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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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i’m ready to work that these are not just guys sitting at home, doing nothing, they are doing something, doing something very good. after the seizure by iran of a commercial ship associated with israel, the authorities of the jewish state are demanding recognition of the islamic revolutionary guard corps as a terrorist organization. the idf is preparing for tehran's possible response to israel's recent shelling of the iranian consulate in damascus. alexander belibov and sergey poshkov about the situation. the military transport mi-17 of the iranian islamic revolutionary guard corps is hovering over a container ship and is already after a few seconds, the special forces officer finds himself on the deck and takes control of the ship. this is how this morning a ship was captured in the armu strait, en route from the united arab emirates to india, and although the ship was sailing under the portuguese flag, it belongs to the company of israeli billionaire iyal ofer, and this fact puts everything in its place. iran is escalating the situation and forcing israel.
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nervous in anticipation of a full-scale response from tehran for the attack on the consulate in damascus. in a new video from the guardian corps, one of iranian missile bases. in the frame there are well -fortified underground storage facilities, where dozens of ballistic missiles are waiting in the wings. and this time, apparently, will come soon. this is evidenced not only by the launch footage with which the video ends, but also by other signs, for example, the active movement of units of the ksr aerospace forces within the country. photo transfers of arman anti-aircraft missile systems confirm fresh data from american intelligence. the us watched as iran moved military assets within the country, including drones and cruise missiles, signaling that it is preparing to attack israeli targets from its territory. one source said the us observed iran preparing about 100 cruise missiles. the united states has already announced that it will help israel shoot down iranian missiles when they fly away. its cities, in
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the meantime, there is an unprecedented psychological onslaught towards israel, not only from iran, but generally from the entire so-called axis of resistance, anti-israeli forces in the region and various groups are threatening disruption to israel, the poster of the al-qassam brigades of hamas’s military wing brought together all israeli fears of recent times, here are yemeni rockets that sink merchant ships, and palestinian fighters on motorcycles and paragliders, the attack on israel on october 7 last year looked exactly like this, operators of portable hezbollah missile systems that burn merkov tanks. frightening propaganda videos, one after another, are now being churned out by many pro-iranian resources, and this is nothing more than a conscious, psychological and information operation, which, according to statement by the iranian leadership has already achieved its goal. israel has been in complete panic and combat readiness for a week now. they stopped the military attack on rafah and don't know what iran wants to do, that's why. panic gripped their allies. this
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psychological, media and political war is worse for them than the war itself, because they are waiting for an attack every night, and many of them have fled and taken refuge in shelters. and yet, this is the case when the matter will not be limited to threats. for tehran it is now extremely important to give precisely proportional response to the israeli attack, in order to once and for all discourage its opponents from such actions and make it clear that iran is the power in the region. a military conflict with iran is not an operation against hamas in the gaza strip. the islamic republic has aviation, a powerful, efficient fleet of modern drones, and hundreds of ballistic missiles. we are ready for defense, both on the ground and in the air. we work closely with neighbors and friends to prevent harm to israel. we will
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know how to answer. israeli defense minister is in direct contact with general michael eric kuryla, head of the us central command. the allies promise to cover israel in the event of an air attack from iran. in a nervous environment, awaiting a strike, a powerful volley of hezbollah militants into the galilee regions could seem like the beginning of an iranian attack. about forty rockets were fired into israeli territory on friday evening. bulls of the lebanese shiite group, from this picturesque israeli kibbutz to lebanese territory is just over 100 m, therefore, the flight time of mortar shells or earth-class missiles fired at israel by hezbollah militants is no more than 5 seconds, and often there is an explosion first, only then we hear air raid signals, in response, sahal hit hezbollah launch pads and bases.
