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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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we continue our news review. the russian military took control of the village of pervomaiskoye in the donetsk republic. this is the avdeevskoye direction, where units of the center group operate. the ministry of defense also reported repelling eight counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces near the settlements of khumanskoye, pervomaiskoye, krasnogorovskaya, berdochi and leninskaya. in the donetsk direction , the units of the southern group of the group occupied more advantageous positions, the fighters of the groups improved the tactical position in the kupyansky and southern donetsk directions west and east. there is a group in the kherson direction. the dnieper inflicted fire damage
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on manpower and equipment near the villages of mikhailovka and ivanovka. now about the missile attacks on lugansk, from around noon stormshadow missiles hit the machine-building plant. according to the head of the lpr, leonid pasechnik, it was planned to launch production there soon. several residential buildings were also damaged. emergency services are on the scene. in the city of takmag in the zaporozhye region, they continue to clear the rubble after the attack by the ukrainian armed forces. the night before ukrainian militants hit the elderly directly. block, destroyed four apartment buildings, one private, destroyed entrances , burned out apartments, according to the latest data , 10 people were killed, among them children, two are still missing, 18 victims were hospitalized, military investigators are working on the spot, authorities report that the families of the victims will receive housing payments. currently providing first medical aid to residents of the city of takmak. since yesterday, from 19:00
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, rescue operations have been carried out by the ministry of emergency situations, with the help of public utilities, volunteers who care, come to provide assistance, on behalf of the governor of the zaporozhye region, since yesterday , the defense headquarters of the urban district has been deployed in the city of takmak, we are working in close cooperation, solutions have already been identified that will allow us to further provide social support measures for families of the victims. the wounded and, accordingly, the evaporations that will be provided for the restoration of housing. almost 13,000 houses remain flooded in russian regions, of which 3.00 were in orenburg, where most of the city went under water due to a flooded river. the water level in the urals exceeds the dangerous level by more than 2 m, this was reported by the russian ministry of emergency situations for the region. the situation is difficult in the tyumen region, where additional places are being prepared in case of evacuation. 7,500 people may be caught in the flood zone in ishim. the flood is approaching in the kurgan region. to the village
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of baraba near kurgan. the head of the region called on residents of neighborhoods and snt in areas at risk of flooding to immediately evacuate. in the samara region the number the number of flooded houses doubled in one day. there are 29 people in temporary accommodation centers, including six children. the day before , a state of emergency was introduced in the bogatovsky district of the region. in the tomsk region, rescuers are evacuating residents of four settlements. on the tom river, specialists will carry out additional blasting work. according to the regional headquarters of the ministry of emergency situations, level. in the area of ​​the camp garden it increased by 32 cm in one day. the head of the ministry of emergency situations is working in the altai territory today, where there is a possibility of a second wave of flooding. alexander kurenkov together with the regional governor, i flew around the flooded areas in a helicopter and got acquainted with the situation. she is reported to be stabilizing. the ministry of emergency situations added that at the moment in the region 735 residential buildings and almost 2.0 garden plots have been freed from water. 28 houses are still flooded. student teams in the dpr
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completed the peaceful landing volunteer school program. throughout the week, young people helped pensioners and the disabled, conducted patriotic activities for schoolchildren and improved park areas. master classes were conducted by participants of the all-russian student rescue corps, showed, among other things, how to provide first aid. in fact, it’s not just what’s important for the students themselves, it’s important for the residents, they see that young people are closer to them, that they are ready to help, ready to work.
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the iranian embassy in damascus was bombed, killing 16 people, including military advisers from the islamic republic and brigadier general muhammad riza zahidi. it's almost a day in the turkish province of antalya. a unique rescue operation is underway: employees emergency services, with the help of helicopters and climbing equipment, are pulling out people who were stuck in the cable car cabins at an altitude of 600 m. by this time , about 160 people had been rescued, and several more tourists were awaiting help. let me remind you that the support of the funicular collapsed due to a landslide; as it fell, it knocked out the floor of one of the cabins, eight people fell onto the rocks, one tourist died, and the rest were seriously injured. later , 10 more people from other cabins were hospitalized. but there are no russians among the victims. more than 500 people are involved in the rescue operation specialists, seven helicopters and a military transport aircraft. authorities promise to investigate the incident. the funicular was put into operation 7 years ago, it transported tourists from the popular beach to the observation deck and restaurant at the top of the mountain. the number of victims of the attack
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in a shopping center in sydney has increased to six people, eight more people were injured, and doctors are now fighting for their lives. let me remind you that earlier a man attacked visitors with a knife.
