestructible unity, on the other hand , it is important to emphasize selfishness, an increasingly clear feeling that in the tangled tangle of conflicts, everyone’s interests do not coincide, even among the most unlikely allies. the controversial german cartoonist burchard mohr, the american senate is blocking funding for ukraine, the drawing is called: the danger of free fall. harry varvel is not drops the topic of us president biden. the drawing is called biden's red lines. this time we are talking about the confrontation with iran. the drone says "iranian proxy".
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this refers to the houthis or hezbollah. famous singaporean cartoonist heng kimsonson for the american newspaper new york times. the supply of weapons is written behind my uncle's back. a boy in a taiwan t-shirt checks his wish list, and through the window china watches it all. patrick chapat from switzerland about the confrontation between israel and hamas, a man speaks friend, we agreed that not a word about what is happening in the gas sector, here you go and bring your hummus. europe lives in... the pre-war era, in just a couple of months this statement has become almost an axiom, which all the bosses repeat in turn. this week, josé barel, the eu's chief diplomat, made his mark. he is confident that a high-intensity war in europe
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is no longer a fantasy; we must urgently prepare. in western europe, no one expects a war with russia, but yes, western european politicians are promoting it. this scenario: after two major economic crises - 2008 and covid, budgets are devastated, suddenly huge amounts of money are found for war, explain the need for expenses.
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light into the catastrophe of the first world war, it destroyed good old europe and set the trajectory for the decade ahead. actually, to this day we live in a distant trail of events, the starting point of which was the then clash of european ambitions, which no one seemed to particularly want, but no one was afraid of. the latter turned out to be fatal. like europe, not fully realizing that she does, walked up to the big one.
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and were preparing for it, plus it is worth noting that all states received an excellent
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opportunity to pump up the actual population with military propaganda, well, simply by increasing the level of literacy, increasing the number of printed words, that is, you no longer had to, you know, write proclamations that the priest of samvon or the porch will tell you, but now it was possible to contact the population directly, to pump it up, well, let ’s say the opportunity has expanded, and the desire, how the desire was connected with what, the desire was connected with everything with the fact that well, it was an era of romantic nationalism. such really strong national states, first of all, we can talk about this about germany, which happily united there, there is the unity of the germans, well, not all germans, because we remembered that there are still germans who are there somewhere in the area, a little abroad there in belgium, a little abroad there in the baltic states, a little abroad even in italy, so the rise in sentiment was completely logical in those conditions and was considered absolutely normal, was considered abnormal on the contrary, when you said that maybe it’s not worth it, this...
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he couldn’t help but know this, he knew perfectly well, but is it possible, i understand that this is a very conditional measurement, is it possible to say , that in some places
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the propaganda was more intense, more effective, in some places it was perceived by society more, and in others less, i would say that in france and germany they were of course perceived the most, well, firstly, it was carried out there the most pumping, but this is like a continuation of the franco-prussian war, it was the continuation of the franco-prussian war, when france stood in the position of being offended, humiliated and rejected, and germany stood in the position of coming. the next level is that, in general, we have restored our national idea, we are the coolest, the smartest, the best, dochlandes, yes, well, i really like to be ironic about the fact that modern german anthems are still the song of the germans, yeah. that the unity of the germans is there too, so in germany this pumping existed, but
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it simply existed in the sense that we are simply the greatest, but everyone doesn’t like us, envy. in 1883 , two germans met in the lobby of a london hotel: siegfrith and moretz. both of them were drawn to technology and were thinking about selling sewing machines, but the market was already occupied. then, in 1889, two friends opened a bicycle factory in convetra. it just so happened that in their native germany they saw the first motorcycle from... they were inspired by this idea. in 1902 they introduced their first model to the market. their business is developing, but in 1914 the first world war broke out in europe. it turned out that germany had a special ministry of propaganda. the english government decided that it needed the same;
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the best journalists and writers, such as arthur canandoyle, were attracted to work at wellington house. herbert wells and rudyard kipling , through the voice of popular authors, the bureau began to put the right thoughts into the heads of the british. the press was full of stories about german atrocities, but this did not prevent the christmas truce from happening in december 1914. it was a series of unofficial and widespread ceasefires . the soldiers came out of the trenches, exchanged food and souvenirs, football. the worst thing was that they exchanged newspapers. it is not surprising that this practice was banned under threat of death, but only the death of luzzitania could finally eliminate the possibility of fraternization. in 1915 , a german submarine sank a liner that was carrying military cargo along with its passengers. the propaganda, however, did not mention liner’s membership in armed merchant cruisers, but
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focused on the deaths of civilians. a week of unrest began in england, in germany... there was not a single intact glass left in stores or goods on the shelves, even neighbors from other countries flew in; similar inscriptions could be found on many stores. as a result, about 60 thousand germans were interned, and a naming war began in england. the german shepherd became the alsatian shepherd, the german cookies became imperial cookies. of course, this did not happen without renaming the streets. siegfried and moritz. it wasn’t easy, they received british citizenship long ago and started their own families. siegfried even became mayor of coventry, as an extremely popular and respected person, but the german origin made itself felt. due to public pressure, they were forced to resign from leadership positions, and the british took their place. the plant would have been under threat of closure if not for the large military orders
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organized by captain claude holbrook. in 1917 throughout the country. but he refused to comply with their demands, in response they threatened him with death, as an ethnic german, but a few days later the same delegation came to apologize, somewhere between these two events claude holbrook learned about what was happening and immediately intervened, the military really liked motorcycles, during the war, the factory supplied the army with...
