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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 12:30am-1:00am MSK

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here the terrain is very difficult, and working in such a landscape is a big challenge for signalmen, you know, you crossed a hill, your connection is lost there, which means you need to look for technical moves, solutions, our soldiers have to do all this under enemy fire, signalmen shoot rarely, they mostly work as signal officers, we have completely different tasks, so that we... remember, based on the results of the operation, everything is a saying, every day that we awarded units here, but the signal company was not shot, so we remember it, well, that’s you you know, since the time of the great patriotic war, it seems, one of the orders said something similar, here is dubai, dubai to the ring, dubai to the ring, move next, we are ready to switch, ready to switch. which
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baghdad, monaco, as you hear, i understand, the neva call signs are unusual in the brigade, dubai, i hear, i understand, have not yet been translated, in the restoration workshop you can see new means of communication, some secret, some old ones, such as 57, the grandfather of all front-line telephones . the war has posed so many challenges to us, and first of all in communications issues, communications issues, uavs, rap, electronic warfare, this is a war of intelligence, motivation, a battle of wills, and here you have to try very seriously, today commanders of the highest level want not only to know what is happening at the most advanced level, to hear, yes, but also and to see who ensures this process, this process is ensured by...
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my homeland said, we came to the war, a little over a year ago, and many guys my age, completely different professions, came to the training ground.
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arrange them for preservation, study, digitization, creating lists of who is looking for whom, who, who lost their relatives during this battle here, for example, in solidarity, such things were already done by the international committee of the red cross after the great patriotic war, after the second world war, and today, since we came here, in general , to protect the population in peace, but sergei viktorovich proposed just... to collect this mm, all
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this information in order to provide information, provide i'll meet them. such work is still being carried out following the results of the great patriotic war, preserving information for family reunification. maybe this experience will be implemented within the framework of the es. i came to a tasty spot with a convenient schedule, found friends here, and generally had many reasons to stay. come for a suitable schedule, stay. for love,
12:35 am
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terrorism is a policy based on the systematic use of terror. synonyms for the word terror are the words violence, intimidation, intimidation. most often the definition encountered denotes terrorism as the achievement by force of political, ideological, economic and religious goals, as...
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one of the most terrorist groups
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is the jewish sect of the sicarii, dagger makers operating in judea in the first century bc . members of the sect practiced the murder of representatives of the jewish nobility who advocated peace with the romans and were accused by them of apostasy from religion and national interests. the sekarii used a dagger or short sword, the siku, as a weapon. in in ancient rome itself, few of the rulers lived to see natural death. let's remember caesar. a classic example of a terrorist organization in the middle ages is the sect of grass-eating assassins. driven by regional motivations, almost elusive, the adherents of the sect killed hundreds of caliphs and sultans during the period of their activity. as for european terrorism, the very definition of terrorism, it...
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we can say that the first world war formally began due to the assassination of the austrian archer ferdinan by a serb gavrila principle. russia is no exception; it is worth listing only the murdered kings. ivan vi, fedor ii. godunov, peter ii. paul i, alexander ii. nicholas ii. a lot of. yes , in the usa, terrorism flourishes like nowhere else. recall. beaten american presidents, abraham lincoln, james garfield, william
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mckinney and john kennedy. very often terrorism in the states flourishes in schools. in our country, it is enough to recall the large-scale white-red terror and thousands of people killed. just remember the famous propagandist of terror savenkov, familiar to tv viewers from series. the operation, even in the ussr, with its powerful kgb, terrorist attacks were not so rare, in the soviet union they hijacked an airplane more than once, terrorists hijacked passenger airliners in 1977, 78, eighty- two, eighty-third, eighty- five, six and eighty-eight years, and the first hijacking took place on october 16, 1970 , when the brazinskas father and son.
