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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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channel russia 24.
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there have been many more catastrophic floods in the 21st century. is it true that large-scale floods are a new climate trend that it’s time to get used to, we’ll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, here are some other topics we’ll touch on. the southern urals are already under water, and southern siberia is next. at what rate will the rivers in these regions fill? why did the altai hydromedical center send it? mountains expedition of hydrologists, what
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should they measure there? symbol of the current flood orsk is gradually freed from water. why did the embankment dam fail to withstand the impact? elements? a confluence of weather events resulted in a destructive stream. and russian satellites monitor the development of the flood around the clock, just as rescuers use space data to combat flooding. you are watching the main weather program, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, hello, the spring flood is the main topic of this week, yes, somewhere the situation has already stabilized, there are positive dynamics, but it’s too early to relax, high water is still only approaching many areas, it remains under special control the situation in the orenburg region, after orsk the flood wave began to move downstream of the ural river. in the end i got to
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orenburg. the city is being evacuated and people are being taken out of the flood zone. a flood wave is encountered in the kurgan region. rescuers are weakening the ice field on reservoirs, this will reduce the likelihood of ice jams and, accordingly, the threat of flooding of populated areas. before the peak of the flood in kurgan, the dam was strengthened, raising its level to a maximum of 11 m. the first is hydraulic structures, the possibility of strengthening them and additional filling is used for in order for the crest of the hydraulic structures to become higher, and the work here is fully organized, somewhere they are pouring with equipment, and also a large number of kurgan residents are working today, filling bags and a large number of territories are still being filled with bags in order to enter, to...
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the water has not entered the city, the tyumen region is also preparing for the flood, the ministry of emergency situations delivered water-filling dams to the region, in addition, in many cities in the region they are also increasing the height of protective structures by a meter and a half. the current flood was caused by the first snowmelt in the southern urals. look, a week ago all the slopes of the ridges were still covered with snowdrifts up to 460 cm high. but now the border of continuous snow cover has retreated 700 km to the north. and in the mountains only mosaic patches of snow have been preserved, their destruction is no longer possible... to form a new flood wave, especially in the coming days there will be no trace of them left, the fact is that a stable flow has formed in the atmosphere, carrying moist atlantic air deep into eurasia , this stream will make its way even to the shores
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obiya yenisei, so residents of the russian plain of the urals and southern siberia will experience moderately warm weather, although the likelihood of rain is expected to be increased, but it will not be significant. for example, in orenburg , precipitation is unlikely only on sunday and monday. the prevailing daytime temperature is +16-19 - this is several degrees warmer than usual. short-term cold snap - on sunday. and in kurgan, the highest chances for dry weather are on monday wednesday. from sunday , daytime temperatures in the city will drop from saturday's +14 to +8. new wave of warming expected mid next week. by the way, against the backdrop of rising temperatures in the center of european russia in the moscow region, in particular, the spring floods began to decline. the snow in the region has almost completely melted. soon the last islands of snowdrifts will disappear in
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the forests, so the flow of melt water into the river has decreased. the peak of the flood is behind us. in moscow in the coming days there will be localized downpours, myself. the heaviest rainfall, up to a quarter of the monthly norm, will hit the capital on monday. daytime temperature in megalopolis is +14-17°. warm start to the new week the anomaly will decrease, in the afternoon +11-13. without a doubt, orsk has become the hallmark of the current spring flood. back on april 5 , an embankment broke here. which protected the city from the ural river. now the peak of the vorsky flood has passed. water gradually leaves the flooded areas. the reason for the extreme high water level is the exceptional amount of snow last winter. let us briefly restore the chronology of events. on april 4
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, the influx of melt water into the riklin reservoir reached 2,500 cubic meters. this is a colossal volume. the reservoir began to overflow, because of this, we had to release water to record levels. on april 5, irekla switched to transit mode, that is, as much water came in, so much was discharged. orsk prepared to meet the big water. by the beginning of april , abnormally high snowdrifts melted in the flat part of the orenburg region, which led to an increase in the level of the ireklinsky reservoir from nine to 10 m. just at this time , the destruction of the mountain snow cover began. slopes, here its reserves were two to three times greater than on the plain, part of the melt water continued to accumulate in the reservoir, as a result of which its surface rose to a critical 12 m. to avoid the destruction of the gress dam, it was decided to increase
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the discharge to record values ​​of 2.170 cubic meters / second; the already overcrowded bed of the ural river could not cope with such a load, by the middle. the influx of melt water decreased significantly, the authorities decided to immediately reduce the spillway of the sreklinsky reservoir by a quarter; in orenburg, the most problematic areas in the east of the region began to be freed from water. in orsk it was possible fill up the main site of the dam break that caused the flood. the footage taken from a drone clearly shows the area of ​​the structure where the stones were poured. nevertheless... many houses are still flooded, there is still no light somewhere, and we will tell about the consequences of the flood in our story. ors is an old city, a satellite image taken
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before a large-scale flood, the winding lines between which the urban development is located are the ural and or rivers. of course, in the event of a spill, this area is exposed. position in this photo, the old city of orsk during the passage of the crest of the flood wave, it clearly shows how much the rivers overflowed their banks, vast areas were flooded, the water entered...
