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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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there is no need to be afraid of me, if god wills it, we will get out of here, such a decision will be very difficult to make, people are different, maniacs, pedophiles, serial killers, terrorists, they should not be subject to release, today in russia there are slightly less than 200 people sentenced to life imprisonment , among them are terrorists and murderers.
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the courts that consider requests from convicts for budo have not yet made a single decision in favor of the bloodthirsty killers, can in reality at least any of them, lifers, be released, as is being conducted time behind bars, repentant murderers, what they hope for, why they cling to life so much, we took up this case and conducted our investigation.
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it is clear that we have committed a crime, life cannot be turned back, people need to be given a chance, you can always find somewhere to go, as they say, if sbz help, i will be free, lord, i’m putting myself in your hands, i have such good friends, who would help me came out right now. right now you are helping him, but i haven’t been freed before, this is my first time, maybe it won’t be possible to create a family, at least one, someone will be released throughout russia, then there are already chances in our country. more than ten colonies in
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which those sentenced to life imprisonment are serving their endless sentences, abbreviated as pls, and such prisoners are called plesniks by the employees of the institutions. the film crew of our program visited all of these special institutions. it is rightfully considered the oldest. the so-called vologda nickel. it is located in the former kirillo-novozersky monastery on the island ognenny vologda region. the largest colony is the black dolphin. for 1,500 people, located in the city of sol-iletsk, in the orenburg region. the northernmost, unofficially called it. a polar owl above
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the arctic circle in the village of kharb in the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug, the most famous white swan in the perm region. the most modern snowflake in the khavarovsky region. black golden eagle colony. that in the sverdlovsk region, until recently, was considered the most strict, and two more institutions in mordovia, edinichka and torbeevsky central, they are called the most secret.
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all these places were shown for a reason, for many years we have been observing life in these colonies and seeing what changes are taking place there, no, the contingent, of course, remains the same, october 18, 1990, regional mortals. institutions have never held a smartphone in their hands, newly arrived criminals are familiar with all gadgets, but the bestial
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essence of both of them manifests itself regardless of the technological advancement of our world. since the late nineties, prison routines and life have changed significantly. then the camera for the convicts were a stone cage with concrete walls and a rusty washbasin, from which dirty, ice-cold water barely oozed. not all colonies had a toilet; often it was replaced by a hip with a lid. behind.
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beds, a table, a radio, a tv, the cells are quite decent, they have a neat modern toilet, constant hot water and even a container for boiled water, food and
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work are all provided, among the lifers there are pensioners, those who have reached old age, they while away their time in the cell , but the most important thing is in the other, in each colonies now... there are many such convicts who have served the coveted 25 years behind bars and are endlessly scribbling papers asking for parole. we were able to communicate with some of them. i kneel before them, i ask again and again.
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originally from the small town of chop, in transcarpathia, in the early nineties he and his brother came to moscow to work, started glazing balconies, along the way they looked for a richer apartment, and found one in a stalinist house on leninsky prospekt. that is, you killed the owners of the apartment, who was there, remember? a man, a woman, a man and a woman together, and honestly, they took some money from the apartment? nothing, didn't you take anything? why did they kill? we thought it would happen, but there was nothing there. after the massacre, the brothers worked for some time, and then fled home, but did not hide for long. in 1993 , employees of the moscow criminal
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investigation department came to the city of chop and detained a criminal couple, then there was a trial and a verdict. moscow city court? moscow city court, capital punishment, well, on a bottle. alexander sidey was not shot, he is one of the first to fall under the moratorium on the death penalty, he was sent to the mordovian. one, now the killer is not working, he has problems with
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his eyesight, he says that he has repented and dreams of freedom, however, where exactly will he go, if, of course, he lets go, he doesn’t understand, seddei’s wife has been living abroad for a long time, of course, he wants to of course, you want to be released to your family, what would you do now in freedom and how, where is your family now, currently in budapest. for almost three decades, the life of the murderer alexander sedey passes in this cell, and he certainly deserved it. it is unlikely that the murderer’s sincere repentance will help the relatives of the dead muscovites in any way. meanwhile, the convict shows us photographs of his wife, of course, observing all safety standards through a metal grill. here in hungary, this is a son, a wife. but your wife never came here to see you, no, no, no, no, you talk to her on the phone,
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yes, we communicated, we correspond, are you a stranger to her now or not, no, she loves, she’s waiting, all this has been going on for so many years , for how many years now, well, dear, dear, wait a little more, god willing, and we will meet again, we will still live, everything will be fine with us, i love you very, very much, i loved you, i love you and i will love you. it’s romantic and reverent, isn’t it, just remember that lamb sidey coldly and cynically dealt with a family of muscovites, the couple trusted him and let him into their house, oddly enough, but legally, this killer has the right, well, conditional release, early release, like this a person can be free, according to the law, yes, subject to compliance with everyone.
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our information: in april 2022 at territory of the republic of mordovia were serving their sentence 295.
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lawlessness, he was an active member of the tsobkov gang, which staged a bloody massacre in the village of kushchovskaya in november 2010, or eduard tageryanov, the leader of an organized criminal group from the embankment of chelny, the bandits traded in kidnappings and murders. another inhabitant of the torpeevsky central, an ongar maniac. mikhail popkov, he is called the most terrible person in the entire modern
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history of russia; popkov’s bloody record includes more than 80 proven murders. but this since we were specifically interested in those who had already served 25 years behind bars, there are several of them here.
