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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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there they didn’t spend much time watching how the coffins would be carried, they would simply carry them like boxes, or they would carry them on their shoulders, which means, again , the boxes were already made like coffins, stones were placed in them approximately by weight, in order to understand, understand, as far as four people can carry it like that or they can’t, there were masses of things that then that’s what needed to be done, all this is discussed, that means what needed to be said, of course...
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restoration will open an exhibition in which heraldry, it is already known , what after the heraldic symbols of different nations will be presented; ceremonies will be held in the central hall, in particular, the day of the guard and the day of the state servant of russia will be celebrated here. a real legend is immediately visible,
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like that, like that, i understand, like that at the megamarket, there’s a karcher car wash for only 26,390 rubles, do you have it? there is a form, for baking, for squats, try it, like this, so, i liked the trial lesson, but save up your vtb savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly, you’ll save up 16% faster, and why aren’t you in shape yet, let’s twist and save up quickly , open a savings account with a rate of 16%. vtb, together everything will work out. hello my name is vladimir bortk, i am from st. petersburg,
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today i would like to talk to you about terrorism, neither i nor you, for the most part, are, thank god, specialists, therefore. question, but you and i, alas, are, unfortunately, witnesses to this disgusting phenomenon, each of us has our own opinion on this matter, i have it, and i want to share it with you: terrorism, a policy based on the systematic application terror. synonyms for the word terror are the words violence, intimidation, intimidation. most common definition denotes terrorism as the achievement by violent means of political, ideological, economic and religious
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goals. oddly enough, terrorism has a theoretical basis: propaganda by action or propaganda by deed. in french, they arise from deeds, and not vice versa, that is , first we kill someone, and then the people will understand why we did it. long before the birth of christ, despite the fact that there was no theoretical justification for terrorism yet, individual representatives of humanity
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acted, so to speak, on a whim, for terrorism has an ancient history, dating back to 340 years bc, father...
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russia is no exception, it is worth listing only the killed kings. ivan vi,
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fyodor ii godunov, peter ii, paul i, alexander ii, nicholas ii. a lot of. yes, terrorism flourishes in the united states like nowhere else. assassinated american presidents, abraham lincoln, james garfield, william mckinney and john. very often terrorism in the states flourishes in schools, in our country it is enough to recall the large-scale white red terror and thousands of people killed, it was worth remembering the famous terrorist propagandist savenkov, a familiar tv viewer from the tv series operation, even in the ussr, with its powerful kgb, terrorist attacks were not so rare.
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landed in the turkish trazone, the terrorists were arrested, the war on terrorism continued in the russian federation, here is the attack on crucuscity. what i will say next are only my thoughts, but they may not coincide with yours. the purpose of this attack is not even to intimidate, but to stir up public opinion, to show the instability of the internal structure of the russian federation. who benefits from this? isis?
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carry out such a terrorist attack on his own, rather , he served as an executor for those who ordered the crimes, and now we already know that it was not without his brothers from ukraine, the fact that after the terrorist attacks they were traveling in the direction of the border with ukraine speaks volumes about this, some truthfully claim , that they could go to belarus, but my friends, there is a terrorist attack in moscow, our fsb is on the ears, like the belarusian kgb, is it that simple? for four tajiks to travel to belarus, bypassing a thorough check, taking into account the possibility of
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exploiting ethnic tensions within russia. we can assume the involvement of western intelligence services in this matter, but with the direct participation of ukrainians. it was assumed that the resulting turmoil would lead to disorder in russia, which would help in the war, and then there would be military defeat and disintegration. they are deliberately provoking national ethnic conflicts in the russian federation. this is their main priority. so the version of sigil itself may be half-stupid. the perpetrators may indeed be associated with the islamic state of iraq and levanda. but these individuals clearly acted in the interests of the collective west. there is
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a constant cold war between the west and russia. everything is used. i declare: we announced publicly that a terrorist attack in russia is possible and even inevitable ; the proposed location was concert halls. the question arises: or rather, it’s impossible? it’s impossible, he replies, otherwise we will reveal our agents. but if you have such deep connections that are preparing this terrorist attack, and you are survivors of the
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september 11th attack and understand perfectly well what tera is. they couldn't stop him using their influence on whom, yes on ukraine, they did not want, in general, the united states can treat terrorists differently, to weaken russia, the united states can change its attitude towards terrorists to the opposite, for example, in 1925, president ronald reagan received a group of men with with beards, they were of a very stern appearance.
