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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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alive. the israeli army launched strikes in southern lebanon. rockets were fired at a large hezbollah military complex, where there were buildings and an equipped military position. and the iranian special forces operation in the strait of armus. the military boarded the cargo containers, which belonged to an israeli company. and let's start with a missile attack on lugansk. today, around noon in so, storm shadow missiles hit the lugansk engineering plant. according to the head of the lpr lionit pasechnik, they were planning to launch here soon production planned to employ several dozen russian citizens. residential buildings were also damaged as a result of the impact. information about the victims is being clarified, as leonid pasochnik reports, emergency services are already at the scene. in the city of takmag,
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zaporozhye region, they continue to clear the rubble after the attack by the ukrainian armed forces. the night before , ukrainian militants struck directly at residential areas, destroying four apartment buildings, one private. according to the latest data , 10 people were killed, two are still missing. currently first medical aid for residents of the city of takmag. uh, since yesterday , rescue operations have been carried out since 19:00. by the forces of the ministry of emergency situations, by the forces of public utilities, by volunteers who caringly come and take action. on behalf of the governor of the zaporozhye region, since yesterday , the defense headquarters of the urban district has been deployed in the city of takmak, we are working in close cooperation, decisions have already been identified that will allow us to further provide social support measures for the families of the dead and wounded and, accordingly, payments, which will be provided for the restoration of housing. and now to
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the flood situation. almost 13.00 houses remain sunk in russian regions. of these , 3.00 were in orenburg, where due to the river overflow, most of the city went under water. the situation is difficult in the tyumen region; additional places are being prepared there in case of evacuation. up to 7,500 people may be in the flood zone. in the samara region , the number of flooded houses doubled per day. at temporary points.
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flew around the flooded area in a helicopter and got acquainted with the situation. she is now stabilizing. the ministry of emergency situations added that at the moment in the region 735 residential buildings and almost 2.0 household plots have been freed from water. 28 houses are still flooded. and now more about the situation in the regions that were hit hardest by the flood. our film crews work in the orenburg and kurgan regions. our correspondents are now in direct contact with the studio. margarita semenyuk and stanislav vasilchenko. colleagues, greetings. margarita, let's start with you, from orenburgskaya areas. the regional authorities announced a forecast today, saying that the water level in the urals will continue to rise and could flood about 1,500 more houses. what is the current situation in the city and in the region? yes, colleagues, greetings, indeed, the water continues to remain, but the level, of course, the level of growth is now decreasing. the ural near orenburg
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is 11 m 83 cm, the increase since the morning is 12 13 cm, the river has flooded uralskaya street, now traffic is blocked there for vehicles, traffic police posts are on duty, which turn away car drivers so that they can drive along a safe route, also in the uralskaya topet area and the dubki residential complex, now residents are being evacuated there, orenburg rescuers are working on the spot. police doctors are also helping the emergency situations ministry detachment from the kirov region. dangusskaya street is also flooded. i would also like to note that traffic there is blocked now and we need to look for alternative routes in the center of orenburg. residents, together with the efforts of emergency services and utility companies, are trying to strengthen the embankment dam to minimize the consequences of the flood. i also note that this morning in a four-story building, after flooding, the basement wall collapsed, now the basement is completely... in water, also now
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emergency workers and ambulances are working there, evacuating all the residents, and i suggest you listen to the commentary. most of the snt are already located in the floodplain of the urals, they were evacuated, but there are only a few people left who stayed there, this is our zarechny microdistrict, the village of kuznechny, there is also the village of solnechny, it is partially flooded, but people are trying on their own leave this home-private sector. i would like to note that in orenburg five microdistricts, three settlements and 21 snt are now flooded. in a flood zone. about 3,000 houses , about 800 household plots, in total more than one and a half thousand people were evacuated, but over the past 24 hours, water entered another 800 houses in 1,800 household plots, i note that all regional services in
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orenburg in the orenburg region are working, you can see, people are being evacuated, now we are in snt southern urals, there is water also reaches 2 m. all the rescuers are working here, helping residents evacuate, now they are working on specific addresses, since most people have already left their homes due to the flood, this is the situation we have in orenburg and i give the floor to my colleague stanislav. yes, colleagues, greetings, the situation with floods in the kurgan region is changing a little, but it’s too early to talk about whether it’s for the worse or for the better. for example, in the most affected zverennogolovsky district the day before, the river level, the water level in the river the tabol is 10 m above normal, but over
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the past 24 hours it has decreased by 20 cm, but this is due to the fact that the peak of the flood simply passes further along the river bed, and therefore threatens. already a new area, including kurugana itself. for example, we are now receiving information that the flood is approaching the settlement of baraba near kurgan, and it is necessary to urgently evacuate from there. so, the flood is moving towards kurgan, within 24 hours, the water level in the tabol river here in the regional center has increased by 7 cm and is now 416 cm. according to forecasts, the maximum level could reach 9 m. in the worst scenario , 10 thousand people could be affected, of which 1,759 are children. of course, in order to prevent such a development of events, the city is now very actively preparing to meet the elements, more than 14 thousand people are involved in the strengthening and construction of embankment dams, the main one has already stretched along the entire kurgan for 30 km.
