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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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look, look in the app or on the website. 11 people were killed, two are listed as missing, five were rescued from the rubble. this is a consequence of an attack by ukrainian militants on the peaceful town of takmag, zaporozhye region. our colleague evgeny trachuk reports from the scene. for almost a day now, in this chest of concrete slabs, emergency situations ministry employees have continued search work, carefully studying every centimeter. all that remains is of the two-story house. half, the building collapsed in an
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instant, these are the consequences of a monstrous attack militants of the kiev regime, they are firing at random, this is the second one, you see the garage, it was back in that year, this year it was very scary like that, the ukrainian militants delivered a massive blow on friday evening, they targeted civilians, in the frontline in takmak, four apartments were destroyed. their houses, somewhere there was no whole floor, many did not even have time to escape, they died, in one family two people and their mother died. there are still people under the rubble. operational services of the zaporozhye region continue to clear the rubble destroyed after yesterday's attack in ukrainian armed forces, measured residents of the city of takmak. when attacking takmak, militants of the kiev regime used nato weapons with destructive elements, as evidenced by fragments from scattered rockets.
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the russian army repelled 13 attacks and liberated the pervomayskoe militant point. in orenburg, over 300 houses and about 800 household plots were flooded. more than 188 million rubles have already been paid to those affected by the flood. about the situation margarita semenyuk.
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there was a lot of water leaking into the house, the basement collapsed, and there was already water on the first floors. a serious struggle against the elements is unfolding on cherepanov street. people are trying their best to protect their residential complex on the embankment and contain the flow of water. the situation is the same in the dubki complex area. special transport was prepared for people so that they could get into the apartments for a while. due to the fact that uralskaya street was flooded and it was impossible to get into the dubki residential complex, the administration turned to the heads of enterprises, who always cooperate with the administration of the city of orenburg for allocation. off-road vehicles,
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which can transport residents, and here a ferry to the residential complex has been organized, so to speak, on the spur of the moment, where residents can go, both check... their pets, and, if necessary, take the necessary things and return back. the influx of water stopped for 4 hours, it seemed that the peak had passed, but the level began to rise again in the evening, the figure was already 11 m 87 cm, all residents of microdistricts, settlements and snt that were affected were evacuated. in total, over 13,000 people were rescued in the region, most of them from snt, who were in the floodplain of the urals are located, they were evacuated, but only a few people remained. who remained there, this is our zarechny microdistrict, the village of kuznechny, there is also the village of solnechny, it is partially flooded, but people are trying to leave these houses, the private sector, on their own. and even those residents who deliberately remain in their houses under the control of rescuers. during these days, water entered 800 houses in orenburg and
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the orenburg region. the most persistent boat owners are given essentials. we are sailing to my friend, i brought it to him. pump i want to deliver, he saves his house a little, it floods, but he has one generator working, so it pumps out and more or less saves part of the house, it doesn’t rise, so i asked to bring the second one, i bring him a gasoline pump. in some places , the flows of the urals become stronger, it is more difficult to stay on the water, the danger is that you cannot see which road is under your feet, but the necessary things were delivered to the recipient quickly. i will save my house a little. to save, what else is possible, that’s why you didn’t leave, i’m protecting, i’m trying to save, and then water is already possible, yes water there are already, now more than 300 houses and about 800 household plots are flooded in orenburg, the urals are taking over more and more territories,
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the ural dangu street has been flooded, it’s impossible to drive a passenger car there in the coming days. margarita semenyuk, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, lead orenburg. strong! a hailstorm caused flooding in kabbardino-balkaria, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, rescuers are pumping out water, eliminating the consequences, and all operational services have switched to enhanced mode. iranian special forces landed from helicopters on board a container ship in strait of armus. the ship is owned by an israeli businessman and has 25 crew members on board. it is reported that the container ship has now been sent to the coast of iran by the jewish authorities... they demanded that the islamic revolutionary guard corps be recognized as terrorists. relations between israel and iran sharply deteriorated after the idf, on april 1, attacked the iranian diplomatic mission in damascus. seven high-ranking ksir officers were killed. israel is preparing for a possible
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large-scale response from tehran to this attack. one of my friends decided to relax where no connection. and then he catches it? i can not do it anymore. where can one go from this connection? hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because megafon can pick up even here. megafon, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage and speed. you don’t need it like this, you need it like this, like this, of course, i understand, like this at the megamarket, suitcases are discounted up to 40%. at bigfest, a hamburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price. this
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night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. if you get up more than twice at night,
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the only problems left in the championship, ahem, are the best to order food from a restaurant, use yandex go, products from the store. already in combo for 469 rubles. what do we bring back from
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savito’s travels? a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. one of my friends has become very popular on social networks. the internet has ended, you are not on the megaphone yet, look, the megaphone gives unlimited access to social networks to everyone, both its own and new subscribers, drink marmalade, and the constant one also has unlimited video, connect mega powers and there will be a jaga, only in a megaphone.