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why? the interests of the united states and russia are directly opposed on many issues. apparently, this is why the americans decided that they must stop all attempts by the russians to increase their influence on the world stage. i tried to reduce reasons for the rivalry between russia and the united states on certain points. point one: nuclear weapons. for several decades now, russia
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has been the only country that can destroy the united states with nuclear weapons. point two: energy resources: russia occupies one of the first places in the world in oil production and natural gas production, thereby exerting a huge influence not only on the world economy, but on politics. us trade interests require control over russian oil. russia, of course, wants to preserve control over your uleuds for yourself. the same
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conflict of interests, although to a much lesser extent, can be observed in the extraction of other natural resources. russia, russia is trying to resist this pressure, it relies on the foundations of the abrahamic religion, the point of the fourth dollar. all the financial power of the united states is based on the dollar, all the military power of the united states is based on its financial power. it is critically
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important for the states that no one even thinks about encroaching on the hegemony of their currency. the entire planet conducts international trade in dollars in dollars holds its gold and foreign exchange reserves. it would be beneficial for russia to abandon the dollar in favor of its own currency, firmly backed by hydrocarbons. the brix countries are actively creating alternative financial markets, which is accelerating this process. however, from the us point of view, abandoning the dollar means outright stealing their money. moreover, if such an influential country as russia and the brix countries abandon the dollar, a chain reaction of national currency transitions may begin in the world, after which the dollar zone will shrink, the dollar exchange rate will sharply will fall. control over huge hydrocarbon reserves, nuclear weapons and other factors provide russia with enormous political weight in the world. russia uses
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this weight to promote its interests, which often conflict with those of the united states. for example, in 2013, russia prevented the united states from making ukraine an associated member of the european union. of course, it would be more profitable for the states if russia did not have it.
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for the west, all the troubles of russia are from the communists. the ussr collapsed, but russia rose again. in 2011, western-fueled outrage. would be an incorrect counting of votes in the elections, as a result the slogan: swindlers and thieves, a hundred-thousand-strong rally on bolodnaya, and another slogan: we are the power here, but the seizure of power did not happen, moreover, the country began to strengthen, then decay from within through a quiet creep, encirclement internal erosion of the elite, but the russians bristled, returned crimea and began to defend it. ancestral territories. okay, the americans said, then you will be defeated on the battlefield. 50 countries began to help ukraine carry out its
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unstoppable offensive in attempts to capture crimea. i think it was supposed to station ships of the american navy in crimea to fulfill zelensky’s dream of drinking coffee on the elt embankment. but the offensive failed miserably. military defeat of the russian federation, seizure of crimea, unrest in russia. the collapse of the state did not happen, yes, if you remember history, it never worked out, then a new attempt, the national question, and, by the way, migrants, a terrorist attack with the participation of tajiks, which is what we have now, i note, the ethnic component of crime is not only a russian problem, and of course, it is necessary with all determination counter terrorism.
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it is absolutely clear that the blood shed by a terrorist should lead to his death penalty. liberal talk that terrorists are not afraid of death seems somewhat exaggerated, just as proven participation in a terrorist group should lead to life imprisonment without lengthy consideration of the possibility of mitigating this sentence. i wanted these simple points. to convey to broad layers of young students. one more point, also in my opinion, correct: cooperation states with public religious
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associations. let’s not fuss and admit that terrorism in many ways has a breeding ground among muslims, and the truth is clear to everyone: muslims as a whole are much more religious than, alas, christians, all the more so it is necessary to strengthen the work of the fsb among muslim priests, unspoken, but as deep as possible, not i need to describe in detail what needs to be done, but it needs to be done. certainly and with all eternity, and also, my friends, let’s think about the fact that about 25 million muslims, they did not come from somewhere, they are the indigenous inhabitants of russia, we live and will live together, goodbye, all the best.
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he is alive, no one will know anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready, let's fool our brains, let's write it down as a missing person, no, that won't do, i came for him, i have to find him.
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nadezhda markina, he looks a lot like him, sergey gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov, they went there for reconnaissance, there were two of them, then i don’t know, anton shakin, that means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger. the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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we continue the news review: almost 13,000 houses remain flooded in russian regions, of which 3.00 are in orenburg, where due to a river flood, most of the city went under water. the water level in the urals exceeds dangerous levels
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by more than 2 m, authorities said.


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