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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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banquet in the language of the builders is the stone elements of the dam, a kind of drainage that keeps the body of the embankment from being washed away, in most cases concrete is used for this, but the orzha dam, despite its high cost, was not concreted; if it had been concreted, then this it would not be 900 million, but 2900 billion, but my organization is not to blame for what happened. so be strong, everything will be restored. expert oleg dyukarev does not rule out that the dam was built with gross violations. the dam was laid in violation technologies, but they were not pulled out, if the trees, tree trunks were not removed, but were placed in the body of the dam, then, unfortunately, this is what we have . the breakthrough of the structures only worsened the situation. water accumulated at the dam, and after the gullies formed, it suddenly poured into the city in a large stream. ministry of construction of russia. is conducting his own
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investigation, the head of the department, eric faizulin , has already stated that this object is not worth a billion at all. the dam that vorsky is talking about is not really a dam, a dam is not worth a billion rubles. huge mass of water pressed on not a dam, but an earthen rampart. it will be possible to conduct an examination only after the water has completely subsided. but has the evidence been washed away by the current? the destroyed uur dam has already been the subject of legal disputes, here in the arbitration court of the orenburg region in january 2015.
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including the developer, possibly the mayor of the city, who gave permission to operate the dam. in any case, the expert bureau must be verified. how we managed to find out the financial examination of the orsk dam in 2015 was carried out by orenburg professor viktor zhadanov, namely he concluded that the building really costs about a billion rubles. we reached mr. zhadanov. he refused the meeting, but gave comprehensive comments over the phone. i have absolutely no responsibility, all the prices were given, justified, but just so to speak, you know, and i can say that i am a sexual giant in words, in fact, impotent. we return to the conversation with the mayor. the dam was on the balance sheet of the narrow administration. we asked the mayor about how they serviced and maintained the facility, how much money spent for these purposes. do you understand what dam maintenance is? three positions are grass cutting. garbage collection and visual inspection,
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pledged financial resources for this business, but how much? i don’t know if you are going to resign after this when you resign? well , you see, i don’t know how to slam the door at the moment, how the time will come, then i’ll think about it. this flood in the orenburg region is called a record one, in recent history there has never been so much water in the spring, the water came here to the regional center from orsk, which is located upstream. the scale of the flooding can be judged by the submerged streetlights; almost the entire embankment pedestrian area was flooded. there is no dam in orenburg, but there are no less floods. houses, dachas, and entire villages were under water. the water has reached the city's high-rise buildings. the regional administration is confident that the cause of the flood was severe freezing of the soil in the fall, a large amount of precipitation in the winter and a sudden melting of the snow in the spring. therefore, no dam could cope with this. elements. no need to search
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accordingly, there are witches in this lady. the volume of discharge that took place was catastrophically large, because the volume of inflow of the vereklensky reservoir came not in, relatively speaking, 2 months of flooding, but in 4 days. the reklinskoe reservoir, which the governor is talking about, is the main water artery of the steppe orenburg region. it is called an artificial sea, into which several rivers flow at once. everyone. in the spring , thousands of cubic meters of water are discharged from here, they do this gradually, as follows from open sources, on april 1, the volume of water released zareklinsky reservoir was immediately increased fourfold from 90 cubic meters to 390, and on the evening of april 4 it was already more than 2,000 cubic meters, the affected residents of orsk do not exclude that it was this wave that covered their houses. who says that they should have thrown out the water first in february, but they saved it, like they didn’t expect such a big wave.
