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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 4:30pm-4:59pm MSK

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that's what christians say, christian pastors say that we are called to bless israel because when you mentioned jones, he said when he became speaker of the house that the bible tells us christians that we should support israel and i ask what about the context , what if hypothetically, let's not get into our argument, but what if israel commits war crimes or...
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i always say that it seems to me that many christians in the west repent of the sin of anti-semitism, they repent on our soil in sin committed on their land. so, to answer your question, no, i do not think the bible condones or calls for unconditional support for political education. i think the bible calls us to be good neighbors to all people, jews, muslims, buddhists, atheists, i think the bible calls us to love everyone and not show.
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"we ask you to listen to us, talk to us, and my message to christian leaders right now is that there is a very, very brutal war going on in the gaza strip, which i described as genocide because it a war in which even famine is used as a remedy, fellow christians are suffering because of this war, it is time for christian leaders to admit that war is not the answer, be it iraq, afghanistan or libya. when we realize that war does not help, when we take seriously what jesus said about the peacemakers about mercy, there must be other ways, so i would invite them to listen, to learn more, to avoid the very superficial simplistic views that are based.
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the end of march, showed that 63% of us voters believe that both the republican and democratic parties are doing so... poorly that a third option is needed: the two available and joe biden and donald trump are categorically dissatisfied with one in five, who is going to vote in november, so there is is there an alternative? and this is the fundamental difference between the 2024 elections and the 2020 elections . then everything was clear; the voter went to vote, having already completely decided. only 3% of americans. they were looking for some third force, and this greatly helped joe biden, because he then united the minority, due to wider support among swing voters, and won. now the situation is radically different; everything suggests that
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the presence of any third candidate plays into trump’s hands. trump's electorate is more united more energetic, he craves revenge, that’s all biden has. over the past 4 years it has been disintegrating, minorities, african-americans, muslims are turning away from it, this is happening on the wave of dissatisfaction with what is happening in the gas sector and actions. biden is supported less and less by women and young people. new data shows democrats' long-standing advantage among blacks, latinos and asian americans has shrunk to its lowest level in more than 60 years. this makes president biden and the democrats incredible vulnerable. even trump’s recent harsh statements against immigrants and people of color do not change the situation. so it turns out that they are grouped. the candidates of the third forces are all on the left flank,
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if you name those who are there, then this is , first of all, of course, robert kennedy jr., he gets from 15 to 19, or even up to 21% of support, there is also the socialist cornel west, the leader of the greens , jill stein, in general, everything indicates that if the third force continues to be so popular at these... here we can recall several iconic episodes, the most significant, perhaps, will be
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the participation of theodore roosevelt, a republican who, using the fact that he ran for both the republican and democratic parties, tried to stay in the white house for a third term. roosevelt then received a record number of votes for a third-party candidate; he collected eighty-eight electoral votes, but did not win those. election, it was 1912, became woodrow wilson. then there were two landmark speeches by southern politicians, 20 years apart, first senator from south carolina, strom thurmont , won electoral votes, this was in 1948, and 20 years later, george wallis, the former governor of alabama, also won electoral votes, but none of them became president of the united states, of course, in our more modern. at the time, the most famous such character was ross perot. no one doubted in 1992 that
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george bush sr. would easily be able to stay in the white house for a second term, but nevertheless, the bush team made a serious mistake, they missed ross perot, and rosa perot immediately began to attack the current president of the united states, and since he was in the same niche with him, that is, many of their policy statements coincided, he was craving for fresh faces, bush, the eldest, did not get re-elected, bill clinton moved into the white house, under the already famous slogan , it's the economy that's stupid. then there were also interesting twists associated with the participation of candidates from third forces, however, they were already associated with the defeats not of republicans, like george w. bush, sr., but of democrats. fatal for democrats. in this sense, the elections of 2000 began, when for the seat president of the united states competed with
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republican george w. bush, then vice president of bill clinton, al gore. we all remember the unprecedented counting of votes in florida, then for a long time they could not determine the winners, so it is believed that the person who brought confusion to everything that was happening was the left-wing lawyer, ralph nader, his participation confused all the cards for the democrats. in the end, after the decision was left to the will of the us supreme court, where conservatives dominated, as a result, george bush became younger president of the united states. there is an opinion that it was because of you that elgor lost the election. no, il gore agrees with this, everyone has the same right to be elected, it turns out that either we are all spoilers for each other, because we are trying to win votes to our side, or no one. in the race is not a spoiler, we cannot be considered second-class citizens. there is a point
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of view that in 2016, when hillary clinton competed with donald trump, in general, also part of the votes, especially left-wing progressives, had quite serious hillary clinton lost her anti-rating, thanks to or because of her participation in the same race. gathered the votes of moderates and also became president of the united states. can you be called a spoiler candidate? absolutely not. and i want to say to those who blame me and the people demanding an alternative for this, we are not spoilers. if the libertarian candidate johnson and the green party candidate were not in the race, many of their supporters might have stayed home, but even if
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half of those who support johnson and stein would have voted for the democrats, the odds were... for the very reason that such a heavyweight as robert kennedy jr. intervened in the race. robert kennedy jr. is not jill stein, he is not even that left-wing lawyer nader, he is a politician with a name, a politician around whom a big myth has been formed, based, among other things, on his very name. and if you talk about the biography of robert kennedy jr., then it is confusing for his kennedy family, for the huge kennedy clan, he is sort of anfan trible, the fact is that there was stormy youth, yes, he was a lawyer, but there were also problems with drugs and drinking sprees, difficult relationships with women, and for all that , kennedy does not hesitate to exploit the history
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of his family, the family itself is against him, but he always...
