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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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in danger, worries me, nineteen-year-old semira is preparing for exams at the conservatory together with her teacher, marianna vasilyeva, they are in a hurry, because very soon the teacher will leave for the donbass to the zone of a special military operation. it’s scary for him to perceive, that is, i understand that i have parents there, i understand that there is a tense situation there now, and well, this is my personal subjective. almost simultaneously , marianna vasilyeva returned from germany to russia. so girls from donbass began to be taught by one of the most titled violinists. i worry about her, of course, because as you understand, donetsk, in principle, is not the safest place in the northwestern military district, but in general. honestly, i’m worried,
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but i never even thought about the wording not to let go and so on, because i know how important this is to me. at first it was of course a shock, why, well , no one... happens like this, so i
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’m still in some kind of bewilderment, pleasant, pleasant, i still have no words. nina is another student of maryana vasilyeva from donetsk, she admires the action of her teacher, because when vasilyeva went to donbass, she ruined her international career. marianna is a world-class virtuoso stapler, her talent was appreciated by mstislav rostropovich, krzysztov penderecki, and vladimir spevakov. marianna conquered the world's halls, from st. petersburg to michigan, and became professors. music in spain, before the start of the svo, i most often lived between vienna, cologne and madrid, then the transfer from g strings to a, fingers, then spynchok, there
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was garbage here too. mm, you use the third position or first, first. the donbass four, that’s what the girls studying with vasilyeva are called, came to the st. petersburg conservatory as novice musicians, now they are high-class staplers. well, this, of course, depends on the fact that we very often had such breaks, because there was no opportunity to study, first of all , the war. it’s going on, yes, some things were closed, training was closed, there were a lot of months in the distance format, so first of all it’s that there were few classes, in such difficult experiences, strive for something good,
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because if you still think that everything is bad, well, then you can come to nothing, well , that is, some kind of depression will come, but if you still feel like something. .. you feed, first of all, donetsk musicians in st. petersburg. the topic inspires and i want to perform some feats again. marianna vasilyeva, a teacher of all this art, yes, it nourishes, donbass helped inspire students who were lagging behind their st. petersburg peers. in any case, i try to be objective towards everyone, it’s clear that things are not very good here right now. a simple time for all of us.
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thank you very much, may god give you health, good luck for everything, victory will definitely be ours, we do not play so that the audience will applaud us, this is not what the craving for
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the stage is based on, that is, of course, it is certainly pleasant, but at the time of the concert a certain glow occurs. the performer and the audience, and the fighters also applaud, just like they applaud, it’s just that this applause is now dearer to me than the applause in large halls. after 7 months, a new performance and a new repertoire, a dark night sounds especially for the fighters, we always remembered from our summer trip and always wanted to come back here, thank you very much.
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fighters like it when the game comes from the soul, from the very heart, then when it is truly, well, sincerely, then when there is direct contact with the fighter’s soul, they feel it very well, they feel it much even more than well, on the citizens.
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paths between life and death, because this is what supports a person, what saves a person, this is creative energy, creative power, like a person who has parents, i understand that she is doing this absolutely for a good purpose, i am still into music. in my early years, i was brought to school at the age of ten by my parents at the age of 5, and before the end
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of secondary education, i was always in music, always with music, there is no place for musicians to perform in their homeland, a chamber performance by a teacher, one of the first acquaintances with the concept of a big stage . differentiate, by the way, this was the case in the soviet union, the prejudice that
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the musician who did not succeed as a soloist goes into teaching, yes, then already, if he has not succeeded in pedagogy, then he goes to the orchestra, these are completely different paths, and they should not be combined either, i had a very uh... for a long time when i asked myself whether i was ready to be a teacher, because that this is a very big responsibility, both moral and physical, and this has nothing to do with my solo delta activity, but when i already realized that i needed to convey something to the guys, convey something, then i already understood , that well, yes, you still need to do this, you can’t do it here make sure that this third note, yes,
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the first one in a bar, is stronger than the previous two, the vibration here also does not stop, we had about 77 people for the whole school there in one year, i think, this like in a regular school, well, two full classes, that is, there were very few of us, and the attitude towards us was also somewhat different, but the point is more that due to the fact that i didn’t quite know , i understood what the other could be like.