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points were organized on the streets where one could get free water and necessary things. doctors from orsk, together with the regional minister of health, on an amphibious all-terrain vehicle of the ministry of emergency situations, went around those who remained in the flooded zone. some people in the flooded area categorically refuse to evacuate, but since they refuse, then we are sailing towards them. the team includes epidemiologists, therapists, pediatricians, paramedics and nurses. in flood conditions, the risks of an epidemic increase significantly; viruses, along with dirty water, can get into the water supply system, which is why vaccination against hepatitis a is now taking place in orsk. the help
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of employees of the russian ministry of emergency situations saved the lives of hundreds of citizens. in total , more than 2,500 residents were rescued and evacuated in orsk. rescuers continue to provide assistance to the population, deliver drinking water, food and basic necessities, and do not leave trouble for pets. a special board of the ministry of emergency situations brought 3 km of water dumps to orenburg. these are durable multi-layer tanks. to the minister to all colleagues who work here. the strategic missile forces came to the aid of orsk. special equipment, dump trucks, bulldozers, and excavators were used in the work. the military delivered more than 40 tons of humanitarian aid to the city and transported about 200 residents to safe areas. on wednesday , the head came to flooded orsk.
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melt waters flooded the orenburg, chelyabinsk, kurgan regions, while it is curious that a year earlier the picture in the region was completely different, for example, in bashkiria the spring flood was 2 and a half times lower than the long-term average values, so what are the regions of russia preparing for, for floods or, conversely, for low water? if you believe the statistics, the frequency of snowy winters in the country, provoking, like this year in the urals, extreme spring floods has increased noticeably. among the leaders is
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central russia. here, in the 20th century , abnormally high snowdrifts appear three to four times at the beginning of snowmelt more often than in the last century. however, floods are formed not only as a result of melting snow cover. very often rivers overflow their banks due to heavy summer rains. most susceptible to such disasters. southern part of european russia, siberia and the far east. our calculations showed that if in the 20th century heavy rains flooded these regions once every 7-9 years, then in the era of global warming heavy rains are recorded almost twice as often. the topic of new climate trends was touched upon by our colleagues in the “question of science” program. valid in in a number of regions, for example, in the amur region on the zeya river, quantity. destructive floods in the 21st century have increased manifold, but this
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does not happen everywhere, but in some places the trend is the opposite, this issue is very complex, climate models, they do not allow us to reproduce these statistics with the necessary reliability, this is the problem, we sometimes record according to our data, the observation is that there is teaching on the one hand, on the other hand, for example, in the basin. spring floods are fading. experts believe that global climate change primarily affects the nature of natural phenomena. the list of disasters is still the same. floods, droughts, heat and frost, heavy rains and snowfalls, the fact is that they are increasingly becoming extreme . when they talk about climate warming, this is not an entirely correct phrase, because the general warming, the temperature on earth , is also associated with an increase in the number of extreme, natural situations, that is, typhoons, floods, droughts, oddly
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enough, extreme frosts, because that the general circulation of the atmosphere is changing and... here right now , particular variations in circulation systems are superimposed on the observed global trend. the fact is that in the equatorial zone of the pacific ocean one of the strongest elninho events has been observed in the entire period of observation. now its power has decreased a little. the warm anomaly at its peak, which reached almost 2°, has decreased. however, this process continues to influence the weather of the northern hemisphere. in the overheating zone. it turns out that not only the pacific ocean, but also the atlantic, here the average sea water temperature is almost one and a half degrees exceeds the norm, so that all conditions are created for the invasion of warm , moisture-saturated air masses into the depths of eurasia, which means that the risks of extreme precipitation in the russian regions
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will only increase. the spring flood in russia is still far from over. it is no coincidence that after the orenburg region, the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, flew to altai. the situation in the region has now stabilized, and work is underway to eliminate the consequences of the natural disaster. however, according to cgms forecasts, the flood in altai will end only in may. we will discuss the forecasts with my colleague, evgeniy teshkovets. evgeniy, when are you expected to arrive? second flood wave. vadim, right now altai meteorologists are adjusting their forecasts and trying to assess the scale of the second wave of the flood. let us note that the first wave of the flood in most of the territory of the altai territory is declining. points of tension currently remain in the upper reaches of the chumysh river. to avoid congestion and prevent a sharp rise in water levels,
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rescuers carried out ice blasting operations. also on the ob river within the boundaries of the naobi stone is expected debacle. with the possible formation of an ice jam, the ob is freed from its ice shackles in the barnaul region. all this indicates the activation of spring processes. this is just alarming, because all the flooding that we have observed in altai recently was primarily caused by the melting of snow in the flat part of the region, but in the mountains above 300 m above sea level there are still impressive snowdrifts, at levels 500-100 m, their height reaches one and a half meters. here the snow will... begin to melt only in early may, and the destruction of the snow cover may provoke an influx into the river of southern siberia of about 4-5 thousand cubic meters of melt water from each hectare of mountain slope, and this will be the cause of a second, usually more powerful flood wave. that is why on monday , april 15, an expedition of hydrologists will go to the altai mountains; they will measure the remaining