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the man who carried out the attack tried to hide from law enforcement officers, but was killed on the spot by a shot from an employee australian intelligence agencies told police that the attacker acted alone. there was a police officer nearby, she entered the mall at the direction of a group of operatives, she encountered a criminal on the fifth floor of the building, began pursuing him, he turned to face her and raised a knife, after which the police officer... shot him. visitors to the shopping center began to be evacuated immediately after the criminal was eliminated. the victims, including a child, were hospitalized. now the street where the pier is located is cordoned off by the police. for all
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to us, the horrific scenes at bondi junction are beyond words or understanding. this was a horrific act of violence directed at innocent people on an ordinary saturday. operatives are working, they have to find out the motives of the attacker. natalya goncharova, news! from a dream to a home, one home is just a click away. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the 120-day interest-free period begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever. that is why the credit
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during the more than ten-year occupation of iraq by the us government, iraq's ancient christian community was completely devastated. 9 out of ten christians in iraq have disappeared, they are gone. this is a consequence of our foreign policy, but it was almost never noted in the united states, almost never even mentioned by the christian clergy in our country, most of whom supported that war and occupation. why? perhaps for the same reasons, almost all american churches remained silent. when christians were killed in syria, often by islamic extremists for money
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united states, but everyone was silent, and anyone who spoke out was for some reason called a psycho or a fanatic. in the american media, protecting christians was taboo, we know firsthand, and this happened again in ukraine. the us government has sent more than $100 billion to the ukrainian government. and what happened, what did this government do? but it banned an entire christian denomination. zelensky's government is busy jailing orthodox priests and nuns and raiding churches. again no one didn't say a word. what about gas, what about the entire middle east region, where, of course, very intense fighting is taking place. many christian churches in the united states, especially evangelical ones, support this, but almost never say a word about the christians who live there, the ancient christian community in the gaza strip on the west bank, in israel itself. and because no one said a word, the christian population of this region experienced
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great suffering. in october, the greek orthodox church in the gaza strip suffered an airstrike. we are now showing you a video. the church lies in ruins. at least 17 people died that day. yet this was not the first time that christians had died as a result of fighting in the region. remember the church of the nativity in iflien. almost 20 years ago, a clergyman was killed there with american weapons. but the christian clergy in our country remained silent. and you may be asking yourself: wait a minute, if christian leaders don't protect christian lives, why should they? do we even need them? that's a good question. so, you might think that.
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stop it, the same thing is needed in ukraine. let's defeat putin quickly, instead of using 80% of our aid for humanitarian purposes, we should use 80 or 100% to destroy russian forces, if that is our goal. to be clear, from a theological point of view, christianity is not the religion of kheroshima and nagasaki. among all the world's religions, christianity clearly has an aversion to mass religions. murder, in fact, it is christianity that hates mass murder, from a christian point of view there is no justification for this, that is what the former pastor is calling for, but then again, how are christians in this region in gaza on the west bank in israel itself, we hear almost nothing about them, so we thought that there was it would be interesting, perhaps instructive, to hear
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the opinion of one of them. rev. munter isaac, pastor of bethlehem evangelical lutheran christian church. and we are honored to speak with him now. father isaac, thank you very much for the interview. so first let me ask you a general question: how christians fare in the holy land, in the three places i mentioned, on the west bank, in israel itself and in gaza. how are they doing now? yes, first of all, thank you for inviting me. these are very, very difficult times and they have been difficult for quite some time. when i say difficult times, i mean... in the territory: the west bank, gaza actually means not only october 7, the fact that we are now divided, as you explained, into three israels, and we can add to this east jerusalem, which is a separate category, it is one element of our situation, which is that we are fragmented. so, in my church there are
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families who have relatives in gaza, they cannot even visit them, before the war, they could not visit them and be with them. and this fragmentation, as i said, is one element of the situation, one of the biggest problems that we face now is the decrease in our numbers, people continue to leave due to the political reality, life under a very harsh israeli military occupation is unbearable, in as a result, many young palestinians christians continue to leave, for example, preferring to seek better and...
