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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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highest precision, down to the millimeter. sklif doctors perform this operation on the spine using a neurosurgical microscope; where human capabilities are limited, a smart machine allows you to see everything down to the smallest fragments. and now the neurosurgeon under a microscope decompresses the nerve structures, the roots, they are a millimeter, then the second point, even a drop of blood can close the nerve, and we have to see it, so this is done with magnification for the safety of the patient. the gadget is indispensable in the treatment of tumor, vascular and degenerative diseases of the brain of the spine, allows the surgeon to choose the most... optimal and most importantly safe
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tactics of surgical intervention. the microscope makes it possible to make a neat small incision, which means less tissue trauma. after such operations, patients used to lie in bed for weeks, but now they go home on the second or third day. high-tech equipment is synchronized with the navigation system and transmits the image to the workstation . this is the so-called bass station, this is not just a screen, it's a screen where. we upload images, here we can combine ct and mri data, data from the microscope is also displayed here, data from the navigator is entered here and we, and even from the endoscopic stand, everything is connected, and we can simultaneously see in the operating room where the operation is taking place and see the overlay these are all structures that help doctors with the most modern medical equipment, computer and magnetic resonance imaging scanners , which are indispensable in surgery. making it possible
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to receive images in real time directly during surgery, without removing the patient from anesthesia. the highest level of surgical care provided to muscovites on the basis of the best medical institutions in the city is the result of complex work. starting from 2021, as part of the national healthcare project, moscow is implementing the largest program in history to modernize its entire medical infrastructure. pays special attention. re-equipment of the surgical service, because the operating room is the heart of the hospital, and the success of a surgical intervention is a fusion of the talent of the surgeon’s experience, the coordinated work of his team and equipment that doctors have at their disposal. the current wave of re-equipment of operating rooms is the second in the last 10 years, the first took place in 2011-2013, but since then many medical technologies have stepped far forward, and today hospitals receive equipment of the latest generation. re-equipment
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of moscow's surgical service means not only the latest innovative devices and equipment, but also specialized operating rooms. in the four flagship centers of the largest city hospitals in moscow, as well as in the clinical scientific the loginov center now has hybrid operating rooms that allow different types of surgical interventions to be performed simultaneously. they attached particular importance to the opening. two hybrid operating rooms in which several teams can work at once, providing simultaneously endovascular, radiological, endoscopic and surgical care. the opening of the emergency care complex and especially the new surgical operating rooms made it possible to significantly improve the quality of treatment for patients, their time in hospital, especially in emergency situations, which is why the first-aid complex was created. in capital hospitals, instead of
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classical abdominal operations, patients receive minimally invasive surgical treatment. the share of such interventions already reaches 80% of the total volume. from 2021 to 2023, moscow hospitals received 400 units of such equipment, including 324 endoscopic stands. now the capabilities of endoscopy make it possible to use an ultra-thin endoscope called spyglass, it allows you to go into the pancreatic duct and see this stone eyes and crush it using modern lithotripsy technologies and remove, that is, any organs and structures that were previously... unattainable by endoscopy are now available, and we can help people in situations where this is required. as part of the re-equipment of the surgical service, doctors also received new lamps for the operating room. state-of-the-art lighting devices guarantee the absence of glare and color
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shadows, and also make it possible to adjust the lighting geometry for each specific operation. about a thousand surgical interventions per year allows for modern x-rays. intestine, bile ducts and pancreatic ducts, we also have research here, esophagus, stomach, colon , a new electrosurgical unit was presented, which actually arrived to us a year and a half ago, and a whole range of devices for contact retripsy, that is, healing of stones. this patient is admitted to the hospital clinic for the third time; doctors have not previously been able to find out the cause of the narrowing of the bile ducts. thanks to the disposable using an ultra-thin endoscope capable of penetrating the ductal systems of the liver and pancreas, the patient will undergo the most modern examination - cholangioscopy.
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thanks to modern equipment, which we partly possess, our clinic has, we were able to obtain more detailed information. an accurate idea of ​​the nature of the pathology, the nature of the problem in a given patient, take and obtain material for subsequent microscopic examination, in the hope of obtaining a final diagnosis and, accordingly, accepting the only correct tactical decision on further withdrawal. the new diagnostic and treatment building of the loginov moscow clinical research center received its first patients last summer. one of the largest healthcare projects in the capital.
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laparoscopic operations are not always faster and easier for the surgeon, but they are definitely preferable for the patient; the trauma is minimal, as is the rehabilitation period. increasingly, laproscopy is used not only for planned treatment, but in case of emergency operations, when removing the gallbladder, acute appendicitis, hernias, as well as for prompt diagnosis of abdominal organs . at the loginov clinical center, virtuoso surgeons use laparoscopy.
