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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 5:00pm-5:32pm MSK

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in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, you will kill me.
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look into his head, look in the app or on the website. the russian military is moving forward and has taken control of the settlement of the may day donetsk republic. what is the general situation on the contact line? attack on lugansk the ukrainian armed forces hit them with stormshed missiles. at
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the machine-building plant , several residential buildings were also damaged, what are the consequences? almost 13,000 houses are under water, what is the situation with floods developing at this time and how did the head of the ministry of construction, who is located in the emergency zone, assess the situation in the kurgan region. we landed from helicopters. iranian special forces today took control of the about container, which belongs to an israeli businessman. what are the statements and what? takes place on the border with lebanon, where hezbollah has become more active. work at height. turkish emergency services rescued about 200 people from the cabins of a destroyed cable car in antalya. how did events develop? in krasnodar, main match of the football season. the local team hosts the leader of the national championship, st. petersburg zenit. we are waiting for our correspondent to join us directly. the russian military
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took control of the village of pervomaiskaya in the donetsk republic, this is the avdeevsky direction, where units of the center group operate. the defense also reported repelling eight counterattacks in the ssu near the settlements of umanskaya, pervomaiskoye, krasnogorovka, berdyche and leninskaya. in the donetsk direction, the unit of the southern group occupied more advantageous positions, improved like this. positions in the kupyansky and yuzhnodonetsk directions by fighters of the west and east groups. in the kherson direction , the dnepr group inflicted fire damage on manpower and equipment near the villages of mikhailovka and ivanovka. currently, the situation with floods remains the most difficult in the orenburg and kurgan regions , the water level in the ural river near orenburg is more than 2 m above the critical mark. and the head of the ministry of construction, rek faizulin, came to kurgan, which is in danger of flooding, on the instructions of the president. our filming crews operate in the regions groups with.
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yes, colleagues, greetings, the evacuation is in full swing, now employees of the ministry of emergency situations, rescue centers and volunteers are plying along the flooded streets of snt and the microdistrict in orenburg, helping residents evacuate to a safe place, those residents who... still remain in their homes, but i will now note that the level of the ural river near orenburg has again exceeded the indicators, now 11 m 85 cm, this is another 2 cm more than a few hours ago, the river flooded uralskaya street, now traffic for vehicles is limited there, traffic police officers are on duty, turning car owners around for the most optimal and safe route.
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route, i would also note that nearby the dubki residential complex, which is also located on uralskaya street, is now also in the water, residents are being evacuated, orenburg rescuers, police, and doctors are working on the spot. and the ministry of emergency situations detachment from the kirov region also helps, i want to note right away that the residents of the dubki complex, the residents of the dubki complex now have the opportunity, if necessary, to get into their homes in order to to pick up essential items, special transport was organized for them, and i suggest listening to the commentary. due to the fact that uralskaya street was flooded and it was impossible to get into... the dubki complex, the administration turned to the heads of enterprises, who always cooperate with the administration of the city of orenburg to allocate all-terrain vehicles that can transport residents, and are organized here, so to speak , impromptu crossing to a residential
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complex, where residents can drive as check your pets, and if necessary, take the necessary things and come back, also... donguskaya street is flooded, traffic there is also now blocked for vehicles, but i note that in the center of orenburg residents, together with emergency and utility companies, are now strengthening the embankment dam to minimize the consequences of flooding. i would also like to note that this morning in a four-story building, after flooding , a brick wall and the entrance to the basement collapsed. now there is water there, residents are evacuating, and employees are also helping ministry of emergency situations, doctors are also working. on the spot and offer to listen to the commentary, in this house it’s me, yes, well, now you can’t get there, no, they don’t even let anyone in, here’s the third entrance , here’s my garage, it’s flooded, water is coming into the basement, it’s necessary, such a problem, documents