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a criminal case was initiated under two articles at once: violation of the rules for carrying out construction work and negligence. the investigation is being conducted by employees of the regional investigative department. during the preliminary investigation a legal assessment will be given to the actions of officials responsible for the construction, maintenance and operation of the specified facility. the progress of the investigation is being monitored by the orenburg region prosecutor's office. the prosecutor's office primarily in its supervisory activities carries out work aimed at restoration. rights and freedoms of citizens affected by the flood, while the main task is to cope with the flood, help the victims and calculate the damage, well, in the near future it will become known who will be responsible for the consequences. andrey ivlev, dmitry arkhangelsky, alexander sanzhiev, margarita semenyuk and khalimata kuchmezova. news, duty
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department, orenburg region. well, now the news that our editorial team receives directly from the agency's news feed. so, in the moscow region, a court arrested two employees of the water transport police department of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the central federal district. they are accused of receiving a bribe in the amount of 3 million rubles. according to the investigation, they promised to stop for this amount. verification of the entrepreneur. brief overview of other notable legal events of the past week denis novozhilov. on monday in krasnoyarsk, a former deputy head of the regional railway was sentenced , as investigators found out that andrei vlasov provided
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patronage for multimillion-dollar bribes to companies with which contracts were concluded. he took money, building materials and even electrical equipment. after one of the inspections, vlasovo got a brand new mercedes, gelin2. during the search, 20 million rubles were found in the trunk. by court decision, andrei vlasov will go to prison for 6 years, and will also have to pay a large fine, more than 35 million rubles. on tuesday , trials began in the khantemansi autonomous okrug in the case of the murder of regional prosecutor yuri bederin. in the dock is the likely mastermind of the massacre, former auditor of the ministry of finance, yuri chekin. he hid from the security forces for almost 20 years and lived in a rented apartment. in which he equipped a secret place in case of a police visit, and also organized a porn studio. now chekin is trying to drag out the process, demanding the recusal of the judge and the prosecutor, but this is unlikely to help him. on wednesday in the moscow region they carried out verdict for the killer who, on the order of an official,
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shot and killed lawyer eduard musin. the lawyer actively participated in the courts on the side of the residents of obolensk. the head of the village did not like this; as investigators found out, he decided to eliminate the lawyer and found one. performer. georgy sazonchik agreed to commit a crime for 14,000 rubles and a deputy mandate. now the killer will go to prison for 12 years. the criminal case of the head of the village, sergei poyarkov, is still under investigation. on thursday it became known that the leader of the underworld zakhary kalashov was hospitalized due to heart problems, as the media reported, the so -called thief number one, better known as shakro the young, turned to doctors to find out the reasons. harassment two weeks ago , kalashov, who is serving a sentence for extortion and giving bribes to high-ranking employees of the investigative committee, was released from the colony on parole . the seventy-one-year-old authority was able to convince the court that his health condition no longer allowed him to be
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behind bars. details emerged on friday. a large-scale special operation to detain probable participants in a gang of energy workers who could have stolen almost 3 billion rubles. as employees of the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb found out, former current employees of the rosseti north caucasus company and their accomplices were supposed to spend money on the installation of smart meters that remotely transmit readings, but instead they decided to build giant estates for themselves; the system was never put into operation. denis novozhilov, lead, duty department. the probable killer of the policeman was hiding in the forest. on thursday we managed to contain a drug dealer who shot... kuchaskovy wounded operatives in the moscow region. ministry of internal affairs officers were in ambush near a cache of mephedrone. why they couldn’t fight back and what is already known about the detained vasily buryakov. only our program managed to get into the logo of the probable killer and communicate with his relatives. did they guess what buryakov was doing? we find out
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from the report by maria bucato. eighty-five-year-old valentina andreevna is the grandmother of vasily buryakov, the probable killer of a policeman near moscow. only ours she kindly allowed the film crew into her apartment and agreed to talk about her grandson. the pensioner does not use the internet and rarely watches tv, so it seems that she still does not fully understand what crime she is accused of. so let's sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk, what was your last conversation about? well, that’s what he said, i’m leaving for two weeks on a business trip, he has his own room, i’m here, i didn’t see how he was getting ready, what he was packing, he was here like this, saturday, a little later than valentina andreevna he will show us his grandson’s room, but for now we’ll tell you about what business trip vasily buryakov might have mentioned, most likely he had to pick up a large bookmark. and deliver her to another region, but unexpectedly ran into the police and opened
