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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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iran launched dozens of drones towards israel. an idf official said that the air force was tracking them and was preparing to intercept them, and warned of gps failures. iran, iran launched drones from its territory towards the state of israel. we are tracking the threat in the airspace, they will reach israel in a few hours. the idf and the air force are following the plan that we prepared in advance.
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israeli airspace is closed from 1 pm to 7 am for all flights. air force offensive defense systems put on alert. dozens of planes are in the sky. there will be attempts to intercept iranian drones and missiles before they even enter israeli airspace. according to cbs, the us military in iraq also received orders to shoot it all down as early as possible. israeli citizens were warned that after the alarm they should immediately take shelter. in recent years, and even more so in recent weeks , israel has been preparing for the possibility of a direct attack from iran. our defense systems are deployed, we are ready for anything scenario, as in...
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the occupied lands, several islamic revolutions began against targets minutes ago. residents of border towns, as
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well as residents of iraq, saw drones flying towards the occupied lands. sir, in his statement announced the response of the aerospace forces to the crimes of the zionist regime, which attacked the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus and killed a number of commanders and military advisers of the sir. from iran to israel it is about 2.0 km, with iraq and jordan between them. or syria, the airspace above these countries are also closed. flights of russian airlines to israel, iraq and jordan are suspended until all restrictions are lifted, this was reported by the federal air transport agency. the egyptian ministry of foreign affairs stated that it maintains contacts with all parties to the escalation of tensions and seeks to contain the situation in order to prevent a new round of dangerous instability in the region. in the city of takmag, zaporozhye region, 11 people were killed, two are listed as missing. unknown
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five were rescued from the rubble. this is a consequence of an attack by ukrainian militants on a peaceful city. beaten from jet systems volley fire. five houses were destroyed. local authorities provided temporary housing to all victims. rescuers continue to clear the rubble. the russian army repelled 13 attacks by the ukrainian armed forces and liberated the village of pervomaiskoye from militants. zelensky’s formation lost almost a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers. tanks destroyed. from other armored vehicles, as well as 13 self-propelled guns and howitzers, air defense forces shot down 222 combat drones. anton stepanenko will tell you how the fighters of sudaplatov’s battalion are destroying the positions of the ukrainian armed forces on the zaporozhye front. from the point of constant the dislocation takes about 45 minutes to reach the unloading point . the pyatikhatka direction of the zaporozhye front, despite kiev attempts to break through the defenses, survived. the volunteer battalion bars-32 holds positions here together with its neighbors . during the day we moved to positions here
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, but now it’s impossible, a company stronghold, the distance to the enemy is from one and a half kilometers to 600-700 meters, depending on the trench. the first impression was that i was blind, i couldn’t even see an outstretched arm, it was such a black night, how could the fighters be in such darkness? unloading a pickup truck, finding the way to their dugouts, a mystery, the steps are short and it’s as if they are trying the road with their feet, whether it’s there or not, nevertheless, darkness is a combat... action is not a hindrance, operators without pilots go out hunting at night, we’re trying to set up a rotation, movements are at night, where they go, why they go, where they come from, they regularly observe the reconnaissance schedule is torn so that the enemy cannot get used to it, the transport is clearly visible because it heats up, it is displayed well, people, it happens, you know
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what happens, that you can confuse people with animals, with hares, because when the head sticks out of the trench and the hare runs around the planting. so it’s very similar, you have to fly to reconnaissance. storm - an experienced operator, even on such a small screen he will see the target, observe, double-check that there are no errors, and finally give out the coordinates. then it’s up to the commander to decide what to destroy. vpv drones are carried, it’s like a sniper rifle, you can say, well, most of all the desire, that is, to win causes the most damage to the enemy, reconnaissance itself most of all gives great results, which without reconnaissance, neither artillery, nor fpv will work. it's getting light quickly. the howitzer crew is preparing the weapon, the peculiarity of the position is that the closer to the front line, the deeper in the enemy rear they will be able to cover targets, the other side is a high probability of a retaliatory strike, a shot! well, at present, a very large number of birds are flying in the air,
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and their counter-battery warfare is also working at a high level, so we are trying to fire as few shots as possible, the second third shot is already hitting the target, the fewer, the better and faster. they worked and ran away, srudoplatov’s battalion feature is exceptionally high operational interaction with neighbors, the command post is in constant communication with the commanders of neighboring units, allies also receive video from drones online, so the decision to destroy targets is made quickly, if we cannot do something, not we can get it, then the neighbors are already working, we have good neighbors, and the system is again designed so that they can work with ours...