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just a few things there, today in orenburg five microdistricts, three settlements and 21 snt are flooded. in the flood zone there are over 3 thousand houses, about 800 personal plots, over 1,500 people were evacuated, 325 of them are children, and i suggest listening to the commentary, more part of the snt already, which are located in the floodplain of the urals, they were evacuated, but there were only a few people who remained there, this is our zarechny microdistrict, the village of kuznechny, there is also the village of solnechny, it is partially flooded, but people are trying to leave the data on their own. well, i would like to note that now in the region as a whole, over 12 thousand residential buildings have been flooded, of which 123 are apartment buildings and also over 17 private plots, and over 13 people have been evacuated, this is the situation in orenburg, and
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i give the floor to my colleague stanislav, colleagues, welcome to kurgan right now. region, the crest of the flood moves from the southern regions upstream of the tobol. according to the latest information from the ministry of emergency situations, it is known that 200 houses and 300 garden plots in the region have already been flooded. now large waters are approaching the village of baraba near kurgan and the ministry of emergency situations is informing that it is urgently necessary to evacuate from there. the flood is gradually approaching the kurgan itself. here, in one day, the water in the tabol river rose by... 7 cm and now the water level exceeds the norm by 416 cm, according to forecasts the maximum water level in the river can reach 9 m. in the worst case scenario, if the water level is even higher, it is likely that almost 10,000 people could be affected, these are
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residents of the region, of course, in order to prevent such a development of events, the city is actively preparing to meet the elements , more than 14 thousand people are now involved in the construction... the issue is being resolved right now: today, on behalf of the president , the minister of construction and housing and communal services faizulin is working in the kurgan region, together with the governor of the region, he accepted participation in the briefing of patrol dumps, these people monitor the condition. about how the region is now preparing for floods? on the instructions of the president, i am touring regions that are in an unpleasant
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situation due to the flood, we have not yet seen the full scope here, but the measures that kurgan, the governor’s team, together with the federal center, with the structures. road workers, which means industrialists, production workers and the population ensure that adequate measures are provided to protect the situation, so we will. hope that beyond such high there will be no marks, the damage will be minimal. a state of emergency continues to operate in the kurgan region, forced evacuation is being carried out in temporary accommodation centers, now there are more than 800 people, these points are based on schools, camps, and hospitals. today we visited one of the schools in kurgan, talked with the school director, and talked with the residents. this is what they say about the conditions that have been created in these temporary accommodation centers: everything
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is new, we have purchased new cots, new bed linen, all our guests are provided with hygiene items, we have a shower, they have three hot meals a day, breakfast, lunch, dinner, we have organized a tea room where they can constantly drink tea, sweets, cookies, candies, but at the moment we are provided with everything, that is, we have everything for this...
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the new big special bbq picon is already in the combo for 469 rubles. it’s not necessary like this, it’s necessary like this, it’s clear, i understand, buy with a discount of up to 99% for select bonuses, thank you, what are you waiting for, are you a metaphor? i am an example, i i adapt, i change, i develop, and this has been the case for 110 million years, and what are you waiting for, change and change, period, a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises. in rostov-ndon , the first residential buildings in russia built using the mechanism of integrated development of territories were commissioned today. this is a federal program that gives regions the right to demolish non -unsafe buildings and determines the rules for relocating residents in a new building. about the new direction of urban development in the report by
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elizaveta bondarenko. cool apartment. nikolay and natalya yakovleva are among the first, who received the keys to their apartment today. now all the couple’s thoughts are about the future interior. comfortable housing in a quiet area has long been the dream of a married couple. the choice was made on a new block with a kindergarten and an elementary school right in the yard. we really like it, because we initially took it according to certain criteria, that the first floor was bright for us, that’s what we expected, and we got it. microdistrict 601 quarter is the first example in russia. implementation of the mechanism for comprehensive development of the territory, it allows the full development of new urban territory, develop social infrastructure in parallel with the construction of housing. the first houses were built by the yugstroyinvest group of companies. today , the yugstroinvest group of companies put into operation the first houses in russia built on a federal land plot provided by the house of the russian federation for