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the center of moscow, the square in front of the russian state library, here is a monument to the great russian writer fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, among the western intelligentsia he is considered a prophet and not without reason. it was as if he foresaw that they would appear in the 20th century. a layer of people who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdnyakov. why we compared foreign agents with smerdnyakov, you will learn from our investigation. now watch and listen to the episode, the dialogue between pavel smerdyakov and maria kondratevna. is it possible? a russian peasant has a feeling against an educated person; due to
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his lack of education, he cannot have any feeling. ever since i was a child, whenever i heard something when i was little, i would have thrown myself against the wall. i hate all of russia, marik kandryvna. when you were a military cadet, an alegusarik, young, you wouldn’t talk like that, but would use a saber.
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even an evil empire needs to be able to build, this power will collapse, this whole thing has been tightening up for a long time, it will fade away, to be honest, i i don’t give a damn, i would say i don’t even give a damn what form russia will remain in. smertyakov, or today's foreign agents , gathered in berlin for their first congress.
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the five-star hotel pullmann, near the zoological gardens in berlin, is the city center. former prime minister of the russian federation mikhail kasyanov, former head of yukos, mikhail khodorkovsky, gallery owner marat gelman, and lawyer mark feigin gathered here. with his guards, former state duma deputy panomariov, wine merchant from london evgeny chuchevarkin and many, many others who escaped from russia recently. today is the birthday of all foreign agents; friday is the foreign agent's birthday. we are all real certified opponents of this government, enemies of this government. and in this context, they gave us such a nickname, traitors, foreign agents. we are not ashamed to look
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our loved ones in the eyes, although we have made their lives immeasurably difficult, complicated, terribly complicated. we are not ashamed to look in the mirror, by the way, thank you for taking into account the organizations when inviting you to the conference, taking into account the queer community, and i want to destroy some stupid things that exist in russia, we are for a european state integrated into the general process, for everything that this disgrace that is happening now in the country ended as quickly as possible. including thanks to our efforts. victory for ukraine, freedom for russia. some of the events are closed to the press; some guests who are wearing green stripes were asked by the organizers not to be photographed. they allegedly just arrived from russia and could suffer from the russian authorities. the motto of the event: a spark of rebellion from abroad. by
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according to the law, persons and organizations can be recognized as foreign agents in russia. distribution of materials and messages to an indefinite circle of people, as sm and bloggers do. our state is thus trying to protect itself from the alien influence
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of unfriendly countries. by the way, they were the first country to pass such a law. usa back in 1938, it was called the law on foreign agents. americans were afraid of the spread of the nazi ideology of fascist germany in the states. you see a table based on information received from the ministry of justice, the russian federation and other public sources, which tell about organizations and individuals who are foreign agents. today, the register of foreign agents includes 579 individuals and legal entities; we will tell about some of them in our investigation film. evgenia chirikova.
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in khimki at one time she organized riots, allegedly in defense of the khinki forest, when a big road was being built. i just flew in from france, we met with the european greens and 2.0 people were standing they applauded us when i told how we...