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verification, taking into account the calculation of the possible use of interethnic tensions within russia, it can be assumed that western intelligence services are involved in this matter, but direct participation of khakhlov. it was assumed that the resulting turmoil would lead to disorder in russia, which would help in the war, and where there was military defeat
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and the collapse of the federation, but who are you? visible more than to ukrainians in the west. an important motive is the national factor within russia. the west is deliberately provoking national and ethnic conflicts in the russian federation. this is their main priority. so the isis version itself may be a half-truth. the perpetrators may indeed be associated with the islamic state of iraq and levand. but these individuals clearly acted in their best interests. collective west, there is a constant cold war between the west and russia, everything is used, the war in ukraine, and sanctions, and egil, everything that is possible, it seems to me, it was assumed that this action would weaken russia, would it be more convenient for the west to deal with russia, weakened at its most vulnerable
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point, will, of course, affect interethnic relations? they couldn’t stop him, using their influence on anyone, but on ukraine, they didn’t want to, in general the united states can relate to
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terrorists in different ways, to weaken russia, the united states can change its attitude towards terrorists to the opposite. for example, in 1925, president ronald reagan received a group of men with beards; they were very stern looking bearded men in turbans. at the press conference that followed the negotiations , ronald regan pointed to them and said: “these people are morally similar to the founding fathers of america.” these bearded men were afghan mujahideen, terrorists. then they fought with arms in hand against the evil empire, that is. ussr, but in august 1908, another the american president gave the order to the american navy, located in the pacific ocean, to launch a missile strike on the same mujahideen camps, in order to destroy osama bin laden and his people, and just a few years ago mr.
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bin laden, for the murder that was used 15 american missiles, was similar to its own... for several decades now, russia has been the only country that can destroy the united states with nuclear weapons, or at least cause irreparable damage. us military interests require solving this problem in one of three ways: destroying nuclear weapons in russia, subjugating russia , or creating some kind of defense against our missiles.
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so far it’s not working out very well, but this is a question on... ideology: russian traditional culture is incompatible with modern western culture and tolerance, but there is
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a powerful pressure from the west on the foundations of russian orthodox culture. if the west succeeds in , so to speak, tolerizing our country, it will receive an additional prize, the peaceful absorption of russia. russia is trying. all the financial power of the united states is based on the dollar, all the military power of the united states is based on its financial power. it is critically important for the states that no one even thinks about encroaching on the hegemony of their currencies. the entire planet conducts international trade in dollars in dollars . gold reserves. it would be beneficial for russia to abandon dollars in favor of its own currency, the ruble, which is firmly backed by hydrocarbons. the brix countries are actively
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creating alternative financial markets, which is accelerating this process. however, from the us point of view, abandoning the dollar means directly stealing their money. moreover, if such an influential country as russia and the brix countries refuse the dollar.
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the ussr collapsed, but russia rose again. in 2011, the indignation suspected by the west of the allegedly incorrect counting of votes in
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the elections resulted in the slogan: crooks and thieves, a rally of a hundred thousand people in the swamp, and another slogan: we are the power here, but the seizure of power did not happen, moreover, the country began to strengthen, then decomposition comes from within through the quiet. “okay,” the americans said, then you will be defeated on the battlefield.” 50 countries began to help ukraine carry out its unstoppable offensive in attempts to seize crimea. i think it was intended to station american fleet ships in crimea to fulfill zelensky’s dream.
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the ethnic component of crime is not only a russian problem, and of course, it is necessary to counter terrorism with all determination. of course this is being done, it begins with this point: ensuring the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms. a dubious point, and so on in the same liberal spirit. of course there is there are, in my opinion, sensible articles there, for example, the inevitability of punishment for carrying out terrorist activities. the question of the extent of this punishment, for the overwhelming number of our citizens, of any nationality, it is absolutely clear that blood
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has been shed. terrorists should carry the death penalty. liberal talk that terrorists are not afraid of death seems somewhat exaggerated. just like proven participation in a terrorist group should lead to life imprisonment without lengthy trials the possibility of mitigating this sentence. i would like to convey these simple points to a wide range of students. another point, also in my opinion, is correct: cooperation between the state and public and religious associations. let’s not fuss and admit that terrorism in many ways has a breeding ground among muslims, and the truth is clear to everyone: muslims as a whole are much more religious than, alas christians, all the more so it is necessary to strengthen
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the work of the fsb among muslim saints. and we will live together, goodbye, all the best.
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iran launched dozens of drones towards israel. official representative. tsahal said that the air force was tracking them and preparing to intercept them, and warned of gps malfunctions. iran, iran launched drones from its territory towards the state of israel. we are monitoring the threat in the airspace. they will reach israel in a few hours. the idf and the air force are following the plan that we prepared in advance.


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