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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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you know how to look into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website. in the city of takmak, rubble is being cleared after an attack by the ukrainian armed forces. according to the head of the zaporozhye region, five people were found alive under the rubble. before this, it became known about eight deaths, two of them children. residential buildings and utility networks were damaged. our correspondent anton stepanenko has all the details. the total number of civilians in the city of takmag killed by the kiev regime over the past night increased to 8 people. close blow
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residential area of ​​the city, three apartment buildings were hit, six people died immediately, more than twenty were injured, during the analysis of the rubble of the fire, which lasted all night, cases were discovered, unfortunately, two more died, a total of eight people, two of of which children were hospitalized with injuries of varying severity, more than 15 people, not counting those who were helped by doctors on the spot. now the fire has been extinguished, the removal of the rubble continues, and unfortunately, it cannot be ruled out that under the destroyed the bodies of other victims will be found in the buildings, a total of 25 houses in the private sector and nine houses in the multi-storey sector were left without gas, well, now repairmen are carrying out restoration work, gas will be supplied in the near future, russian planes 125 destroyed the stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the ovdeevsky direction. special operations. according
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to information from the ministry of defense, the crew of the attack aircraft carried out attacks with unguided missiles, then released heat traps and returned to their home airfield. the flight went smoothly, forward gunners confirmed that all specified targets were hit. we received a combat mission to destroy enemy personnel, carried out a takeoff, and attacked the target of the evacuation. landing at the airfield without consequences, according to the reports of the forward air gunner, the targets were accurately hit, victory will be ours. almost 13,000 houses remain flooded in regions with complex flood situations, of which 3,000 are in orenburg, where a large part of the city was submerged due to a river flood. the water level in the urals will continue to rise today and could flood approximately 1,500 more houses. this forecast voiced by the authorities of the orenburg region. the situation is different on other rivers in the region.
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stabilized, in orsk, the water left 1,200 houses. the situation is difficult in the temen region, where additional places are being prepared in case of evacuation. up to 7,500 people may fall into the flood zone above. in kurgan , the strengthening of the embankment continues to protect the city from the high water of the tobol river; the right bank part and the city center are under threat of flooding. in the capital of the region, the arrival of pavement is expected in the coming days. water levels are already declining in two counties. in the zoural region.
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with air on march 30 , a regional emergency was introduced in the altai territory. according to the latest data, three dozen residential buildings and more than 100 household plots remain flooded. in sydney, australia, a man armed with a knife attacked visitors to a shopping center. he killed at least six people and injured eight more. doctors assess one of the victims as critical. the criminal was shot by police now in the area where the attack took place.
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armed personnel from lugansk. ukrainian forces inflicted a missile strike on the capital of the lugansk people's republic, a tas agency correspondent is now reporting this. on the outskirts of the city, several explosions were heard that occurred in one of the units. also, a tas agency correspondent saw three missiles flying from the direction of ukrainian positions. it is known that explosions occurred in the area of ​​school number five. and according to eyewitnesses, windows of nearby houses were broken as a result of the incident. smoke from the fire is also visible from the city center. these shots are now being posted on telegram channels by eyewitnesses and residents of the city of lugansk. who are the agents, how do they exist, why are they protected by the west? they themselves told journalists about this, who were able to see the life of the relaxants from the inside. their answers in the film
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investigation of arkady mamontov. watch right after the commercial. comfort, everyone has their own good car, find it on the author, let’s do it like that, and now bastard, there are other ideas, of course, let’s count the payment, yur, without a qr code for a long time, with vtb online the camera itself calculates everything, well, how
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the center of moscow, the square in front of the russian state library, is located here. you will learn from our investigation, now watch and listen to the episode, the dialogue between pavel smerdyakov and maria kondratevna. can a russian peasant have feelings against an educated person? due to
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his lack of education, he cannot have any feelings. ever since i was a child, whenever i heard something when i was little, i would have thrown myself against the wall. i'm all i hate russia, maryana. when you were a military cadet, an alegusarik, young, you wouldn’t talk like that.
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your home, even an evil empire, you need to be able to build, this power will burst, this is all this pulling shit, it will subside, i, frankly, don’t give a damn, i would say that russia will remain in this form. smertyakov, or today's foreign agents , gathered in berlin for their first congress.
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the five-star hotel pullmann, near the zoological gardens in berlin, is the city center. ex-prime minister gathered here russian federation mikhail kasyanov, former head of yukos mikhail khodorkovsky, gallery owner marat gelman, lawyer. such a nickname: traitors, foreign agents. we are not ashamed to look into the eyes of our loved ones, although
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we have made their lives immeasurably difficult, complicated their lives, terribly complicated, we are not ashamed to look in the mirror. by the way, thank you for taking lgbt organizations into account when inviting you to the conference, taking into account the queer community, and i want to destroy.
