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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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made the first attempt at a breakthrough, sent mine-clearing vehicles there, brought up heavy equipment, and it turns out that the positions were already prepared, and there we had a mixed, mixed post, there were border guards and my units were stationed there, who had pure superiority, the family members, armed forces of ukraine, but this did not help them.
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to visit, they have already come several times, brought gifts from military families, it’s nice, they help with building materials, they never come empty-handed, but it’s not good, somehow with empty-handed, well, in any case, it’s nice , even if they come to visit and chat, it’s already nice, you have an interesting catacomb here, by and large a significant number of people can live here. hide the enemy
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will not understand what forces are opposing him, the guys are all mobilized, yes, all 100%, having personally mobilized with us, all the military personnel are thirsty, but for now, for now, now we have such a situation that we have only gained combat experience one battalion, we’ve been preparing for a year, now it’s very serious, but where are you before that? served, you’re a regular, well... i then quit, now after mobilization again, that is, the priserdikovs left, yes, yes, how far they rose, to the rank of regiment commander, but that is, yes, i served in the second division of the fifteenth motorized infantry the regiment, that is , it returned as if it had never left, it came in, yes, again with the fifteenth regiment, then the commander said, we need to work in another direction, they were also transferred here to the position of deputy regiment commander, how did it all go, the most important thing? everything's cool, common sense, how
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the battle went, from where it was, what's wrong they attacked in several places in turn, that is, they probed certain areas where there was weakness, well, they coped with everything everywhere, so the commander is sitting fifth, directly too, first they began to probe the first squadron, then the second squadron, so i want to say separately for it. .. and the platoon commander, the first platoon, the guys stood until the last, then in the end the platoon commander destroyed such a radio station with a shot, tore the secret card, caused fire on himself, so i thought that’s it, yes, yes, what is the fate of the guy, he died , introduced, yes, the hero, yes, so exactly, what was your name? paromanovich, i’m also
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saying, i want to say about davidov, the squad commander, he himself stayed, died, but allowed him to leave, get out of, well, out of the battle, like a squad, that is, onzhalda, yes, also the second plant, the guys stood until the last, we carried out an air sweep, cut off the infantry and the enemy with drops, the drops were carried out. f1 grenade, vok 25, log-17, they also burned down an airdeck tank, they hit it right in the hatch, the grenade exploded there, then what happened until then, yes, in the future it was yes, they adjusted the artillery, identified points, well that is, i mainly worked with birds, observation, yes, mostly we had observations, well, there was something to work with, we lost a lot of birds, well, we’ll replace it, now in a few days they should
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bring it in, replenish it, while we still have the stock, that is, work at the moment there is something to do with it, well, by the way, we have an rdk tank. this is from this tank that was taken out, captured, they are blasovites, what erdekashniks they are, just complete creatures, they have the impression that they were all walking on drugs, and along the same path, like a bus, the first two days shoulder to shoulder, on the third day they only distance between each other they increased it, they still went out along one path like that, there is another problem, you get into it, it continues to go, there is this one, there is this one, that one... yes, yes, that is , directly, that’s why i say, they went down the same path, well, tactically it’s generally illiterate, they seem to be experts, but at least they acted without fear, they didn’t have any fear at all, maybe they thought that there was no one, or they
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just wanted to take over well, like on khorapan, like the guys are standing there unfired, but now let's go, everyone will be scared, well, looking at you, i think they were very mistaken. well, i started, yes, i graduated in 1993, but my hands are still full, yes, i remembered, don’t be afraid, there were still colleagues, to be honest, i only knew about co-service yesterday, that’s just by chance, but i haven’t met him yet,
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where are they - near kupyansk, volovya, the same problem, hello, are you the oldest in age? yes, yes, how do young people behave? ok, ok, they obey, that’s right, well, we worked, yes, we’ll do some more work, it was a bit hard, there was a lot of work, there’s enough work, well, when they climbed, when they climbed, we moved out there right away, basically i’m rolling with the gun. how long did the artillery have to stand for days the monthly norm oh i don’t know more, probably that is , they didn’t have time to clean the barrel everything then everything then there was time to prepare to clean everything as the shooting showed, that’s okay, then it cleans everything
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, well, yes, yes, now, as i understand it, it was the first combat use of the guys, yes, combat use , yes, are you happy? well, right? already drawn in, but still, well, it’s purely physically difficult, well, physically, well, 102 this mother is not a mountain, well, a 30 kg shell, from 3 tones, he dragged it, well, still running, still very quickly, well done, when there was an extreme