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but it’s like they’re going blind, because of this, when they go out hunting, the operators are no less searching for targets, they care about safety, there is a whole range of measures, right down to landing methods, so as not to be tracked, in addition, each crew has anti-drone radars, rap stations, so that they warn in advance about the threat, we can assume that this will be allowed, or it is an ftv flying, or this mavic is working, well, that is, a uav, such a reconnaissance vehicle, so we take measures accordingly, that is , firstly, into the shelter and look at...
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no matter what, you yourself don’t want to go to the position, assess the situation, so thank you to you, our irreplaceable superiors, according to your in words, we had to pay for 200, it’s better to surrender, then we’ll die like that, it’s unclear for what and
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it’s unclear why, but the command doesn’t think anything for us, well, like to die, they send us like well, like waste material. the stage that we, we, therefore, are no longer needed by them, yes, i was captured and thanks to this, that i remained alive, that they didn’t shoot me, it’s worse in the wilderness, yes, than in russian captivity, especially for those ukrainian military who don’t see the point in dying because of zelensky’s sick fantasies and want to save life, ministry of defense they organized a separate communication channel, this is radio frequency 149/200 with a special call sign volga, through it anyone who wants to... lay down their arms and go over to the russian side receives detailed instructions on how to surrender. in russian cities
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, the public notification system is undergoing a comprehensive check. alexander korobov will tell you how this happens in belgorod, which is regularly shelled by ukrainian militants. this sound has become an integral part of the life of residents of the belgorod region, but one cannot get used to it. the air raid signal is usually followed. explosions. enemy missiles fly to residential areas to find cover for less than a minute. we managed to take cover thanks to the siren. they heard the siren, quickly ran, sat in the kitchen, bang-wok, flash. and the glass rang on all floors. after each shelling, significant damage to houses and infrastructure was recorded, but it came at the right time. the signal helps save human lives,
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the warning system in the region has been modernizing for several years now, as practice has shown, there are never too many sirens, in belgorod itself 96 acoustic devices have already been installed to the same amount of complete coverage of city blocks is needed, we analyzed the incoming appeal from residents of the city of belgorod to the governor of the belgorod region, to the head of the administration of the city of belgorod we put it on this map, we saw weaknesses. device, one of the main problems is warning the population in places with insufficient internet and cellular coverage,
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the solution is digital television and radio broadcasting. modern technology has not only improved picture and sound, but also opened up new possibilities for transmitting various additional service signals, for example, warning the population in case of an emergency. coverage of the territory is almost 100%, this allows you to send the necessary signals to any point in the region. for reception. and the orala hardware and software complex was developed to reproduce such signals; it includes not only a receiver, but also a loudspeaker. attention, a technical check of the public warning system is underway. the built-in amplifier ensures audibility of both the siren itself and voice messages at a distance of 300-400 m. a the alert volume can be compared to a jet plane taking off or a grand rock concert, the system. completely russian, the design used domestic developments and the unique capabilities of the digital broadcasting network.