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to increase the number of operations performed, with the necessary equipment, it was possible to double the operating rooms, equipped with everything , including unique ones using a heart-lung machine. well , our hospital today is the only one in the structure of the moscow department of health, a large oncology center, with the presence of a full-fledged cardiac surgery with the presence a full-fledged cardiovascular department, this allows us, within one center, to help patients who have a combination of cardiovascular pathology and some kind of oncological problem. we perform operations either in combination, that is, together with oncologists, we immediately remove the tumor and operate on the heart, or surgery. are carried out in stages. every year, surgeons perform
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more than 2,500 operations within these walls. the urological clinic of the botkin hospital is one of the strongest, not only in the capital, but in the whole country. most interventions are carried out with the least possible traumatization for patients using laparoscopy and robotic surgical systems. the first robot appeared here back in 2008. since then, doctors have accumulated enormous experience in carrying out such innovations. urology in literally 20 minutes. as part of a large-scale modernization project at the botkin
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hospital, a flagship center was opened along with the urological center. nine state-of-the-art operating rooms allow us to urgently provide the necessary care to critically ill patients. we are especially proud of the operating room, equipped angiographic robotic complex. it allows you to simultaneously perform cote and, having identified the localization of internal bleeding, immediately stop it without resorting to incisions. a patient was admitted urgently with severe combined trauma, bone fractures, ruptures of internal organs, and internal bleeding. thanks to the technologies that are collected here, this operating room is unique. such operating rooms in the world can be counted on the fingers of one hand. all cutting-edge technologies are collected here, ranging from air conditioning systems, air purification, finishing with equipment. well. the equipment helps metropolitan doctors not only save patients in emergency life-threatening
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conditions, but also treat planned patients. thus, the most important component of the moscow surgical service are short-stay hospitals, where after surgery the patient can be discharged home in the evening. 40% of all planned operations are already carried out on the basis of such departments. for comparison, in 2019 their share was only 7.5%. moscow's main goal is to make modern medical technologies are available to every patient, no matter what specific problem he was forced to turn to doctors for. in the current 2024, the capital plans to purchase and supply to city hospitals another 480 pieces of equipment for operating rooms, because each new generation of devices guarantees greater efficiency and safety, the key thing is that it increases the chances of... you are a psychiatrist in the recent past,
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a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police officer and psychologist, you kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, what a predator, they say that you know how to look straight into people’s heads, this is a metaphor. look into his head, look in the app or on the website. fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 20th century a layer of people would appear who were called foreigners and whom he described in the person of his hero, pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreign agent's birthday. these same people, they are led for no reason. they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are focused and angry. they seem to keep all their shares in the west, and many of them have property, funds
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invested, do you have any property in germany? yes, i have an apartment here, they all broadcast a certain agenda, finding victims in our country to commit an offense against the law, and this victim turned out to be me. what is a quantum computer for? when we make enough of it. then we will find out, scientists say, when classical computers were created, it was believed that there were only thousands there are enough such computers for the entire planet, now there are millions of them, in every home, office, enterprise, in fact, each of us has a laptop computer in our pocket, but a quantum processor is a fundamentally new stage in the evolution of computing. ilya semeykov
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assembled this laser table from scratch and sets up something new every day. according to him, the reliability of quantum processor calculations in his laboratory has increased 100 times in recent months, and he tells which ones exactly. factoring a number into prime factors is an algorithmically complex task; difficult to perform even on the most powerful classical computer for large enough numbers. and this idea underlies most modern algorithms. encryption, if you make it so easy to factorize a number into prime factors, then these encryption systems will stop working. the fact that a quantum computer of the future will be able to instantly solve any code has been talked about for several years, but how it will work, the algorithm was invented at the russian quantum center. semirikov launched it on a processor at fiana. quantum processor
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decomposed into prime factors, that is, into numbers that are divisible without a remainder only by one, number. 591 is 37 x 43. modern ciphers use numbers that are 2.0 characters long. 1.591 is only four characters, but the beginning of a quantum key that no digital lock can resist has been laid. these luminous dots on the screen, images magnified hundreds of times, are laser-cooled to ultra-low temperatures of ions in traps that form the basis of the russian quantum processor. 2 years ago here there were two points, that summer there were eight, now ... the future supercomputer is becoming more and more powerful. a typical bit of information for a classical computer means either a zero or a one. qubits, quantum bits, are in a so-called superposition and can be read, in a mathematical sense , as both a zero and a one. but in fiana everything is even more interesting. there are 10 dots on the screen,
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and 20 qubits. we do not work with qubits, as in most quantum computers, with... qubits, that is, not with two-level systems, with four-level systems, then we have, as it were, two qubits in each ion, so we just recently carried out such an algorithm in which the use of qudits was more beneficial from the point of view of the reliability of the answer obtained than the use of a qubit, this is one of the first such cases in the world, at moscow state university they catch rubidium atoms with laser tweezers and build from them their basis for a prototype quantum processor, in this vacuum chamber. this is the central part, one might say, the heart of our installation, and inside this vacuum chamber there are lenses installed with the help of which we create optical tweezers, these are focused laser beams that help us hold a single atom that we want to use as a qubit. using lasers we cool it to very low temperatures, but create an ordered