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roll, such a main one, the third was, as it were... they are small they managed to drop in in numbers, well, get closer, the point is that when they moved out, they tried to turn around, the tank inflicted direct fire on the platoon strong point, they could only do it on foot there along the road under the rolled covering, on the flanks there were machine gunners and grenade launchers, grenade launchers cut off armored vehicle, and the machine gunners did not allow them to turn around in the chain and they had to walk with this narrow throat when they approached, that is, it turns out you... drove the crater like that, just like that, it turned out, they got closer, then we reinforced they didn’t allow him to approach and seemed to be cutting him off constantly, constantly, as if it had already been done , as if from the observation post, that we had made contact, offered them to surrender, because you didn’t let them get out, they wouldn’t have been able to get out, they raised our hands
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so we can crawl out now, we started movement in our direction at that moment the so-called baba yoke flew in, so she dropped three mines on them and the sergeant i have there when they destroy their own, these well , let's say opponents, they are still lying there , as if, that is, they laid them down . that ’s right, when it all started - a command came from the self-platoon commander to take an advantageous position with the rp, well, i had experience before, as it were, that is, i served at the earliest, there were business trips in the northern caucasus, we took an advantageous position, that is, in mostly worked with rpgs, with the so-called bumblebee, they seemed to be working, well, first of all... they were trying to hit them, but the enemy’s armored vehicles themselves, which seemed to have gone wrong, when it all started at
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the command of the platoon commander, he moved into position, began to practice on the equipment , then moved to another position, at the command of the zboda commanders, practiced with a grenade launcher, and you moved with something, that is, you set up something for yourself there; you already had preparations, the positions were prepared, you already had everything there. how many positions did you make? i have two positions, the first second day, roughly speaking, there, per platoon, they tried on about twenty entries, only until the factory, that is, they did not give there, due to the movement of competent grenade launchers and machine gunners, they are still, as it were, until the end of the battle they didn’t figure out the fire system, didn’t understand where the defeat was coming from, who set up the fire system, who organized it, they had to improvise on the spot, based on the enemy’s attacks, heroic guys, what about the awards? 100% of the personal rate awarded, this the count included units that
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assisted me, that came to reinforce me, you were local boys, there were no locals, we tried to take those that were in the second echelon, that is, to drag ourselves in, because again we didn’t know , as i already said initially, where else can this city break through, of course. have already started, well, i talked to the guys, they
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say that they were equipped right from the start, yes, that is, really elite units are here, all ironed, all beautiful, neat there were no snotty ones, everyone was like what they fought with, what weapons they used, they didn’t leave me a trophy as such, well , i have the a16 cartridges, there’s a lot of cartridges left from them. in your area of ​​​​responsibility, where the hottest, hottest place was, well , this is most likely podarushino, that is, where here from podarushino and to the north of it 4 km, where there i call, so to speak , the strip where there is trapezoid, here are two sections, now... you can’t see anything at all, it’s simply surprising, but it turns out that they are bodies
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after all, they tried to take theirs, yes, they tried to evacuate all the damaged equipment, they are very nervous about it, and they made many attempts regarding the evacuation, they tried to take the bodies, how do you assess their losses, their losses. let’s say individually, i’ve already lost count, well , what is said in the general news is about 200 people, this is only in terms of enemy manpower, well, about up to 15 units of equipment, this is only you, in your area of ​​​​responsibility, one helicopter, but who is the helicopter shot down, crew, yes batteries, rejoiced. like children, yes at first it was not clear, then it even became clear that there they were also
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transporting a special forces group on this helicopter, officers, and there were only officers, then one could be doubly happy, otherwise they would have spent so much more time wandering through the forests, of course, but what are they they flew so brazenly into the open, or it was in the twilight, i don’t know, maybe they wanted to take it on a whim, and this is near the settlement of podaryushino, which is. this point, where the enemy tried to break through to occupy it so that provocations could be carried out here and disrupt the presidential elections russian federation, shout all this to the whole world that he has entered the territory of the russian federation, and then the ensuing consequences, the outskirts of the populated
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area itself, this is already the city of the russian federation, that is, it turns out to be several hundred meters. yes, about 100 meters directly, that is, our border is straight to the right, it’s straight along the road, that is, we are right at the border, yes, we are now moving towards the border, the enemy is where the enemy is ahead, how many meters away, well, maybe 500 meters to go to it, at i’m very happy that there is no war, but the birds are singing, silence, spring, and a couple of days ago... there was peace here, well, for a week now, probably, yes, well, yes, look, the monument was not touched, no artillery hit it, the monument is well maintained, well done, now we will update everything by may 9th, of course, we will restore the wiring, clean it, and there is still a lot, a lot of work to do in may.
