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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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what happened, we think, damn, how did this happen, we think, like the shells still seem to be exploding, because our cars arrived straight away, they knocked out our equipment, and our cars also detonated all the shells in our car , and this is 40 pieces of rads, when we burned there, it turns out people, eight people burned, one might say alive. and at that moment i was
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good, i was about 500 meters away from this, and the wave just burned me and my legs, my legs were burned, my clothes up to my knees were burning from the top, they just halfed, there were burns strong on his feet, wants...
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upon returning from the front, anatoly realized that it had become difficult for him to play, he rarely picks up the instrument now. a couple of musical phrases were difficult for us. pay attention, there is a picture behind us, and for me these birds were a feeling of their souls, and i thought that... you are playing, they are listening to you, let's play again for them, yes, come on, i seem to have calmed down, now tolya preparing for a wedding, his future wife is symbolic, he met at the monument as a young guard member, my wedding will be soon, i met her back when we hear. by the way, a couple of months
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before i was demobilized, i came several times on leave, on vacation, we went out, we had nothing, even i didn’t offer her any relationship, we just talked, the young family doesn’t plan to leave their hometown, in krasnodon has been changing for the better lately, over the years nothing, they haven’t built anything new, while there was ukrainian power. for so many years, yes, no one did anything, everything that was under the ussr was still the same, all the same buildings, all the same ones, roads were only made, and even then not really, that’s it, nothing else, roads, traffic lights were installed, now of course it’s better, because the new government is building everything, restoring everything, schools, kindergartens, everything that was there over the years has crumbled, everything is already, as they say,
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being reconstructed and rises from my knees, at least it became easy for me to breathe, because no one knows that my land is already where i was born, my land is clean, and nowhere, no neo-fascism will be on it, so you can breathe freely, not be afraid, from the hospital says: go home, sealed, freed. but her wolf was made a player of a strong team, tell us about what happened to you after the great patriotic war, you became an employee of the internal affairs bodies, visited lviv, then ended up in lugansk, how it was, how you worked in the police, and the ministry of internal affairs sent me to lvov, the school, and i was in the lvov school for 3 years and fought for 3 years with... bandera’s people, when
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you communicate, but with a veteran of the great patriotic war, well, i’m here, i also don’t tell, of course, what i served there or something else, he tells me everything how from...
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chechnya, from moscow, from st. petersburg, from anywhere, they will come, here they will recapture your own land for you, fight with your own enemy, and you will sit at home, well, this is somehow strange.
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regiment. he went to the front because he was a student . at the beginning of svo, stanislav was a student at lugansk pedagogical university, majoring in political science. the unit where he served was sent to the kharkov direction. most of all in conversations, yesterday’s student remembers civilians. we shared food with them there, because there, especially where we stood there, there was a very difficult situation and we shared as much as we could. they are also locals with us there. yes, they started baking bread there, and bread - you really want it, when you are there, you don’t see it, nothing but golets, aramaic ones there, so you want bread, they baked some kind of rolls there , they passed it on there, it turns out there locals are passing by already you know someone there, grandmothers,
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grandfathers there give you something, some fruits from the garden there, they pass something else, guys, try it there, eat some honey there something like that, civilians constantly came under fire, that is, especially like... when the tactics of the ukrainian troops of terrorist attacks began, in fact, when they began throwing raisins with cluster ammunition, when they began throwing petals and other mines at the city, that is, there flew to the market, and many people died there, often the ambulances could not even get to the place of the next shelling, then the military personnel had to...