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the devices have already been installed in many border villages of the region. work to improve the population security system in the region continues, and we cannot stop there. the threat of enemy shelling remains. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, news, belgorod region. the kiev regime drives military equipment into residential areas, constantly beeps about attacks on civilian infrastructure every time after the flight of our high-precision weapons and demands so many air defense systems that all nato countries taken together are not able to provide them . we’ll tell you more about ukrainian problems with logic right now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, who would have thought, but in the kharkov region an evacuation was nevertheless announced, and a forced one, they say, people were decided to urgently. drive away because of some kind of threat from our armed forces, which are supposedly conducting
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some kind of terror tactics against the region and forcing local gauleiters, and taking care of saving civilians, in general, sounds scary, only a few days before this, the same characters seriously stated, that in principle it is not necessary to evacuate, and preparations for the removal of the population were labeled almost as a russian information and psychological operation, then of course it’s time to find out why such changes suddenly, no one here... is worried about civilians, because they they have always been used as a living wall, they need to prepare for defense, they need to transfer strength, equipment, yes, they don’t need extra eyes. who can transmit something, leak something, and send coordinates so that our missiles, calibers, geraniums can fly there, this has always happened with them, they did what was beneficial to them, that is, to equip apartments as barracks, make combat positions, establish routes there, well, here ’s just a clear episode, they say on the night of
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april 6, the russians attacked for no apparent reason a harmless shopping and entertainment center burned to the ground, resulting in the death of seven people. true, they prefer not to announce the name of the ukrsmi shopping center, and it is no coincidence that we are talking about the planet mou. since the twentieth year it has been closed under the pretext of large-scale reconstruction. there was simply no place for an ordinary visitor inside. accordingly, the tragic photo of a sneaker that was left from one of the alleged victims apparently does not indicate a crime at all, but strictly the opposite, a clear arrival at the right address. in ukraine - this is a normal practice, used by former citizens throughout ukraine. facilities such as military ones, not only shopping centers, but schools, kindergartens, religious institutions, and whatever you like, these are large premises that are generally suitable for storing various military materials, for accommodating personnel, the army has grown very much, and naturally , well, it also needs new infrastructure, it needs
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a lot of it, well , shopping centers are great for this, but why walk around so much if you already have it. iron proof. let's pay attention to the footage taken by a reconnaissance drone. as is easy to see, the ukrainian armed forces brought two multiple launch rocket systems close to the shopping center. they rushed with all their hearts and burned everything around. a common tactic of the ukronazis is to hide weapons and ammunition in the middle of buildings, hoping that they will not be found there. but hopes turned out to be difficult, and the more cynical are the reports of local propagandists, who demonstrate the location of the hit in such a way that it would not be captured by the camera lenses. complete. picture, namely the charred remains of the rszzo uragan and escort vehicles, in conditions when each person has the means, and his own spy, yes, who films, can film the entire situation around, that is, this is our mobile phone, these are ordinary citizens, ordinary residents of the city
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of kharkov film everything that happened on the street, and this cannot be controlled 100%, that is, it is impossible... literally every citizen of ukraine is monitored on social networks to see what he posts, therefore sooner or later this information leaks out. all that remains is to establish what was located at the site of the crater itself, where the second destroyed vehicle went. most likely, the answer to both questions is the same. the czech rszzo vampire stood next to the hurricane , presumably, was the main target, and as a result literally scattered into molecules. which, by the way, has been happening quite often lately. actually, this is the same kharkov region where vampire is. utilized a salvo of ordinary hail, although the vampire itself is essentially the same bh-21 hail, but with a number of modifications, the base ural vehicle was replaced with an eight-wheeled tater tractor, which made it possible to place an additional ammunition load for 40 missiles directly behind the cabin, the engine power also increased, reaching from 250 to 360 horsepower, but the speed remained the same to 85 km/h, and