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in addition, a special board of the ministry of emergency situations delivered 20 more water dumps to the regional center, where they will be placed, and the issue is being resolved right now. today, on the instructions of the president... together with the governor, he took part in briefing the patrol ladies who monitor the condition of these structures, this is what the head of the ministry of construction said about preparing the city and region for floods. all the measures that the regional government and the governor’s team are implementing are adequate to the actual current situation. the most important thing, of course, is not to lose. people, you and i will organize everything else, the federation will implement appropriate support measures to eliminate the damage, therefore the most important thing is not to lose people. in the kurgan
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region, a state of emergency is still in effect; mandatory evacuation is being carried out; let me remind you that more than 800 people have already been placed in temporary accommodation centers that are currently located throughout the region. 99, they are organized in camps, hospitals and schools, we visited one of them today, this is gymnasium 31, we also talked with the director of the school with the residents themselves, this is what they say about the conditions, we have everything new, we purchased new cots, new bed linen, all our guests provided with hygiene items, we have a shower, three hot meals a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner are organized for them, we organized a tea room where...
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right now, sirens are sounding right in kurgan itself, which are just notifying that evacuation is underway and it is urgent to leave your homes, which may be located in a potential flooding area. here's the information. by this time. colleagues, thank you, our correspondents margarta are monitoring the flood situation in the orenburg and kurgan regions semenyuk and stanislav vasilchenko. the russian military took control of the village of pervomaiskoye in the donetsk republic. this is the avdeevka direction, in which a unit of the center group operates. the ministry of defense also reported that eight counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces were repelled near the settlements of umanskaya, pervomaiskaya, krasnogorovka, berdychi and leninskaya.
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fighters from the west and east factions improved the tactical situation in the kupinsky and south donetsk directions. in the kherson direction, the dnepr group launched fire defeat of manpower and equipment near the villages of mikhailovka and ivanovka. iranian special forces from helicopters landed today on board the container carrier msc eris in the varmus strait. the ship is owned by an israeli business. explored from the united arab emirates to india. it is reported that the cargo ship was moved closer to the iranian shores. official tehran has not yet made any demands. let me remind you that relations between israel and iran sharply deteriorated after the israeli air force bombed the iranian embassy in damascus. as a result, 16 people died people, including military advisers from the islamic republic and brigadier general muhammad rezzad zahidi. the search season opened today in the moscow region.
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the fate of a soldier, the relatives of the missing heroes of the great patriotic war were presented with documents that establish the fate of their ancestors. the ministry of defense of the russian federation constantly accepts. participation in the organization of work to perpetuate memory in the russian federation and pays great attention to this. we help search teams, we ourselves participate in large expeditions carried out jointly with search engines. the minister of health visited the chuvash republic the day before. mikhail murashko discussed issues of healthcare development in the region. inspected a number of medical institutions, including the republican clinical hospital. instructed to study the issue of building a new reception area.