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fire on them. we didn’t see them, but i’m saying we heard shots a couple of times. an armed attack on two employees of the lasina-petrovsky police department occurred on april 7 in the snt azonu area in the village of yakimovo. shortly before the incident, police discovered a drug bag in the area. 2 kg one one of the most powerful psychostimulants is mephedrone. law enforcement officers decided to identify the pawnbroker and set up an ambush. when trying to detain him, the dealer opened fire. for assistant district police officer sergei efimenko , the wounds were fatal. his colleague , commissioner grigory serov, was taken to the hospital in serious condition. an interception plan and a siren plan were announced in the area. the same one, by the way, was introduced in the moscow region after the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. the armed drug courier fled on a black yamaha motorcycle without license plates. joined the search for him almost the entire police force in the moscow region. and nearby regions, the identity of the alleged killer was quickly established, but
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he was detained only on the fourth day, dressed in a black jacket, in fact, this is the minimum data by which this person can be tracked there, the ministry of internal affairs now has at its disposal a lot of cameras on the roads, on buildings, his route was approximately established, buryakov was hiding in the tver forests, a motorcycle was also found here, covered with spruce branches, detained, for what? for suspicion you see on the same day vasily buryakov, under heavy security , was taken by helicopter to the moscow region for interrogation at the investigative committee, what was your goal to take the powder there, the employees were from countries, according to some sources, buryakov planned to hide in finland, for this he wanted to get to the leningrad region, and then cross the border. now the motorcycle is in... the service parking lot of the investigative department in the city of shchelkovo, it is clear that it is quite dirty, even on the running board you can
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see the remains of grass, this indicates that they moved on it, including on off-road, and i note that nearby there is a tuned bronta niva, it also belongs to vasily buryakov, the car, as we see, is also quite dirty, some experts suggest that buryakov was not a small fry, a major distributor of drugs, he conducted all transactions through darknet. the so-called deep segment of the internet, a well-conspiracy, well- organized, criminal group of some kind in the upper hierarchy, which includes the luminaries of some kind of criminal, well, business itself. perhaps vasily turned on a crooked path due to problems with business, it is known that he worked with a visa agent, then opened an individual entrepreneur and did advertising, but often complained about small profits. the man’s ex-wife told reporters that he spent hours online and was interested in the it field and computer games. according to
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natalia molkova, vasily was always a prudent and cold-blooded person, and after the divorce he pursued her for a long time. some animal was crossing the road, there was a dog, a cat, he was still pressing on the gas to deliberately knock him down, a large weight with due to some kind of limited health, he directly insulted me, he came home from work, he immediately turned to the computer until 40 in the morning. judging by the footage taken during the searches... of ecstasy, security forces found firearms and hundreds of rounds of ammunition. the first sample is a makarov pistol, which presumably could have been converted from a traumatic pistol to fire live ammunition. the second type of weapon is a kalashnikov assault rifle, ak-74. neither neighbors nor relatives knew about buryakov’s double life. i've been trying lately he never says anything, his room is not to meddle in his grandson’s affairs again, he
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is separate from me, i did not go into his room. together with us, for the first time in many years, the old woman entered the lair of the murderer with unconcealed sadness in her eyes and sat down on the edge of the bed. she still can't believe that she raised a monster. valentina andreevna could not stay here for long and almost immediately left the room. vasily led. closed lifestyle, he had no friends, not even girlfriends from pets, the cat was a parrot. buryakov he collected an impressive library, loved books about warriors in foreign countries, and always carried them with him. lermontov's nursery, among other things, there are screwdrivers and nuts lying chaotically on the man's table, small jars with multi-colored liquid on the dressers, in a plastic bag on the balcony we found a suspicious brown powder, it is possible that this may be of interest to law enforcement. during interrogation, buryakov gave a confession to the investigator, fully admitting
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the charges against him. on friday buryakov had to return to his place crimes, he was brought to show him for inspection. with his hands and feet shackled, he went deep into the forest, showed how he shot at the police, there is no need to go further, meanwhile, relatives and colleagues said goodbye to senior police warrant officer sergei efimenko, he was a responsible officer, honest, disciplined, an example for all of us, sergei efimenko has two daughters left, one of them serves in the same police department; the ministry of internal affairs promised to provide the family with all the necessary assistance. maria bukata, alexey kashlakov, alexey gorshkov and vladimir nikolaev, on duty.