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wonderful, of course, a lot of enthusiastic impressions, but you can’t say it in one word, i’m uncomfortable playing solo on this stage, you’re busy, okay, somehow i’m collecting everything, lord, on the front line, you know, or is it not as scary to play as on such stages, isn’t it weird, on the front line?
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she seems to me to be a very, very passionate person, that is, when she plays, it seems to me that she tries to put all her passion into this matter, and... probably, this is what defines her part of the soloist, what she is, this is an integral part of her personality, and the way she expresses herself, is exactly what we talked about at the very beginning about how the performer tries to put in exactly this some piece of yourself. “it seems to me
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that maryana borisovna, she is a very energetic person, she tries to put in the whole palette of emotions that she could express, and i would like too, i would also like to be able to do this, the ability to move on is what supports psychic energy, this is very important, however, not everyone finds the perseverance in themselves to not only survive in those conditions, but to create a square, but you succeed, uh-huh, why without vibrations, i always wondered, there are different
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people, and how. still, what approach should... be well, and so on, and our lessons help me to look, first of all, from different sides , to look at the situation as differently as possible, not just in one way, but here’s a snatch of parallel delivery here, here, not here, here.
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she is a brilliant teacher, of course, and it’s very difficult to talk about teachers there, but best of all, you come there like home, everything is just in its place, and there is no such gray area, there you understand that there is what is good and what is bad is when every moment can become the latter, everything is felt very sharply. and there people show themselves differently. of course, of course, there it is just
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being born, culture is being born there, our entire society is being born there, now, there is the heart of russia, now it is paramount - this is one thing, the desire for this to be a victory, and so that... finally there was peace, so far i don’t see that this will happen quickly, so you need to stock up on moral and physical strength in order to withstand all this, i understand what work she is doing, how important it is for the people there, for soldiers, for ordinary residents, when it’s possible for them to play and communicate, because it’s... important to them too,
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but i don’t think i’m wasting my time. they are growing up, time feels so clear, this is reality, and st. petersburg is not yet in this reality, it’s as if i am returning home, the most difficult thing, after you are home, is to return back, this is itself, this is such a reality , this is what i didn’t expect, well, how do you live in reality, and you’re afraid of it, fight reality, it’s like that, you need to know who you really are.
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i thought that there was no more war, i grew up in a state that the war was already over, but it turned out that until now it was only waged from the inside, and to wash it from the inside...
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because russia never wanted war, it is always defensive situation, we went there, now to defend our people, our worldview, because there is no division in our mentality there, in ukraine, in ukraine, it doesn’t matter how it is, what pretext we put there,
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one way or another we are guided. marianne does not think that her career is over, because the world does not end in london, vienna or cologne. marianna's plans include teaching in st. petersburg and concerts in moscow, and on may 9 in volgograd. and in the very near future, a new trip to the zone of a special military operation.
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we continue the news review, the russian military took control of the village of pervomaiskaya. donetsk republic, this is the vdeevsky direction, in which units of the center group operate. the military defense also reported repelling eight counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces near the settlements of umanskoye, pervomayskoye, krasnogorovka, berdyche and leninskaya. in the donetsk direction , units of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions. the tactical situation in the kupyansky and south donetsk directions was improved by fighters from the west and east factions. in the kherson direction, the dnepr group inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment near the villages of mikhailovka and ivanovka.
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missile attack on lugansk, around noon you were hit by stormshadow missiles at a machine-building plant, as reported by the head of the lpr, leonid pasechnik, there will soon production was planned to start. several residential buildings were also damaged, and emergency services are on the scene. in the city of takmag in the zaporozhye region, they continue to clear the rubble after the vsul attack. the night before, ukrainian militants struck directly at a residential area. four apartment buildings, one private, were destroyed. according to the latest data, 10 people died, including children. two are still listed as missing. 13 victims were hospitalized. currently, provide first aid to residents of the city of takmak. since yesterday every day from 19:00 rescue operations are carried out by the ministry of emergency situations, by the forces of public utilities, and by volunteers who come and provide assistance. on behalf of the governor of zaporozhye.


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