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we always stand in formation and are ready for further orders. there was no aggravation of the situation on the northern border, the announced response of iran, just like the seizure by the islamic revolutionary guard corps of a cargo ship in the strait of armus, despite the sabbath, head israeli foreign ministry israel-katz reacted quickly and harshly. the regime of ayatala and khaminiya is a criminal regime that supports the crime of hamas and is now conducting a pirate operation in violation of international law. “i call on the european union and the entire free world to immediately declare the iranian islamic revolutionary guard corps a terrorist organization and immediately impose sanctions against iran. obviously , israeli intelligence and the government have information that allows them not to immediately introduce strict security measures in
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to the rear. however, army representatives advise fellow citizens not to relax and remain vigilant. israel is on high alert. companies began to cancel flights over the country. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, news from israel. the more
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the highest precision, down to the millimeter, sklif doctors perform this operation on the spine using a neurosurgical microscope, where human capabilities are limited, a smart machine allows you to see everything down to the smallest fragments, the condition tissues, large vessels, localization of pathology, so the neurosurgeon performs decompression of the nerve structures under a microscope. vascular and degenerative diseases , the gadget is indispensable in the treatment of tumors, brain and spine, allowing the surgeon to choose the most optimal and, most importantly , safe tactics of surgical intervention. a microscope makes it possible to make a neat small incision, which means...
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the level of surgical care provided to muscovites on the basis of the best medical institutions in the city is the result of a comprehensive
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work since 2021, as part of the national healthcare project, moscow is implementing the largest program in history to modernize the entire medical infrastructure. we pay special attention to the re-equipment of the surgical service, because the operating room is the heart of the hospital, and the success of surgery is the fusion of talent and experience of the surgeon. the work of his team is coordinated and the equipment that doctors have at their disposal. the current wave of re-equipping operating rooms is the second in the last 10 years, the first took place in 2011-2013, but since then many medical technologies have leapt forward, and today hospitals receive the latest generation equipment. re-equipment of moscow's surgical service means not only the latest innovative devices, but also specialized operating rooms. in the four flagship centers of the largest city
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hospitals in moscow, as well as in the loginov clinical research center, hybrid operating rooms have appeared, allowing different types of surgical interventions to be performed simultaneously. particular importance was attached to the opening of two hybrid operating rooms, in of which several teams can work simultaneously, providing endovascular, radiological, and endosco services simultaneously. the opening of the emergency care complex and especially the new surgical operating rooms made it possible to significantly improve the quality of treatment for patients and their time in hospital, especially in emergency conditions, for which the emergency care complex itself was created. increasingly, patients in capital hospitals are receiving minimally invasive surgical treatment instead of classical abdominal operations. the share of such interventions already reaches 80. percent of the total volume. from 2021 to 2023, moscow hospitals received 400 units
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of such equipment, including 324 endoscopic stands. now the capabilities of endoscopy allow the use of an ultra-thin endoscope called spyglass. it allows you to enter the pancreatic duct, see this stone with your eyes and crush it using modern lithotripsy technologies and. color shadows, and also make it possible to adjust the lighting geometry for each specific operation. about a thousand surgical interventions per year allow to conduct a modern cath lab in the capital's hospital number 31 named after academician
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soveleva. equipment that allows you to perform any volume of endoscopy. using a disposable ultra-thin endoscope capable of penetrating the ductal systems of the liver and pancreas, the patient will undergo the most modern examination - cholangioscopy. thanks to modern equipment, which we fortunately have, our clinic has, we were able to get a more detailed, more accurate understanding of
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the nature of the pathology, the nature of the problem in of this patient, take, obtain material for subsequent microscopic examination. in the hope of obtaining a final diagnosis and , accordingly, making the only correct tactical decision on further tracing. the new diagnostic and treatment building of the loginovo moscow clinical research center received its first patients last summer. one of the largest healthcare projects in the capital is equipped with sixteen hybrid operating rooms and two integrated ones. integrated operating rooms are operating rooms with... laparoscopic equipment, which is interconnected, between the insufflator, the light, all the monitors, monitors on the wall, all this is combined into a computer, which , in addition to everything else, records all operations, so that later it can either be broadcast or analyzed; laparoscopic operations are not always