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a project for the integrated development of the territory. this is an important achievement for us. there are currently six more under construction here. as well as a kindergarten and school. we see that the mechanism for the integrated development of undeveloped territories is becoming effective tool for the development of urban spaces. the yustruinvest group of companies actively supports all urban development initiatives. in our projects we always create social infrastructure. now it 's reaching a new level. i am confident that the crt mechanism will become the most effective direction of urban development to improve the quality of the urban environment. along with the first houses, rostov residents received a landscaped courtyard without cars; for the convenience of motorists, there was an underground parking lot. on modern playgrounds they will find entertainment for children of all ages. by the end of the year, in the sixty-first quarter , the construction of an odessa garden for 200 children will be completed; construction of a school complex for 300 children is currently underway. elizaveta bondarenko, veronika parushkina, eduard petrenko, news:
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rostov-nadon. the death toll from the sydney shopping center attack has risen to six. eight more people were wounded, and doctors are fighting for their lives. let me remind you that earlier a man attacked visitors to a shopping center with a knife. with details natalya goncharova. this is footage from sydney. a crowd of people gathered at the entrance to the upscale westunction shopping center. videos are circulating on social media of people running around the store trying to escape the attack. here is the same man in a t-shirt and shorts moving along one of the floors with a knife in his hand and waving it. people run for cover. i was hiding now just in shock, this is the worst thing i have seen in my life, what these people need. i was about to take the bus home, i turned the corner, i saw this guy in a green and yellow t-shirt, then i saw he went there, i heard people screaming, i realized
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that something was happening. everyone wanted to see what was going on, then we just saw the crowd.
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a horrific act of violence directed at innocent people who were simply out shopping on a normal saturday. our thoughts are with the victims and victims of this attack. footage is circulating on social networks of a man on an escalator, armed with a curbstone, confronting the attacker. the australian media call him the hero of today. meanwhile, detectives continue to work on the spot. them the motives of the attacker remain to be ascertained. natalya goncharova, vesti. like you. motorist on home ice equalized the score in the semi-final series of the gagarin cup against magnitogorsk metallurgical league. in the sixth match of the confrontation, the hosts won with a score of 5-3 and moved the series into the decisive seventh game, which will take place in magnitogorsk. day after tomorrow. let me remind you that one finalist of the gagarin cup is already known, it was yaroslavl locomotive. right now, watch zinaida kurbatova’s special report dedicated to
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georgy velenbakhov’s seventy-fifth birthday, chief geraltmaster of russia, and then our firm will continue with the author’s program of vladimir bortok, a view from st. petersburg. the chief herald of russia, deputy director of the hermitage georgy velenbakhov, places toy soldiers on the table in his office. the most popular children's toys for centuries, important assistants to military historians. leningrad scientists, making reports, demonstrated the course of historical battles using the example of tin troops. here is the chronicle footage.
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soldiers and began to make them himself. since then there are few of my father's soldiers left. now this is the most dear to the heart - part of the collection of the chief heraldmaster of russia. well, because the toy soldiers' stores weren't selling. therefore, he, like other collectors of toy soldiers, made a lot of figurines. just myself, well, they make the figures, i won’t say it’s simple, but it’s a whole process, that is , you take some branded figurine, figurine, take plaster, put it in a box, which means plaster is mixed, then put the figurine in, when this part is poured in covered oil, the top lid is made, then they open, the figure is taken out, there is a mold, then the flyer is made, then the metal is taken, you go to the kitchen, melt the metal, pour the mold, take it out, otherwise...
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st. george in military history, you couldn’t do without soldiers not a single day. georgy knew the history of his ancestors; times were such that they only talked about it in the family. philip wehlenbach came to russia from southern germany under ivan the terrible. everyone in the family were military men. three representatives of the clan fought in the patriotic war the war of 1812, two of them on the vorodinsky field. in 1917, his grandfather, here he is in the photograph.