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the prisoner was killed, they just let me go as a steam locomotive, that is, well, probably, i don’t need to explain to you what a steam locomotive is, in the uniform behind which the train is following? yes, it’s just that at that time i ended up in a cell with a long sentence of 15 years, firstly, secondly , there was already one murder, so, it was easier for someone, that’s all, i didn’t dirty my hands in that region, velensky speaks calmly, weighs every word, he works diligently in production, sews. hoods for jackets, it’s clear that you haven’t lost hope of someday being free, you want freedom, i hope for it, what are you doing for this? i work, i work on myself, and i correct the sins of the past as best i can. hypothetically, if you are
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free now, will you find some place in life? you know, i think so. expected to life imprisonment, vitaly velensky said that he has his own apartment in the city of tikhvin, in the leningrad region, which is allegedly being looked after distant relatives, but judging by the documents, all his relatives have died long ago, there is no one to help, and objectively speaking, it will be almost impossible for him to settle down in freedom, and what color is bitcoin, who is bitcoin, who is this? what is it? this is a new digital currency.
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eldest, let’s go, many lifers of the torbeyevsky central are serving sentences for a whole series of murders. committed 20-30 years ago. vladimir tsyp, a bandit from the nineties, ended up in vk-6 for the murder of eight people, six men and two women. moreover, in his with a track record of rape of minors, as well as theft,
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this beast operated in ryazan and odessa. for you - to imagine that such a murderer as vladimir tsyp could someday be among us, ride the bus, go to the store, walk along the streets, but the tsyp does not lose ghostly hope and at any opportunity says that he has believed in god , and he lives , they say, only according to god’s rules, his lamentations
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don’t look sincere, i won’t drink either, not even beer, i’m already drunk, i’m done here. so if god gives me freedom, then first of all, for me, the commandments of god, then the law. why didn’t you think about god in the ninety-first, ninety-second year, i can answer this, you know how, there were two crucified thieves on one side of christ, they thought about it before, and one thought about it when he was already crucified, already on the cross, he’s already done everything, he’s already crucified, he’s already done nothing.” with a clergyman who often visits the mordovian colonies, the condemned, of course, those who really believe, tell father john about the most
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secret things. every person has a chance to forgiveness, firstly, so i think that the position of the church on this matter is also, so to speak, why not forgive a person if he has brought sincere repentance, that is - after all, after so many years, i think a person could change for the better, the lord is all merciful, he forgives, the lord absolutely loves everyone, and he is waiting for us all absolutely, that's why we must we are like the prodigal children, which you remember the wonderful story that when the father met the prodigal son, he accepted the hug, so the lord is like the prodigal children are waiting for us and to accept your hugs. you can find tires conveniently and quickly; you can search by car brand. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest
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again work and so on until the evening, shifts of 7 hours, 6 days a week, and another walk, here, concrete walls and a lattice sky, but from here you can look at the birds flying over the colony, this is an ordinary exercise yard, five steps long, three steps wide and a double metal... grate, and of course a video camera, yes, of course, this is an exercise yard, a convict who is being held under strict conditions of serving punishment, they are allowed to walk every day for an hour and a half, who are kept under the usual conditions of serving the sentence , are allowed to walk for 2 hours every day, this exercise yard, as you noticed, is equipped with video cameras for constant supervision of the convicted by the administration, here the convicted during the walk they can smoke and the exercise yard
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is equipped with a horizontal bar, condemned with... accordingly they can exercise during the walk. a sewing workshop for lifers is not only a way earn money, but an opportunity to pass the time. it drags on here endlessly, each convict is under constant control. video cameras are installed in all premises of the institution, in living cells, in working cells, in exercise yards, and the duty officer vigilantly monitors criminals day and night. those living cells where convicts are kept and working cells where convicts work, respectively, are equipped with video surveillance and, accordingly, a convict held for life imprisonment is under constant control from administration of the institution. there is no secret corner in the cell where the convict
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can do something, anything. the criminal lived in the moscow region, ramenskoye in kislovodsk. well, what to hide,
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i was an ordinary russian bandit, this was my life, yes, an ordinary russian bandit, who are you by profession, an ordinary, ordinary russian bandit, who are you by profession, by profession, i studied once, but i don’t , i first studied at a trade technical school in nalchik, then i left this technical school from the army, when i came to finish my studies, i entered the army. became to finish my studies, there’s something i didn’t like there, there’s a university nearby, it seemed to me that the students at the technical school there were looked at as second-rate, i said, i won’t study anymore, somewhere you want, in general, i ended up at the university, at the faculty of economics , but i also left him, my life was already a little different, girls, wine, weed, music, crazy money. these
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things always need money, without it it won’t work. the convict understands that with such a past, udo most likely does not shine, and he no longer hides his atrocities. am i right i understand that, according to the old code, you have 102, 146, ninety-one, i understand correctly that 146 is robbery, yes, ninety-one is state robbery, 102 is 102, and after reading the verdict, i saw what was there. four women and two men, yes, whom you once killed, well, it was a thing, you admit it, it was a thing, i generally fully admit to my criminal offenses from the very first day, almost like when i was arrested, pensioner- life sentence, alexander zubarev, even while behind bars, time i didn’t waste it in vain, back in 2007 i met a woman through a newspaper, soon got married,
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now i’m experiencing letters... from my beloved wife and


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