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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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houses remain flooded in the urals, volga region and siberia. the peak of the flood is expected in kurgan in the coming hours. the head of the russian ministry of construction, irek fayzulin, personally checked the city’s readiness for the arrival of big water. takmak was hit and residential buildings came under fire. eight people died, two of them children. the search operation continued throughout the night. rescuers pulled five more alive from the rubble. army.
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and then watch the continuation of the documentary by arkady mamontov and the agents. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, the desire to stand out, the desire to act and not be distracted by vanity. business works to make your cherished dream come true. start the path to
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eduard charlotte. i am a famous composer of the russian federation, author of the song. for the last 3 years i have been actively opposing government policies regarding the war. against kiev and the structure of the country’s music market, i wish to get to the capital of ukraine, support people with performances, concerts, and various assistance. after his act, edward charlott wandered around foreign countries for more than a year, and then decided to return to russia, even though he was facing a real prison sentence. he was detained at pulkovo airport and is now under investigation. edward charlotte 27 years old, musician, blogger.
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i watched, and, frankly, i plunged into the environment of the russian opposition, namely... mikhail khodorkovsky, maxim katz, komikatsdi - this is a blogger who literally calls for the destruction of various strategic objects on the territory of our country, a lot of people watch him, you know, they said so, so all this was filmed, well, it’s very well worked out, it seems to me pro-american propaganda.
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well, i was ashamed, yes, yes, i myself felt shame, of course, but it became more and more difficult for me to be in the share every day, i ended up here to bear responsibility, well, that’s what you came for, yes, but why, i don’t see the meaning of life in other countries, i didn’t find anything there, i had a feeling. again, from the false evidence of some bright other life, which a large number of my comrades ran after, when it touched me from the other side, it became absolutely unbearable for me, and i
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realized that the best thing i can do is to meet fate and face what she has in store for me, that’s... because outside of our country i’m definitely wasting my days, but let’s say right away: this is an interview we sought for quite a long time, the young man spoke to us without pressure of his own free will, in the presence of his lawyer, as well as in the presence of his father and his beloved girlfriend, who, by the way, at one time dissuaded him from crazy actions, but... you know, how does this one work, well, the system of recommendations is the same in general , basically the internet, it gives you something that you need to be like, read, well, conventionally , this is propaganda, it happens like this, you just follow the followers who
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throw candy at you, from this he had an idea a picture that was absolutely incomplete; he realized that nothing at all in his existing picture fit together. an unconditional decision to fly here, it was caused by the same sense of justice, it worked both there and there, simply. the distorting mirror came out, i have been playing the instrument since 5 dash 7 years on the piano, i get great pleasure when i touch it, that’s all i wanted. to do initially is to let everyone feel what i experience when
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you press beautiful keys, black and white, and i wanted to inspire, i inspire people to study the musical craft, how the mechanism of zombification and recruitment of russian youth by western intelligence services works, this one is especially successful.
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with all this, you, you are now saying that we are here at this european film festival, yes, you are bringing european, european cinema to our homes, call us an aggressor, listen, you know, this is the same as giving a person a hand to spit before, you understand, as you comment , to be honest, i really support the young man, i read your slogan in the movie we unite, but in my opinion, if, for example, you come as a guest, you consider yourself a guest in our country. and you are coming to a festival in a country in which we have always spent almost 12 years out of ten years,
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by the way, i am addressing everyone, this is not the first time i have been here to this festival, when you come in such difficult times, not for russia, not for ukraine, but for the whole world, where each of us present here must somehow take responsibility for finding the strength to unite. roland holorak was appointed to position of ip ambassador in russia. in september twenty-two, he loves yekaterinburg very much, on his trip to this city he is accompanied by his wife, guedar, yasmin, according to some reports, she is connected with the french intelligence services. they were flying in economy class, in the back of the plane near the toilet, it was a conspiracy. the working day began with a visit to the yeltsin center on a sanitary day, when there are no visitors and you can freely talk with agents without. bonjour, mr. ambassador, hello, i’m
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from russian television, i wanted to know what brought you to yekaterinburg, yeltsin center, tell me, a revolution is now being prepared in yekaterenburg, something cannot happen, but are european countries interested in seeing the regime change in russia? i don’t want to answer your questions, because then there was a meeting at the gavi restaurant, only with the consul general of france, our hero arrived, then a meeting with the consuls of cyprus and hungary, local bloggers recorded them. hello, and for the local telegram channel, tell me, what are you doing here, i’m eating, goodbye, all
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the best to you, he managed to see with the activists of the ekaterina lakhtikova memorial, who actively took part in the protests in yekaterinburg square in 1919, those who don’t ride are lost, those who don’t ride are lost, those who don’t ride are lost. no one will say, but we see how the consulate works now, yes, and the representation of countries unfriendly to us in russia, that is - they - before the jurassic - before...