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united states, forty the seventh head of russia, if he becomes president of the white house, we must give kennedy his due, unlike many american politicians who now literally run away when they see the microphone of the russia tv channel, i had something similar at one time with congresswoman, although in general, she is also very skeptical.
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what concerns the democrats is that many minorities, especially latinos, are turning to kennedy, he is running a fairly vibrant election campaign in arizona, but in other states too, so far he is registered only in utah, but signatures are being collected, and yes, kennedy has enough finances in order to run his company, he himself is not a poor man. well, many were impressed by the choice of vice president. i am proud to introduce you to the next vice president of the united states, a lawyer, a brilliant scientist and loving mother, nicole shanahan. nicole shanahan has never been involved in professional politics, she is a famous
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lawyer, investor, we also know her as the ex -wife of one of... robert kennedy, because it is clear that no political career in america can be made without serious sponsors. shanahan's reputation in silicon valley is impeccable. after her divorce from sergei brin, she received part of his fortune. politically, she is. civil liberties and freedom of speech, and most importantly, defending the middle class, the american dream. today, i believe the democratic party has lost its way. it is interesting that robert
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kennedy is now the youngest among the famous candidates for us president, he is younger than biden, younger than trump, and nicole shanahan, who became his vice presidential candidate, is generally 38 years old, fresh ideas, fresh voice, fresh appearance, all this is missing, of course. doing this is probably not so difficult, because kennedy inherited a lot of his heritage. kennedy entered the arena at one time as an environmental lawyer, he defended against the impact emissions from the hudson valley, but then became radicalized and generally became famous as an anti-vaxxer. you stated that vaccines are related to the development of autism, this has been completely refuted. wait, refuted by whom? american center for disease control and world
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health organization. these agencies are not independent. the peak, this incarnation of it , was, of course, the coronavirus epidemic, here its active criticism was directed towards quarantine measures, towards the need for vaccination. in general, now it’s all democrats they remind him. funded by billionaires to help re-elect donald trump. his political platform is extremely dangerous. he promotes conspiracy theories, has made millions of dollars
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fighting vaccines, and is known for racist and anti-semitic remarks. don't vote for kenady jr. despite all the efforts that the biden administration and the democratic election campaign are now making, it is unlikely that sooner or later they will have in their hands mechanisms that can... prevent robert kennedy from interfering in this race to influence its outcome, yes, most likely they will try to make sure that he is not registered in some states, but again, not all states are important, that’s what’s significant, this is also such a very important point, robert kennedy is becoming more and more popular in swing states, swing states like michigan, georgia or wisconsin. always determine the outcome of presidential elections in the united states. as for trump’s behavior and his strategy
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towards robert kennedy, it is clear that the republican is not overjoyed, because kennedy is already taking away points and votes from his direct competitor. robert francis kennedy, jr. is the most radical left candidate in the race so far, a supporter of the green transition scam and other ills.
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us presidential candidate, socialist, philosopher, corn west, yes, his chances are very minimal, they say that his support is approximately 5%, but those extreme left democrats can vote for west, thus also taking him away. trump has some of the votes, this is what cornel west said about both trump and biden, here he is looks at them both. if we do not stop considering people only as objects of manipulation, we will only multiply lies and hatred, then the country will end. the american project as we understand it will come to an end. we need to mobilize people to show them that trump is leading us to a second civil war, and biden to a third world war. request. ordinary citizens to a third force, it is powerful and there is even evidence that this movement, presidential candidates, is starting from below. moved by
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people who were deprived of even mathematical chances, like a math teacher from dalos, named dusty eby, he changed his name on purpose, changed his id, got a new license that says literally someone else, which is also his campaign slogan, my name is literally someone else, and i will compete for the presidency of the united states, the name literally. of course, not a political action, because you need to collect a lot of signatures, without financial support this is impossible, but nevertheless, this someone else expresses the interests of some others well, he doesn’t hide the fact that it’s most likely american voters too. this was
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america, all the best to you.
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in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, she will kill me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she is dripping valera under you in the most dangerous place for you, above.


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