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faster and easier for the surgeon, but definitely preferable for the patient. the injury is minimal, as is the rehabilitation period. increasingly, laparoscopy is used not only for planned treatment, but in case of emergency operations, during removal of the gallbladder, acute appendicitis, hernias, as well as for prompt diagnosis of abdominal organs . at the loginov clinical center , virtuoso surgeons use laparoscopy to perform complex complex operations on cancer patients. and performs an operation during which partially or completely. the duration of this operation can exceed 6 hours, three surgeons, two assistants, anesthetists and nurses. endoscopes with 4k and 3d visualization function allow you to obtain three-dimensional images and visualize
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details inaccessible to the human eye. in addition to innovative technologies, an important role in carrying out this most complex surgical procedure. the procedure is also played by a modular operating table, which allows you to adjust the height and angle of inclination, without such a surgical table it is difficult to perform an operation, especially if you use such invasive approaches, because during the operation we change the inclination of this table, this allows us to feel more freely yourself in different areas, well, those where necessary perform manipulations. surgical. the loginov center has a modern robot assistant, dovinci, in its arsenal. after the city’s recent purchase of three new machines, there are now seven such smart systems in moscow. every year , thousands of operations using robotic technology are performed in the capital. only here in the loginovsky center , modern operating rooms equipped with all the necessary
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equipment have made it possible to double the number of operations performed, including unique ones. well, our hospital today is the only one in the structure department of health of moscow, a large oncology center with a full-fledged cardiac surgery and a full-fledged vascular department, this allows us, within one center, to help patients who have a combination of cardiovascular pathology, some kind of oncological problem, we perform operations either in combination, that is, together with an oncologist... we immediately remove the tumor and operate on the heart, or the operations are performed in stages. every year, surgeons perform more than 2,500 operations within these walls, urology clinic botkin hospital is one of the strongest, not only in the capital, in the whole country. most interventions are carried out with the least trauma for patients, using laparoscopy and robotic surgical
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systems. the first robot appeared here back in 2008. since then, doctors have accumulated enormous experience in conducting such innovative operations. the equipment that today allows, you see, with minimal invasion, to get rid of this one. bring back normal life, restore all functions, this is new medicine, new medicine, aimed at a person. it is modern equipment that helps cure a patient from urological cancer in just 20 minutes within one operation. as part of a large-scale modernization project at the botkin hospital, a flagship hospital was opened along with the urological department. the center has nine state-of-the-art operating rooms that make it possible to urgently provide the necessary assistance to severely ill patients; a special pride is the operating room, equipped with an angiographic
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robotic complex, it allows you to simultaneously perform a cat and identify the localization of internal bleeding, stop it immediately without resorting to incisions. a patient was admitted urgently with a severe combined injury, bone fractures, ruptures of internal organs, flow, thanks to the technologies that are collected here, this operating room is unique, such operating rooms in the world can be counted on the fingers of one hand, all the ultra-modern technologies are collected here, starting from the air conditioning system , air purification, ending with equipment. new equipment helps the capital’s doctors not only save patients with emergency life-threatening conditions, but also treat planned patients. thus, the most important component of the moscow surgical service are short-stay hospitals, where after surgery the patient can be discharged home in the evening. 40% of all planned operations are already
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carried out on the basis of such departments. for comparison, in 2019 their share was only 7.5%. moscow's main goal is to make modern medical technologies accessible to every patient, no matter what problem he was forced to turn to doctors, the capital plans to purchase another 480 pieces of equipment for operating rooms in the current year 2024, because each new generation of devices guarantees greater efficiency and safety, the key thing being that it increases the chances of a full recovery. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit in gazprom bank of up to 16.5% per annum,
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watch in the application or on the website, people died , two are listed as missing, five were rescued from the rubble. this is a consequence of a strike by ukrainian militants on peaceful city of takmag, zaporozhye region. our colleague evgeniy trachuk reports from the scene. for almost a day now, in this chest of concrete slabs, emergency situations ministry employees have continued search work, carefully studying every centimeter. all that remains is of the two-story house.


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