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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 13, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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we don’t need russia, we already have a country, but we don’t need to destroy our country, they didn’t build this building, and now because of them we’ll have to burn it down with them, because they came to us with a sword to the fullness of the cathedral, i i don’t think their task was to burn them there, this is the result of a military clash, but saboteurs, essentially terrorists, were thrown there... the authorities and the private army that defended odessa destroyed the terrorists, it would be right to arrest them if possible and bring them to trial to condemn, that would be ideal, but in war nothing is ideal. olga, a living witness to the events of may 2 in odessa, she miraculously survived in the house of trade unions.
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they are ukrainian nazis, they documented all this, filmed it, broadcast it online, that is, there was an online recording, it went to the whole world, not only to the whole of ukraine, and there are facts, there is evidence, poroshenko himself said that we did the right thing by burning odessa , it’s only a pity that we didn’t do the same with donetsk and lugansk, then they wouldn’t have been able to raise their heads, it’s right that we banderized odessa, which in fact was not the case, because odessa never existed and there will be no bandera. and i’ll tell you a bad thing for myself, i’m already on the wanted list in russia , then the donetsk regional administration should have been blown up at the root, let them die, forgive me, haibs, 50 terrorists, we wouldn’t have had 500 deaths in the donetsk region, yes i was inside the house to the trade unions, because we didn’t understand what kind of beast this was, not a beast, some kind of devilish crowd was running, as if thirsty for blood, these authorities already knew they... in the office they burst into
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this westerner burst in in military uniform, he hissed directly, he had hatred, but at the same time he immediately pressed the switch, the light switch, that is, he already knew how everything was located in this building, they were preparing, they understood, because we were nearby. they planned to drive us to burn in order to intimidate the whole of ukraine, so that someone else would try to do something, so that people would just sit and be silent, it was beneficial for them, or that is, they had such a method, either you remain silent, or they kill you, or you are imprisoned, or you leave, that is, either you accept what we say, or you become ukrainian, bandera and bandera becomes a hero for you, either we kill you, or you will be forced to run away, if you... know how
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nothing was done to him for it. and naturally, he, i, i’m more than sure that he doesn’t just kind of regret something and there, that yes, it’s an accident, that, and he, probably they... probably everyone is happy, happy, that they are killing us, us who are protecting the russians peace, ideals, our identification code is russian, they are happy about it, because they, they don’t even, i don’t even know the words, they are not people who sold themselves for money that won’t be used for them, this money won’t be used for nothing, because impossible, because they will be punished from above too, because it is impossible to react to this tragedy... the main role in the fight against russia is played by people for whom the word is a profession. anna norinskaya, worked as a correspondent for the kommersant newspaper, and was a regular contributor to the new newspaper. she interned at columbia university, usa, worked at the bbc moscow bureau, as a producer
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of news and documentaries. he prefers not to answer uncomfortable questions, as in that japanese proverb: i see nothing, hear nothing, no one. italy recognized this as an act of aggression, an act of barbaric murder, because i was given asylum, i was given asylum, that is, this means that italy recognizes this, at least the whole of europe recognizes this, because brussels confirms this, and says, that
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we are saboteurs, but we are residents, ordinary residents odessa, who did nothing criminal except come out to peacefully defend their rights. none of the foreign agents remembers the genocide of donbass by the ukrainian nazis, ah-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, vasenka, oh, poor thing, oh, dear mother, not about the bloody massacre that happened under shevchenko’s corus, when the crimeans were beaten in the fourteenth year, returning from the maidan to simferopol.
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to say that he is a ukrainian, this is not true, this is not true, these are the kind of cretins, as gozman put it, in ukraine today quite a lot, at night, at night, we, we, we, we, we!
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everyone is afraid, who oppose migrants in general and take, as it is believed here, downright fascist positions, it is possible that there were some such people in ukraine, in the same way, all foreign agents believe that in ukraine no one oppresses the russian language. russian language is not a language, but a dog jackdaw. how do you comment on the law banning the russian language in ukraine? firstly, it still sounds like that, as you say, a ban on the russian language.
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russia is great, we have a great civilization, this means nothing except permission for violence, we are so great, and that’s why we have our russian world,
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to create a republic and implement democracy, which is accessible to every person, there really is a problem that russia is huge, that’s why it always is sliding towards some kind of authoritarian rule, towards some kind of unitary state, some kind of leader, of course, i would like to stop this, even at the expense of dividing, how can i understand them, because they grew up here...