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there is no explanation here, well, in principle , it was not always there to explain some heroic signs; while still a student, georgy velenbakhov began working at the armitage, he served... his conscript service in the artillery, and he defended his candidate’s and doctor’s thesis. in the 1990s, his beloved heraldry ceased to be just a topic of scientific research. the soviet union still
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existed, but the end of eras was already close. the country was painfully searching for a foothold. heraldic service in the soviet union, of course, it wasn’t, but in 1990, still within the framework of the ussr, many republics began to restore their national, traditional symbols. and then the government of the rsfsr creates a commission to make a decision. to new russia, they proposed to leave the heraldry of the rsfsr, but to remove the sickle and young, and without this, the ears intertwined with ribbons looked like bezique, to create. something new did not work out, because heraldry was not taught in any art university in the country. after 1991 , russia needed self-identification, but
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the country needed to rebuild. continuity, this was a previously non-existent state freed from colonial dependence, it was necessary to come up with symbols so that they would begin to be recognized in the big world, and there was a third proposal that was discussed from the very beginning, this was to restore the historical symbols of russia, one of such weighty ones was the arguments were that we are not abandoning the word russia, because it exists, it is the same historical, such a verbal designation of our country, which has existed for centuries, just like... there are iconic designation, namely the coat of arms and the flag, if ours, our coat of arms appears at the end of the 15th century, then why don’t we return to it, if our flag appears in the 16th century, why not return to it, it was proposed by the round table that the government commission in the month of march, set up a white blue-red flag as a flag as a coat of arms of a golden eagle on a red field, important milestones in
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history... a lot, many different public organizations appeared, we remember then rallies were held, these were also national political associations that used a variety of symbols, some used the flag, some used their national flags of those future republics that seceded from the soviet union, some used a white-red flag, some used other flag colors , that
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is, this has already happened, let’s say. many will be surprised: is this heraldic poetry or mythology? there is a description that the state flag of the russian federation is a floor of these proportions, consisting of equally large horizontal stripes, white, blue, red, period, none of this is about this, nothing happened either under peter, or before peter, or subsequently, so this is a completely normal thing, so to speak, when the flag is described, how it looks, on this worth a point. what does
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the word russia mean? right, this is a verbal designation of our country, right? what does the white-blue-red flag mean? this is an iconic designation of our country. that's all. in heraldry, the flag and coat of arms have only verbal descriptions, and already the image suggests a well-known fantasy: how many feathers will there be? the eagle, their inclination, the artist will draw. in 1993, st. petersburg... master evgeny ukhnalev, here he is in the chronicle footage, became the author of the sketches of the coat of arms, approved by presidential decree on november 30, 1993. in 2000 , the description was slightly changed, but khnalev’s drawing remained. in the case of the double-headed eagle, fantasy and poetry are also present. because before the chapter, this means, this means our symbols show the position of russia in asia and in europe, there, and so on and so on and so on
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. looks west to east to mean defending and so on, that’s all too interpretation, in fact, a golden double-headed eagle on a red field is the state emblem of the russian federation, period. it is interesting that in 1993 the head of the country signed a decree on flags and the coat of arms, but not all deputies of the state duma were ready to recognize these symbols. discussions lasted until the end of the 1990s. here are the footage and interviews filmed in september 1997. russia from january 15, 1998. most likely, it will not be possible to approve the tricolor flag as a state flag. apparently, the coat of arms in the form of a double-headed eagle will also cause negative reaction of the dom majority. the chief heraldmaster of russia patiently gave history lessons again and again explained: this is not the royal coat of arms. the double-headed eagle was the coat of arms
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of the grand duchy of moscow. the russian kingdom and the russian empire, as well as the russian republic in 1917-18 already under lenin, the last argument was especially strong, this is my personal opinion.


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