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there was a case, of course, very sad, when a cluster munition also arrived, a woman in she was in the garden, well, of course, yes, this is a village, and as they themselves said, one day there in the summer feeds the winter, so she had to work in the garden, she was there with a child, a small one, a cluster munition flew in, she was wounded, they tried to save her , that is, to provide first aid, they evacuated, but didn’t have time, she died on the way, as far as i remember, she left behind a small son, he was first taken in by russian paratroopers , then they evacuated him to russian territory, yes , our guys are different they couldn’t, according to the laws of honor and conscience, they taught us to live by the examples of our ancestors, participants in the great
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patriotic war, my mother, of course, was so worried, she was afraid for me all this time, well , she was proud, she understood everything, i... had examples all the time the life of my great-grandfathers, yes, who served in the great patriotic war, went through it all, trampled all these fields of the great patriotic war. my great-grandfather’s brother, died in the izyum offensive operation. stanislav himself was wounded by the blast. presidential decree on demobilization of students found in hospital in lugansk, where he was after receiving a third concussion. he would not have been able to continue his service in any case. at the same moment he was written off by the military medical commission. my great-grandfather, after all, he went through this whole war, he served in the soviet army since 1939, for 2 years
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i’ll stop, yes, somewhere, somewhere here, often in the same film crew with stanislav works from luhansk resident daniil vetrov, a cameraman who, at 20 years old, also has battlefields behind him, well, we understand each other, of course, well, that’s probably there is a peculiarity, but unlike those who, for example, have not been there or simply take down military correspondence, arriving and leaving, that is, we ...
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made a decision on what to do immediately after the announcement of mobilization in the republic, without
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waiting for the agenda, he says, thought first of all, about descendants, i would not want my grandchildren or children to ever face such a question, but what do i need to do to survive, i immediately packed my things that evening, of course, my parents did not let me go anywhere , but they were already collected, the next day february 21, i receive an sms in the morning that i need to arrive at the place of study, there is a collection point. daniil participated in the liberation of the northern part of the lugansk people's republic, right up to the presidential decree on the demobilization of students, after which he not only returned to his studies, but rearmed, exchanged his machine gun for a camera, now he and his colleagues have weapons, right?
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they couldn’t restore a lot of buildings that are still destroyed, which have been standing like this since 1914, but what’s been happening over the last couple of years is what i see here it blooms and smells, roads are being built, all sorts of water communications are being updated, electricity is being laid there, and so on, new buildings
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are being built, there are more opportunities, then of course this cannot but make me happy. there is a choreographic group, my instrumental group, a vocal group that envies the club, and there are also groups that practice. fine arts and handicrafts, in addition to what i do in terms of documentation, introduction of documentation for all groups, i also teach my team to play instruments, sort out various parts, works, exercises, that is , i’m trying to expand, so to speak, the horizons of children in terms of music, how many students do you have now, at the moment i have 15
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students, i started with only two, but for now... that’s already enough enough to create an instrumental group, the children had nothing to do, that is, the most the children could do was go for a walk, or come and practice vocals, i wanted to give some small space to roam, let’s say, in terms of creativity for the children , and i decided to teach here. in the class of guitar, bass guitar, piano, in this club i started appearing here, let’s say, about five months from birth, my grandmother took me with her to her rehearsal, my grandmother sang in a vocal
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group and so, little by little, little by little, roughly... speaking from the very birth, they began to accustom me, let's say, to music. in 1414, danil was only 10. he says he remembered the event of that time for the rest of his life. well, at the very beginning, very often, well, how often, we constantly had planes flying to the ssu. the city was almost completely under the influence of the ukrainian armed forces, that is, we had a suburb with ukrainian military personnel. in the neighboring village we had ukrainian military personnel, that is , there were ukrainian military personnel literally everywhere on all sides, there was constant shelling, constant skirmishes, constant attempts to break into our city, which was unsuccessful, naturally, so they gradually began to push back, push back, push back, so thank god, in a relatively short time
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our city and suburb were liberated, being a child of 10 years old, i already... began to think regarding the fact that they expect me in the near future, you didn’t leave with your family, that’s all, yes, we were here all the time, we didn’t go anywhere as a family, that is, from the very beginning until now we were in this place, we are from the cities did not go anywhere, when mobilization was announced in the republic in february 22nd, danil and his friends had no doubts, the most important criterion, probably, is why someone should go, and i should stay at home. that is, i wrote to the guys when they first called us, and that means we we had a conversation, to the hostel, a general conversation, and i asked the question who was going there, all the guys who were 18 years old at that time, they said, we’re all going, we’re all getting ready , we already have all our things packed, we’re all we are already