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there are 800 to 900 palestinian christians, and any impact on our community, any death in our community will have a long-term effect. it is clear to me that many evangelical leaders in the united states care much more about the secular government of israel than they do about christian communities in the middle east. do you have a guess why this is so? sometimes, it's theology, theology. christian zionism, which teaches, for example, that christians should support israel because that's what the bible teaches, often as part of a larger end times theology in which they see the presence of the jews on this earth as preparation for the second coming
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of christ, they see it as the fulfillment of prophecy, not realizing that... this means locally. i always say that for them this land seemed empty. they get excited about certain events without understanding the consequences of these events in real life. the irony is that many of these people actually believe, and many evangelical leaders believe that at the end of time and after the jews are gathered in palestine, two thirds of them will be exterminated, only 1/3 will convert to christianity, and somehow... believe that this is jew-friendly theology, not don't get me wrong, i am for christians and jews, as for all religions that unite and understand each other. but a serious problem arises when we make a certain religious group the object of our theology, and even eschatology, and treat it
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accordingly, again, without understanding without really understanding what is happening on the ground, without even understanding how complex the state of israel is, how secular it is, how much it oppresses the palestinians,
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it is quite easy to say: we support the israeli government, but if you touch one christian, harm one church, interfere with one one christian to practice his religion, you are finished. the us congress will not give you a single dollar. it doesn't seem difficult. i have to ask specifically about the church in gaza, which was damaged by an airstrike. who is this did? what do we know about this? so, there have been several incidents concerning the christian community in the gaza strip. and let's first explain that most christians live in the very center of gaza in the city of gaza itself, and - since the war began, they all decided
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to hide in the two largest churches, orthodox and catholic, there is also a small baptist church, which, by the way, it also suffered from the bombing, but no one was hiding there, they decided to stay there, thinking, we don’t want to become refugees on...
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small campus, the building that was damaged is located in close proximity to the historical church building, the church itself dates back to the 4th and 5th centuries, and the church took the hit, things could have been worse if, you know, the building that was hit by the bomb had not fallen on the historical church building, so it was a serious incident, in fact, so i...
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is an ally of america, no one cares about christians being targeted. in fact, in the catholic church, two elderly women were killed by israeli snipers snipers and the catholic church talked about it. there were statements, official statements that said that it was israeli snipers who killed two women near the church, in front of the church, they were leaving the church and moving from one building to another, they were killed, shot when people tried to save them, in them. .. also shot, seven were wounded, it happened again, how can this be a mistake, this is our question, because they were in the middle.
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but in older people. so about four or five members of our palestinian christian congregations died within the church due to disease. most likely due to lack of medical care or any medications. you can't go to the hospital. again, i invite people to listen to the story to understand what is going on. talk to the church leaders, the church leaders in jerusalem. about the problems and difficulties they faced before the war. or during the war right now in jerusalem. so, the speaker of the united states house of representatives, third after the president, third person in our political structure, self-proclaimed an evangelical christian, and a supporter of the israeli government. and i would be interested to ask him what he thinks about the fact that israelis who have converted to christianity have less rights, i don't know if he is aware of it, but he said that he supports
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israel subtly. the modern secular state of israel, a political entity born in the 20th century to the people of israel in the bible and... this
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turns the question, the theological question about the chosen people, into what i call the chosen state, the bible does not talk about the chosen state, and for me the most the big problem is that we give special attention to some group of people, give privileges to some group of people, tucker, i'm a theologian.
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and i fully understand and am fully aware of the shameful history of christianity, especially when it comes to anti-semitism, but the problem of anti-semitism cannot be solved by blindly supporting zionism, especially since this
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support of zionism comes at the expense of...


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