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a spark of rebellion from abroad. according to the law, persons and organizations that are under control can be recognized as foreign agents in russia. foreign influence receive support from abroad. in most cases, these are individuals and legal entities who are engaged in holding rallies, demonstrations, meetings, processions, pickets directed against the state in the interests of the state.
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today, the register of foreign agents includes 579 individuals and legal entities. we will talk about some of them in our investigation film. evgenia chirikova.
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in khimki at one time she organized riots, allegedly in defense of the khinki forest, when a big road was being built. i have just flew in from france, we met with european greens and two people. they gave us a standing ovation when i told my story. how are we soaring, evgenia, please tell me why the americans noticed her here and began to invite her to the ambassador’s residence in spasakh in the center of moscow, here she was with a welcome guest, here she is after visiting the american ambassador, now 20,000 people will see you, what’s your name , what’s your name, come on, what’s your name, come on, tell me, and
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this is already... “she’s speaking at a congress of foreigners in berlin, we’re concentrated and angry, finally, you and i have our own army, our army, which fights this regime every day, this army is called the armed forces of ukraine, right now, open your phone numbers, donate, and let’s really help with deeds, well, in the conclusion of your speech . i want to say that we are all smart people, and i am sure that we will find words on how to convert, how to switch the brains of those soldiers, of the imperialist army, who are simply besotted and poisoned by putin’s propaganda, who are now on the wrong side
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are there, we have something to do with you, and i am sure that all of us are so talented and smart, we will definitely completely defeat this vile regime: victory for ukraine, freedom for russia. natalya narochnitskaya, historian and philosopher. you know, they are characterized by this terrible spirit, i hate all of russia , these are the words of smerdyakov, this is a disgusting image derived from the karamazov brothers. pushkin wrote brilliantly, you are enlightenment.
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and of course they are stupid, because there is no prospect for these governments in exile or whatever, it’s just ridiculous, it’s just funny.
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we will use all legal mechanisms that allow us to change the fate of our clients. talokonnik vasamutsevich alyokhin committed hooliganism? in general, i hope that
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those who are present here are a prototype of some part of the future government, the future elite, and so on. basically, like everyone else, maybe many, i have a full royal flush in my hands, i was arrested in absentia, made a foreign agent, that’s it.
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they wrote poems, by the way, now i’m asking for scene number 379, look, he knows his number, leonid gozman, politician, public figure,
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was recognized as an agent in may of 1922. in fact, for the vast majority of us, not for all, but for the majority, being declared a foreign agent was the beginning of very difficult times.
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berlin, charlottenburg district, welmersdor, mostly germans live here, there are few emigrants, the metro is nearby, the house with history has been restored, and have you photographed our rooms? yes, i'm collecting information for a documentary. and what are you?
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sales contract, why did you come to germany? i didn't come, i was expelled, this slightly different things, i am not an emigrant, i am an exile, when i was declared a foreign agent, at that moment i was in europe, i was in germany, because for everyday, purely everyday reasons, germany and berlin are more convenient than any other country or city. do you have any property in germany? hangs? big theatrical pause, yes, i have an apartment here, my homeland at one time gave everything to mr. gozman, being a certified psychologist and working at moscow state university, he met anatoly chubais, and for his golden age began. i worked in a very high position in the russian energy company electric power of russia, where i received a very high salary, destroy.
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built by previous generations, this was called reform in the nineties, the unified energy system was broken into pieces, generating and transmission companies became different organisms, for this gozman received a bonus of 3.5 million us dollars. and here is an excerpt from a letter that he sent to an austrian bank, where he explains the origin of his capital. bank specialist irina. kramer favorably accepted this message. ira, hello, i’m terribly embarrassed that you spend so much effort on me? in this folder is a text document explaining the whole story and that i received a very large salary. the golden parachute was like this: rau eu russia, where i was a member of the board, was a huge corporation with more than a million employees. it was a monopoly; it owned almost the entire electrical power industry in russia. and
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how the monopoly was ineffective. our task was to restructure the company, to separate it has a naturally monopoly sector, these are backbone networks and competitive energy production. this work took almost 10 years, and as a result, by 2008 , competing electricity producing companies emerged in place of the monopoly . ras russia itself ceased to exist. all her employees. lost jobs. in compensation, everyone received a golden parachute. this is world practice. everyone received the right to buy shares of new companies at a fixed price. naturally, the size of the package was determined by the person’s status in companies. since i was a member of the board, this package was large for me. and then they sold all their shares. the difference was our bonus. we paid taxes on her, i
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paid. more than 500,000


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