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here they will be made into leaders of public opinion, public figures, and so on, in including journalists, then, that is , it turns out, you know, like supranational governance, then, it seems like we have enemies no, yes, but our people appear, yes, our citizens, who act in the interests not of the russian federation, but of third parties, third parties who do not see russia as sovereignty. one of the most expensive projects is the dozhd tv channel, which is fighting against russia. address: amsterdam jacob bontius place 9. moreover, to get there, you need to be smart, the address of the tv channel is indicated specifically, not precisely. the young presenter,
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eduard burmistrov, shows the studio. good afternoon. from the point of view of international law, of course, and i believe, of course, that crimea is ukraine. from 2012 to 2018 alone, the united states spent $9 billion on ngos in russia. the tv channel dozhd lives at the expense of funds and individuals. the presenter of the rain, anna mangait, inagent, has moved to amsterdam.
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youtube pays for volume, for audience, you know, right?
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derksaur is the director of a foundation recognized as a media agent, as well as the owner of publications recognized as foreign agents in russia, the zamoska times and v times. this foundation openly states on its website that dozhd tv channel is one of the priority projects. the financial report of the foundation for 2022 indicates the amount of project expenses of 2,691,415 euros. according to information on the official website of the fund.
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of course, this is a matter of time, this is the demolition of the monument to catherine ii in odessa. the rainmaker considers herself a patriot, but of which country? well, listen, we all have such a common point of view that we are patriots, that we are the main patriots, because we care about the country. people, we are trying to help them somehow, as far as possible, remotely. the foreigners base their russophobia on the basis that they support
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the ukrainian regime because it is a territory of freedom. but when you ask them a question about the events of may 2, 2014 in odessa, where peaceful people were burned by bandera, they either avoid answering. or they carry something that doesn’t fit in their head, it’s an accident, that is, maybe it’s their provocation, it may very well be their provocation, but the presumption of innocence, i can’t blame them for this, so i think it was an accident case, it was a tragic accident, you stand, they are jumping, jumping, we don’t need russia, we already have a country. there is no need to destroy our country, they did not build this building, and now because of them we will have to burn it along with them, because they came to us with a sword in the cathedral square, i don’t think
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that their task was to burn them there, so this is the result of a military clash, but saboteurs, terrorists, in fact, the authorities and the private army that defended odessa were thrown there
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, for example, i hid in the office, they burst in, this bastard burst in in military uniform, he just hissed, at he had hatred, but at the same time he immediately
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pressed the switch, the light switch, that is, he already knew how everything was located in this building, they were preparing, they understood, because we were nearby, they planned to drive us to burn to intimidate the whole of ukraine, so that someone else would try to do something, so that people would just sit and be silent, it was beneficial for them, or that is, they had such a method, either you are silent, or they kill you, or you are imprisoned, or you you're leaving, that is, either you accept what we... say, or you you become a ukrainian, a banderaite, and bandera becomes a hero for you, either we kill you, or you will be forced to run away, if you manage to escape. a credit card is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and service notifications are free forever.
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