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leaving, i was a gunner and assistant grenade operator, and it so happened that i was still temporarily performing duties. at the telephone operator, the guys with whom i went from the matusovsky academy, we all volunteered to help with communication equipment, and ensure communication with the zero and first line, the radio station was at a certain distance from us, it’s about 200, about 100-200 m from us, and naturally worked on batteries, and especially at night it was very difficult to blindly change the battery, of course. it was necessary, some kind of light source was needed, any light source is a guide for snipers or mortar men, alas, during service. danil received several concussions, the consequences of which he is still struggling with. he fulfilled his duty without looking back, first of all, thinking not about himself, but about his comrades. we hear a sharp
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whistle and explosion. we ran out into the street and arrived right under this ural, between shells and the urals, and the boxes with the bike kit ignited. i don’t know how the fire extinguisher ended up next to me at that moment. there was just a guy nearby, bigger than me, with a body build with a fire extinguisher, there was already a fire extinguisher standing next to me, put out the fire, he said let’s go put it out, and when you went to put it out, did you understand that the fire kit could detonate at any moment? perhaps i, of course , maybe understood somewhere deep down in my soul, but at that moment there was no, let’s say, thought that suddenly there was a thought that needed to be extinguished, they action now decides fate. other guys who are standing behind me now, twice, that’s right,
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well done, i think that he did the right thing, that he went there, he is an example for you, yes, he talked a little about it, he told me that there were military operations there, after that my dad even suggested that i go to the navy, if you want to join the military too. from the fifth string, the fifth string is bass, not the sixth, the fifth, on this good, positive, always, a common language can be easily found, but i want to become a music teacher, i want finish school, then go to study at matusovsky, in lugansk, and i want to become a teacher, i like the piano, i like the piano, that is, you will follow in the footsteps of your teacher, too, but you want to work in your native village or go somewhere, well,
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probably in your native, then there’s something here too , you’ll come back and teach it, polina, take it, take an electric guitar, i ’ll show you on an acoustic one, and two electric guitars, i ’ll go down and take an acoustic one, i’ve had it for about a year and a half, maybe 8 months i’ve had it constantly. insomnia, i didn't get enough sleep, i didn't sleep, but oh what did they think about the guys who are there, that i was demobilized, those with whom i was side by side remained there all the time, that’s when this song, let’s say, it was born, to whom it was dedicated, i absolutely dedicated it to all military personnel. well , first of all, to the guys from my 208th regiment, with whom i walked side by side all this time and suffered, let’s say, all
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the difficulties, and lastly, i want to say thank you to fate for the fact that my masculine strength has grown in my soul, for withstanding all the tests i i was able, and the fact that dividing it into a little bit of remo, hello 208, what are you doing, how are you doing, i’m holding out for you guys, fists and machine gun. i want to live and i want you to return as soon as possible and quickly plunge into a world without wars. russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional who is ready to prove by deeds that you are the best in the profession, then rather take part in the national open championship of creative competencies.
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artmasters, your path to the pinnacle of mastery. the temple of the smolensk icon of the mother of god, it was built with effort and effort. we are located in the area of ​​the city of solidar and here are some of the largest salt deposits. you were a special correspondent. what are you doing in communications? orodina said. dubai dubai ring dubai ring the terrain is very complex and working in such a landscape is a big challenge for signalmen. now above them, look carefully guys, do you know where to shoot? yes, yes, a shot, that's it, birdie, we need to take cover, i need to get out of here quickly. this is a war of intellect and motivation. based on the results of the operation, all units were awarded. the communications company was not shot. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big
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picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deepfake or change it.
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we continue the news review: the russian military has taken control of the village of pervomayskoye in the donetsk republic, this is the avdiivka direction, where a unit of the center group operates. in the name of defense as well. reported reflection eight counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces near the settlements of umanskoye, pervomaiskoye, krasnogorovskaya, berdyche and leninskaya. in donetsk, the direction of the units of the southern group of the group occupied more advantageous positions, and the fighters of the west and east groups improved the tactical position in the kupyansky and south donetsk directions. in the kherson direction, the dnepr group inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment near the villages of mikhailovka.


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