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how deep have they dug in on their side of the border? let's just say that they initially had some kind of structures there even before the war, that is, they are border guards on their own, that our border guards dug in, that their border guards were digging in, now they are just improving, and improvement is going on on such a scale that they even observed somewhere that they are transporting concrete there by trucks, pouring it somewhere, building something like that. that is, they are now strengthening their defense, the efforts will be in the depths or right here, in the depths, they are not coming close, look, there are cars, and accordingly, not everything is abandoned here, here it is completely residential, no one has even visited from here , now the cultivation of the land is in full swing,
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so the administration is also constantly working together, how is it? snipers are working or in such terrain there is no particular point in such a situation, there is not much for the first time after the lull they worked, they tried to work, they also worked with portillery, most
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likely, or they have already lost interest in this event. or accordingly, something went wrong for them, on our side there is a snapper, on our side too, the guys are happy, yes, they are working, well, tell me what you have there, 8 338, will you light it?
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so tell me what they gave you, what you asked for, what you are pleased with, what... you are dissatisfied with, yes, his completely in this form and they gave it, yeah, who adjusted it, ministry of defense, ministry of defense, okay, and tell me what kind of work it was, it was hard, it was hard, with whom, it was hard not to sleep, it’s not to sleep, for the first four days we didn’t sleep in general, who was opposite, with whom they butted heads, who, on the contrary, was with... all the most elite units of ukraine, mtr, gur, azov, ichkeria, krakin, krakin are romanian mercenaries, that is, we when i say.
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then they, well, roughly speaking, walk through positions there without harrowing, then who are the most stubborn, well, of course not specifically, that is, some special forces , well, also ukrainians, of course, of course, that is , foreigners are less stubborn or you can’t scan for money, they howl, but ukraine probably still has some of its own, too, there are internal ones, listen , we are fighting with our mirror, so it’s hard. so foreigners, on this task we directly heard foreign voices, that is, what nicolas said there, nicolas there nicolas, that is, we assumed that these were polish mercenaries, and then later, that is, we were there from gopro cameras - and there about information i realized that they were romanians, rums, yes, that is, rums, that is, they have already forgotten here, but what they need is not clear, yeah, they call you when it’s really hard, right? well , let’s call it this way, that is, when the infantry already feels that, well, it turned out like this, that our work was there, took place in this area
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, and well, you worked then on the drg basically, yes, then the task was search actions and that ’s all it happened, that is, you came in and saw yes, well, here art, the most powerful preparation began, they had the most powerful, for an hour and a half they the clock struck one and a half hours. barrel artillery, a helicopter, everything hit, mortars, cheeks, drones, at the same time, everything, and where were you at that moment, at the observation post, that is, right above you, yes, it hit me right, that is, it turns out, you gave it to the guys a tip where everything was coming from, yes, then our operators took off and further, they punished everyone, yes, they saw the column, worked with their eyes, well , with a drone, i mean, well, that is, well, we worked together, how long it was, no, no, no, here i am standing.
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was anyone in the series? yes, but siri now seems to be a testing ground, of course, yes, with that that helicopters were flying, aviation was working, that is, well, there were no problems there at all, but here now, well, in 2 years, everything has changed, that is , well, in general, the situation is very difficult, you and f, that we are trying to work as well, how long can you fly? you can already, now it’s less, but you can fly up to 8 km. well, you ’ve learned to do something against their fish, that is, you reflash it or they just set it up for you , no, firmware, that is, there and we fly, well
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, you’re the commander, i’m the commander, and your rank, you have medals on your chest, but not really, but there are more, yes that’s right, the guys give everything, everyone who has a guard, that is, all the awards are well-deserved. yes, that’s not the right word, listen, in general it’s nice to look at the boys, they’re just handsome, thank you, but no, well, right away, you know, you can immediately see in the eyes what the ideal age of a special forces soldier is, well, with rare exceptions, we won’t take him, he’s already been tested became a real man, and so i ’ll probably call 25 from 25 above, well, that is , too 25-35, but here’s 25-35, the carrier is 34, now well... he’s already suitable, when will he be 35, so i, well, he still running, 45, for some are 45, yes, for him it’s 45, so it’s not possible, that’s why, well, the main thing is that the age is already 25, so that this is already more
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conscious. there were no thoughts there that he had come, this is not a film, yes, that is, this is no longer like a war game, this is already such a man’s work. modern technologies, confidence in sustainable operation, reliability and energy efficiency, flexibility for use in any industry, new quality for yours.
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success: transneft - oil pumps. i've been waiting for you forever. i was in such a hurry to meet with you. finally she came. spring. warm, sunny, bright. the russian exhibition blossomed with all its colors. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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