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finally, you and i have our own army, our army, which fights this regime every day, this army is called the armed forces of ukraine, right now, open your phone numbers and donate , and let’s really help with deeds, well, at the end of my speech i want to say: that we are all smart people, and i’m sure that we will find the words on how to convert, how to switch the brains of... those soldiers of the imperialist army who simply besotted, poisoned by putin’s propaganda, who are now on the wrong side, we have something to do with you, and i
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am sure that we are all so talented and smart, we will definitely completely defeat this nasty regime, victory for ukraine, freedom for russia, natalya narachnitskaya, historian and philosopher, you know , here... they are characterized by this terrible spirit, i hate all of russia , these are the words of the stinking disgusting image depicted in the karamazov brothers, pushkin brilliantly wrote: “you have illuminated your mind with enlightenment, you have seen the pure face of truth, and tenderly loved foreign nations, and wisely hated yours, you rubbed your hands at our failures, listened to the news with a sly laugh." about how the regiments ran into the gallop and our honor perished with us, so he already described all this then, to the nascent russian liberal,
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who really didn’t even truly knowing how life is organized in some other states that seem to be their idols, they now suggest that everything in russia is bad, everything in the west is good. germann sadullaev, russian writer and publicist, these same people who there they gather for some kind of congress of the russian people or the russian opposition or whatever they call themselves, i don’t know, respect them for nothing, they are enemies, but they are pathetic, and of course they are stupid, because these governments in exile have no prospects or whatever, it’s just funny, it it's just funny and pathetic. looks like, why are they doing this? well , they are already in a trap, they have no other way out, now for them, now they have somehow naturalized there in the west, now for them, in order to
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at least remain in the west, so that they are not simply thrown back to russia, they need not just not to participate, this is not enough, not just not to support russia, this is not enough, each time we speak more and more vilely and - we will use all legal mechanisms that allow us to change the fate of our clients. samutsevich alyokhin was committed by a hooligan, i generally hope that those who
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are present here are a prototype of some part of the future government, the future elite, and so on. basically, like everyone else, maybe many, i have a full royal flush in my hands, and they arrested me in absentia a foreign agent, however, i saw the certificate. they didn’t recognize me as a psycho, by the way, neither did i, we asked the famous writer yuri polyakov to comment on these words. thus, they seem to retain all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds are invested, and for many it is important to be present there, for example, if it is a musician - a concert, if an artist - this is an exhibition, if an actor is...
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and again in berlin, the host of the event, actor artur smolyaninov. if i went to this war, it would be on the side of ukraine, of course. definitely. therefore, to be honest, i don’t give a damn, i would say, i don’t even give a damn what form russia will remain in, whether it will collapse or not, go to the ural republic, to the pelmen republic, to the khakass republic, or whether there will be only one jewish autonomous okrug, everything else will turn into radioactive ash. i don’t care so much, this descendant of smerdnyakov, swearing in the studio, that is, you understand, for me this is not even on the side of ukraine, for me it is on the side of my
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brothers, who. maybe, slinging mud his homeland, who wishes it to perish, plays a certain role assigned to him by the american masters, they are simply confident that russia will lose in this fight, then, as they say, they will move in with the victors, but what, so to speak, haven’t some crossed over including cultural figures, did not go over to the side of the germans at one time, the fascists, or more precisely, also fascists, only german fascists.
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in fact, for the vast majority of us, not all, but for the majority, being declared a foreign agent was the beginning of a very difficult and unexpectedly even difficult changes in our lives, we lost our jobs, we lost savings, who had them, someone was left without a penny in...
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very many completely without money, absolutely, very many without any support, well only the fact that people help each other everything, they have no rights, absolutely no rights, but everything is in stanislav’s style, i don’t believe it, and we decided to conduct a small investigation about the life and fate of the current realist agent leonid gozman. berlin district charlottenburg,
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welmersdor, mostly germans live here, there are few immigrants, the metro is nearby, the house with history has been restored, excuse me, but you took pictures of our rooms, but i’m collecting information for a documentary, and are you looking for people?
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