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snow reserves there, and then they will be able to give a more accurate forecast for the second wave of flood. according to preliminary estimates, the temperature in may will be at least 2° above the long-term average, so the second flood wave will not cover the altai territory the second half of may, and a little earlier. floods have reached other regions of siberia, evacuation of the population has been announced in the tomsk and kemerovo regions, and temporary accommodation centers have been deployed. the ministry of emergency situations said that an opening is expected on the tom river in the tomsk region with the possible formation of an ice jam and a sharp increase in level. water to dangerous levels, at the end of the working week, due to water overflow across the highway from the regional center , three villages remained cut off at once, in two more settlements , flooding of houses was recorded, under water kusbas is gradually leaving, evacuation due to the flood was announced for some of the residents of novokuznetsk, municipal areas are also drowning,
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the flood wave entered the village of uskabyrza, the increase in the water level in the mrassu river, which runs next to the settlement... was caused by an ice jam, its rescuers promptly eliminated and the water began to quickly recede, while these are just the first signs, as the temperature rises and the snow accumulation becomes more active, the influx of melt water into reservoirs will increase, in such a situation, the word lies with the protective structures, we emphasize that even an embankment dam is a complex engineering object, during the construction of which it is necessary to take into account many details, when all this is done with the help of calculations. construction requires observation, monitoring and maintenance of these structures in working order, this should not be neglected in any case. the main question is when will the flood in russia subside
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? alas, hydrologists do not give optimistic forecasts; in siberia, for example, the flood is just beginning, and you should not count on the situation improving before may. and in conclusion we'll tell you more about the program. one important way to control flood conditions is space monitoring of areas where large amounts of water have arrived. the russian constellation of hydrometeorological satellites conducts continuous observations. naturally, this week the attention of spacecraft was focused primarily on the orenburg region. from march 20 to the present, roscosmos has received and transferred more than a hundred to the ministry of emergency situations. survey routes for flood conditions in the urals, rescuers were provided with remote sensing data destruction of the earth, covering an area of ​​more than
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a quarter of a million km. a satellite image of orsk shows that all gardening non-profit partnerships located on the western and south-eastern sides of the old city went under water, the roads were also flooded, analysis of the image of the village of krasnokholm. identified flooding in more than 900 courtyard areas and more than 40 residential buildings. the maximum water level reached 510 cm. in addition, spacecraft are monitoring the development of floods in the eleksky and solileksky districts of the orenburg region on the border with kazakhstan, which also suffered from large-scale floods. all state satellites are used for space monitoring. earth remote sensing systems, five kanopus-v devices, three meteors and one
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condor-fk radar observation device. the space monitoring system allows for operational control of almost the entire territory of russia and the border territories of neighboring states. the area of ​​the flood is monitored and how it changes due to man-made activity, yes, that is, man. human activity has a very strong impact, when this complex tracking work is going on, then it can help, we are learning to create technologies that will allow us to automatically identify such dangerous points even with the help of artificial intelligence. tracking emergency situations is one of the main functions of weather satellites. monitoring of flood and fire hazard conditions is carried out around the clock. data is transmitted several times a day; it is important to note that the size of the satellite constellation in recent years is actively increasing, for example,
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a new device of the meteor m series was recently sent into orbit. it is also important to note that by the end of the year russia will completely abandon the information of western weather satellites. that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it may be. goodbye.
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in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, but i’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you valera in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, even when it hurts. look into his head, look in the app or on the website.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. the temple of the smolensk icon of the mother of god, it was built with diligence, effort, we are located in the area of ​​​​the city of solidaro, and here are some of the largest deposits of salt, you were a special correspondent, and what did you say about your homeland, dubai, dubai
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ring, dubai ring , the terrain is very difficult. and working in such a landscape is a big challenge for signalmen. do you know where to shoot? yes yes, shot! that’s it, little bird, we need to take cover, we need to get out of here quickly, this is a war of intelligence, motivation, at the end of the operation, all units were awarded, but the communications company was not shot.
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if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmasters.
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3:00 am
iran launched dozens of drones towards israel. an idf spokesman said that the air force. are tracking and preparing for interception, warned about gps failures. iran chigra, iran launched drones from its territory towards the state of israel. we are monitoring the threat in the airspace . they will reach israel in a few hours. tskhal and the air force are following the plan that we prepared in advance. israeli airspace is closed from 1 pm to 7 am.


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