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the range was generally reduced from 750 km to 400. the reason is the mass, which is up to 33 tons, compared to 13 tons of standard hail. as for weapons, the czech rszz can fire both soviet shells with a maximum radius of about 20 km, and european (g2.000) with double the range . in both cases, the installation releases a full package of ammunition in 20 seconds. they are used in terrorist artillery raids on belgorod. well, the only one. whose goal is terror, but these are terrorist weapons, in this case in the hands of the ukrainian army, which is shelling a peaceful city, deliberately in order to kill civilians, so stories about indiscriminate missile launches, yellow-blade media can be left to someone else, especially they are more simply refuted, another typical case in the city of zaporozhye, where our armed forces, in trukha’s opinion, ran into
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an unremarkable coffee shop, this, of course, is complete nonsense, since if the iskander warhead detonated... the eatery certainly would not have escaped broken glass, and the russian ministry of defense soon dotted the i's, showing what the real target was, the warehouse of heavy drones and the workshop for the production of similar uavs received what was due to it, flew in on the heavy drones, and delivered to the cafe that iskander brought to the cafe, no, brought to the cafe an explosive wave of what was lying there in this warehouse, that there was a warehouse there, everyone around knew 200%, the question is: why did they stay, why did they live next to this, well there you can come up with a million excuses for this, but once again, if you know that such a military facility is located near you, it is better to leave. in the meantime, russian missiles and geraniums easily overcome the echelons of ukrainian air defense, information dumps continue to get confused in their readings. on the one hand, air defense missile systems calculations for on paper, it seems that absolutely
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everything is still being confused, but on the other hand, the deception seems to be becoming obvious even to the zombified public. therefore , in the final reports of the general staff, 17 intercepted drones out of seventeen, as if by magic, turn into 17 out of 24. and zelensky began to complain much more often than to boast about the power of anti-aircraft crews. here again is a strike on thursday, a strike on energy facilities, and in the press release that is being sent out, the media contains a direct contradiction, where the general staff indicates that two missiles were shot down, it immediately follows shoot the air defense forces and there two missiles turn into 40, the pace that the russian missile forces have also gained, here is the aviation, they, of course, simply do not leave a chance for the ukrainian air defense at the moment, well, as
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such. however, the leader of the sbankova gang already has a brilliant idea on how to completely close the sky over the regions under his control. it turns out that all you need is nothing, 25 american petriot systems, because for nato such a quantity is a drop in the bucket, which means handing them over to kiev will be a piece of cake. however in washington and brussels, faced with similar inventions. they're probably twirling their finger at their temple. to understand, one system includes from six to eight batteries, each battery has 6-8 launchers. accordingly, kiev’s wishes imply that up to 900 of these same launchers are required, excluding radars, control points, generators and service vehicles. the financial component is no less impressive. according to open sources, the cost of one battery is around a billion dollars for the us army, in around 2.5 billion for foreign customers , it turns out zelensky asked for supplies of a minimum of 200 billion, and a maximum of half a trillion, but the money is okay, more important is the purely technical impossibility of fulfilling
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such an order, the capacity of the united states is enough to produce three or four patriot batteries per year , it won’t be possible to scrape together from the reserves either; the americans have only 480 launchers in service, germany has 88, romania has 24, and poland has a dozen. well, what's the calculation? counting on the fact that i will ask for 25, but at least a couple yes they will send it, but they will hand it over, they won’t hand it over, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to beg, this is why zelensky is already hated and despised by everyone, that is, when he appears, all these european leaders, partners, feel awkward, because he will start begging, he will demand it publicly, do it brazenly, shamelessly, when the patriots were brought there, they said that this is a system that cannot be defeated, when they began to crack them like nuts, so... zelensky’s western friends scratched their heads, is it necessary to send it there in such a quantity, if it is destroyed like this? and does kiev really need additional air defense systems, since in the conditions of their declared shortage
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it is much easier to arrange provocations and attribute them to attacks by our missiles, and the effect lasts for a long time: take, for example , the article of the unwanted new newspaper europe. two years later, she again held the russian military responsible for the bloody tragedy in kramatorsk. but it would seem that there have been hundreds since then. told about the ownership of that very point u by the ukrainian formation, right up to that a separate investigation was carried out on the serial number ша 915, which directly linked the ill-fated missile with the arsenals of the ukrainian armed forces. but some people, with the tenacity of baranov, still tell tales about genocide and russian terrorism. sooner or later , kramatorsk will actually be on the front line and those residents who will remain there will have to make a decision for themselves who they are helping, yes, that is... they will have to greet the liberation army of russia with bread and salt, but for this, to prevent this from happening, they are now trying to demonize the russian army in the eyes of those