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over a billion rubles will be allocated to modernize primary healthcare in chuvashia. over the past 5 years , more than 150 medical institutions have already been built in the republic. changes have happened during the period of modernization of primary care are colossal. the first is that this affected the material and technical base; all the cars that were planned were delivered. so that after a person, say, has received the appropriate examination, and
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the appropriate recommendations, in order to , through high-tech intervention , resolve the health issues that he has encountered, so that he receives them in a timely manner in full. now there is a short advertisement, watch right after special report by alexander sladkov from volunteers who participated. in a special military operation, he trained as a high-class technical specialist and became the head of signalmen of a volunteer brigade, and in the second half of the hour on our air there was a special report by arthur khodrev about the violinist marianna vasilyeva, who, after winning music competitions in paris and prague, abandoned her career in europe for the sake of concerts for svo soldiers. let's check your memory. remember in detail what you did 3 days ago. if the question seems difficult, when
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checking the barrel so that it was empty, so wait for us, you this pen. stalin's hammer d-20 is slowly being prepared for work. atomic cannon, as the nevsky brigade calls the gauvitsa d-20. in the fifties, her power earned her the nickname young stalin. the gun is loaded, the gun is fired,
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there is a visit. tutnik is above them, the eyes are moving, the eyes are driving over them, look carefully, guys, gun charge, i accepted, gun, shot, guys, that's it, stop writing it down, you can't open it, silent, baikal 2 accepted it, stop writing it down, it will disguise the calculation to the shelter, that’s it, little bird, we need to take cover, we need to quickly get out of here, we’re taking cover from the drones in the brigade’s communications chief’s household.
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positions, two of our comrades
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repulsed this attack, did not allow it to fail, and not very recently attacked one of our they allowed the loss of combat control, this radio station of one of our fighters, he is an attack aircraft, a cultural worker, by the way, he considered it important to be here to defend the interests of our people, but he was killed by one of the fragments who... fought this radio station, you see, yes , he, he hit our fighter, the fighter, unfortunately, died, that’s the story, where did this come from? well, our comrades, we have a volunteer brigade with our own bonds, so they know that i collect such exhibits, objects, they find something that seems interesting to them, or ask me, then they bring it. well, this is a box from a pkm and you can also see a soviet-made one, and the star is everything, but here is a symbol of ukrainian
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sub-statehood, here is also such an exhibit that combines two eras, the soviet ukrainian, but this is not a museum item and cannot become one, because that this is a military grenade, an american one, and a trophy, well... signalmen in war are a special people, their brains work day and night to ensure control of the battle, and their legs also work
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constantly in motion, here the terrain is very difficult, and work in such landscape is a big challenge for signalmen, you see, you crossed the gurkha, you lost communication there, which means you need to look for a technical... signalmen rarely shoot, they mostly work on signalmen, we have completely different tasks, so that our soldiers do not lose contact, so that our the fighters from the two hundredths did not become so that they could be evacuated in time. the saying, every day that we remember here, as a result of the operation, all units were awarded, but the signal company was not shot, so you remember it. well, you know this from the times of the great patriotic war, it seems in one of the orders something similar sounded, here is dubai, dubai to the ring, dubai to the ring, swing next, we
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are ready to switch, ready to switch, ring, ring, communication at once, how unusual are the neva call signs in the brigade, dubai, baghdad, monaco , as you hear, i understand, i hear, i understand, it hasn’t been translated yet, restorer.
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bepla svisists, you were a special correspondent, you were a history teacher, yes, a history teacher, you were the head of a museum, but what are you doing in communications? and the homeland said, we came to war and a little more years ago, and a lot of guys my age, completely different professions, uh, well, came to the training ground. on the mainland, they trained us there, these are people who came at the call of their hearts, now the fate of our people, our state is being decided here, day after day they persistently, methodically began to work. sergei showed us the graves of unknown civilians, and an initiative was born immediately, a little later, supported by the command of the volunteer corps, to search for
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the missing. the signs no longer carry information, they have faded away, yes, but look, the crosses themselves are made from window frames, cut out, yes, but someone tried to make sure that people would find their last refuge here, at least for the time being, and this is the work that we will need to carry out in the liberated territories in the future, that is , collect all personal belongings, a list, and... arrange them for preservation, study, digitization, create lists of who is looking for whom, who - who lost their relatives during this battle here, for example in solidar, such things are the international committee red cross already did after the great patriotic war, after the second world war, and today, since we came here in general in peace to protect the population, then sergei viktorovich
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suggested just... collecting all this information in order to, upon request people who have lost their relatives, provide information, ensure that they meet. such work is still being carried out following the results of the great patriotic war, preserving information for family reunification. maybe this experience will be implemented within the framework. svu. two phosphoglyph components help not only restore liver cells, but fight the causes of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. let's do it again. and now the beast. any other ideas? of course, let's pay for it. without
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