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i have a big family and children and grandchildren, i am of course proud that they will see this house where dad lived on the second floor, his apartment has been preserved, we hope that one of the grandchildren will live there later, so well, you know , this is very important. the ceremony ended with the laying of flowers at the memorial to the hero of the soviet union. on the wave of an honest detective, journalist eduard petrov visits the charming irina volk. the topic of conversation is work in legal matters, interaction with security forces secrets of creating investigations. the official representative of the ministry of internal affairs of russia volk, the journalist herself started the newsjournal part in our program. now, in addition to his main
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job, he hosts his own program “you have the floor with irina volk” on the radio “police wave”. eduard, hello, i’m very glad to see you in the studio of the police wave, thank you very much for finding time in your busy schedule and coming to us today, thank you, yes, i don’t go, i don’t give interviews to anyone, i made an exception for the police wave, this will be honest well, here’s how journalists piece by piece recreate the picture of crimes and how they feel when they talk with maniacs, about all this in an interview with eduard petrov on tuesday, april 16 after 6 pm moscow time. arrest of the probable killer of a businessman in surgut. arsenali daudov was shot dead near the entrance right in front of his wife and daughter. to track down the entrepreneur, the murderer
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dressed in the overalls of a janitor. but who the customer turned out to be. only our program managed to meet. with him in the isolation ward from surgut, a report by olga zhurinkova. before interview surgut resident magomedova takes a long time to collect her thoughts and drinks a sedative. it's very difficult to talk. the killer who shot her husband arsenali daudov is still before her eyes. this happened near the entrance when the family was returning home after training their youngest daughter. i heard shots and turned around. i already saw how he finished shooting and ran away. at that time. the daughter ran away, her hands were covered in blood, she was crying, running to people, help, this is my dad, you are my dad, at the moment when the killer pulled the trigger, the businessman was holding his hand ten-year-old daughter, the bullets passed a few centimeters from the child, the girl is still very scared, my child saw this,
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you know, for me this is the worst thing, now she’s just sitting there, shaking, starting to cry, mom, he’s not coming back, mom , he was killed, but you are a doctor, you couldn’t save him, mom! the killer was not embarrassed by the fact that the courtyard of the residential building was clearly visible by cctv cameras; there were several of them around the entire perimeter; it was thanks to these videos that the potential criminals were detained in a short time. alleged killer abdul zakavov was detained in the neighboring city of patyahi; security forces blocked his car on the road. zakavs have already been convicted twice for... intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm and robbery. investigators scrupulously studied recordings from surveillance cameras and questioned more than thirty witnesses. they found out that the probable killer had been watching his victim for a long time. murder, he came to the house under the guise of a janitor; in these footage, he is wearing overalls with a sweeper in his hands, walking near the entrance, walking along the sidewalk, looking around. was established, including
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with the help of the public, employees of the federal security service and operational workers of the department of internal affairs, the place where he left the car was established ; traces of crimes were found on this car, including fingerprints, fingerprints, kinetic traces and, accordingly , cartridge cases. accordingly, later a place was established, a cache, so to speak, where he was, waiting, and preparing to commit crimes. the car was specially bought in another region shortly before the murder, it was even were not deregistered. investigators tracked the killer's entire route minute by minute. traces of his departure after the crime was committed, where the car arrived parked, where he arrived, i left it, then after the crime was committed he drove off, further advance was established using the safe city video camera. it was established that he followed the territory of the city, almost to the outskirts, where he abandoned the car, followed by the hostel. abdul zakavov lived in
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mini-hotel on the outskirts of surgut, here he threw the clothes in which he committed crimes and part of the evidence into a trash container. the cameras caught him. the same car that the probable killer was driving is now in a special parking lot. forensic experts carefully studied it, carried out the necessary examinations, and there were traces on the roof of the car, the glass. the registration number is covered in dirt; the probable criminals did this on purpose so that street surveillance cameras could not read it. in the courtroom during the election of a preventive measure for zakavo was having fun and pretending that he didn’t understand what kind of murder we were talking about. no, it's not murder. the security forces quickly found the likely mastermind of the daring crime; it turned out to be a local one.