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the great escape, triumph motorcycles are as much a british legend as rolls-royce, but they came to light thanks to two germans. were there forces, either in general opinion or at the state level, that in different countries said, guys, what are you doing? germany, for example, was a powerful social democratic party, the sdp, and its heirs, in general, still exist to this day. in britain and france, these were the times. uh, those of that time were also socialists, trade unionists figures, leaders of various then radical movements, well, then radical movements, for example, the suffrage movement, which established that all this... militarism, all this imperialism, we are dealing with it instead of dealing with specific problems now, in the future war, as if the proletarians would be robbed again, the capitalists would get rich again, but it is interesting
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to note that in general this continued even at the beginning of the first world war, for example , there were british trade unions, british er, even some members of the british parliament from liberals, they even eliminated anti-war demonstrations, but by the way, not the social democrats, who are not talking about german, i’ll tell you a little about later. it is interesting that, for example, the first world war split the movement, the suffragettes, the then feminists exactly in half, because half of the feminists said that the war would liberate women, the second half of the feminists spoke out from vehemently anti-war positions, this movement , quite suddenly out of the blue, simply split into two equal halves, and as for the german socialists, well there a generally fantastic thing happened, despite the fact that in the previous 40 years there , between the conditional franco-prussian and the declaration of the german empire and the first world war, the socialists there tried to somehow limit both german militarism and german imperialism to the best of their ability, but with the beginning of the war they not only voted for the war, for the military budget, for everything, everything, but also approximately 783 active members
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of the sdp, from members of parliament to the heads of local cells, simply joyfully signed up for the army as volunteers, that is , the spd joyfully formed, which means battalion by battalion went to fight, in general, this is what the german anti-war movement was about, it ended before 1918, by the way, well... a little aside, but when did the bolsheviks get the idea that let the storm hit harder and let them kill themselves? at the time of 1914, the bolsheviks and mensheviks of the ussr were a little in step with the european left movement, when they said that this would be a war in which the proletarians would be robbed, and only towards the end of the war, by the seventeenth, eighteenth year, now more in including reaching the idea that let the storm come stronger, and that there we will turn the imperialist war into a civil war. but i cannot help but note that no one suggested publicly donating to the kaiser or writing, writing their names, shells, well, this was beyond the madness
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of that time, well, besides, i cannot help but note that the then advanced european economic thought, it generally postulated that the european war could last from 3 to 6 months at most, because within the framework of what was not yet called globalism, but european economies will simply collapse...
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the beginning of the german unrestricted submarine war, when the shops really began to quickly empty out, then they kept cards, again, against the backdrop of thousands of funerals from the front, it became, well, not so fun, it’s understandable, well,
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naturally, we are like responsible people, we won’t draw any parallels, it’s completely pointless, but we must admit that some motives are recognizable, and of course i really want to believe that europe still learned lessons from those. events, it seems like everyone always talked about it, but sometimes doubts arise, you know, i have some idea, some theory about this , that you know, on the one hand, for example, if you travel around france, then in every town, literally in every one, that’s where more people live three people, naturally , in the central square, as a rule, in front of the local city hall there will be a monument with, well, usually some kind of obelisk stands, with a huge number of these signs with local residents who died in the first world war, that is, you can use them just like that... look from which village, how many died in which city, on the one hand, it’s like elta should live, should understand all this and live in it, in germany, by the way,
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it’s absolutely the same, well, only there are signs there. but on the other hand, i have a feeling that it’s just that some modern politicians, they really want to become the new churchels, the new lloyd georges, but they stagnated, yes, but on the other hand, the degree of responsibility and certain consequences from their decisions, they simply do not understand , because it seems to them that, well, it’s simple, we we’ll just wave the saber, we’ll just declare unity there, we’ll just do this, we’ll just do that, and we and we drew again, yes we... well, we’ll write ourselves down in history in golden letters, with some clear analysis and concrete understanding of what this can lead to, but it’s not visible behind this, yes, that’s right, thank you very much, thank you, we talked with kirill kopylov about whether it’s easy to incite society to war, after the advertisement we’ll continue about alliances, now modern.
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