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structure that works like a memory register. stanislav straupy says that his... platform for creating a computer of the future is not so different from the one that his colleague from fian, ilya semeykov, is working with. ions easily line up in chains and interact, but a large system of them it is difficult to build, and the neutral, uncharged atoms that straupe is studying are an excellent material for creating systems of any size and shape, but there is still work to be done on the interaction of atoms. now there is a square - 5x5 atoms, for a total of 25 qubits. in order for the atoms in neighboring tweezers to somehow talk, we have to use a trick, we have to excite these atoms in a state in which the electron is very far from the nucleus, but the problem is that they are very sensitive to some to those around noise, laser noise, electrostatic fields that exist in the area, well, of course, we know how to overcome it. the peculiarity of quantum evolution in russia and the world is that there is competition
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between platforms on the basis of which a supercomputer can be created. they work with neutral atoms at moscow state university, and fiat deals with ions. there are also qubits in superconductors and even photonic chips using single-crystal metal films. the government roadmap for quantum computing will be replaced by a new federal project designed until 2030 of the year. currently, the leading platform is ion. this does not mean that it will remain so until the thirtieth year. the guys compete fiercely with each other. it's good for the country to have different groups. compete, strive to do better and better, although you know, it is not at all a fact that one platform will win, it may turn out that one type of problem is better solved on one platform, and another type of problem. on another platform, it’s called a quantum optical simulator, also a computer of the future, but in a somewhat stripped-down version, quantum effects are used, however there are no superpositions. simulators are ideal for
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specific tasks, such as financial portfolio optimization. the processor can only be seen under a microscope. here is a silicon nitride chip and an optical fiber connected to it, through which laser radiation is emitted. the mathematical answer is zero or one is encoded in the phase of the electromagnetic wave. when we read it, this is the solution to the problem,” explains dmitry chermoshentsev. its simulators can be used, for example, by real estate market analysts. we have 100 houses, yes, and we we want to choose which ones we need to invest our money in. the answer to our problem will be a sequence of zeros of ones, where the ones will be opposite those houses that we should buy, and zeros opposite those that we should not invest in. on a classical computer , you and i will need to sort out two to the power of 100 options, well, during our lifetime we will definitely not be able to solve such a problem; quantum simulators will solve such a problem quite efficiently and well. to to justify the principles of operation and the goals of creating
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the simulator, chermoshensky's team wrote so -called quantum-inspired algorithms. big business has already paid attention to them. if we work with the oil and gas industry, we can improve the efficiency of well servicing, and we can apply quantum computing to logistics. with the help of quantum simulators it will be possible. to set up a clinic, even when
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a quantum processor appears, say, with a million qubits, this does not mean that there will be no need for conventional silicon computers, they will deal with problems that need to be solved sequentially, step by step, a quantum computer may well become a coprocessor, when there are many options for solving a problem, when you need... to take into account a huge number of factors, here a quantum computer will definitely have no equal. the gadgets we are used to, phones, tablets , will remain the same, but quantum intelligence will respond to queries in a search engine using a cloud service. there won't be a quantum laptop or a quantum smartphone, at least at least in the near future, that is, from an ordinary classical computer through a cloud platform, you can send a request to a quantum computer and receive a response in a convenient way. topics, the so-called hardware, that is , scientific groups that deal with the quantum hardware necessary for innovative processors, the processors themselves and
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quantum-inspired algorithms. we have created a roadmap in rusatom, the development of quantum algorithms that could be used in the nuclear industry, and the same work is being done in other industries and ours task by the thirtieth year. to reach practical use, to solve practically useful problems on a quantum computer, so that the country becomes one of the leading countries in the quantum race, and not only in quantum computing, but in quantum technologies in general. at the time of the launch of the government roadmap for the development of quantum computing in russia 3 years ago, there was a prototype of a two-qubit quantum processor. currently , a twenty-five-qubit quantum computer on neutral atoms is working at moscow state university, at the lebedev physical institute twenty-qubit. the ion processor is trapped and the pace is growing rapidly. by the end of this year, as part of the roadmap , it is planned to present a 50-qubit quantum computer, a good start to a long
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journey into the era of quantum computing, when there will be no unsolvable problems for humanity. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion.
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alexey shevchenkov, they went there for reconnaissance, there were three of them, and then, i don’t know, anton shakin, which means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger. militia-passenger becomes full-fledged aurora is a soldier in the battlefield.
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where are you from from the eleventh b? no hello, i’m from eleventh b, it’s 2124, this is not science fiction, this is love. lisa and i, as if
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i didn’t understand, you don’t mind. 100 years ago , the ministry of emergency situations of russia warns, protect your home, install a fire detector, safety begins with you, the ministry of emergency situations of russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia. 24.
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iran launched dozens of drones towards israel. an idf official said that the air force. monitor and prepare for interception, warned about gps malfunctions. iranchigra, iran launched drones from its territory towards the state of israel. we are tracking the threat in the airspace , they will reach israel in a few hours. the idf and the air force are following the plan that we prepared in advance.


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