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they had work matters, but i know that it seems like the husband said, he was deceived out of money, who? evgeny taranov deceived my husband. most likely, daudov received threats; a few days before the murder, someone slashed the tires of his car. the car was parked nearby somewhere. we managed to meet with the probable mastermind of the crime in the detention center, we they wanted to give the floor to evgeniy taranov, but instead of talking, he pulled the hood over his head and cowardly turned his back. i won’t talk to the teleporter, it ’s not clear why such a reaction? there is no reaction, it’s my right, i don’t want to kill a man in front of his wife’s little child. in general, you can imagine what kind of trauma the girl who saw all this is now experiencing. taranov tried to confuse the investigation and provide himself with an alibi; shortly before the murder, he left for another
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region and immediately returned to surgut. my the children were left, i was left without my husband, and his family was left like that, and what’s more, my husband was killed, their father is a murderer, i just don’t know how to rehabilitate a child, i know, i just have... now i don’t strength, you know, now i just, honestly, i have pain, mental pain, probably the criminals who dealt with the entrepreneur in front of the family face up to life imprisonment, the widow and daughter of arsanali daudov will still need a lot of time to recover, with them psychologists work. olga zhurenkova, victor bormin, alexander zarubov, denis novozhilov, pavel alekseev, lead: duty unit. anga maniac mikhail popkov reminded himself again this week. he confessed to three more murders. an honest detective reports this on the telegram channel with reference to a reliable source in
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law enforcement agencies. popkov has already been sentenced to two life sentences for the murder of 86 people. but apparently, in order not to serve his sentence in a colony, murderer periodically gives new confessions . an investigation begins and he is again transferred to a pre-trial detention center, where conditions naturally softer. besides. according to some reports, new information about his travels around primorsky confessions of the angarsk maniac will not be the last until investigators have almost no edge. in general, in russia there are now hundreds of prisoners like mikhail popkov, who are serving life sentences in a quarter of a century. by law, they have the right to parole, although the courts have not yet made a single decision in favor of the bloodthirsty. criminals, and who is generally entitled to the right to freedom, our colleagues from eduard’s investigation program found out petrova. the film “clinging to life” will continue
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to be broadcast legally on the tv channel. russia 24. that’s all for us, follow the legal news, even on weekends in telegram channels , post jorny happiness and honest detective. all episodes of our investigations are available on the “watch” platform. come stay on channel russia 24.
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the sky is checkered, most russian lifers dream of freedom, but will they ever be able to get there? hello! in the studio eduard petrov, dear, dear, wait a little longer, i loved, i love, and i will babble, that is, you killed the owners of the apartment, yes, yes, yes, we have blood on our hands, he jumped up, took a grenade, grabbed it, well, what can we hide, i was an ordinary russian bandit, such a person can be free, according to the law, yes, in principle, you have nowhere to go, lord, everyone is merciful, he forgives, there is no need to be afraid of you now, no, there is no need to be afraid of me, attention,
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if god wills it, we will get out of here, such a decision will be very difficult to make, different people, maniacs, pedophiles, serial killers, terrorists, they should not be subject to liberation. today in russia there are slightly less than 2 thousand people sentenced to life imprisonment, among them terrorist murderers, pedophiles and organized crime leaders. criminal communities, these nonhumans have the blood of innocent citizens on their hands; many of them were sentenced back in the early nineties, and the most severe was the death penalty. it was possible to avoid it thanks to the moratorium on capital punishment, which began to operate in our country back in ninety-six. then the death row prisoners were sent to colonies for life imprisonment
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freedom, and over time, more people began to join them...


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