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city residents who still remain there, therefore , in order not to prepare new content, not to reinvent the wheel, they, of course , raise their old supposedly successful information operations, try to give them a new new one, so to speak, and try to throw them into information space, of course , you can demonize the russian military not only with horror stories about the murders of women and children, the narrative about the indiscriminate destruction of energy is no less popular, although it is important not to overdo it here in order to the target audience of the propagandists did not fall into the final revolt. for example, the foreign agent voice of america insists that ukraine’s energy system remains stable and balanced, bandera’s prime minister shmygal promises not to leave citizens without light and heat, because the situation, according to his version, is under control and is far from collapse, but then why does the junta continue to increase supplies from abroad? ? electricity. today, the kiev regime imports about 15,000 mw from eu states. main lines supplies come from slovakia, romania and hungary, and converge at a substation in the city of
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mukachevo. from there, electricity is supplied to the western ukrainian substation, as well as to the strategically significant tes-burshtynska. in addition, ukraine receives some energy from poland, through the dobrotvor station, and for the same purpose it has revived the line from the khmelnitsky nuclear power plant to the polish city of rzeszow. and another option is available in the southwest from the above -mentioned romania through the moldavian hydroelectric power station. thus, square critically depends on five nodes, a blow to each of which can be significant. to aggravate the already deplorable state of the local energy system, if the base load is taken from them by nuclear power plants, which are not hit, then this is the difference, which means the peak of consumption, it should be financed by a hydroelectric station and a heating station, yes, but if they don’t exist, accordingly , this entire volume means that it will have to be imported precisely at these hours, which means that this means
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money... 30% of consumption, at a minimum, this is if, provided that nuclear power stations will be enough for basic consumption, then the peak will have to be covered by imports, then about the waves of disinformation that have overwhelmed the media space against the backdrop of floods in the orenburg region, here , of course, telegram channels disguised as russian ones are zealous, as the war against fakes project rightly noted, panic is being whipped up according to an absolutely standard scheme, first... they lied about allegedly keeping silent about dozens of victims among the residents of orsk, then muddy videos with an uncertain geolocation appeared on social networks, the authors claimed that a large power plant had gone under water and had ceased to function, that is, tens of thousands of people would be left without electricity, although no recent photos of this power facility revealed any consequences of the rampant disaster; finally, there were spam mailings on behalf of the head of the city administration, he seemed promised some instant payments, but in fact they would use
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the current problem to penetrate the devices of our citizens by installing this application once, which tsypso issues for the help application, a whole virus will penetrate your phone or computer, which will, in addition to stealing your data and including financial funds, will also distribute fakes for you, it will distribute fakes to your subscribers, friends on social networks, but perhaps they made a special effort not without... the well-known fake factory of the cheka of the ogpu, which non-stop passes off crazy fantasies as insiders. her post about either the flooding or the threat of flooding of the voronezh radar station received hundreds of thousands of views. m. neskok there is now a huge hole in russia's defenses against drones and missiles. the publication was predictably picked up by knowledgeable people from all over the world, from unian to the professional russophobe gerashchenko, but apparently they saw the prerequisites for an absentee victory, but just look at the map to be convinced: rls
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is located very... this is information sabotage, these are information terrorist attacks, and this was planted about this whole story with voronezh, with ross, in order to sow confusion inside, so that it would be picked up by some, others and others, because this is how it happens in telegram, someone one typed it, another one, without even coming to... consciousness copied it, put it in oneself, flew, flew, who will check at the time of publication whether it really happened or not, then it all flows into chats, into reposts , there is already turmoil within the city, in general there is further confirmation that the enemy armchair troops are happy with any topic with the slightest potential for lies, no matter military operations, the work of officials, natural disasters or even domestic emergencies. the main thing is that there would be a reason to lie quickly concoct ridiculous fakes, which we
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will definitely continue to expose. in the stopfake program on the russia-24 tv channel.


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