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here on the street vinogradskaya is a mouthpiece western propaganda, existing since the cold war, radio station radio liberty. the station's website states that the corporation, as a private grantee, is funded by funds provided by the us congress through the trustee of american foreign broadcasting. us agency for global media. everything is exactly the same as half a century ago. the us central intelligence agency is behind all this. in all likelihood, the cia leadership considers some countries of western europe as jurisdictional territory. perhaps, as they believe, there are not so few reasons for this.
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destroy people's faith in the socialist system, call for opposition, and, in addition, conduct subversive activities and, of course, spy. the bosses here are from the cia, privates. the collection of suckers is not very similar to the editorial corridors, more like an underground passage of some secret military plant. all doors in free europe have
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one peculiarity: they can only be locked from the outside, like in a prison. each of these has been fully trained to shoot from umbrellas, eternal pens, they can do all this, but the specialization here is different. poisons. poison people's souls. and, preferably, not individually, but en masse. at the very beginning, broadcasting was carried out from the territory of west germany. in 1995 , the radio station moved from germany to prague - this is the czech republic. in 2009, the radio station moved to a purpose-built building near the city center. because radio is now not as popular as internet media. several russian-language online publications were created under the roof of radio liberty: krym-realii, kavkaz realii, tatara-bashkirskaya service, and even an entire tv channel,
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currently, which are recognized in russia as foreign agents. radio liberty is a specially protected facility that resembles a large embassy or military unit. it’s not so easy to film a building from the outside; as soon as they saw the film crew, they immediately came running. and two police crews. good afternoon, are you filming without permission? we wrote to the editorial office of radio liberty and wanted to film an interview with someone, but they never answered us. we are journalists, we are here to make a documentary, in which we will tell about radio liberty. propaganda, which exists with the money of the west, serves only one purpose: to shake up the situation in russia, using the internet and through it to zombify russian... youth, hello, and hello, many young people who at one time were fanatical adherents non-systemic opposition, after living in the west
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, eyes are opened to russia, one of the returnees, nikita khatuntsev, came from the usa with his american wife, well, yes, there were some rallies, walked, yes, shouted, down with power, down with the party of crooks, shouted all sorts of different things, well... that i was 20 years old there, at that moment i thought that’s it, i can’t live here, there is no freedom, no democracy, no, what else is there, everything is necessary , i have to, i have to run, well, i need to change my life radically, and i left with the words, as klermontov probably said, goodbye to russia, so i left at the beginning of 2010, i went to america to new york, so i this is probably the first time for me , just 15-20 years ago, such a thought appeared in my head, when i lived in america, that something this is not the case here, i’ll say even more, i thought about this for the first time, when i was studying at the institute in new york, we
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had an assignment where we had to make a presentation about our country, and we had a huge number of people from different countries around the world, they were from burkino fasso, from nicaragua, from bangadesh and so on, well, in general , all the countries you can think of, that’s when i listened to their presentations. everyone talks about their countries with aspiration, with some kind of, you know, patriotism, it’s probably correct to say, well, it’s clear that the people are their own they love their countries, it’s clear that they are proud of their sides, so i had a friend there who also studied with me, a guy from russia, so he also made a presentation then, did it with someone, you know, with a little sweetness, so let's say, yes, and then for the first time i thought about it, why do we treat... ourselves this way, this was my first call, for several weeks i was preparing this material in the preparation process, i began to notice that some... then metamorphoses occur in my mind, like,
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listen, why did i think it was bad, but here, it’s cool, it’s beautiful, it’s a cool country, it’s great here, live, work, have children, do what you want, build a life, why do we treat ourselves so badly, but if we talk about my wife, then i had her before i studied ballet professionally, so... we got married there, after another 2 years, we moved back to russia, now i think i’m a happy person, a wonderful wife, i
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have everything. life suits me, this is my home, my country, my friends, my acquaintances, my family, naturally, i want to live in my home, to live according to its own rules, according to its own charter. fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky was the only russian writer, a classic, who gave the most precise definition of the people we told you about today. a century and a half has passed since then. but nothing has changed. my liberal has gone so far as to deny russia itself, that is, he hates and beats his mother. every unfortunate, unfortunate russian fact excites laughter and almost delight in him. he hates folk customs, russian history, everything. not so long ago, some of our liberals almost took this hatred of russia for true love for the fatherland and boasted
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that he sees better. others, what it should consist of, but now they have become more open and even the word “love of the fatherland” began to be ashamed, even the concept was expelled and eliminated as harmful and insignificant.
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hundreds of drones are flying over jordan in the direction of israel, the idf said they were iranian. reported that the air force was monitoring the flight, and also clarified that the drones would take several hours to reach the jewish state. israeli airspace will be closed from 1:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. flights. now our colleague, sergey pashkov, is communicating directly from tel aviv. sergey, greetings, what is known at this time?


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